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Poland Betrayed in WW2

z_darius  14 | 3960  
27 Jan 2008 /  #31
the Romans betrayed Britain. How dare they?
So I urge everyone here not to buy Italian cars.

Who'd like to own a 5th century AD vehicle anyway ;)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
27 Jan 2008 /  #32
sorry darius, did you take my mocking you as debating... your comprehension skills need polishing. oh well, keep trying

i was cooked lunch today by an italian and i thanked him for it - next time he does anything for me i shant show him my gratitude quite so redily
osiol  55 | 3921  
27 Jan 2008 /  #33
Fiats don't have knives on their wheels.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #34
If Poland "fought for Britain" can some one tell me the number of Polish divisions that defended India?or fought against the Japs?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
27 Jan 2008 /  #35
your name would probably be klaus or franz or ermintrude or something like

What's wrong with Ermintrude???

isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #36
a fixation to daisy sucking...silly straw hat wearing....
z_darius  14 | 3960  
27 Jan 2008 /  #37
can some one tell me the number of Polish divisions that defended India?

Defended India from whom? From the English?

the [Indian] Congress pointed out the inherent contradiction in the British argument of going to war with Nazi Germany for the sake of freedom, since India was denied that same freedom
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
27 Jan 2008 /  #38
a fixation to daisy sucking...silly straw hat wearing....


27 Jan 2008 /  #39
to the poster on the previous page "poland first to fight" - this is bollocks poland was the first to be invaded and defeated not first to fight. the british when declaring war on germany were the first to fight.

why should britain have to fight against the reds after they already went bankrupt deafeating germany and saving poland from the nazis. fight your own battles.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #40
Defended India from whom? From the English?

well,OK,kind a the response I was expecting from yourself....read a little on the japs intentions vis a vis India,and compare to the fact that Britain had been prepering for Indian home rule for some years before the war in the far east.

anyone who hasnt got their head up where the sun dont shine got an opinion?
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Jan 2008 /  #41
well,OK,kind a the response I was expecting from yourself....read a little on the japs intentions vis a vis India,and compare to the fact that Britain had been prepering for Indian home rule for some years before the war in the far east.

Back on the right side today then are we?
27 Jan 2008 /  #42
Actually, England did NOT come to the rescue. Initially England didn't have the balls, then it was too weak,

I remember my late grandfather telling me that when the second world war started, Britain could hardly organise a day out to the seaside let alone invade Germany.

He was in the Army for most of his life and fought throughout the war and after, beginning in the 3rd Royal Horse Artillery, which eventually became a part of The British 7th Armoured Division "The Desert Rats".

In 1938 in Egypt, he said the that they were so badly equipped with First World War vintage equipment that they had to wreck three trucks to make one, and if anyone had attacked them in the 1st few months of being there they would not have stood a chance.

So it wasn't a case of not having the "balls" as you say, but not having the other equipment to the job.
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #43
immigration, in case you didn't notice Britain didn't help Poland as a selfless act. After Poland, the risk was that Britain would soon be next. So Britain joined in to save their own asses. "So fight your own battles" stupid comment. This was also Britains battle. Also britain should fight its own battles not beg America to save their a*ses.

Also don't try to dress up Britains cowardness because thats exactly what is was. Fear of Stalin
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #44
UK,I shouldnt bother if I were you,you wont get a reasond argument on here,just rehashed old Polish Communist propaganda dipped in a soupcon of Polish nationalism with a side order of woe is me self pity.....

(see above....)
(and probably below..)
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #45
Truth hurts, maybe you can inform me on the propaganda in UK. Let me guess they saved the world.lol
27 Jan 2008 /  #46
hitler NEVER intended to go to war with britain, he wanted to avoid it at all costs. Britain and france went to war explicitly to defned poland.

I remember my late grandfather telling me that when the second world war started, Britain could hardly organise a day out to the seaside let alone invade Germany.

thats what an ungrateful oven dodging polak would say
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #47
lol immigration. Your history is a little fuzzy. Both countries loved Poland so much they came to its defence. lol Whose listening to the propaganda now.

buddy I think everybody can agree your embarrassing the UK.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Jan 2008 /  #48
ukpolska wrote:
I remember my late grandfather telling me that when the second world war started, Britain could hardly organise a day out to the seaside let alone invade Germany.

thats what an ungrateful oven dodging polak would say

He is talking about a British veteren of WW2 you warm stikey thing on the bottom of my shoe.
27 Jan 2008 /  #49
hitler NEVER intended to go to war with britain, he wanted to avoid it at all costs.

You see Hitler, he's your mum, he is. You love him.
27 Jan 2008 /  #50
UK,I shouldnt bother if I were you,you wont get a reasond argument on here,just rehashed old Polish Communist propaganda dipped in a soupcon of Polish nationalism with a side order of woe is me self pity.....

Good point and taken :O)..... shame this Polish reject gets so wound up shouting his mouth off from America and when he comes back he will realise what terrible misconceptions he has!!!!
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #51
UKpolska, I actually go to Poland every year. I guess your the expert on poland lol. you need to get out their so polish people can tell you what they really think, not what they tell you so not to offend you.
Davey  13 | 388  
27 Jan 2008 /  #52
poles always have been a bunch of wind up merchants due a good kicking - were then and are now - and then they wonder why they keep getting dumped on

They came back after 123 years of being non-existent, I think the Polish are very patriotic and did what they could to survive.
27 Jan 2008 /  #53
UKpolska, I actually go to Poland every year. I guess your the expert on poland lol. you need to get out their so polish people can tell what really think, not what they tell you so not to offend you.

Listen turd, I have lived here for seven years and know more about Polish people and their suffering then you will ever even dream of.

My wife is Polish and her grandmother was in Majdanek for two years and was made to stand in a line every morning while the guard would walk behind them and tap on every forth or fifth shoulder.

Then according to the guards mood they were drowned in the cess pit, hung or if they were really lucky they were shot.
She was raped four times by Ukrainian guards in the camp and left for dead once in a ditch.
My wife's uncle was a priest who died last year, and he used to preach in the churches about the wrongs of communism and was arrested and beaten up.

My wife's grandfather lost his brick factory to the communists who decided that one person should not own such land and property, consequently 62 local people lost their jobs when the factory was torn down, the stress caused him to have cancer and he died two years later.

I could go on and on and on, but these are not unusual stories of Polish people, unfortunately, they are common stories of Polish people and what makes me so proud about knowing these Polish people is that they say life goes on and they never give up.

So don't come here with your negative self masterbatery pity and make out that you are a poor Polish person, because you are nothing to the proud Polish people that I am privileged to know.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
27 Jan 2008 /  #54
UK,I shouldnt bother if I were you,you wont get a reasond argument on here,just rehashed old Polish Communist propaganda dipped in a soupcon of Polish nationalism with a side order of woe is me self pity.....

Oh and polish inferiority complex. You forgot about that. :)

As for ther subject of UK not being able to invade Germany in 1939, nobody actually disagreed with that statement. We all agree on that one. Now the question is, did the British government knew that it is unable to carry out an attack on Germany when they decided to sign up a military agreement with Poland? If they knew, than it would mean that they deceived Poland. If they didn't, than what does it say about them? Nothing good I’m afraid.

The whole slogan that "the allies sold Poland in 1939" was a product of Communist propaganda. That's a fact and I'm not going to deny it. Still maybe a more interesting topic would be your denial ishatu to admit that the British government lied the polish government that they are able to help them out against Germany in order to keep Poland away from allying with the Nazis? I’m open for a mature debate on this one.


They came back after 123 years of being non-existent, I think the Polish are very patriotic and did what they could to survive.

Don't mind Bubba, Davey. He's just angry, and doesn't really mind what he has just written.
27 Jan 2008 /  #55
Now the question is, did the British government knew that it is unable to carry out an attack on Germany when they decided to sign up a military agreement with Poland?

So are you saying they should have been honest and said "sorry we can't do anything for you because we cannot carry out any promises", strange logic that!!
celinski  31 | 1258  
27 Jan 2008 /  #56
"the allies sold Poland in 1939"

It was more towards the end of the war that Poland was taken over by Stalin. Yes, it would have been nice if Britian showed up in 39 like they said they would but this was decided before Poland was invaded. Maybe just there declairing of war on Germany did something. It was after Italy 1944, that Poland could have been restored. This is interesting in Churchill's notes (see above) sorry it took up so much room.

because you are nothing to the proud Polish people that I am privileged to know.

I just felt I had to say something to this remark. Being in Poland does not make you more Polish. It does not make the ones exiled, less Polish. We could say we lost a country and paid the highest price. Why divide your blood the way Russia was able to do. If I were in Poland I would want to know about the 40% that died or were exiled. After the takeover it was a death sentence to return to Poland if you served in the military, enimies of the state, Communist Poland. Are you aware the exiles were mostly military and their family that fought for Poland?
OP matthias  3 | 429  
27 Jan 2008 /  #57
Listen you have a Polish wife, does that make you an expert on the Polish people. Those stories you told, I have dozens of those in my family also. What's your point. That has nothing to do with the topic.

Strange logic, no I guess its better to lie.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
27 Jan 2008 /  #58
So are you saying they should have been honest and said "sorry we can't do anything for you because we cannot carry out any promises", strange logic that!!

I'm saying that GB made promises they knew the are not able to keep. they just wanted to keep Poland away from allaying with the Nazis.

Here is a bit of my post regarding this issue.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
27 Jan 2008 /  #59
the most imporant thing is to DRAW CONCLUSIONS ...
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Jan 2008 /  #60
I'm of an opinion that we were being played, but not betrayed.

Yes,you were played.The only other alternative was to allie with Soviet Union meaning that you should accept soviet troops inside Poland.Or give the Germans Gdansk and the main road arteries to launch attack against Soviet Union.(like Sweden did for example).

I do not know if polish public would accept any of these alternatives.The british plan was to make as many enemies against Germans as possible,to turn any folk against Germans even if it meant that the folk would have to be occupied.

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