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Joined: 23 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Aug 2015
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
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From: London

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8 Oct 2007
News / Racist attack against Poles via Polish language [30]

I still dont know what you're talking about. What I said was a question not a statement, hence the question mark at the end.

I'm confused as to why Puzzler seems to think that this article is offensive as all it says is that Polish is difficult to learn. How is that an attack on Poles?
2 Oct 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

BTW, the RED Chinese can kiss my freedom loving backside,the day we in britain start backing down to them is a day I shall genuinly shed a tear.

Your lack of 'rightthink' towards our new Asian imperial overloads has been noted by the relevant authorities. Attitude correction measures will be taken at a more appropriate time.
1 Oct 2007
Life / Polish Hooligans [41]

So much negativity on this forum towards Poland and Poles. Isn't it high time (also for me) to speak of something more positive?

Absolutely. Polish hooligans are some of the best in Europe.
28 Sep 2007
Life / Embarassment of the egocentric use of English language in Poland! [20]

Quoting: Michal
You use the word 'love' and sometimes it may well be 'love' but often a woman looks for more than that.

Maybe in your case when your wife found her meal ticket to the UK.

Someone call the Police, Michal's been mugged!
28 Sep 2007
Life / Condoms and the Catholic church in Poland [83]

"The head of the Catholic Church in Mozambique has told the BBC he believes some European-made condoms are infected with HIV deliberately.

To say the Europeans are doing this is paranoid and rascist. Everyone knows its the Jews!
25 Sep 2007
Life / I want polish passport [86]

re: I'm starting to believe that Polish women are the Trojan horse into Britain for every Third World Sweaty who wants a council house

- The Third World folks pour into UK, in a vast majority of cases, wthout the Polish women's help. Blame your government and media psychopaths, and also yourself for that, not Poles, pal.

re: I'm starting to believe that Polish women are the Trojan horse into Britain for every Third World Sweaty who wants a council house

- The Third World folks pour into UK, in a vast majority of cases, wthout the Polish women's help. Blame your government and media psychopaths, and also yourself for that, not Poles, pal.

Chill chippy! I'm loving the Polish ladies, unfortunately so are many other men.
24 Sep 2007
UK, Ireland / Brits and Poles - can't we all just... get along? [20]

Aside from the anti-Polish feelings which appear to be at epidemic proportions amongst native Brits (according to some forum members) have any Poles in Britain experienced any problems from other ethnic groups in the UK? The few times I've ever heard anything negative about the recent influx from eastern europe it has come from(mainly) second generation immigrants.
24 Sep 2007
Life / I want polish passport [86]

I'm starting to believe that Polish women are the Trojan horse into Britain for every Third World Sweaty who wants a council house.
24 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

It still seems like a lot of people on here have picked their sides. It gets old. Poles are hardworking. The English are lazy. etc, etc.

Hard work is not some sort of moral imperative amongst Poles. Poles take low paid jobs, in part, because the money they earn when taken back to Poland, IS NOT THAT OF A LOW PAID JOB! In Poland it pays for a lot, in England it pays for not very much. Poles are therefore buying a much higher standard of living for themselves in the long run than a w/c Brit can do.

Its basic economics, supply and demand. If you look at the whole situation you can only come to one conclusion about who the losers are in this scenario.
21 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

You're negative about everything anyone is suggesting. It might be true that Polish people are taking on low paid jobs but it's not true that they are preventing you from going to college, learning or getting some kind of job.

To say to a guy who is unemployed and desperate that he 'is just being negative' when he is given little nuggets of advice like this shows what planet some people are living on.

I believe Norman Tebbit said something similar about the unemployed 20 years ago along the lines of "Get on your bike and look for work".

I'm from the working class and I've gone to university and have a good job however to say this is an option for everyone if they just put their mind to it is a dismissive and lazy response, often coming from people whose own good fortune has as much to do with chance as effort. I believe its also being caused by people picking sides in this Poles Vs British working class debate. On this board the Poles are obviously winning.
20 Sep 2007
Life / Opinions about Radio Maryja [134]

If its true that when you take communion you are actually consuming the body and blood of Christ, how many times do you have to go before you've consumed a whole Jesus?

I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise for any offense I may have caused to any of the religious amongst you by in some way questioning your water-tight belief system.

God bless/ Allahu Akbar(delete where appropriate)
20 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

The fact is that the most vulnerable strata of society will feel the
negative effects of immigration more than the others. To the working classes
immigration makes their already difficult lives, worse. There is no upside to
immigration as competition is increased wages come down along with job security.
Why should they be happy about this? Saying 'go to school get a degree' is a lazy
and dismissive response. Especially when it comes from people whose economic
relationship with with East Europeans is deciding who to get to fit their kitchen.
11 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

I believe it is illegal in Poland as the guardians of morality there belived it to be yet another English childrens programme that promotes sexual deviance.
10 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

What f---ing Planet are you living on sunshine???

Was there somethig wrong with what I said Mr Graham? The general tone of your reply would seem to suggest you disagree with me.

-- the above post was in response to ajgraham's earlier reply to me.
10 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

"My g/f said something to the effect of you have no one to report our conversations to anymore so what do you care. "

lol. Love your girlfriend's response.
7 Sep 2007
Life / Assalamou Alaikum. 1 year old child passport problems [35]

"salama bro! as long as your son was born in the uk he is a citizen of the country"

Not true. That gravy train has ended thank god. Even if you are a citizen of the EU your children do not automatically get British citizenship just from being born here. This may also be partly a consequence of the massive numbers of Poles coming to Britain as I know this has caused a greater restriction on visa approvals. Basically, because of all the Poles we cannot let in any of our third world brothers and sisters.

Not a bad deal really.
7 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

"Britain is ruled by corrupt Freemasons & Jews who direct the destruction of the UK economy"

Ahh, Poles were brought to Britain to destroy the economy.

I'm not an economist so maybe the effects of this policy are too subtle for me to see.