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Posts by okgirl66  

Joined: 28 Feb 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 18 Apr 2009
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 88 / In This Archive: 63
From: Belfast
Speaks Polish?: not yet
Interests: travel, music

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18 Aug 2008
News / Survey on Polish brand and image of Poland [13]

Having just returned from a trip to Krakow, I must say what a beautiful, clean city it is and how much I enjoyed being there. The people were really helpful when I was out exploring on my own and I loved the ladies fashions in the shops - elegant and stylish. I didn't want to come back and am planning our next trip already. It's a very modern city with big shopping centres, plenty of parks and pretty walks and a good transport system. Brilliant stuff - St Mary's church especially moved me - it's beautiful inside and out. Plus the atmosphere was light and fun and we didn't experience any drunks or trouble at all.
2 Aug 2008
Life / Money - a taboo subject in Poland [25]

When you meet someone for the first time "Hello, what is your name, what is your job and how much do you earn"

When I was living in Hong Kong I went out to dinner with some chinese people who I knew through a friend of a friend - ( I only went to be polite really). They immediately enquired how much I was earning as a personal secretary (to a wealthy business man). I politely answered and told the truth. I would never do it again. They were obviously put out by the amount I was earning and it was very awkward for the rest of the meal. One of them said he was furious that he had been to university and done much training to do his job and I earned more than him to 'make tea and type'. Actually I worked very hard at my job and took a lot of responsibility as my boss was out of the country a lot and left me to run things. But I wouldn't argue about it, especially not to strangers and I NEVER tell people my private business now. It's private. I would add that I have a lot of really nice Chinese friends who are not like that. :-)
31 Jul 2008
Life / Money - a taboo subject in Poland [25]

Most people are feeling the pressure of the cost of living these days - whether they admit it or not. There is no shame in not having a lot of money. My answer to it is Psalm 37 v.16 :- A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.
30 Jul 2008
Life / Money - a taboo subject in Poland [25]

Dare I ask this ... but ... how much did they charge you for the frontline flea and tick prevention?
4 Jun 2008
UK, Ireland / Poles singled out as responsible for increase in knife culture [39]

oh well, you missed out on a bargain ha ha. but really, you're not the brightest cookie, luv.

and you think it's clever to offer a 'blow job' ?! Sounds like a dumb blond suggestion. And in any case leave poor Lukasz alone - in fact why single out the Poles any way. If people carry knives then it is a really stupid thing to do (although I don't live in an area where I am in fear of my life) but I don't think it is because of some-one's nationality that they carry a knife.
9 May 2008
Love / From a Turkish Man! What I heard about Polish girls from my friends :) [53]

How can you ever get "close" to someone if you're afraid to touch them?

Why would you be afraid to touch some-one? If there wasn't something attractive about the person, then you wouldn't get to know them in the first place. The point I was making is that meeting a woman shouldn't in my opinion be like ordering something from a catalogue -- colour and size ?!! It should be the whole package - looks, mannerisms, personality etc. That's all. I know we all obviously have preferences like I prefer dark and chunky men for a relationship. But if a man had a great personality and other attributes but was blond and skinny then that wouldn't matter to me - it's everything about the man that matters to me.
8 May 2008
Love / Don't Polish men fall for British women? [57]

It must be hard work spending your nights together avoiding 'sins of the flesh'.
How are you both ensuring mutual virginity for your wedding night? Remember that he'll burn in hell if he masturbates.

That's exactly the point I was making - we both want to wait until we're married. He was married before and got really hurt and I've had my share of '******' relationships - so it's nice to get to know eachother properly without any pressure. As for the sex - all the more to look forward too when we are married !
7 May 2008
Love / Don't Polish men fall for British women? [57]

I met my polish boyfriend when I was making enquiries at his office about some work. He couldn't help me with the job but we ended up becoming friends and now we are more than friends! I was brought up as a Catholic and have quite strong christian views which I find he shares with me which is a great help in our relationship. Plus the fact that he is really handsome and funny - great company! So it does happen.
6 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Are the Poles in England hated? [450]

Because the answer is right and justified and you know it Zeus. Get a life. I'm off to live mine...........
3 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Are the Poles in England hated? [450]

I do not care if people here are trying to portray me as a nutter.

Well that's good because I think you've really lost the plot. Polish people have dignity and most decent English people respect themselves and other races including the Polish.

Poor Zeus, you're as nutty as Hitler was.
3 May 2008
Love / From a Turkish Man! What I heard about Polish girls from my friends :) [53]

Actually, I do look for sensitivity and intelligence in a man and those stud types don't interest me at all. They're usually arrogant, conceited and and boring. I don't talk about or get turned on by the size of some-one's bum, more how they make me feel as a person when we're together.

Oh, but if he WALKED INTO THE DOOR as you put it, I would split my sides laughing. Then have another Bicardi Breezer.
1 May 2008
Love / From a Turkish Man! What I heard about Polish girls from my friends :) [53]

And what kind of dumb ass are you? There's more to a woman than shape, colour size. It's not a cattle market. A women's attractiveness is defined by personality, ability, sensitivity, intelect and many, many more attributes. Unless you're just looking for a prostitute.
1 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Are the Poles in England hated? [450]

Dont you read the news?
Happens that POLISH people in the UK live alltogether, and congregate alltogether.. and they do not really how the english in truth think and talk about them.

And we can all believe exactly what the papers say!!? Some congregate together because they may not have adequate language skills to integrate or are new in the country. English people DO NOT ALL HATE POLES. That is rubbish. My friend has been trying to get hold a certain language course in England but it was so popular it was sold out. Why would English people be so interested in learning the Polish language if they hated Poles. Come on Zeus - grow up.
28 Apr 2008
Language / How Many of you love the Polish Language? [79]

some words I get a buzzing in my ear

I know what you mean. Some sounds are quite nazal and I've noticed I have to have a different mouth shape for some sounds. The hardest thing for me is that the word endings keep changing......
28 Apr 2008
Language / How Many of you love the Polish Language? [79]

I don't know where exactly in Germany you were

I was in Berlin. Wouldn't want to go there again. If you grew up with German being spoken to you then you are probably imune to it's harsh sounds. Being introduced to both Polish and German at a later age gives me more ability to judge between the sounds. So I respectfully disagree with you. I don't like the German language but I love Polish.
26 Apr 2008
Language / Building site - Polish terms [8]

Well if he wants to say "pass me the hammer...." it sounds as if he's working hard himself !! Good on you woodrat for bothering to learn.
26 Apr 2008
Language / How Many of you love the Polish Language? [79]

German as a language isn't harsh at all!

German does sound harsh to me and the few german people I have met were quite hard and cold in manner - even their biscuits were hard - I nearly broke my teeth on them. It's a shame that they come over that way because may be they are ok really. I don't know.

But I love the Polish language. It's strong yet sensitive and sexy. I like it when my Polish boyfriend talks to me in his language. I am really trying too hard to learn it though and get frustrated with myself for not getting it quicker but it is quite difficult.
17 Apr 2008
Travel / Krakow going down the toilet! [184]

I've recently watched a documentary about the child sex industry in Tailand and Cambodia. They were secretly documenting an American Dr. in Cambodia, and the extremely young (5 +) being sold to mainly Americans and Brits. It's a shocking reality.

Paedophiles are from all nationalities not just American and British. It's just as horrific whether they are documented or not.

All sex tourism is wrong no matter what the age of the victim. Just sick men taking advantage of poverty stricken desparate women.
12 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Are the Poles in England hated? [450]

Yes you are hated.Very much so.

About time this plonker got suspended. I am not left wing but I am soooo embarrassed when racist idiots talk like this. I like and welcome Polish people to the UK.
28 Mar 2008
Love / Is it possible to be friends with girls in Poland? [59]

Well I'm from the UK and I wouldn't make a move on a guy if he told me he had a girlfriend. I would enjoy the friendship and wait and see what happened. Maybe she did really like you and wanted you to show her how you felt.
26 Mar 2008
Love / what is reasonable - he does not want me to go back to poland [55]

Well done Angel, at least you know where you stand now. Would you want to visit him in Poland though? Has he told you the truth about his family and who he is involved with? I would find it hard to see him there in Poland if it was me, but you can move on now and find some-one who can take your relationship seriously and show you his love.
26 Mar 2008
Love / Is it possible to be friends with girls in Poland? [59]

I have a number of male friends and we are just friends. I give them advice on relationships and they enjoy talking to me about lots of things - like T.V. programs and news, pets etc. It's nice to relax with both male and female friends and enjoy the odd glass of wine/ beer what ever. But I don't know about Polish people because I'm not from Poland but I don't suppose they're much different.