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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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17 Jan 2007
Life / 0600 numbers in Poland [12]

Yeah...prob from EU.... the + in the us replaces 011. Guess I wasn't too helpful then :) my bad
17 Jan 2007
Language / "like" problem [29]

I like you should be followed by something ...because you're funny...or whatever you like about that person. It may make the message a bit clearer.
17 Jan 2007
Life / 0600 numbers in Poland [12]

any cell phone should be able to send a standard sms to any country. Kaka is correct about the +4860 (+) replaces 011
17 Jan 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

Thank you all for this wonderful read. This has certainly brightened my dreary day :) Krysia....you're the best :)

I just find it humorous to read the posts of these ignorant twits. They're obviously hitting the glass pipe and freakin clueless.
16 Jan 2007
Genealogy / Research in SE Poland [56]

check your character map in the system tools. There are some there if you'd like. There are probably other ways too.
16 Jan 2007
Travel / Visit to Cracow [28]

I would think the colder months. I was there in Feb and there wasn't many people around...but, it gets pretty cold there that time of yr :)
16 Jan 2007
Food / Best way to drink Zubrowka??? [20]

There's also som new stuff called żuberek. Some bottles now come with a small bottle attached. Add 1/3 of this and cinnamon around the glass edge....... tasty:)
16 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

Yes.. it was actually George Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush. Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation that represented Thyssen. Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and grew rich from Hitler's efforts to re-arm between the two world wars.
16 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

Huh ? What about "Polish jokes" ?

I'm sure if you google, you'll find some. None of them are funny, but have been around for some time.
16 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

Oscypek mmmmm just smuggled some home :)

Nothing bad about PL people in NJ just positive comments. We still have some ignorant people who have stereotypical jokes...but as others said, these people are everywhere.
16 Jan 2007
Travel / Snowboarding in Poland [75]

Unfortunately it was unseasonable in PL this january and was unable to snowboard at all :(
Zakopane has barely any snow and the queue to get to the summit takes 1.5 hrs. It will be just as crowded in Feb.
23 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / We welcome Polish people to Britain! [224]

Freddy? As in Kruger, perhaps?

No, as in dumbarse.

Freddy has issues. We don't see much of her/him lately.
23 Dec 2006
USA, Canada / a little question about dollar [19]

just gas prices, smokes, organic food...not too sure what else. Wages in big corporate haven't gone up or down....from what i've noticed.
23 Dec 2006
USA, Canada / a little question about dollar [19]

It'll probably fluxuate all year. You can look in yahoo currency exchange and get an idea of when. Hope it helps.
23 Dec 2006
USA, Canada / a little question about dollar [19]

Well, the dollar has gained more value and is rising. Last week it was 2.80 now it's back up to 2.91 still not as good as last time I was there in jul-aug when it was 3.18
21 Dec 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

My friend I think you are the one who is embarassing

Care to elaborate instead of puking nonsense and leaving? Usually intelligent people do this. Can you try?

Damn trolls.

You are obviously highly UNintelligent and have no place discussing your narrow minded views

Ahhh. maybe this is the same person as Jacubus.
20 Dec 2006
Life / What's the weather like in Poland? [81]

Not sure what snow you'll get for snow boarding though

Yeah, they only have 30cm now and making fake snow. Hopefully It'll dump right before I get there :) I have high hopes.
20 Dec 2006
Life / Polish Girl Fashion - "less is more"? [108]

There is also a mania for checked shirts. A lot of men are wearing them.

Wow..I'd have to laugh aloud if I ever saw this. Unless a scot of course. I'm tolerant for all styles to a point. Skirts draw the line. We have many people in the US that wear camo. It's really popular. That or slinging a furry animal over your shoulder :)
20 Dec 2006
Food / What are the best Polish sausages? (apart from by bfs) [22]

It's even awkward to order them at restaurants. People look at you funny when you say you want a Polish sausage

hahaha this is true. Someone else may even interrupt to ask....so, you like the pl sausage huh?