and i don,t complain about that,,, just need some help please....Jan..
jan, it appeared as though you were,
going 10 days without food? come on, what would you expect. maybe you should have
proof read before posting. if thats not what you meant.
like I said, we understand that people shouldnt steal, but if you cant afford
to eat, how can you afford anything else? securing a home takes money.
its wrong for people to steal and assume that you are rich, but it happens even
to the poor .
not one bit of its right, you could get a electric fence like they do to keep in the
farm animals in, you can keep the sticky fingers out. they wont like shock. but
you have to probably pay out some decent money. or get some really big german
shepards. like i said, make sure you feed them or they will turn on you. especially
such a smart dog as them.