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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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15 Aug 2009
Love / Polish young generation vs older girls [21]

She claims her youthful appearance, is a result of a healthy lifestyle, including eating right and daily exercise.

And good genes are also required.
15 Aug 2009
Language / "jesteś" - "you are" - Polish word for your? [17]

Lyzko, you make it too complicated for him. Step by step you know. ;)

I think it's enough (to begin with) that twój (masc), twoja (fem), twoje (neutr) means 'your'. Your father, your ball, your house.
15 Aug 2009
Love / Why are more Polish girls marrying Americans? [77]

According to who, you?

According to the world we live in. Look at the history, liberalism always wins in the end. Always. And you know it. Sometimes the change is slow. But for centuries the world has always become more liberal. Episodes with less liberalism have only existed temporarily.

I'm not pro-100%-liberalism. I think liberalism and conservatism should be in equilibrium. But it's a fact that liberalism always wins in the end, even if it takes long time. The history proves it. And the best way to predict the future is to look at the history.

But I agree with you that some of the über-liberal parents are dangerous for their children and the society. I think of deviant behaviour such as criminality et cetera.
15 Aug 2009
Work / Teaching english as a private tutor [8]

There are a lot of threads about teaching English in Poland, read them.

It's easier if you have a CELTA or TESOL certificate, and some experience.

being an english teacher pays very well

It doesn't pay very well. But you can survive on it. As you probably know most people in Poland don't make so much money. How much you can get depends on your qualifications and experience.
15 Aug 2009
Life / Polish health care system, my experience. [32]

Are doctor's not obligated to treat everyone? Code of ethics? Hippocratic oath? SzwedwPolsce you're a med student in poland, care to enlighten me please?

Ethically yes. By law probably no. It's a dilemma. These people are probably not even meeting the doctor (just a nurse or a secretary) before they are told they must bring their European Health Insurance Card (which is free) or pay.

So all European people: ALWAYS bring your European Health Insurance Card when you go to another county in the EU. It's free and you don't have to pay for any emergency visits/treatments at the hospital.
14 Aug 2009
Love / Why are more Polish girls marrying Americans? [77]

I just can't see and tolerate this

Do you want Poland to go back to some communism dictature?

Polish girls (and boys) can choose who they want to marry.
You can not decide who someone else should marry.

You can also marry who you want, someone from Poland, USA, England, Italy or any other country.
14 Aug 2009
Life / Polish health care system, my experience. [32]

I get the impression if you are prepared to pay, then u will get the best, but if not, dont expect to be seen anytime soon...

Waiting 10 hours at the emergency department is not uncommon in most countries. Or waiting many weeks (or several months) before you can see a specialist, if you have a chronic disease. My impression so far is that you usually get help without waiting very long in Poland (even if you don't pay).

In most countries you can go to a private clinic, pay for an operation, and have it done in 1-2 weeks instead of 6 months. Is it fair? Probably not. But it shortens the time the other people have to wait.
13 Aug 2009
Life / Polish health care system, my experience. [32]

I hope you'll get well soon. And be glad you didn't get an intracranial bleeding. I've seen to much of that sh*t from street fights. There is sometimes very little violence needed. It looks really sad on the x-ray.

I hated the fact that I had to jump from one place to another

That's the way it is. Even if you're Polish or have a health insurance. People are usually sent to a several places. One doctor looks and maybe does somthing, then sends you to the next, same procedure and so on. And usually you need 10 different papers with 25 different stamps. Esp. if emergency situation with some x-rays and stuff needed.
12 Aug 2009
Travel / 7 days in Poland... need some advice... [20]

Which places are best recommended ?

The most popular city for tourists is Krakow. Gdansk/Sopot at the coast is also very nice.
11 Aug 2009
Feedback / Thread Leader [9]

I have also seen this on other forums. It doesn't work, because it starts even more conflicts. But I think that everyone should be able to delete their own messages.
11 Aug 2009
Language / Polish vs. Romanian [21]

Romanian have very strong influences from latin (like italian etc).
Poland is typicial slavic language.

Some similarities, but many differences.
11 Aug 2009
Life / When to greet strangers in Poland or not.. [30]

As far as I see Polish people never greet each other in the streets if they don't know each other. And Poles never smile to someone they don't know.

But there are a few exceptions from this "ignore all strangers". For example in waiting rooms and on trains. If you enter a coupe most people greet. And when they leave the coupe/train 'do widzenia' is very common.
11 Aug 2009
Love / I have a Polish boyfriend and I'm a lil Polish but cant speak it [13]

it sounds lame

It doesn't sound lame.

There are many differnet ways to learn a language. You must figure out what fits your way of learning. We're all different. Maybe go for a course, or buy a book + CD and have someone to speak Polish with.

You should also check this out: polishforums.com/language-17/collection-learning-resources-31442/
11 Aug 2009
Travel / Prague Vs Krakow [34]

They exist in all cities, that's for sure.
10 Aug 2009
Language / List of noun endings in the different cases [5]

They are a little tricky. They can act both as feminine and masculine noun. For example you say "mój/miły mężczyzna" (not moja/miła) in nominative case. Here it acts like a masculine noun but looks like a feminine noun (-a).

There are also feminine nouns that don't end in -a, but are still used grammatically as female nouns (eg. noc, miłosć).

Probably it's best to skip the nominative part of the list above, maybe it's appears more clearly then.

It's easy to confuse the nominative of the nouns with adjective endings.
If we skip the exceptions we can say (about nominative nouns):

Masc: ends in consonant
Fem: -a
Neutr: -e, -o, -y
10 Aug 2009
Study / University for non-resident citizen [3]

Everyone in EU-countries can apply to university in Poland in the same way as Poles. If you apply in this way there will be no tution fee. The studies will be in Polish of course. There are also English Divisions (eg. medicine) at several Polish universities, where the studies are in English. In this case you pay a tution fee. But due to some law you can't study at this English Divison if you have Polish citizenship.

I guess people outside EU can apply for university in the same way, but they need legal permission (visa) to study in Poland.
10 Aug 2009
Love / Abuse in relationships (my first Polish girlfriend) [216]

It's liberalism that has infected our courts with anti-male bias and (it) keeps men second class citizens when it comes to justisce for men.

So if a woman were prosecuted in court for beating up her boyfriend she would not be convicted? Of course she would be. So... tell me more in detail what you mean by "anti-male bias" in courts.

The classical definition is that "liberalism is a broad class of political philosophies that considers individual liberty and equality to be the most important political goals".

So, if you say that liberalism made us men "second class citizens when it comes to justisce", you are wrong per definition. Because, per definition, liberalism wants equalty, not that women should be superior to men.
9 Aug 2009
Love / Abuse in relationships (my first Polish girlfriend) [216]

Mate, I don't mean to be rude but are you doubting my intelligence?


I know what a slap is and I also know what attacking someone is, I had a partial black eye and cuts on my face and legs.

I'm sorry to hear. You probably deserve someone better than her. But you have to defend yourself. It's not fun to use violence against a woman, but if she goes totally crazy you don't have any other choice. You don't want her to beat you up. It's called self defence and nothing else. Then tell her to f*ck off. And if she doesn't report her to the police.
9 Aug 2009
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Sorry, but other Polish people don't think like you. I'm Swedish, and I have lived in Poland for 2 year. Almost Polish people I have met have been nice and welcomed me to their country. You are an exception from what is normal in Poland.
9 Aug 2009
Love / Abuse in relationships (my first Polish girlfriend) [216]

Relax, do it with honest smile on your face, tell her that she looks sexy when angry and then offer sex.

More sex is probably what these ladies need. And some therapy.
9 Aug 2009
Love / Abuse in relationships (my first Polish girlfriend) [216]

That's what I am saying. Men are almost always stronger than women. If she is attacking you just make her stop. As I said, just grab her arms, and hold her still, until she understands what the f*ck she's doing. Hitting someone is a criminal offense and you have the right to defend yourself.

Do I really need to say this?
9 Aug 2009
Love / Abuse in relationships (my first Polish girlfriend) [216]

I get really tired when I read about this cr@p.

You are men, if a woman starts to hit you, make her stop. Just grab her arms and say it's game over.

Some people have severe problems with their behavior. It's best to just stay away from them.