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Polish women are too easy to fall in love with.

3 Nov 2006 /  #1
I just gotta say that Polish women are too easy to fall in love with. I met this polish girl 3 months ago in a chat room. I could chat with her for hours...and I did!! At first, I only thought of her as a friend. But then it happened, I fell in love with her. No warning or nothing, it just caught me by surprise. I am absolutlely in love with this girl! Three weeks ago, she just disappeared. She was going to email me, but she did not. I feel like I have been discarded like trash. It has been 3 weeks and I am just so sick without her. It is in my nature not to trust people, but her, I trusted wholeheartedly. I have never been crushed so bad in my life. I am in the US and she is in Poland, I have no way to contact her. I was actually trying to learn Polish for her, I even wrote her some poems. I know this sounds pathetic, but is there life after a Polish woman? Will this nausea ever go away? I feel like such a fool. I am a member here, but I'm doing this post as a guest.
saffron 8 | 62  
3 Nov 2006 /  #2
I am currently in a simular situation with a polish guy and like u waiting for them to contact me so i know how u must be feeling!Its horrible when things like this happens-did u meet her in person?
OP Confused  
3 Nov 2006 /  #3
No, only online. But we chatted many hours per day. She was at work chatting, but then she left her job before I got her personal email address :(
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
3 Nov 2006 /  #4
Give her time and she will come around... if she likes you a lot...!!!
Wolfie 10 | 79  
3 Nov 2006 /  #5
Confused You sound so in love and had your heart broken, and i know it hurts like hell. Maybe there is a problem at home that needed serious attension and she just had to go. If it felt right for the pair of you then it might happen, just hold your head high and wait. If your love is that strong your dream will come true.

Best of luck my friend and let us know how its going, maybe someone on here could help if you had a name and an address of hers, we all help if we can.

saffron 8 | 62  
3 Nov 2006 /  #6
do u know her full name-maybe she has a gadu gadu account-which correct me if i am wrong u can track someone down with...???
i know how u must feel-the guy i am into went back to poland and i am not sure when or if he will return...these situations are hard but i believe in fate and if she has feelings for u she wont let u go easily and u may hear from her when u least expect it
krysia 23 | 3058  
3 Nov 2006 /  #7
saffron, that's good you believe in fate.
Be patient and have faith. There is a right time for everything. Good things will happen to you. Just hang in there.
And like you said, you might hear from him when you least expect it.
OP Confused  
4 Nov 2006 /  #8
I only know her first name. I know her city and street, and I know the name of her college and what she studies. I also know her birthdate. I don't really want to put her personal info on a forum.....hmm, by any chance is there anyone here that is a private investigator in poland? I have looked around for her so much that I am starting to feel like a
saffron 8 | 62  
4 Nov 2006 /  #9
i assume u know what she looks like etc even though u have never met-have u seen a photo or got one on ur computer maybe?
OP Confused  
4 Nov 2006 /  #10
Yes, I have some pictures. And she has seen me also.
FISZ 24 | 2116  
4 Nov 2006 /  #11
So what is the city and her first name...we can start from there.
OP Confused  
4 Nov 2006 /  #12
Ok, Fisz, I emailed you some info. Thank you for your help. I don't know many people on this site yet. You would have a better idea as to who may be able to help me on my quest. I have spent much time on the net searching but I only know a little polish and most of the sites that may help are all in polish.

Thank you.
plg 17 | 262  
5 Nov 2006 /  #14
your RIGHT it does sound pathetic, GET A LIFE
how can u fall in love with someone you dont even know in 3 months
sorry for sounding like a bastard
saffron 8 | 62  
5 Nov 2006 /  #15
Dont be so mean! Although ur reply is kinda funny! U may not be able to fall in love with someone online but u can get a connection with them and who is to say what goes on between two people whatever way they communicate-i think Confused certainly has feelings for this girl
5 Nov 2006 /  #16
YOu sound desperate and maybe this is why she disappeared. My name is MOna and I am POlish women in Canada. My email is: polka_mona@yahoo. MOna
plg 17 | 262  
5 Nov 2006 /  #17
Dont be so mean! Although ur reply is kinda funny! U may not be able to fall in love with someone online but u can get a connection with them and who is to say what goes on between two people whatever way they communicate-i think Confused certainly has feelings for this girl

your comment is contradictory>dont be so mean : although your reply is kinda funny. tak lub nie. tak i think.

i was not been mean but its kind of happened to me before ....and what a waste of time that was.

YOu sound desperate and maybe this is why she disappeared. My name is MOna and I am POlish women in Canada. My email is: polka_mona@yahoo. MOna

mona you wanting people to email you?
saffron 8 | 62  
5 Nov 2006 /  #18
I know i may seem a bit of a contradiction but it would be nice if this story had a happy ending-yes sometimes these things can be a waste of time but then again maybe this girl has a good reason for not being in touch....maybe.

Anyway u seem like a funny guy!:)
plg 17 | 262  
5 Nov 2006 /  #19
i do.

it was just a realistic opinion based on my internet experiences

and i hope also the story has a happy ending....but what im saying is -they dont

but all the best to everyone
saffron 8 | 62  
5 Nov 2006 /  #20
actually i must say (doing a complete u turn) thta i agree with u.Just found out the object of my affections who disappeared to Poland has found himself a girlfriend and now wants to be friends - altlthough on the whole i am fairly optimistic about such things -now i am pissed off with love so Confused....prob best to put it down to experience and find someone else.I did all the running with this guy and it got me absolutely nowhere in the end!
5 Nov 2006 /  #21
so the shy retiring guy, got himself and g/f pretty quick then...hmmmm maybe his friend was right and he was playing around..
saffron 8 | 62  
5 Nov 2006 /  #22
yeah he wasnt as shy as he made out obviously!Still plenty more fish in the sea and all that!he completely wasted my time!Still prob wouldnt have worked out-he couldnt speak good english and my polish was terrible-still there is always something better around the corner!:)
5 Nov 2006 /  #23
good attitude honey, so has he brought his Polish g/f back to the UK with him???
saffron 8 | 62  
5 Nov 2006 /  #24
no he hasnt-what gets me is that a friend of mine spoke to him last week when he was in Poland and he was saying how much he liked me etc and he came back to London last night and i get this text today.He is a little younger than me and i really think from when we were together that he wasnt that experienced in relationships as he was too scared to come to where i worked etc and he didnt like to socialise with other people etc so i am prob best out of it....if i see him though i will give him a peace of my mind though its prob pointless as he prob wont have a clue what i am saying!:) just need to let off some steam!
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
5 Nov 2006 /  #25
Dear Confused:
Why do you think that polish girls are easy to fall in love with?
5 Nov 2006 /  #26
dont worry about it, his loss another mans gain...
saffron 8 | 62  
5 Nov 2006 /  #27
Yeah your right....Gonna plan a big night out with the girls and just go on the pull!!The best way to forget about it:)
5 Nov 2006 /  #28
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
5 Nov 2006 /  #29
It's good to party becauseyou feel good and forget about everything else well at least i do..!!! and i'm pretty everyone else does to..
5 Nov 2006 /  #30
Im a bit past the partying thing, I like to go out with friends have dinner and put the world to rights....with a few choice words aimed at the oposite sex!

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