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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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6 Nov 2006
News / Humorous Crime about a Polish burglar [15]

What happened to my post about the basketball players getting jumped in Warsaw? Did you happen to see it somewhere?

The above technique will definitely do the trick.
6 Nov 2006
News / Americans Visiting Poland [13]

how much is a flight to Poland from the US??

I just paid $720 for a round trip in Dec-Jan. When I was there in July I paid almost double. Like Krysia said...it's seasonal.

..... and it's too bad our dollar is losing value. It's only at 3.01. I'm hoping that it'll go back up in January.
6 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

Pani Ania..... is that you?

What brings you by? The boringness of the other forum?

4 Nov 2006
News / Humorous Crime about a Polish burglar [15]

Warsaw - A Polish burglar had to ask the police to save him after an axe-wielding night watchman attacked and chased him until he crashed his vehicle.

The watchman in the western city of Katowice took the 25-year-old burglar by surprise after he had broken into a house, hitting him three times in the head with the blunt end of an axe, cracking his skull, Polish media reported on Thursday.

"The dizzy burglar fled to his automobile and managed to lock the door and start the engine," a police spokesperson told PAP news agency.

The watchman gave chase, shattered the driver-side window and yanked the steering wheel, sending the van, which was starting to accelerate, into a mound of dirt.

Trapped, the burglar phoned police for help.

A court will now determine whether the watchman's actions went beyond self-defence and constituted a crime, PAP said.

The burglar's head injuries were not life threatening. He faces 10 years in jail for breaking and entering, while the watchman could face eight years in jail if charged with fighting with a deadly weapon.

I don't agree that the watchman should have to do any time. Is this common law in Poland? In the US, if someones in your house, you have the right to self defense.
4 Nov 2006
USA, Canada / I Need Recommendations (US cell phone contract) [8]

nauczyciel...just clicked on Member :)

Ranj. What exactly are you looking to do? Are you an email fanatic..instant messaging? Or do you need it for just downloading pics and music?

The LG CU500 is a pretty cool phone. It's one of our new phones. The internet speed is a lot faster than out others. You'll just have to see if you're market supports the technology. I use the Motorola Sliver and I have no complaints. I don't use the internet much though. The Nokia E62 is compatible with microsoft apps...Or a Blackberry if you like to email all day :)
4 Nov 2006
Life / Poles need to learn to save! [73]

I was in Poland and people don't care about the environment as much as Americans do

You've got to be joking. I think it's quite the opposite. We're one of the largest contributers to destroying the environment. Yes, we have a lot of activist groups, but unfortunately not everyone cares.
4 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

Was't this the kind of right wing rubbish that led to Poland being invaded by the Nazis....shame on you dude. Albanians are human too, and not all are bad.

My point wasn't that all Albanians are scumbags. The ones doing these things are. It was also to point out the negative image that it gives muslims around the world. It makes everyone weary of them. So stop twisting my words. If I said that all were scumbags then you'd be correct...shame on me.
3 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

walking around in their groups speaking polish then laughing at the neigbours

Sounds like anywhere else to me. As far as te laughing goes...aren't you just a bit paranoid or do you understand PL?

...let me guess. You only hear Kurwa and assume it's about you.
3 Nov 2006
Travel / First Time to Krakow [21]

John...it will be a memorable experience. I'm happy to have visited at least once. It will leave you silent for hrs after.
3 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

The poles that are here now dont even attempt to integrate

I thought it was the Muslims that don't want to integrate (east london) Aren't the poles living amongst you?

but we dont want the low lifes ,the thieves and the ones that think they are the mafia

Who does. Unfortunately these types of people exist in all nations.
3 Nov 2006
Life / What breeds of dogs are now popular in Poland? [40]

Because a lot of dogs go to obedient school where they are trained not to bark at everything.

And yes some people can't afford to buy dogs good natural food so they buy the cheap stuff in bulk.
3 Nov 2006
Life / What breeds of dogs are now popular in Poland? [40]

In America they feed them with genetically-modified foods so that the dog:

You can't just assume that in America everyone feeds their dog genetically modified foods though. It all depends on the owner. A lot of people also assume that humans eat this food too :) and there's no truth in that.

We'll see what Krysia feeds her dogs.

3 Nov 2006
Life / What breeds of dogs are now popular in Poland? [40]

A dog being in America isn't any different than a dog being in Poland. I'm sure it's a smart dog but it all depends on the breed and training. Soooo many wild dogs in Pl too. We have dog catchers here.
3 Nov 2006
Travel / Skiing in Poland [25]

Jealous..... Kasia are you towards wroclaw? I've never heard of Szczyrk. What mtn range does it belong to?
2 Nov 2006
Travel / Skiing in Poland [25]

Yes Zakopane gets extermely crowded. Wasn't too bad at Czarna Gora...and very easy trails :)
14 Sep 2006
Travel / Skiing in Poland [25]

No way. It's the perfect time to visit Poland. The airfare is less expensive, and it's just a fabulous time to visit. I've been to the Czarna Gora(south Poland) and the Tatry near Zakopane. If you're a beginner try Czarna Gora. It's smaller and WAY less crowded. We stayed in an extermely small village called Bolesławów and there was free breakfast and dinner. The mountain was about a 10-15 min drive. Be very careful on the roads down there in the winter. The tire ruts are deep and the roads are narrow. I'll see if I can get you more info.
2 Nov 2006
Travel / Stories about your travels [12]

Hitching is scary these days. Quite popular in PL though. In the US there are too many psychos.
1 Nov 2006
Travel / Snowboarding in Poland [75]

I'd love to go to the French alps....dreaming. Where's the closest snow to the UK?
1 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

Agreed. Some people are so miserable with their lives that they have to try and upset others.
1 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

They didn't give you one either?? Weird. They do have their own crowd I guess. Here IS definitely much better. They can keep hans :) I see Frank (think he's the same) spiritus even lingering here.
1 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

I wasn't granted a PW (Mr.B). I've never said anything negative to anyone. I'd rather be here anyway....much nicer people. Even though there are still some trolls. Not as bad as CW....you know the guy. What an idiot. Nice to have you here :)

"smack" "go to your room!

Didn't see this... ha ha love it.