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Poland-Russia: never-ending story?

BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #901
what's ridiculous about it?

its ridicularse because it implies that aids cannot be caught once you are married

you are to blame. Not the bloke who suggested you walk instead of drive. In this case the Pope has told you not to would like him to advocate how you should are responsible for splattering that (knees up) mother brown not him!

youre quite right - if i you are stupid enough to live your life by someone elses teachings then you only have yourself to blame

are these words needed to make your ever so complicated (NOT) point comprehensible to a Polish person?

no - as you say, there ws nothing coimplicated about the sentence

why did you take offence at my use of those words...?
matthias 3 | 429  
14 Jan 2008 /  #902
that intention comment wasn't the best. it was said because JP was being compared to hitler and stalin and I was saying hitler and stalins aim was to kill and the popes wasn't(even though he didnt but if you think he did) isthatu how did the pope contribute to aids in africa.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #903
as i said in my seemingly offensive pani bacia post - it might not have been the popes aim to kill but through his actions he was indirectly responsible for many deaths
matthias 3 | 429  
14 Jan 2008 /  #904
bubbawoo tell us how indirectly he was responsible.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #905
because he preached abstinence rather than protection
matthias 3 | 429  
14 Jan 2008 /  #906
if they listened to him would it have not worked to reduce the spread of AIDs?
osiol 55 | 3,921  
14 Jan 2008 /  #907
preached abstinence

Which can be taken up (pardon the pun if there is one) or ignored by anyone.

rather than protection

Which can be denied to others.

If protection is not available because someone has deemed it to be wrong, it is not an option.
So the punishment for the 'sin' of fornication is death by AIDS?

edit: that last sentence should be:
So the punishment for the 'sin' of fornication is death by AIDS, if you're poor?
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #908
yes, but preaching abstinence shows a lack of understanding human nature and a worrying degree of nieivity, especially from someone in such a position of influence. its a bit like saying if you dont want to put on weight then dont eat - a little bit silly

If protection is not available because someone has deemed it to be wrong, it is not an option.
So the punishment for the 'sin' of fornication is death by AIDS?

which re-enforces my point
matthias 3 | 429  
14 Jan 2008 /  #909
I have sex and im not married. but you can't blame JP for spread of aids. if people would stop having sex and wait till marriage it would stop spread of aids. so if I get aids im not going to blame the pope. if I didn't have sex I would have AIDS. im responsible
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #910
if people would stop having sex and wait till marriage it would stop spread of aids

no. we have already established that you can catch aids just as easily once you are married. being married doesn not provide protection from aids - has your church taught you this?

if I didn't have sex I would have AIDS

now youre confusing me. if you do have aids i suggest you get married as quickly as possible. apparently its a cure
matthias 3 | 429  
14 Jan 2008 /  #911
idiot you can catch aids yes when married however your one partner gets AIDS. unlike when you sleep all over more then one person catches aids. so when married you pass it to 1 when sleeping around you can spread to 20. I don't understand how this is a difficult topic. the issue isn't if JP was being realistic. don't change the subject. issue is if he's reponsible for the spread. I miss spoke about that statement you said I am confusing you
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #912
youre either a fool or drunk
superjay - | 47  
14 Jan 2008 /  #913
because he preached abstinence rather than protection

that is a central tenet of the Catholic faith. As leader of the Catholic church he could hardly preach anything else, could he?

seemingly offensive pani bacia post

wasn't offensive...I was suspicious of your intentions, maybe I did interpret what I saw as superflous language as an unnecessary "dumbing down" by you & wrongly pre-judged your disposition towards Polish sincere apologies if you were just having fun with the Polish language on a Polish forum...a quite natural thing to do
matthias 3 | 429  
14 Jan 2008 /  #914
don't say im a fool without explaining why. so I can see how SMART you are.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #915
if people would stop having sex and wait till marriage it would stop spread of aids.

believing that if people would stop having sex and wait till marriage it would stop spread of aids is pretty foolish. you dont even have to be SMART to work out thats a no-goer
matthias 3 | 429  
14 Jan 2008 /  #916
maybe I didn't say it the best. everybody remains celibate then they get married. how do those people have AIDS if they remained celibate. so they can't pass it to their mates. lets pretend they do have aids however like you want to think then only it would be spread to their spouse. however if you aren't celibate and have aids chances are you are going to have more than one partner. so instead you infect 4 people and those 4 infect 4. get my drift. JP might have not been realistic but if people listened to his teachings then it would work to stop the spread of aids. So because people didn't listen he should not be blamed for that.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #917
so the choice is:

dont have sex and probably not catch aids

have sex with a condom and probably not catch aids

hmmm... wonder which one looks the winner to the average african...?

everybody remains celibate then they get married.

now i know youre not living in the real world - nice try
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6,148  
14 Jan 2008 /  #918
so... if i drive down the street with my eyes closed and without the intention of killing pani babcia does that mean im not to blame when she gets splattered...?

Think... It doesn't hurt...
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #919
it did for pani babcia


that wasnt your mum was it...?
matthias 3 | 429  
14 Jan 2008 /  #920
k I agree so how is JP responsible. they could have wore a condom it would have been k or they could have listened to JP and remained celibate and it would have been k. pope didn't say don't use condom and fu*k around. he said don't use condon and don't have sex. I know what your saying because he wasn't realistic. but that doesn't make him responsible. Example I preach to the public not to steal but obviously that's unrealistic. people steal that's natural. am I responsible because I preach not to steal when im not not being realistics.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
14 Jan 2008 /  #921
Example I preach to the public not to steal but obviously that's unrealistic. people steal that's natural. am I responsible because I preach not to steal when im not not being realistics.

if youre the head of a church whose followers revere then you really should take responsibility for what you say...just like if you are the general of an army you should take responsibility for your orders
matthias 3 | 429  
14 Jan 2008 /  #922
what's he to say use condoms when having sex before your married. come on be realistic. he's the pope. he can't preach something like that his alternative is that he preaches celebicy which if followed will stop spread of AIDs. the people who are responsible are the people not having safe sex or having sex. plus maybe the reason he was so revered was because his teachings though unrealistic were pure.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
15 Jan 2008 /  #923
how is JP responsible.

hes not..

its up to the govt to provide these people with education and means. but because
they are a poor country, its the last thing they worry about because there is
probably faster killers then aides ..

just like it is the govt of britian to provide the schools with education, and part of
that education is sex education. one which we hope our children will learn that
if they have sex, they should be using protection so they wont get aides...

a Pope is not responsible for making sure the whole world has safe sex.. my god
give the man his rest.. it is up to you PERSONALLY to either take or leave the information given to you..
z_darius 14 | 3,964  
15 Jan 2008 /  #924
if youre the head of a church whose followers revere then you really should take responsibility for what you say...just like if you are the general of an army you should take responsibility for your orders

If we are talking about good ways to avoid HIV then I can't think of a better way than that the pope advised. Rubber breaks. HIV is not airborne so abstinence surely works. Is it easy? I dunno. Never tried that method :)

The problem in some African countries are also local beliefs that scr... I mean having sex with a virgin (without a condom) will cure the infected man.
matthias 3 | 429  
15 Jan 2008 /  #925
patryjca I totally agree with what your saying. im even surprised I had to argue with some people about something so simple to understand. Dariuz good point. What's this world coming to when I have to defend a person like JP. you should question, people's motives and actions but you also need to know when to trust and identify those who want to help the world. lets not be paranoid. JP was one of the few good leaders we ever had..
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
15 Jan 2008 /  #926
I mean having sex with a virgin (without a condom) will cure the infected man.

so all the popes teaching fell on deaf ears anyway. hes not to blame, what were
they doing before he came to see them? same things.

patryjca I totally agree with what your saying. im even surprised I had argue with some people about something so simple to understand.

well sometimes we try to argue a point and both can have points but I see where
your coming from...

what bubbas point is, that you can still get aides married or not, because sometimes
the partener your with may not be quite as honest with his/her past relationships
and so therefore the risk is higher.. and also some are drug users, thats a high
risk right there .. most drug users contract aides from needles that were dirty ...
and your partener can also cheat.. but no one can predict that , you have to hope
that you will be safe with each other. but thats not always the case when temptation
knocks around every corner..

its a choice though, even in marriage, thats a choice we make, whom our partner
is, what we will practice as young teens to adults.. what beliefs we have, morals etc
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
15 Jan 2008 /  #927
if youre the head of a church whose followers revere then you really should take responsibility for what you say...just like if you are the general of an army you should take responsibility for your orders

Having talked to several Afrikaans in the Uk, mainly from Congo and Nigeria, it seems that even if Jesus himself would said to them to use condoms they would still have sex without them Why? Because "having sex with condom is like licking a lollipop through a paper" - as one of them explained it to me.

If JPII was so influential figure than how come he didn't influence those people not to have sex before marriage? This accusation is just silly if you ask me.

No,but I dont see anyone rushing to be the next nazi party leader or head of international communisim? If your the boss of a corrupt organisation with a history of evil deeds you take on some of the responsibility.

He did take responsibilities for the churches actions in the past and apologized for it's misdeeds the same as your government apologized for the colonialism era and all the atrocities committed by the British Empire in past centuries. I still don’t understand how come it is OK to blame today’s church for crusades and Spanish inquisition but it’s a serious faux pas to blame the Windsor’s for the slave trade? Maybe you could explain it to me.
lesser 4 | 1,311  
15 Jan 2008 /  #928
Here we have clearly collision of socialist and libertarian mindsets. I bet that if Ishatsu and Bubba are fat then they blame goverment, because it means that governmental program against obesity failed!

Ishatsu, According to your logic, this is shame to be be leader of the UK for example. Crusades, death camps in Africa, colonization.

Crusades. Muslims invaded Christian inhabited Jerusalem and now Christians are supposed to feel guilty because their ancestors tried to liberate their Christian brothers?? Perhaps the Muslim should apologize, they are the ones who started all these wars.

Inquisition. Poland had also Catholic king and nothing like this occurred. Why? Because Spanish inquisition was prepared by Spanish rulers for their particular interest. Religion was just an excuse.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
15 Jan 2008 /  #929
well, this thread certainly shows who's been blinded by religion - matthias, z_darius, Matyjasz, lesser - all polish, no

come on guys, you need to learn how to think for yourselves
ShelleyS 14 | 2,893  
15 Jan 2008 /  #930
Okay, Im not sitting on the fence here, but having read some of the posts, I can see both arguments, but I have to say that Christian teachings to simple people who are told that condoms are 'bad' isnt the greatest thing in the world - but also I dont see how the pope was responsible since the countries with the largest proportion of AIDS suffers are usually where the poor and uneducated come from and access to condoms isnt the easist (I would think) - education was late coming to these places so who is to blame?

Because "having sex with condom is like licking a lollipop through a paper" - as one of them explained it to me.

There are variations on that one Mr M, its down to a woman to say "no", its not only Africans who try to avoid using condoms :(

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