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Posts by Davey  

Joined: 29 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Apr 2009
Threads: Total: 13 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 388 / In This Archive: 310
From: Halifax/Toronto, Canada
Speaks Polish?: trochę, uczę się języka polskiego od 5 lat
Interests: Polska, Jezyk Polski, Polskie jedzenie

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6 Jan 2008
Language / What's the difference (verbs question)? [14]

Napisałem książkę - I wrote a book ( and finished writing it )
Pisałem książkę - I was writing a book (implying they were writing it but didn't finish)
6 Jan 2008
Language / Correct this letter to Poland please?? [3]

I am writing this letter to Poland, can someone correct it?

'Ja piszę do Was żeby otrzymywać kopię świadectwo urodzenia mojego pradziadka. On imigrował do Kanady kiedy miał 25 lat w 1930 rk. i myślę że urodził się w Stryszawie. Gdy możecie mi pomóc byłbym bardzo szczęśliwy!

Pozdrowienia z Kanady,
Dziękuję Wam bardzo!
4 Jan 2008
Language / Past tense after 'by' [4]

I always see sentences like 'by było lepiej' or something of the sort...should that be translated into present tense, like 'in order to be better' or something? Can someone explain this?=)
4 Jan 2008
Language / Common mistakes made by foreigners in Polish [90]

first week in Poland back then i dished out 1750.00 zl for a phone bill; my dumba$$ "is that a lot?"

That is how much I took to Poland to last me a month.
31 Dec 2007
Language / Can anyone help with spelling of Grandmother [53]

My family only had the phrases, 'k*rwa mać' and 'daj mi pieniądze' passed down and they got a little distorted until I decided to learn Polish and restore them=P
31 Dec 2007
Language / Useful and the most common words in Polish [50]

What on God's earth is the point of people asking how to say 'Happy New Year' in Polish

It's so true. It isn't going to help you memorizing noun/adj endings, pronounce anything, speak better..........
However, if you have another reference book that teaches grammar, it would probably be really useful to you.
23 Dec 2007
News / Will Poland become green? [122]

Last summer wasn't really hot

I beg to differ...I was there from July until August and I went around the country and everywhere was so hot.....
12 Dec 2007
Language / 'w' - difference between accusative+locative [18]

Ja jestem w domu-I am in the house or I am at home. We use the locative case as it states location and not movement. W plus the accusative case would show movement though to be honest in Polish the language uses more do plus the genitive case. Russian uses w plus the accusative case all the time. Ja jestem w Londynie but ja jadę do Londynu. Popatrz na siebie w lusterko-look at yourself in the mirror is an example of w plus the accusative case.

That makes sense because I rarely ever see it using accusative but in this context it was 'Chcę w życie wejść' which is denoting movement

12 Dec 2007
Language / For my family etc. - translations and pronunciations [9]

thanks a lot, but what are the pronunciations for those phrases?

Dla mojej rodziny = Dla moy-eh roh-zheen-ih
Moja krew = Moy-a krev
Nigdy nie zapomnij = Neeg-dih nyey za-pohm-nee
11 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / Missing Mail sent from Canada to Poland - Black Hole [23]

Yeahh I was sending my cousin some Canadian coins, really not a lot of money.. like $1.50 just to show him what our money looked like and he never got the coins, just the letter=p
10 Dec 2007
Language / What is the most annoying thing about non-native Polish speakers? [90]

This type of language is taught in Polish schools. Ex: The way Present Simple and Present Continuous are used in Newspapers. Also, the reason for short words like axe and cut.

They teach them British English and to tell the truth I don't understand a lot of it! I live in Canada....people were using words like 'crisps' for chips and 'lift' for elevator, and to tell the truth I really didn't know what the hell they were talking about
10 Dec 2007
Language / How long to get fluent in Polish? [41]

I have been learning Polish by myself for about 5 years and went to Poland for a month but I am not even near fluent but I can communicate and create sentences, I used to have major problems with cases but I am getting used to them mostly. I have no problem reading it but trying to speak it fast is hard because I get tongue tied but I have actually learned to rap in Polish haha so I don't know why it's such a problem.
9 Dec 2007
News / How does Poland imagine other countries see her? [84]

I will also add that my American cousin, who lives now in Las Vegas, has traveled the whole world and has run trade delegations in China and in other places all over the world all of his working life. There are a lot of well educated men in the United States and well traveled people too and to say that they think that the rest of the world lives in huts is really very stupid of you.

I feel like the American public school system is not very advanced, they learn mostly about the United States and there is obviously not a huge emphasis put on global history/culture, even American knowledge of Canada is poor, I would not say that most Americans are well traveled, many yes, but most, no.

Especially by seeing all these American game shows...I could answer some of the questions when I was 8 that some of these grown men and women didn't know the answers to, primarily concerning anything about other parts of the world.
9 Dec 2007
Life / Is drinking water in Poland good? [96]

I have lived in Canada my whole life...when I went to Poland they kept giving me this bubbly mineral water that I couldn't stomach because it tasted so similar to soda, and this was niegazowany! so I drank the tap water and it tasted fine=)
9 Dec 2007
News / Poland adopting the Euro, but when? [65]

haha I remember in the airport seeing the phrase 'thanks za lot', I thought it was kind of cheesey...

Anyways I hope they don't adopt the Euro, I think it is good to have their own currency because in Canada we have the dollar just like many other countries and we have English as our language like many other countries, I think it gives a sense of cultural identity....plus the złoty is really cheap compared to the dollar and I dont want that to change for when I go on vacation there=P
6 Dec 2007
Language / ż ź dź dż sz cz ś ć - which give most problems to foreigners? [65]

Well ś is kind of said with the front teeth together and sz just like the English sh, i guess?
and I think you will hear a difference if you a hear a word like 'strach' compared to a word like 'marihuana'
I as found Polish actually easier to pronounce than a lot of languages because what's written is exactly what is said with no acceptions unlike English with silent letters.
27 Nov 2007
Language / The most common Polish case used in everyday conversations? [10]

Then decline the object to plural=)
Lubię dziewczynę - I like a girl(Accusative feminine singular)
Lubię dziewczyny - I like girls(Accusative feminine plural)
Nie lubię chłopca - I don't like a boy(Genitive masculine singular)
Nie lubię chłopców - I don't like boys(Genitive masculine plural)