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Poland-Russia: never-ending story?

Atilla  1 | 10  
16 Jul 2007 /  #1
For the past several yrs we've been wondering here in Russia: why? Could a whole nation be an amalgamation of all fears for Poland?

We have a long history of mutual claims. So what? Romanovs are gone, so as Jageillos. Russia suffered the communist regime as well. We lost millions.

Actually, I'm asking due to the fact that such in somewhat hysterical foreign policy would never counter to people's opinion in a democratic society.
truhlei  10 | 332  
16 Jul 2007 /  #2
I'm also Moskal.
I think we are dealing with another Poland than that of 19 century.
In those days Poles and Litwyns were opressed by Russian Empire but despite sufferings people didn't loose their nobility, szlachetnosc. They were brave enemies of opression but always looking for nobility charateristics even among Russians. In Pan Tadeusz Mickiewicz gave an example of Russian captain Rykow.

My mother's ancestors also from catholic Belarus-Litwa, a poor szlachta didn't have evident reasons to love Russians but they didn't hate Russians. To hate was below their personal dignity.

Now peasantry spirit governs in Poland today. People will never understand your idea that "Russia suffered the communist regime as well".
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Jul 2007 /  #3
Now peasantry spirit governs in Poland today.

You are looking for problems, kacap ?
16 Jul 2007 /  #4
I think our goverment do not represent polish society attitude towards Russia, which from my observations is not bad, positive I would say. This what polish and russian goverment do has not much to do with polish people attitude towards normal people living in Russia. In fact there is a common thought that Russia goverment has always treated its people very bad and there is a bit of compassion from just a human to a human. I dont find anything more negative towards Russia than towards different nations. Even if I remember correcty according to recent research polish dislike the most Germany (which is a shame!) and next is Romania (Im not sure though), Russia is low in the ranking.
truhlei  10 | 332  
16 Jul 2007 /  #5
Grzegorz, you are confirming my post, aren't you?
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
16 Jul 2007 /  #6
re: We have a long history of mutual claims

- 'Mutual claims,' indeed? Meaning we Poles have done as much evil to you as you to us?

Another Russki liar?

You should concert your singing with that of a certain aggressive Kraut haunting this forum; he too seems to claim that the Poles have done as much, if not more, wrong to the Krauts as the later to the Poles.

We shall never forget and never forgive.

And personally, I shall never forgive you, Russki beastly murderers, for what you did to my family in 1939.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
16 Jul 2007 /  #7
According to the CBOS (Centrum Badania Opinii SpoĹ‚ecznej - Society’s Opinion Research center?), the most disliked nationalities by Poles are Arabs, Gypsies, Romanians and Turks.
16 Jul 2007 /  #8
Yes I think you missed Germany here, no?
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
16 Jul 2007 /  #9
re: Even if I remember correcty according to recent research polish dislike the most Germany (which is a shame!)

- Actually, isn't it you who are a shame to this forum? Where did you take it from about the allegedly very negative Polish attitude towards Romanians?

And yes, the Poles honestly dislike and despise the Russians.

More than the Germans actually.

And also we dislike the so-called 'ukranians' - for the unspeakable slaughters of the Polish people in the Eastern Borderlands in 1940s.

You mentioned you were partly ukrainian, didn't you? The ukranians ae very close to the russkies, aren't they?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
16 Jul 2007 /  #10
We shall never forget and never forgive.

this explains alot.. yes, you are never going to get out of your own self inflicted

my interpretation of catholics is not this.. we all know what the good man teaches
and we all try to be those forgiving people.. except for some!!
16 Jul 2007 /  #11
Actually my granfather had to espape from the land where is Ukraine right now in order not to be killed so Im not sure if there is some Ukraina blood in me or not. Half of my family comes from the east. If you are going to hate me for that I despair. And no I do not feel like I am a shame. Look at your post and realise that you look like best Giertych mate right now and that is the real shame :/.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
16 Jul 2007 /  #12
No. It seems that 66% of questioned Poles either liked or felt neutral about Ze Germans. Only 33% disliked them. The percentage of poles that disliked Arabs is 66%, Gypsies 58%, Romanians 52% and Turks 48%, so as you see Germans on that list are quite far away from the top.

Source: turystyka.wp.pl/artykul.html?wid=8545988&katn=3:0&lok=&ticaid=141ca
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
16 Jul 2007 /  #13
re: you are never going to get out of your own self inflicted

- What right do you have to preach to me like that? Especially coming from a country that has inflicted so much pain on countless peoples? Perhaps that is the reason you dare to talk to me in this vein - to get enforced 'forgiveness' for such as yourself?
16 Jul 2007 /  #14
How would you feel if someone hated you because you are polish for the crimes that you have never done. Yes we are hated by some for being polish. Are you happy with that?

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
16 Jul 2007 /  #15
What right do you have to preach to me like that?

then what right do you have to call me a nazi??

your gonna dish it out be prepared to take it !!
truhlei  10 | 332  
16 Jul 2007 /  #16
I think our goverment do not represent polish society attitude towards Russia, which from my observations is not bad, positive I would say.


Please pardon my previous post. It's clear I'm sure there are different opinions in Poland today. The problem is that I managed to contact nearly only with Poles that were angry and agressive and didn't try to demonstrate good manners. Besides that many Polish films penetrated in Russia (exept historical ones) have also agressive and inmoral protagonists (beginning from 1970 approximately).

As ro Russian "friends" as Erzy Urban they are worse than enemies. They are or the same nature as those Russians - Polish "friends", as we the Russians call them liberasts (like pederasts). But this topic is away from our discussion.

Imagine: people of the 19 century (Poles and Litwins) were like English Victorians. People my ancestors told me and those described by such writers as Orzezkowa (sorry for incorrect spelling). There are no such types among my contacts (except an old (84 years old) Pole) in Moscow or in Internet comunity. There are no such protagonists in films today
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
16 Jul 2007 /  #17
re: Look at your post and realise that you look like best Giertych mate right now and that is the real shame :/

- Really? Why specifically would I ''look like best Giertych mate right now'? Why would it be such a shame to look so?

So you're one of those Giertych-haters? Why do you hate the man so much? Any rational reasons?

And yes, no matter what the stats say, the Poles have a deep resentment towards Russians and 'ukrainians.'

I have never met a Pole disliking the Romanians. Perhaps the politically correct CBOS means the Gypsies from Romania panhandling and stealing on Polish streets? There are scores of them e.g. in London too.

re: your gonna dish it out be prepared to take it !!

- And this I'm not going to forget too. Yes, your attitude is no different than that of a Nazi, such as buttburst. No wonder you defend him so much.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12018  
16 Jul 2007 /  #18
No wonder you defend him so much.

Hey....look what she made me wear!!!

szarlotka  8 | 2205  
16 Jul 2007 /  #19
Hey....look what she made me wear!!!

And very fetching it is too BB.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12018  
16 Jul 2007 /  #20
You think so? *looks doubting into mirror*
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
16 Jul 2007 /  #21
re: Polish nation also did crimes in the past

- What 'crimes'?

You should be put into prison for these words - if Poland were Poland.

Another Polonophobic racist?
16 Jul 2007 /  #22
Oh no you are right we are saint like angels they are bad we are good, black and white.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
16 Jul 2007 /  #23
You think so?

Probably a good idea not to let Greg see you wear it though
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12018  
16 Jul 2007 /  #24
Oh...he likes me anyway! :)

Daisy  3 | 1211  
16 Jul 2007 /  #25
Probably a good idea not to let Greg see you wear it though

He's got a photo of Bettywurst pinned up on his bedroom wall ;)
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
16 Jul 2007 /  #26
re: they are bad we are good

- You say exactly the same stuff as German neo-Nazis; you look exactly like their best mate.
16 Jul 2007 /  #27
It is irony if you didnt know.
truhlei  10 | 332  
16 Jul 2007 /  #28
We shall never forget and never forgive.

And personally, I shall never forgive you, Russki beastly murderers, for what you did to my family in 1939.

A just hate!
But are you sure there are no Poles who colaborated with Soviet murderers? No their sons and grandsons? Are you sure they don't prosper now as postcommunists. Prosper better than the sons of their victims?

Are you sure their participation was lesser than that of ancestors of each of 142 million Russki beastlies?
The challenge is that Russians are long away. You can hate then without any contact. As to Polish postcommunists, they are nearby and it is quite uneasy to fight against them.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
16 Jul 2007 /  #29
to get enforced 'forgiveness' for such as yourself?

thats funny, I dont remember saying I liked war either??

and matter of fact was against the war.. but I run the country I suppose according
to puzzy.. so it was my fault that so many have perished.. right puzzy.. thats what
you insinuate that I am responsible for all these deaths.. one lone american
citizen whos been judged by the puzzler...

Booo- fricken ---Whooooooooooo..
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
16 Jul 2007 /  #30
re: It is irony if you didnt know

- You mean you didnt really mean what you scribbled? Why don't you scribble straghtforward? Maybe because you've got nothing important to say?

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