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wildrover  98 | 4430  
18 Apr 2009 /  #1
In Scotland we have the famous Loch ness monster.....What monsters and creatures do you have in Poland...?

Someone did mention a beastie named Krolic , but i am sure Poland has quite a few such creatures...

Can you tell me about Polish monsters , their names , and where they live.....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Apr 2009 /  #2
They have the Wawel dragon though I know not of its history.
pawian  224 | 27112  
18 Apr 2009 /  #3
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
18 Apr 2009 /  #4
Scarey looking beast....
lukimp80  1 | 74  
18 Apr 2009 /  #5
Baba Jaga

Piorun is the Pan-Slavic god of lightening, storm, thunder and war-like attributes, as he is the patron of nobility and armies. He is lord of the forest and mountains; and his sacred tree is the oak in Lithuania. He is also seen as a god of justice and law. He was represented as a man with silver hair and a golden mustache; armed with arrows and stones. Eight eternal flames, or bonfires, or torches accompanied his images. Any place where lightening struck was considered sanctified in the eyes of the Poles, as holy places of healing and power; as anything struck by lightening is said to have heavenly spark and fire still residing within. Piorun's sacrificial animals included roosters, bears, bulls, and he-goats. Consumption of these animals was believed to have the person absorb the essence of the god, which parallels modern communion in Christianity. In Christianity he is also conflagrated with Saint Elya (Elias), also the prophet Elijah (Feast days July 20th and July 21st).
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
19 Apr 2009 /  #6
Wow , this is great....are there any monsters of the forests and lakes...?
lukimp80  1 | 74  
19 Apr 2009 /  #7
In Polish mythology, Czarnobóg (char-NOH-book) is the evil god of the waning year.
The name derives from "czarne", meaning black.

Czarnobóg is one of the sources of inspiration for Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain", where he is portrayed as the Black God of evil, woe, and grief.

In Polish mythology, Bialobóg (byah-WOH-book) is the benevolent god of the waxing year.
The name derives from "bialy", meaning white.

Bialobóg was said to appear in the form of a long-bearded old man, carrying a staff and dressed in white. He was said to assist travellers.

Bialobóg was said to fight his evil brother Czarnobóg twice a year for control of that year, with Bialobóg gaining control of the waxing half of the year and Czarnobóg control of the waning half.

Czarnobóg is also known as the God of Chaos and Night and as the Black God of the Dead.

Czarnobóg was the counterpart and brother of Bialobóg (byah-WOH-book), the White God of the waxing year.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
19 Apr 2009 /  #8
I am going to have to write all this stuff down....I would like to tell my tourists when they come here a little bit about the myths and legends of Poland.....love it...
Eurola  4 | 1898  
19 Apr 2009 /  #9
Every child knows about Baba Jaga z £ysej Góry and now you'll know too. :)
A fragment taken from the link below. I couldn't possibly describe any better the monster I was scared with as a kid. Especially living in or nearby of huge kieleckie forests and not too far from Lysa Gora. Speaking of a childhood trauma...hehehe :) Just kidding, being sniffed by a fox was much, much scarier!

"Perhaps the most well known figure appearing in Polish folk tales is
BabaYaga/Jedza/Wiedzma/Czarownica. She is an old witch with magical powers.
In the middle of the forest, she sits and spins in her hut supported by bird's feet. Her thread is made of bones and entrails of the dead and her hut is surrounded with a fence of human skulls and bones. The house itself seems to be made

out of parts of the human body. She rides in a mortar, pushing herself along with a pestle,
and sweeping with a birch broom. The mortar and the pestle are simultaneously
instruments of destruction and nurture, serving both to grind grain and prepare flax for
spinning cloth. They also symbolize human sexual organs. Riding the pestle or the broom
(in Polish folklore), Yaga rules over the masculine generative organ. BabaYaga cooks
and eats human flesh, her cannibalistic tendencies recalling memories of human sacrifice.
She is a birth and a death giver. In order to achieve whatever she
considers necessary for life on earth to continue, she may transform into a bird, a reptile,
or a fish. Just like Mother Earth, she feeds and devours life. Although Baba Yaga-the
old hag--has been demonized, in folk tales we can still perceive her positive qualities. In
fact, she is "good" and "bad,' young and old, concurrently. She devours children, but she
helps couples to reunite; she appears as a horrifying, bird of prey-like old woman, but she
is also the beautiful and wise princess, or the young maiden..."

If you want to read more (28 pages) of other interesitng stuff.


  • czarownica.jpg
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
19 Apr 2009 /  #10
That picture you posted looks very familiar......i am sure its my neighbour....
20 Apr 2009 /  #11
of course ther are monster & dragons! & unicorns run free through the streets with the elves & other mythical creatures!
Miru  1 | 24  
20 Apr 2009 /  #12
Poland has LOTS of spirits and monsters, which come mainly from the slavic folklore. Other than the ones already mentioned there are -

Water spirits - Rusałka/Boginka (water nymph) Świtezianka (spirit of the Świteź river) Topielec/Utopiec ('drowner' - haunted corpse of a drowned man) and Wodnik/Wodianoj (water demon)

Forest spirits - Leszy (forest troll) Dusiołek ('strangler' a small, ugly creature which strangles people who fall asleep in the forest) Dziwożona (dryad) Leśny Dziadek ('forest gramps' looks like a harmless elder but is actually a cannibal with superhuman strength)

Field spirits - Południca (noonwraith - a creature which appears on a field at noon and hunts humans) there's also Północnica which appears at midnight

Other spirits - demons/devils Boruta and Rokita (Boruta haunts £ęczyca castle and is said to compete with Rokita) Płanetnik (spirit controling weather) Zmora (female demon killing people in their sleep) and Upiór (something between a ghost and a demon) Strzyga (flying monster which hunts humans) Żmij ('viper' good spirit in Poland, bad in other slavic countries) Dziki Gon (Wild Hunt) Chochlik (small demon which loves playing tricks on people) Kuroliszek (like a basilisk only half chicken) Cmentar (monster that appears in cemeteries where it diggs up peoples corpses and eats them)
Elssha  - | 123  
20 Apr 2009 /  #13
You've just explained half my questions from listening to 'Saga o Wiedźminie' (I read way too slowly in PL to enjoy a book...let alone a series)

And here I thought Mr. Sapkowski made all those crazy creatures up ^_^
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
20 Apr 2009 /  #14
This is all wonderfull stuff , i don,t suppose there is a book (in English ) about all these creatures and spirits , failing that one in Polish , might improve my Polish skills if i have to try and read it , thanks everyone for the input...
Elssha  - | 123  
21 Apr 2009 /  #15
i don,t suppose there is a book (in English ) about all these creatures and spirits

well, the one i mentioned above (the saga) is actually getting translated into english because of the compgame's popularity... not exactly a textbook on monsters, but a LOT of the ones mentioned above come up, and it has a depth to it that I rarely found in other fantasy books, showing different sides of a medieval culture and brutal war. It's kinda like a Polish Lord of the Rings but (especially the two books before the actual saga) focusing more on a Van Helsing kind of guy vs helpless hobbit tossed into seemingly impossible circumstances for him to manage to live through.

the english translations thus far are
The Last Wish
The Sword of Destiny
and the first book of the actual saga
Blood of Elves

edit; not sure if sword of destiny is in english yet...
freebird  3 | 532  
21 Apr 2009 /  #16

yep, look here Halina from Mikolajki

  • Halina.jpg
Elssha  - | 123  
21 Apr 2009 /  #17
I think Eurola already posted a diff shot of her
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
21 Apr 2009 /  #18
look here Halina from Mikolajki

Thats quite spooky...the old dragon on the next farm to me is called Halina....not as pretty as that though...!
Elssha  - | 123  
22 Apr 2009 /  #19
... i think you got your creatures confused



Baba Jaga
Ironside  50 | 12877  
22 Apr 2009 /  #20
yep, look here Halina from Mikolajki

Your girl? Good for You?
22 Apr 2009 /  #21
Baba Jaga

i love baba jaga! but i feel bad for her that shes to lazy to get a maid & has to kidnap people to clean her house :(
anubis  - | 35  
22 Apr 2009 /  #22
Let's not forget Krasnoludki, the mischievous but charming Polish elves.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
22 Apr 2009 /  #23
mischievous but charming Polish elves

So , what to they get up to then...?
Elssha  - | 123  
22 Apr 2009 /  #24
they're not elves, they're somewhere between dwarfs, gnomes and maybe smerfs....
definitely not elves
Piorun  - | 655  
22 Apr 2009 /  #25
Polewik also known as Polewoj - A field spirit that hunts wild foul and takes care of the crops. He lives in the fields of crops therefore he is short with dark skin the color of earth itself, his hair and facial hair is of wheat or grass. He's dressed in a simple white tunic and pants and his boots are made of straw. At midday and at sunset he comes out of the fields. That's the time he is usually seen. Meeting one is not particularly pleasant affair, you can be suffocated if you happen to fall asleep or trampled to death. If you're a traveler he will mislead you and you will surely get lost. If you are drunk when you meet one you might pay with your life for offending him. You can avoid this faith if you appease him by offering a cock that can't crow and two eggs, leaving those offerings on the border between the fields. If you do this too many times he will catch on and your faith will be sealed. At harvest time he hides in the last sheaf of grain crop gathered. That's why in the years past there was a big ceremony upon arrival of the last bundle from the fields into the village. With great care and respect it was carried in and placed in the corner of the barn where it laid undisturbed till the next spring so he could survive the harsh winter months feeling welcomed and at home.

Gumienniki - Small demons that live where a fresh harvest of grain is kept before extraction of seeds. They are about a meter tall with long hair and full facial hair but they have the ability to take the form of a cat. They can bark like dogs and their eyes shine in the darkness. Like most demons that live on farms they are neither good nor bad. They can protect the harvest or they can destroy it if the Holiday was not observed and a hard physical labor was performed on that day. They are easily offended and hard to appease when the deed is done, one might not have enough time to amend their evil ways and his harvest might be destroyed by them, usually by the means of fire or insects. It is very important to remember that any meal prepared from the fresh harvest the first dish should be offered to Gumienniki.

broken link removed

Dziwożona- In Polish highlander folklore a spirit said to lead one down the wrong path, literally and figuratively. She's also known by the name of Mamuna. She is a demon female spirit that lives in cave, depths of the forests always somewhere near water or holes dug out on the bank of the river. This demon spirit is the soul of departed child born out of wedlock or intentionally aborted fetus. Sometimes it even comes to the existence out of the soul of forgotten orphaned child that have died alone or abducted one. This spirit particularly likes to torment pregnant woman. The children that are out of wedlock she turns into hideous creatures while they are still in their mothers womb. They can appear during the child birth and snatch the child which in time will become one of them. They are also known to abduct young unmarried women. At sundown they gather at the bank of the river where they frolic in the water or do their laundry. Woe to all who happen to find themselves in their vicinity at such time.

Czapeczka czerwona
Kosa rozpuszczona
Ach,to dziwożona !
Jako śmierć złośliwa
I jak wiatr pierzchliwa
Podsunie się skrycie
Ukradnie wam dziecię
I zniknie zdradziecko
Góralko nadobna
pochwyci cię w lesie
pod ziemie zaniesie.

OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
22 Apr 2009 /  #26
All of a sudden the idea of living alone here loses its appeal.....eeek..!
anubis  - | 35  
23 Apr 2009 /  #27
So , what to they get up to then...?

They play practical jokes, they never refuse a drink, and even form social movements and political parties such as The Orange Alternative - link:
freebird  3 | 532  
23 Apr 2009 /  #28
.not as pretty as that though...!

Elssha  - | 123  
23 Apr 2009 /  #29
All of a sudden the idea of living alone here loses its appeal.....eeek..!

living alone is never fun
Softsong  5 | 492  
23 Apr 2009 /  #30
Here's a link to a good book. It exmines attempts to reconstruct old Slavic beliefs and the ultimate futility of such tasks (and what crops up instead).

It's a great book for someone who's into magic, but may be interesting for some who are into anthropology. However, it is in Polish.


Archives - 2005-2009 / History / MONSTERS AND DRAGONS OF POLAND...are there any...?Archived