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Posts by Maati  

Joined: 4 Nov 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Nov 2006
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 178 / In This Archive: 158
From: Poland
Interests: Literature, Art, Linguistics

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27 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

he is more concerned about telling his teenage daughter. its easy to say meet someone else but hard to do now we have feelings for each other

That's what he told you...

It doesn't mean anything , if he's a math teacher there. He could be even university professor. In Poland they earn less than plumbers. I hope he told you that too. It is still about survival to him, since teachers in the UK don't make big money aw well.

I am a teacher myself. Fortunately, I teach in a private school in Warsaw plus I do other things apart from teaching.
Some of my friends are teachers and teachers assistants in the UK. Obviously, it is a better job than cleaning but still, nothing special financialy.
27 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

It's almost obvious here that this woman is being used. The most probably it's about survival to that Polish guy. He's having fun as well, if the woman is as attractive as his wife or Polish chicks. If not, he prostitutes himself for help, money, support. He will not divorce his wife, regerdless of what he's saying...
27 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

Mobile, I am sorry, but I have to admit that hate women like you.

Do you pay bills for this guy or sometimes help him financially ?
And can he speak English, at least?
You know now, what he's going to tell his wife to explain himself...

Can't you find somebody single, even divorced, whatever? You have never met his wife and kid and you don't know what the real situation is.
7 Jan 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

BTW, Matrix you don't sound like a Spanish guy.
Are you one of these frustrated Polish impotents?
Please, write some more in Spanish.
Remember, you are not the only one who speak this language here.
7 Jan 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

I think we should wait still for the result of investigation.
It's also probable that he was infected with hiv by one of his sex-partners and wasn't aware of it when he was having sex with other women.

Also, he could be schizophrenic.
The website in English is- simonmol.
7 Jan 2007
Love / Some expert in polish women can tell me what happened here? [37]

As a Polish woman, I think she didn't have sex with you, because she was so scared of what would happen, if she loved you even more than she did. She already felt in love with you but was scared of it, since she was staying there temporarily... You are very attractive and intelligent...
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

**** you, Biała Polska,
I don't give a **** about "white" blood line...Nazi freak...
4 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Yeah, i know nothing having two American kids whose greatgreatgrandma was a slave and grandma from my side was the second world war martyr...
3 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

I don't care what UK has.

I hate when somebody says that this colonial system UK, America and other countries had in the past but not a long time ago just civilised African people and really was good for them in a result. I guess without conquerors they will be still uncivilised African "apes"... uk, us and others had African slaves and Indian servants.You owe them sth whether you like it or not...
3 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

I thought Britain had colonies, slaves etc. and owes sth to these ppl ...
And please don't tell me you civilised them, OK.
3 Jan 2007
Love / Help me! I fell in love with a Polish man! [137]

I slept with a Polish guy, just a few hours after meeting him in a bar... and he barely spoke English either.. we are still together nearly 2 years later... although I have to admit that he did have a wife that he left for me. ..

Everything would be alright, if he didn't left his wife...
Not picking on you or your partner, but I really HATE that kind of behaviour...
Does he have kids in Poland?
1 Jan 2007
Love / Help me! I fell in love with a Polish man! [137]

Men are pigs. They'll always be...Unfortunately, Babylon is probably right. I think this guy may also talk now with his buddies in a pub (we have pubs in Poland :) that he's so great, he could not even speak English well, but f*** British woman on their first "date".

What is kinda romantic for us, for them is just a pure sex. I think he may have even a girlfriend or wife here, that he cheated on ...
1 Jan 2007
Love / Help me! I fell in love with a Polish man! [137]

He probably has internet connection at home.
Maybe his English is not too good and ha just cannot understand you or he has a wife and kids here, sorry, but that happens...
28 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

Thanks Maati, it's nice to hear a friendly voice here after so much hate.

Listen, Jose, this forum is not a very representative for Polish people, really.
I have been living in Warsaw all my life (with short breaks for travelling ).My whole family is from Warsaw from at least 4 generations back.

I know this city and the people here.
Please, come here and visit or even stay, if you want and do not worry about some posts on here.
Before you are visiting Poland, check all immigration rules for American citizens.
And yes, Latino and Spanish culture is a big trend here now, so u may come in the right time.
All my female friends go to salsa or flamenco classes, instead of fitness or swimming pool.
You are welcomed in Poland !

A woman is a woman. Skin color is only skin deep, the rest is all the same.

I love your post !

I also didn't expect ever in my life that I'll fell in love in my bf :)

Many people will tend to show it as a fascination with "exotic look/ dark-skinned guy".They will also point out that we do not have too many African/dark-skinned people here in Poland. And it's not true, because here where I live in Poland , we always have had people from many countries, even during communists times . I live in Saska Kepa in Warsaw and I'm 26. As a small girl I had "mulatto" friends in a kindergarden and in primary school. There was this family living "in the block"next door, that have three kids, all of them my friends. Mother was Polish, father was African, a doctor. We all were playing well with other kids from our area, no hate ...

I think people who wasn't there, never will understand and accept that my relationship and children are in this world out of a big and true love . I also don't see a skin colour in my boyfriend. Yes, he is a very handsome man, which is sometimes not too good , since other women find him interesting :) However, he doesn't seem "exotic" to me.

Actually, he seems very close. We are really very similar. We hold the same values and opinion on many things. Once, somebody from Cuba said to us-"Oh, you look alike", and it wasn't a joke !
27 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

I know Polish (Varsovian) girls, who will be willing to embrace Jose :)
They may know not 5 but 2-3 languages. Is your first lingo Spanish, Jose?
There is a huge trend in Warsaw for learning Spanish and dancing Salsa, Latino and Afro-Cuban dances. My Spanish friends make good money teaching their language , so who knows...Maybe at least Warsaw is ready for ya:)
27 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

People with miniature dogs have issues

Aw, ROZ...that was really funny !
Yes, one of her dog is called Theo, she calls him baby Theo and the second minature puppy is called Barry Andrew Singleton:) That should explain everything...
27 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

He didn't want her and told her he's in a happy relationship... The girl is really crazy. She calles herself an artisit and this is an excuse for everything she does...She calles it "crossing the boundaries" :) That's really stupid...Ok

27 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

Oh no, Frank, please, don't try to be at that woman side. She's really not worth it.
The main problem is not sex but the lack of responsibility.
That person was trying to destroy my family and my relationship. If I left my bf, our children would suffered the most. That woman didn't think about it, because she wanted sex and she does not have kids too. All she has is a miniature dog :)
27 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

Yeah, Matek, that's MY profile pic that I chose from the profile avatars...
Did you hear about Kate Moss , a British supermodel and Alek Wek, an African supermodel?Just in case, you will mistake them with me looking at my profile pics...
27 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

Maati, the words are not yours, but mine. You responded to my general post, agreed with the post and now you claim the above are your words. That's called plagiarism.

Why you all are so serious.
Of course these words are yours.
I just quoted them as I quoted my whole post.Besides, it was too late...

Matek/Yanta (I think you are the same person).
I think conservative ppl have more issues with themselves i.e. president and prime minister of Poland and many others.

I am not only liberal but also a feminist. And telling you here that I am attractive it's just a pure fact statement.

Hmmm... I know several Poles who are successful here in the US & not working at "menial jobs". One I know owns his own printing shop, another owns her own "spa". They make ALOT of money... doesn't sound too menial to me.

Ambitions are an individual thing. How you are raised, what your parents teach you and what YOU feel in your heart YOU wish to do. Only YOU as a person can know your ambitions. And do whatever it takes to make it happen for you. Those are what the obstacles are.

Living in the US for almost 2 yrs. I really met a few succesful Polish ppl there.
Once I visit a Polish district in Dorchester , MA and it was the culture shock, since in PL I live in Warsaw, and in the US I was in Cambridge,MA. I mean, I didn't see such a backward place in a long time...

And I go to London quite often, where I meet Polish young and well-educated ppl.
Many of them have Polish university degrees but are working there in hotels, cleaning services, as waiters, waitresses etc. It's good to do such a job at the beginning, but having the same low-paid job for 3 yrs. with good English and a degree seems strange to me.

MAATI , why you feel the need to prove to us all you have sex is beyond me

Aw, ****, I didn't know you all are so serious and do not have a sense of humour.
Typical for conservatives...
26 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

Just to remind you my "self-esteem" post:
" I think we are too nice and too submissive. We never believe in ourselves enough and tend to be overrun by other nationalities. There are so many of us in the world - EVERYWHERE, but we don't even have a decent representation in county or state government. Never mind the federal. "

I agree to some point. And we always have low-paid jobs even, if we are very well educated.
We really don't believe in ourselfs and have a low self-esteem.
That's why many of us are racist and nationalist too. You know, the only one thing they have is to think they are better than those "blacks, hispanics, asian ppl"etc.

And I also started a thread about Polish modern slaves...

OK, now it's really time for sex. Good night.
26 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

It's not off-topic Yanta... You just posted sth about an individual's self-esteem as a Matek in your previous posts. And in another thread I posted my opinion in general about low self-esteem of the Polish people.I met many Poles abroad, young and well-educated like me, who are working as waiters or in cleaning services.And it really pisses me off,cause hey are not worse than others, they just have low self-esteem and don't even try to change their situation.Ok,time for sex...Enjoy your evening as well...
26 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

Aw, Matek, you suggest that she was married to her master or he just treated her like a queen? That would be interesting...

My "man"? What kind of slang is that?
Uneducated idiot? What do you know about him and his family ad their education ?And what kind of education do you have, hmm?

And don't worry about my self-esteem, really. I am a very attractive, young and, unfortunate for you- white woman living in Warsaw. My relationship is fine too and , actually, I should stop writing now to enjoy the night with my partner...
26 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

Yeah, exactly...After all we ,as a nation, went through, some of the folks are just repeating nazi behaviour. It does not make sense to me at all...

I think different ethinicity, different eye or skin colour, shouldn't be a problem as well. The culture, customs and heritage is the most important.

I have two mixed-race children and they really feel they are Polish, not American or Carribean.
My 4 y.o daughter said to me this Xmas - Jestem Polką.
I didn't teach her this.It was her own initiative statement.

I think she being 4 y.o now also has a wider multicultural and multilingual perspective than many older folks including antropologists and extereme-nationalists.

As a Polish woman and Polish Philology graduate I indentificate myself with these words by Bob Marley:

Until the philosophy which hold one race
Superior and another inferior
Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned
Everywhere is war, me say war

That until there are no longer first class
And second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes
Me say war

That until the basic human rights are equally
Guaranteed to all, without regard to race
Dis a war
26 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

Yeah, I know... My bf is the one in the family, who changed his slave-name.
The rest is "brainwashed" , in his opinion of course :)
I know many Black ppl, who were born in America but have kind of indentity crisis, because they would love to be Africans but they are more American than they may know.

That is a very sad thing, really...
I was studying Polish Philology in Warsaw.You would be surprised how many Polish second names were given us by our opressors during partition of Poland.It's good to read history of Polish language books...