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Roman Dmowski- Polish Adolf Hitler?

HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #121
You mean things could have been worse than they were? I don't believe it!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
18 Mar 2009 /  #122
It was not the Germans, Germans as such could not conquer their own grandmothers backyard, it was not his awesome generals, awesome generals fucked up WW1, it was not even the famous German discipline which without a proper driving force is either useless or autodestructive.

It was all Hitler, he took all the bits and pieces and made them work together, the guy was epically twisted but the word epic is still there.

Well I think you mean he started the machine? It was German soldiers wich conquered europe in all kinda uniforms+ German generals wich were more experienced then in WW1 after the Polish campaign+ it was definatly the German discipline that made it all going or it would been more revolts or partisant activity? Or even demonstrations :O (Any discipline can't be working without a leader that's whats it all about...)

Please, your comment is really a BIG lack of KNOWLEDGE! Hitler made it all well in propaganda but the industry were going up because of some industrial persons, the military was commanded by German generals until 1941! Hitler did only 1 thing he made it all up and told people about it! He was allways sitting in his bunker/hq or driving around never shooting, commanding (Direct like a sergeant or something he just said traitor and a guy excecuted without Hitlers direct permission). He was a wiiiierd person yeppz, in person he didn't do anythign wrong except of "tricking" the German people to think they were the super race! (Teutons were sooo much better). His ideals were dreadfull but in fact just a little guy roaring about demonical things

For me in person a commander of Auschwitz were more dreadfull
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #123
Please, your comment is really a BIG lack of KNOWLEDGE!

I think he made just a joke....:)
Hitler was only a corporal after all and even as he had big plans for sure he could barely read a map!
The allies didn't said for nothing that he was their biggest help...the german forces didn't conquer most of Europe because of him but rather inspite of him!
Borrka  37 | 592  
18 Mar 2009 /  #124
the german forces didn't conquer most of Europe because of him but rather inspite of him!

At least very close to his opinion (Europe at war 1939 - 1945)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #126
in time Arabs will pull their shit together and form a rabidly anti-US block and God forbid if they ever develop nuclear weapons, U.S will get nuked.

MAJOR mistake if Arabs ever decided to nuke the US, considering we are a superpower with enough atom and hydrogen bombs to detonate Jupiter, we would bomb the shit out of them in return.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Mar 2009 /  #127
The Arabs being who exactly? Saudi Arabia, don't make me laugh. Bum buddies with the US.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #128
The Arabs being who exactly? Saudi Arabia, don't make me laugh.

You'd have to ask Sokrates.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Mar 2009 /  #129
Maybe he's unaware just how much sway they have in the Arab world. The UAE, Qatar, Yemen, even Libya now are not hostile (tho making noises again).

Oh, Egypt, I get it, LOL
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #130
Hopefully not Egypt with all those pretty pyramids.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Mar 2009 /  #131
Don't worry, I've checked Obama's diary. He was invited to bed with Hosni Mubarak and accepted ;)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #132

Mubarak....methinks me heard of that on Teletubbies...could have been another word that sounded like Mubarak..not sure.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Mar 2009 /  #134
Well I think you mean he started the machine?

More or less.

It was German soldiers wich conquered europe in all kinda uniforms+ German generals wich were more experienced then in WW1 after the Polish campaign+

Not really no, they were just as experienced, they approached the problem from a
different angle though.

Any discipline can't be working without a leader that's whats it all about...)

However it did not work to such extent under any other leader:)

Please, your comment is really a BIG lack of KNOWLEDGE!

Yes? Thanks for enlightening me, lets have a look at the rest of your knowledgeable post:)

the military was commanded by German generals until 1941! Hitler did only 1 thing he made it all up and told people about it!

He made what up? The fall of France which was partly his doing? The supplying of Demyansk pocket by air? Or maybe the creation of Gustav line. Or maybe the aproval of blitzkrieg over all other plans?

Hitler was no Napoleon but he knew his stuff allright.

German people to think they were the super race! (Teutons were sooo much better).

Actually no, Teutons were widely regarded as the medieval equivalent of Nazi by their contemporaries, given that they were excessively cruel even by medieval standards they're hardy better.

the german forces didn't conquer most of Europe because of him but rather inspite of him!

Without him the german forces would have go into Poland without significant armour (he was the one who gave go ahead to mass tank production) and attacked France the same way they did in WW1, without him there would be no attack on Russia which would attack itself, without Hitler Germany would be fucked every turn of the way from 1939 to 1942.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #135
without him there would be no attack on Russia which would attack itself

...and that would have been a bad thing in what way?

without Hitler Germany would be fucked every turn of the way from 1939 to 1942.

...now that is an interesting analysis of german history!

(Apropos Panzer...it was Guderian with his studies who actually advised the use of tanks and who developed the tactics...he was the one who "sold" them to Hitler)

The supplying of Demyansk pocket by air?

Well, that's proofed to be a two bladed sword later too!
Without that success maybe Stalingrad wouldn't had been as costly as it later became..
Randal  1 | 577  
18 Mar 2009 /  #136
Pretty pyramids, Teletubbies and Hitler history… Isn’t HB adorable? :)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #137
...now that is an interesting analysis of german history!

Because of Hitler Germany lost, was divided and had to endure the Marshall Plan. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #138
No...I don't have much patience for people who lay all blame on Hitler alone.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #139
He's just one cog in the machine, but a defective cog nonetheless.
18 Mar 2009 /  #141
Bratwurst Boy

You talking about Adolf again, aren't you?
It's not healthy.
Come on boy, find another hobby.
I can give you a few ideas...

  • .jpg

  • .jpg
Randal  1 | 577  
18 Mar 2009 /  #142
Pirate karaoke! Arrrr... :D
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Mar 2009 /  #143
...and that would have been a bad thing in what way?

In a way that all of us would be post-communist states including France, Spain and UK and Europe would be in a state of collapse?

(Apropos Panzer...it was Guderian with his studies who actually advised the use of tanks and who developed the tactics...he was the one who "sold" them to Hitler)

Apropos napoleonic lancer units it was Murat who actually advised Napoleon to armed his light cav with lances which made them a dominating force on the battlefield, a good leader is good because of his ability to take advice.

Well, that's proofed to be a two bladed sword later too!
Without that success maybe Stalingrad wouldn't had been as costly as it later became..

That was an emotional mistake rather than logical one, Hitler was far from perfect commander but his failure is more on account of his luck running out than anything else.

No...I don't have much patience for people who lay all blame on Hitler alone.

I dont blame Hitler for WW2, Germans followed him all happy and chummy, i however ascribe German success to him, of course there were many peopleworking for it but ultimately he was the one who had the vision and made it happen.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #144
You talking about Adolf again, aren't you?
It's not healthy.
Come on boy, find another hobby.

Ask your polish people, they are obsessed with him, not me...:)
Just look around this board, Adolf pops up in every second topic somehow...(and that surely not because of the lone German here)

he was the one who had the vision and made it happen.

Well he didn't...
OP Filios1  8 | 1336  
18 Mar 2009 /  #145
he was the one who gave go ahead to mass tank production

Why would this qualify as something 'great?' The potential of tanks was already promoted in England by Fuller and Hart. And this idea was then adopted to some extent by German high command. The fact Hitler gave this the go-ahead, did not make him a very intelligent man. He simply agreed to proposals sent forth by his military commanders.

As we will see, most countries had a sizeable portion of tanks in 1939. France actually had more, and better tanks than the Nazis, but simply did not know how to use them... they emphasized dispersing their tanks throughout their ranks, rather than concentrating them.

but his failure is more on account of his luck running out than anything else.

No... not really. He made some poor decisions, based on emotion, rather than common-sense. You are an idiot for giving him this God-like/ invincible aura.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
18 Mar 2009 /  #146
As we will see, most countries had a sizeable portion of tanks in 1939

In fact, Czech Republic had almost equal amount of tanks to Germans in 1938. If they were supported then by the West (at least by words and not betrayed), Germans would have never annexed Sudeten and after that other territories.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #147
Germans would have never annexed Sudeten and after that other territories.

Well, the reason for the lack of interest in supporting the Czechs were also that they never made their promise true to hold a plebiscite with their german minority but opressed them. They discriminated against them, closed their schools, killed protestors...it was quite ugly.

Lot's of Westerners weren't ready to support the Czechs against the understandable fight of the Sudeten Germans, so Hitler after he took the Sudeten back took some more and that was that...
18 Mar 2009 /  #148
Roman Dmowski- Polish Adolf Hitler?

Every country have an extremist politicians.
Not every country supports them and gave them a power to rule.
That's my opinion.
OP Filios1  8 | 1336  
18 Mar 2009 /  #149
Dmowski was not entirely at the extreme, however. I find myself agreeing with his ideas, more and more, as I read more about him. He was very intelligent, and seriously cared for the welfare of Poland, more than anything, even his own glory. This is a trait found very rarely in politicians today, and even then.
lesser  4 | 1311  
18 Mar 2009 /  #150
Dmowski was confirmed to be Polish national hero by Polish parliament, allpolitical parties backed such resolution. details of voting
(311 in favour, 35 against, 54 abstain )

Text in Polish

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