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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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12 Dec 2009
Love / Are Polish women too controlling? [106]

they wanted to taste sth different for the time of vaccation.

An international phenomenon. Sad but true.
12 Dec 2009
Love / Are Polish women too controlling? [106]

Maybe Polish people don't try to hide that they're controlling and jealous as much as many other people try.
6 Dec 2009
Life / Why are Polish people so ruthless? [87]

She had to go to the Housekeeper to ask for this - in turn the Housekeeper came to me and I subsequently said 'No.'

I was just doing it because they needed that help and I was able to. I can still do it but now, as of this week, I choose not to. Of course though, any new Pole joining will still be treated with kindness until they decide to turn on me too.

Excellent! Be kind, but only to the persons who deserve it. People will learn.
6 Dec 2009
Life / Giving birth in Warsaw. [4]

I am pretty sure that you can arrange this if you pay with your own money. Use Google.

But you should be aware that the mortality rate, both for the mother and the child, is higher when giving birth at home.
5 Dec 2009
Life / Why are Polish people so ruthless? [87]

Usually everybody benefits from being kind and nice. But there must be a balance, or else you will be used.

Be kind! But never let people (ab)use you! If you suspect people just use you, you have to act immediately. Or else people will think you are one of the persons that they can use for their own purposes as they wish.

Practice this very important balance.
5 Dec 2009
Love / Polish girls are pretty and high on morality. [65]

Usually those people that 'act out' are more pronounced and therefore spoken of more than the average girl who gets married or goes about her job or whatever she is doing.

This is a very important aspect.

And if you want to know how Polish girls are. Look at Polish girls in Poland, not abroad.
4 Dec 2009
Love / Polish girls are pretty and high on morality. [65]

Their are all kinds of personalities in all countries.

But give me one single reason to think that Polish girls (in Poland) have less moral (in general) than girls in Western Europe.

I've seen too much in WE to believe that. But as we've said earlier on this forum, there is a big difference between being in your own country and being abroad. People abroad don't act the same way as they do when they normally do (including moral issues).
4 Dec 2009
Work / How are nurses graded in Poland and what is their typical salary? [14]

All nurses now (since 2001) have to complete a 3 year BSc education in a medical university.

This is the minimum requirement to work as a nurse in Sweden.

I know some Polish nurses with shorter education that wanted to go to Sweden to work, but could not.
4 Dec 2009
Language / Dostał buta - genitive / accusative [25]

In Swedish it doesn't sound all that bad to say "att äta av bröd", literally "to eat of bread".

It's actually 100% grammatical correct. If you read old Swedish literature this a very common expression, it was more common 50 years ago.

It's in genitive in this case because it is used with "trochę", a quantity adverb. With quantity adverbs, there are two rules to follow in Polish:
1. The elements must be in genitive (so we have "trochę chleba")
2. The verb must be in singular
(for example: "a few students go to the cinema" => "kilku studentów idzie do kina")

Well explained, I had almost forgotten this.
4 Dec 2009
Language / Dostał buta - genitive / accusative [25]

Names of technologies are another example: "mail", "SMS".

Are you sure it's not because they're imported nouns?
3 Dec 2009
Love / Why are Polish girls constantly ill? [166]

Heavy kiełbasa diet? Many Polish girls don't touch them. Older well-to-do Polish women do.

Wiesz, że każda dziewczyna lubi dobrą kiełbasę.
3 Dec 2009
Life / 3 Things I LOVED about Poland [58]

1) The Weather! I was there in Summer and it was hot! every day was the same sunshine and it was great. Myself and friends went off to the lakes and swam in bikinis - you just can't do that in Scotland!

The weather is much more stable in most parts of Poland than in areas close to the Atlantic ocean or in Scandinavia.
2 Dec 2009
Study / Profi-Lingua anyone? [14]

Many teachers get raped by the schools. And if people accept bad conditions, this will not stop.
2 Dec 2009
Language / Not sure if I will be able to speak Polish [53]

how do you get this 'quote' thing working? When I click quote all I get is name sort of thing...

Mark the text you want to quote, and then press the quote button in the same reply as you quoted (in the lower right corner of every reply).
2 Dec 2009
Language / Grammar Cases - would "revisiting" english grammar help with learning? [7]

I think that I just have lots of practise ahead of me!

Find a good Polish book. It's not so difficult as it looks if you learn it in a structural way.
Somethings like this, but check it, there might be an error or two. Note that certain prepositions can take different cases depending on the situation, but you will learn this later.


The object associated with the prep. will take the following case.





2 Dec 2009
Language / Dostał buta - genitive / accusative [25]

A vague (and not necessarily accurate one) could be that non-personal masculine nouns/objects used by the humans for consuming take the same ending in the accusative as personal masculine nouns (hypothesis to be challenged).

There are many exceptions when inanimate masculine nouns act as animate in the acc. case, but they seem to occur pretty randomly.

We should remember that in all languages there are exceptions to (almost) all grammatical rules, that don't have any obvious reason.
2 Dec 2009
Language / Grammar Cases - would "revisiting" english grammar help with learning? [7]

Would brushing up on English grammar rules help at all with learning Polish grammar rules?

Yes. It's almost necessary to know basic linguistic definitions. Maybe you remember it from school.
Basic linguistic knowledge is almost the same in all languages (eg. difference between adverb and adjective).

could it help me with working out whether something should be genitive or accusative etc?

Not very much. But in a few ways it can help you. For example the accusative case (without preposition) is usually used when you would have a direct object in English. The dative case (without preposition) is usually used when you would have an indirect object in English.

Genitive case (without prep.) is often used in the same situations as in English:
- Magda's cat = Kot Magdy
- My brother's car = Samochód mojego brata

But apart from this it will not help you very much with the cases. But with other things.
2 Dec 2009
Life / Problems for Dual Earner Families in Poland (and rest of EU) [19]

where are you going to find a good job that will pay well for working only 50% of the time?

Depends on the country and employer. In Sweden the government pays you for staying home with your child for about 1 year.

There are many solutions that are pretty good, it depends on the circumstances from family to family,
1 Dec 2009
Life / Problems for Dual Earner Families in Poland (and rest of EU) [19]

Everybody wants to feel a little independent, even if you have a family you love much. It's good for people's mental health.

It's also better for the children, because they get more contact, and a better relationship, with their father. This has been scientifically proven, so no one can say it's not better for the children. And there is nothing that is more important than children.

Money is not everything, but it gives more freedom to the family to do things they want together. But of course it's important to make sure that you have a lot of time for your family. There must always be a balance. But for many families it's difficult to survive if only 1 person works, if you want a decent standard of living. And most families want that.

The constant decline of morality and values in Europe is not hidden!

True. And I think the children can get better moral values if they spend a lot of time with both mum and dad.
1 Dec 2009
Love / Polish girls are pretty and high on morality. [65]

i really think they are one of the prettiest girls

Don't worry, we believe you. Many other people the same, especially on this forum.

There are many other threads you can read here on this topic.
1 Dec 2009
Life / What Do Poles think of Finns? [50]

Many people think that there are a rather big difference between Finnish people and people from the rest of Scandinavia.
1 Dec 2009
Food / Eating Healthy in Poland [18]

thanks! its kind of a dumb question because i've been to and lived in poland numerous times, its just that most of the time i had someone else cooking for me! and usually i came home heavier than i left! now that i'm more than likely going back, i was just wondering some of my options. i guess one is just to learn how to cook!

It's a Polish tradition to fill guests with as much food as possible. And if the guests say no, the hosts will most likely feel offended.

But it's easy to eat healthy in all developed countries in the world. Just buy healthy food and cook it.