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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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11 Nov 2009
Language / What's the difference between 'swoje' & 'moje'? [35]

Well, the essential truth about "swój" is that it can be replaced (in certain sentences) by a respective possessive pronoun except for the third person of both singular and plural.

Exactly this is also true about my native language, but I've never thought about it. And it is a situation where people should be careful, because it's easy to make this mistake if you don't think. But if you consider swój as my own, your own, his own etc. it's not a problem.

I think the analogy between Polish 'swój', 'swoja', 'swoje' and Swedish 'sin', 'sitt', 'sina' is abundantly clear at this point.


and in the end they both love the same woman ;)

A drama of three.. hehe. :)
11 Nov 2009
Life / Polish birthday party? (video) [22]

It's very disturbing.

Easy to make fun of it. But to be serious for a moment. It is disturbing when they are beating hard as in the second clip. Probably difficult for a drunk teenager to say no. If is a tradition okey, but when they are beating hard it really disturbs me.
11 Nov 2009
Life / Polish birthday party? (video) [22]

Jaki piękny świat gdy się ma 18 lat. :)

Myślę że oni są czerwony!

A ja myślę, że oni są szaloni. Ale mam nadzieję, że świetnie się bawili na tej imprezie.. hehe.
10 Nov 2009
Life / Polish birthday party? (video) [22]

Obviously this is normal. Strange tradition, and people don't seem to know where it came from.
9 Nov 2009
Life / What are people in Poland REALLY saying about 'swine flu'? [41]

This flu has a much, much lower mortality rate than regular seasonal flu (and seems most dangerous for those with pre-existing conditions).

No. The mortality rate for the swine flue and normal flu is about the same. For older people the mortality rate for swine flue is a little lower, and for younger people it's higher, than the normal flue.
9 Nov 2009
History / 9th November 1989: And the wall came tumbling down [113]

The post-war history of Europe is complicated but very interesting.

I'm surprised that DDR and the rest of the communistic block didn't collapse earlier.
Listen to what Poles, who were adults back then, think about the commie years... hehe.

But of course the integration of the BRD and DDR could have been done in a better way.
9 Nov 2009
Language / What's the difference between 'swoje' & 'moje'? [35]

the use of "swój" is not so obvious

I love this one.. hehe. :)

a.) On kocha swoją żonę.
b.) On kocha jego żonę.

The analogies of moj i twoj in Swedish will be "min" och "din" appropriately. Am I right? :)

Yes, exactly. And these are the possessive pronouns. (My, your in English)
9 Nov 2009
Language / What's the difference between 'swoje' & 'moje'? [35]

I might be wrong but in my book the analogy can be drawn as follows: mig(sw)=moj, sig(sw)=swoj.

Not exactly. It can mean 2 things. But not mój.

mig = mnie (me) - 1st person singular personal pronoun
mig (själv) = się (myself) - 1st person singular reflexive pronoun

In Swedish we have person dependent reflexive pronouns. Like in English, but not in Polish.
mig (själv) = się (myself)
dig (själv) = yourself
sig själv = herself/himself/itself

In Swedish we have a reflexive pronoun that works just like "swój", although it's only used in the third person.

Swedish sig is reflexive pronoun equivalent to Polish się, not swój (e.g. Han tvättar sig).

Ok, now I saw that you wrote sin/sitt/sina and not sig. Sorry.
8 Nov 2009
Language / What's the difference between 'swoje' & 'moje'? [35]

moja/moje/mój = my
twoj/twoje/twój = your

swoja/swoje/swój = my own, your own, their own etc. (and not person dependent).

To jest mój pokój. = This is my room.
Idź do swojego pokoju! = Go to your own room!
7 Nov 2009
Love / Personal issues with two women, they want to be my friend - a Polish thing? [49]

And, I regularly go dancing with a 19 year old German girl, and its not an issue. She knows where the line is and we don't cross it. The Polish women don't.

Tell them very clearly where the line is. And if they still cross it you have to take appropriate actions to make it stop.
3 Nov 2009
Love / Polish girls lying [193]

as a fact, there is no lie anywhere

So, if I steal your car. And then I say that it wasn't me who stole it, I'm not lying according to you.

I'm polish myself and I just can't believe what I'm seeing with my eyes.

Many people on this forum talk about things they don't know anything about. Many people here have met like 10 Polish girls, and then they think they know how all Polish girls are. The bad thing is that other people who read it think it's true.
3 Nov 2009
Love / Polish girls lying [193]

A feminist is a human. All humans lie from time to time.
3 Nov 2009
Language / "Polski" or "Polskiego" - Grammar help [19]

"Sekcja języka polskiego"

But in most forums they don't include the word section. They just give the plain name of its content.
3 Nov 2009
Language / mój - moja [28]

That's hard to remember, things like ta część as being feminine.

I think the majority of -ść words are feminine actually. First I thought only miłość was feminine as an exception. But most are.
3 Nov 2009
Love / Help-my polish bf doesn't fancy me! [94]

Not that our relationship is boring, but he doesn't seem to take intiative as often as before, but neither do I, I guess...

Ofcourse it was more passion and stuff in the beginning when we just met, but lately it's become less and less!

but afterall, he's the type of guy that says 'life isn't a fairytail'........isn't it..lol.so what do I expect?

he doesn't give anything back.

You have the answers to your own questions.

Maybe he is lazy, maybe he thinks something feels wrong, maybe this is his normal personality.

Maybe you should talk to him about this? That's usually what grown-up people do.
1 Nov 2009
Life / What do you live in, apartment, house, car? [19]

Except when our neighbors are blasting some T-Love

You should enjoy their sense of humor.

"Zawsze zakładasz stringi w niedzielę - Zawsze wyglądasz ładnie w kościele"
So, I hope you were in church today.