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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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21 Nov 2006
News / Mine disaster in Poland [23]

What happened Wroclaw? Where in Poland did this occur? Wherever it may be, my prayers are with those who may be affected by it!

12 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

er ROYAL NAVY MATE stronger than USA navy, check mate bye

12 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

god what a dildo.

Right now I'm picturing you as a short, fat kid with friends named Kyle, Stan and Kenny!
12 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

how about a young British lad with gelled brown hair and blue eyes? more closer to fact.

12 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

loud, stupid, arrogant, most annoying accent going.

First the Poles, now Americans? Are there any nationalities you care for besides your own?
12 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

100 posts in one day = GET A LIFE

Hi Jim, you know I was thinking the exact same thing. It's taken me over 2 months to post 100---this kid does need to get a life if he can sit on a computer all day and bad mouth others!

12 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

They say that the emptiest drum or container makes the loudest sound. LOL

I'm hearing a thunderous roar!(LOL) Perhaps I'll go to bed now since I sleep so well during storms! Good night!
12 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]


So besides the English and Spaniards, you are fond of the Taliban, eh? That explains it all! I really am going to bed now!
14 Dec 2006
Life / "i don't have time" - Clarification From Native Poles Needed [44]

I admit, FISZ, I also was curious as to what your better half looked like so I snuck a look---didn't mean to be nosy! BTW, she's very pretty and she does seem to exude a sweetness about her!

I loved your pictures. I assume you were in the service?:)
15 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

why are european lets say in specific polish girls more approachable then north aamerican girls?

I think if one has confidence in themself, they shouldn't be intimidated by approaching anyone---male or female; Polish, American, Canadian, English, etc.... So the question you should probably ask yourself is not "why are Polish women more approachable than North American women?" but "why am I afraid to approach women from North America?"

IMHO I don't find N American women unapproachable.

See, now FISZ is someone with a sense of confidence----he's not intimidated because he knows there's no reason that he should be:)
15 Dec 2006
USA, Canada / How to stay in USA without getting married? [125]

once they get divorced, he will inherit half of her assets.

Actually that depends on the state where the divorce occurs. Each state has there own laws concerning divorce and I can guarantee you that assets are not necessarily split 50/50.
16 Dec 2006
Love / love story italy-poland [6]

Ahhh, young love! I think it's great, Kitten. Enjoy your romance with your young man----you never know what the future holds!:)
16 Dec 2006
USA, Canada / How to stay in USA without getting married? [125]

I'm very ugly too, so who cares what a person looks like.

You are beautiful on the inside and outside, Krysia----don't shortchange yourself!:)
16 Dec 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

FISZ, he's baiting you. Don't bite anymore and maybe he'll go away!:)
17 Dec 2006
Love / I fear to lose my polish boyfriend.. [44]

The way I see it, we all have life lessons to learn (even 16 year olds) and the best way to learn is to experience it for yourself. Kitten has many lessons ahead of her, but it's her life, so let her learn the lessons she needs to learn.

A note to you, Kitten---your parents love you and are just concerned for your well-being and happiness---it may not seem like that now, but one day you will look back and appreciate the love they have for you!:)
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

This thread wasnt to put down north american girls \.. even though i do think less of them...

hahaah thats funny...... if anything i would be more nervous to appraoch a sexy european girl with personaitly then a sexy North american simple minded girl.

I believe you answered your own original question. You have prejudices against North American women, so therefore you are probably putting off a vibe that makes you unapproachable to them. Most people are receptive to genuine friendliness, but you go into it with an attitude that something is already wrong with the person (ie: they are arrogant or have no personality). Well my friend, you usually tend to get back what you give!:)
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

But why they (these American girls) were trying to "steal" my boyfriend?

Maati, I don't think the fact they were American had anything to do with their trying to "steal" your boyfriend. Some people don't have morals or an ethical code, but that's not limited to just Americans. Every nation on the face of this earth has people like that. I am sorry though that you had to experience that, but at least you know you can trust your bf!:)
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

I may have a prejudice but i dont put off any vibe..

Believe me, when someone has prejudices, their body language alone puts of signals, whether they realize it or not.

but its a fair to say there are more approachable women in europe then there are in North America.... so many of points have be proven in this thread alone... women in north america are more paraniod= patricja saying you cant trust anyone these days..gues what she lives in the states.

No points have been proven---you simply have offered an OPINION. Guess what? I'm from the U.S. also and I DON'T believe that all people are not to be trusted, therefore contradicting the statement that just because Patricja said, " 'you can't trust anyone theses days,' women in North America are more paranoid." Generalizations, once again!
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

like once again im not saying this doens hapen in europe i just think its less likely and when it is the girl actually has some morals behind it and maybe veen feels ashamed that she did it whereas i find girls here will do it without no concisouness and even feel good after for it.... hahah such low lifes just give women in genral a bad name

How can you presume to know what these girls are feeling (both Europeans and North Americans). Do you have some special power that you can actually get inside their head and see what they are thinking and feel the emotions they are feeling? If so, you really need to market that, because I know a lot of people who would love to have that ability.:)
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

You obviously don't know who you are talking to when you say these things to FISZ.:)

im sorry i dont want to sound arrogant but im quiet sure i have traveleld more then you and most likly interacted with more ppl ten u in my life.. tis isnt just an opinion its afact

I don't think you are arrogant, but I do think that's an ignorant statement. How do you know what my travel itinerary has been throughout my life and with what people I have interacted? I can guarantee you that I have been beyond the borders of the United States and I have dealt with many people of diverse backgrounds, ethnicities and nationalities. Once again, you assume things which is opinion and not fact. I'm done debating you!:)
18 Dec 2006
Life / How many people really know English in Poland? [53]

Quoting: bartek212, Post #3
About people older than 25 years old... I think most of them don't know English at all, so better try to speak to young and beauty people, just like me.

OK, all of you archaic people of 25 and more. Don't even try to learn English. Just forget it. Call a lawyer and make a Will.

I think I'm dead already.

Ehhh? What's that you say? I left my hearing aid and reading glasses at home!:)
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

no assumptions .... just a fact that i have traveled quiet a bit and usually its more then the average person

That is an assumption because you assume I'm the "average person." I also have travelled quite extensively and deal with people from around the world everyday; plus I probably have a few years on you which has given me time to see and experience a little more than you.

i deal with ppl everyday from aroudn the world i notice patterrns and take menatal notes of them.... its on ly human ur learning everyday...

This is one point in which I agree with you.

im sorry if this generlization is to difficult for u to comprehend or its to out there for you accpet

I needed to come back and edit what I wrote because what I said was somewhat arrogant and presumptuous the way it pertained to you, believe me though, when I tell you that what you say is not at all difficult for me to comprehend or accept.:)

Now I'm TRULY done arguing with you! Ciao!
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

i take it your not polish because u talk like an american

See there you go assuming again, Cyprian. :) Amathyst is not American, she's English. As far as whether or not she was be fascetious, I don't know, because I have never watched an episode of Big Brother and I have no clue who Nadia is?
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

candain english broad

Wrong again---She is in Great Britain.

Ranj, if you can be bothered have a look on the net for Nadia Almada, she looks just like his friend on the group picture (the girl with the blonde hair), Nadia is a Transexual.

I looked her up, but the only clear photos I could see are ones where she had dark hair. I saw a photo of her with blond hair but it was not too clear.

As for Nadia being a transexual, why would that be an insult to your friend, Cyprian? I have seen some transexuals and transvestites that look better than most women!:)
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

I don't think it's a low blow---your friend is obviously very pretty (she has beautiful eyes), she was just commenting that she looks like this Nadia person, which I said before should not be an insult, as many transexuals are beautiful.

wrong again shes lives in vancouver as well

Where have you seen that Amathyst lives in Vancouver?
Amathyst, can you clarify?:(
20 Dec 2006
Food / What are the best Polish sausages? (apart from by bfs) [22]

Some are nicer than others.. but can never remember their names..

Ours are bigger...

I know. They can be HUGE! But which ones are the tastiest?

What EXACTLY are you talking about? My mind is in the gutter at the moment!:)