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Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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5 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

But for for me its like i fel in love first time i c the girl, and after a week i dont care anymore. is that wierd?

No, that's just lust, not love, and it's not weird. It's actually quite common for younger people (and even the older ones, especially men:). ) How old are you, David?
5 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

You would be surprised how much time you waste partying. One night of fun and two days to recover. No thanks.

Tell me about it! For me, partying was a full time job!:)

Ive done it because there are people that need help, and it has nothing to do with how I feel, in reality it makes me sad

I'm sure it makes you feel sad that there is a need for aid in the first place, but I don't buy that you didn't feel good for helping out the less fortunate---not saying that's your motivation---it just shows you are a compassionate human being ("human" being the operative word) which means it would almost be impossible not to feel good about helping another human being.:)

how about doing it, and not for gods will but because you care,

Ahh, but if he believes in God, then the fact that he cares and acts upon it is representative of God's will, don't you think?
5 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

Thanks for not thinking Gods will is lame.

I don't think anyones' personal beliefs are lame. I personally believe there is a God, and I attempt to lead a good life (not always successful, but nobody's perfect, right?) I respect the fact that some don't believe in a God, some do, and some just aren't sure. It is everyone's right to believe how they choose---I will not judge them one way or the other because there are two things I am sure of: There is a God and I'm not him!:)
10 Jan 2007
Love / My Polish boyfriend is a mamas boy what should i do? [28]

Based on what you said earlier about your boyfriend getting into trouble, it doesn't surprise me that his mother is suspicious. Just because he's going to school now, which is commendable, doesn't mean he earns his mom's trust over night. As for laughing about it, maybe he needs to place himself into his mother's shoes. One thing I've learned in life, if you want to be treated like an adult, you need to act like one///if you act like a child, you will be treated as such! Good luck.
10 Jan 2007
Life / Help my son with a school assignment on Poland [35]

my son would be willing to tell what it is like in Indiana, USA

I can't help your son, but I'm also from Indiana (I live in Indy). What part of the state do you live?

10 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

Unfortunately, Superman, there are racist idiots everywhere---I can't say for sure, but I assume a Polish Skinhead would be no different from an American Skinhead----small brains and only using violence to feel superior!
10 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

And what propaganda would that be, BW? If you are suggesting that America started the Gulf War, you need to get your facts straight! Once again, that war can be blamed on your good friend, Saddam---it started months before any coilition forces bombed Iraq.
11 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

This does not mean destroying other races.

Tell that to skinheads and all the other Hitler Youth!
12 Jan 2007
Life / Are there any neutral or positive stereotypes of poles? [40]

From my own personal experience, the Poles that I know are very smart---3 Physicians, 1 Lawyer, 1 Nurse Practitionor, 4 Nurses and 1 Aerospace Physicist (that's from 2 different families that I know).:)
12 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

First of all, where in my sentence did I call you a Skinhead? I have no problem with people who are proud of who they are, I just think it's very small minded to assume that one race is better than the other (ie: Skinheads who physically harm those of other races because they are not white) so perhaps you should stop being so "stupid."
13 Jan 2007
Love / Racism and Religion in Polish relationships [209]

Based on your reasoning, then all white girls would want to be with black men, based on rumor! You are a huge cock!

Someone else has made the penis size comment on here are men that how funny...really is pathetic....I bet you drive a really big car dont you! Oh what nice girls they were at the party by the way, real class!!!!

No doubt! LOL Amathyst!
13 Jan 2007
Work / Can i be a medical intern in Poland? [3]

I'm not sure what medical licensing is like in Poland but I assume you would have to take their tests for license. If you were to specialize, again I assume you would have to apply to an internship or fellowship and be accepted into the program. You best bet for info is probably getting in touch with your medical school director or someone within the school you want to attend, and find out your options.
14 Jan 2007
Life / What do Polish people think about Turkey? [52]

I'm from istanbul and i wonder if any of u visit my county before.. and if u did, did u like it?

I'm not Polish, but I have been to your country and found it to be quite beautiful!:) I had a great time and got to experience a culture completely different from my own, so yes, I liked it very much.
14 Jan 2007
Life / What kind of toys are popular with children in Poland today [21]

Thanks douchebag! You'll be flying over here when you have a terminal illness and your universal healthcare system screws you over.

If you would bother to look, idiot, he already lives here!

lol... i love the way americans think...!

Yes Bubba, we know!:) How's my favorite Englishman? Did you get to play a quiet game of pool today?
15 Jan 2007
Life / What do Polish people think about Turkey? [52]

Quoting: Ranj, Post #11
your place or mine?

I am not that easy.
How about Starbucks for coffee?

What I meant, Opts, your place (AZ) or mine (IN), silly boy!:)
15 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

Would I be discriminated because of my nationality If I lived in USA?

To be honest, GP, as with every country, there are those who discriminate against immigrants because they feel threatened by what is not familiar to them. I've seen a lot of discrimination against many groups from different countries against other countries, on this forum, alone. Personally, I welcome immigrants and any other group of people who just want to live a good life. I know that is something attainable if one works hard, has integrity and perseveres without letting others opinions or actions against them stop them from pursuing their dream. :) If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything and no amount of discrimination will stop you.
15 Jan 2007
Life / I want to leave Poland [82]

Europeans set food on america long before you natives did.

Uhhh, Bojo, I think you need to brush up on your history, young fella!
15 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

Again not true at all, why do people come on here and always try and spread lies about the English?

Don't feel bad, Lee, the English are not the only group that people come on here and spread lies about....don't take it personally.
16 Jan 2007
Love / Some expert in polish women can tell me what happened here? [37]

women NEVER make love only for pleasure

For the most part, I agree with him in the sense that I believe most women, while making love have an emotional investment or the hopes that there's an emotional investment on the part of their partner. In other words, men can separate their emotions from the physical (ie: have sex with any available oriface) while women attach feelings to the act----and when there's a case of multiples (orgasms, not partners), she can completely fall in love!:)
16 Jan 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

Thank you Anielka, for this post, and thanks BW for linking the wiki url. In all hosesty, I was not aware of the history of Katyn. It's post like this that remind me of way I came to this forum in the first place---to learn about all aspects of Poland.
17 Jan 2007
Language / "like" problem [29]

It depends on the context in which "like" is being said. I can tell I guy I like him without it being about physical/romantic attraction. Heck, many of my guy friends are told by me that I love them, but again it has nothing to do with romance.

I guess it's the same that it is in Poland.:)
17 Jan 2007
Language / "like" problem [29]

if you actually tell then that you like them then the meaning given is normally a lot stronger...

or it could just mean you want to compliment them and make them feel good.:)
17 Jan 2007
Life / Poland is wearing me down. :( Polish excuses... [30]

thanks to the ones with the positive feedback, and for the others that slag me,...i have nothing to say. I will not lower myself to your level.

I don't think anyone slagged you---you asked for peoples' opinions and were given just that. To me, it looks like you may need an attitude adjustment. If you can't accept the constructive, honest opinions of others because you don't like their answers, than don't ask the question. One of the hardest things to do is to take an honest look at ourselves (believe me, I've been there and don't necessarily like everything I've seen about myself) but by acknowledging and accepting certain things, I have been able to modify. We can't change what we don't see. Just a suggestion.
18 Jan 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

....and you think Americans are violent?:)

Are you really a back up dancer?

I was going to laugh at this, but for all I know, Fisz could be the next K-Fed!