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Why has Poland been attacked so often by its neighbors?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
14 Jun 2008 /  #91
Then you should open a topic like: "Why are the Poles so f*cking resilient?" rather then disturb a topic about the violent past in this part of Europe...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Jun 2008 /  #92
Since his grand parents didnt have live through air raids and occupation he doesnt have a proper understanding BB, most Europeans see it's more positive to move on, those outside see only the negatives and think that we should all hate each other still!
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2008 /  #93
Why has Poland been attacked so often by its neighbors

Jealousy for polish girls?Can you imagine a starving German next to the source?
OP masks98  27 | 289  
14 Jun 2008 /  #94
those outside see only the negatives and think that we should all hate each other still!

If I ever suggested anything to that effect, I apologise that's not what I meant - but Where did I ever say anything like that?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Jun 2008 /  #95
I didnt suggest anything, but you can not for one minute understand how it feels to live in a country that is being bombed day in day out, living in an air raid shelter or at worst living in a country where the street signs are changed into another language and you are forbidden to speak your own language...America has never had a war encroach on it's own country, apart from 9/11 which whilst was devasting and I can say the whole world was shocked and felt nothing but sorrow by that cowardist act....but that was one day....The Great War and WW11 took many lives of which most were Europeans but we live together now and have formed a bond and common goal...so your topic serves no real purpose....
OP masks98  27 | 289  
14 Jun 2008 /  #96
well of course I wouldn't know what that was like, I was born in 1984! How old are you that you know know so much, your prose seems so youthful!

My topic served a purpose,

1. was to share some impressions as a foreigner
2. was to share some basic things I learned and by starting a discussion learn more
3. Hear what Poles had to say
3. BratwurstBoy's way of making everything german just irks me.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
14 Jun 2008 /  #97
3. BratwurstBoy's way of making everything german just irks me.

Aren't we all guilty of similar approach concerning our own countries?
Germans want to make everything German.
Poles want things Polish (yup, Jesus was Polish)
Americans... they are probably the only ones who succeeded in the effort (you're with us, or you're against us - said dubya, and the nation cheered and applauded, much like the commie monkeys during commie party conventions.)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Jun 2008 /  #98
well of course I wouldn't know what that was like, I was born in 1984! How old are you that you know know so much, your prose seems so youthful!

Of course you wouldnt know what it is like to live on rassions or to have your home flattened or to have to be sent away to live with a strange family in the country because where you live is under daily bombardment...you dont know this because you havent had parents or grand parents to re-live their accounts...

You have no idea how old I am and as for my prose, you are obviously quite naive in your thought with regards to age.

And how dare you bring Mr BB in to this! His debates are with Polish people about things that concern two nations. Something you should keep your nose out of!
OP masks98  27 | 289  
14 Jun 2008 /  #99
Americans... they are probably the only ones who succeeded in the effort (you're with us, or you're against us - said dubya, and the nation cheered and applauded, much like the commie monkeys during commie party conventions.)

Yep that irks the crap out of me too.

And Shelley, hearing stories doesn't mean you lived it, I heard plenty stories, I spoke with Elie Wiesel! But I never came close to living it. that still makes that whole digression about germans tribes occupying polish land irrelevant, same with the whole thing about nordic blood etc. those are just petty trivialities.

I don't see why it concerns him more than it concerns me, he had no input in such affairs, neither did I, so I'd say we both have the same distance relative to that period.

Yeah I don't know your age, the quip about youor prose was a joke Sir, lighten up.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Jun 2008 /  #100
To be honest,the question is.Has Poland really been invaded so many times?
I dont mean the invasions are fiction,what I mean is,when you look at Europes troubled history as a whole and the general amount of invading and sabre rsttling down the ages ,was Poland any more hard done by than anyone else?
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195  
14 Jun 2008 /  #101
I think it has been, theres good deal of arable land in Poland.
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2008 /  #102
was Poland any more hard done by than anyone else?

Poland just had the luck to have some special neighbours.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Jun 2008 /  #103
And the Greeks had 'special' neighbours too ;-) I can see why you have such an affinity
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2008 /  #104
And the Greeks had 'special' neighbours too ;-)

Do not remind me of this tragedy.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Jun 2008 /  #105
Yeah but I don't see many Greeks crying!
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2008 /  #106
Would you personally be so brave as to cross Albania,especially some northern regions?And there are the Turks,the Slavomacedonians,the gypsies,all the nice guys around.

Pity Greece does not share a border with Serbia.It would be much easier for everyone.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Jun 2008 /  #107
Who picks the olives?

As for the Serbs you align yourself with them....and f*ck you from Europe!
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2008 /  #108
Who picks the olives?


As for the Serbs you align yourself with them

You will align yourself too soon when they get into EU.
Serbs are good guys,you will see.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
15 Jun 2008 /  #109
It seems that most countries have century old differences with their neighbours...I bet if Greece would have had a border with Serbia Southern would not wish for it!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
15 Jun 2008 /  #110
You will align yourself too soon when they get into EU.


Serbs are good guys,you will see.

I like Croatians.
Crow  154 | 9558  
15 Jun 2008 /  #111
You will align yourself too soon when they get into EU.


good. It is good that open enemies of Slavdom hate Serbs.

You are aware that Serbains announcing end of your domination over Slavs. We would light you the candle

Long live Poland! Long live Russia! Long live Slavic Alliance!

I like Croatians.

i am neutral on Croats. I refusing to hate them, because i see them as victims of German (Germanic, in general) manipulations. But, you... you probably have your reasons to like them

i am curious to see, what you say for Catholic Serbs. Croats (their schoolars) say that Catholic Serbs are product of Serbian propaganda.

What you think about Catholic Serbs and their story, Shelly?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
15 Jun 2008 /  #112
Catholics are Catholics Crow regardless of their nationality, as for propaganda since I dont live in the country and the topic isnt considered news worthy in my coutnry then I cant really have an informed point of view.

i am neutral on Croats. I refusing to hate them, because i see them as victims of German (Germanic, in general) manipultions. But, you... you probably have your reasons to like them

It's quite obvious you have issues with Germany and neutral means nothing really, you refuse to hate them, you have laid into them a few times which makes me think the oposite. I like Croatians because my experience of visiting the country was a very positive one, nice, well mannered people who considering what they have been through is nothing short of a miracle. I've never been to Serbia, simply because I have no desire to ever visit and my opinion of them is quite negative having seen what happened in the 90s and what has happened recently.
Crow  154 | 9558  
15 Jun 2008 /  #113
simply because I have no desire to ever visit and my opinion of them is quite negative having seen what happened in the 90s and what has happened recently

that what happened in 90s was inspired and organized by your governmant (among else of false west).

Serbs won`t nor forgive, nor forget to Britain that you, togather with Germany, taken part in propaganda demonization of Serbs. You harmed us greately and now, i can tell to you: I would be happy when Russia finish with you and, that day would come, as we all know, because you seek for troubles and it would be given to you what goes for you

I would be even happier when Poles understand what b***** and false allay partners are you
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Jun 2008 /  #114
You harmed us greately and now, i can tell to you: I would be happy when Russia finish with you and, that day would come, as we all know, because you seek for troubles and it would be given to you what goes for you


this is BullS**T u choose to come into a forum and say such things and
u r blaming who? is this how it works??

I had so much respect.. its one thing to come in and explain things and talk
about them, but u r wishing bad on the wrong person.. maybe all of us dont
understand, never been there, so what right do u or anyone have to wish
something to happen like that?? its all Govt and u know it.. so why say something so vengeful to someone who takes no part in warring/people dying

and is only a citizen of that country?

if its all about revenge and death then u do have issues.. we all need to talk
about it but the hate u feel is driving u in the wrong direction and I strongly
suggest u get a grip on it.. dont let it lead u blindly..

u should apologize to Shelley for stating what u did.. I know u r more a gentleman
then that.. she alone didnt cause the problems Serbia is facing and she alone
isnt responsible for what british/german "GOVTS" cause.

and if I took this post wrong I apologize in advance
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Jun 2008 /  #115
she alone didnt cause the problems Serbia

Are you saying she had an accomplice?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Jun 2008 /  #116
lol dariusz

come on.. this is serious stuff.. I think the russ/ger /brits will pay speeches
are just as extremists.. maybe thats not the intentions. but it seems like
hes getting angry.. am I wrong?

we are all here to learn and try to not make these same mistakes..
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Jun 2008 /  #117
that what happened in 90s was inspired and organized by your governmant (among else of false west).

ha ha ha,your a complete fruit loop crowboy!! WTF do you think our governments had to gain from that? For a start,wtf ,no one here had heard of serbia untill you guys started raping and murdering your way around the balkans (just like your nazi loving cetnik ancestors).

this is serious stuff.. I think the russ/ger /brits will pay speeches
are just as extremists..

Its the ramblings of the type of bum often found with a tin foil helmet and large collection of used milk botttles in an old shopping cart....he's a loser,a sad,fascist loser,but a loser non the less who should be either pitied or ignored...
cyg  5 | 119  
16 Jun 2008 /  #118
ha ha ha,your a complete fruit loop crowboy!! WTF do you think our governments had to gain from that? For a start,wtf ,no one here had heard of serbia untill you guys started raping and murdering your way around the balkans (just like your nazi loving cetnik ancestors).

Do you really think that the Serbs were the only ones raping and pillaging? Not that they didn't have some real bastards in their ranks, but the whole thing wasn't as one-sided as western media would have you believe.

On the other hand, the Serbs aren't helping themselves very much - instead of ranting and threatening people, they should look into hiring some REALLY good media relations firms to rework their image. That would work a whole lot better, IMHO.
cucko  - | 8  
16 Jun 2008 /  #119
Becuse POLAND always do something against all normal mind activity. POLAND and polish people are against our KOSOVO and gives it to the albanians for what? To get something there for them? I WILL ALWAYS HATE POLAND AND POLISH PEOPLE FOR THAT. THEY DESERVE THE WORST ATTACKS FROM EVERY COUNTRY THEY DID SOMETHING WRONG.
16 Jun 2008 /  #120
but we live together now and have formed a bond and common goal

To be honest this goal you speak of is still a mystery to most? (Sorry, maybe I'm a simpleton, but I don't find European politics very transparent or easy accessible?)

Anyway, I will say this much. After WWII, America used former Nazi's to spy in Europe. They didn't inform the public nor did they inform their own army about this secret operation untill Bill Clinton signed a document which forced the CIA to make certain information public. (Almost 60 years later but still, better late than never to tell the truth?)

So under leadership of Gehlen, a former Nazi General, this organisation provided false information about East Germany, Poland and Russia, to create a tension between America and Russia. Why? Because it served their own interests. These former Nazi's obviously weren't loyal to America or Democracy.. Nor were they loyal to Russia. This organisation thrived on false information and panic. Because, for aslong as they could make the Americans think a war with Russia was imminent and that they were needed with their so-called ''expertise'' on Russia, the Americans wouldn't prosecute them..

Recently, the CIA made deals with Serbian politicians, so you can't blame everything on the average Serbian citizen, because they recieve false information on a daily basis from all kinds of groups with different motives and the situation is tricky. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it America and the CIA are actively supporting the opposition? But, really Crow takes it all a bridge too far by accusing all of Europe of some dark conspiracy against all Slavic people, and I really believe this is just plain wrong. Really what most people want to see is some stability in the Balkan?

Naïve? No. I'm anything but naïve. So aren't you. Most of us have questions, hear the news and also the bad news about Abu Graib and you name it.. That's no secret information over here! I mean, come on! But, reasons may vary, it may be very different from what Crow says. They want stability. So do you. So does Russia.

Why not accept? Even when some information could be biased? Who cares about bias if the result is stability? Who cares Crow? We're all humans. The world isn't divided into two camps of Good Serbians and Evil Westerners, not Good Westerners and Evil Serbians either.

The world isn't completely black and white, but I do understand worries and complicated internal affairs and therefore agree partially on a few matters. That's probably again a bit altruïstic of me, but really it wouldn't hurt America's best interests or that of Europe if the CIA would operate in a more transparent way in some cases and would refrain from creating certain ''shady'' alliances..

I've heard officials using this particular phrase a few times too often for my liking. (Or something similar.) ''You need scum to clear out scum''.

I fail to understand such reasoning. It doesn't work like that, and maybe this may sound arrogant from an average Joe like me, but isn't it true that when you choose to hire and work with scum like for instance Gehlen, a former Nazi General, that you actually become the scum that you're trying to oppose in the name of freedom and democracy in the first place?

If you look at the past and all the mistakes from many countries involved, we should all be able to learn a few lessons from that, and surely we have enough smart people out there to use a more dimoplatic approach and perhaps think of smarter ways of solving problems and burry old grudges? (The pot accuses the kettle and all that!) But to be honest, it doesn't surprise me that the average Serbian is a bit paranoïd towards CIA tactics, or the West for that matter. I also take into consideration Serbian media has also been pretty one sided..

But really Crow, I think that what most people worldwide want is more stability, less paranoïa and less war-mongering and less threats. So please be cautious in your accusations towards the EU or America, because doesn't it always takes two to Tango?

I don't think any country or nation has clean hands really, question is, what can be done to benefit all people? I think that's a far better discussion than to create a non-existant generalisation, which usually results in throwing mud and insults? I know it's an easy assessment to make from where I'm standing, but it's clear that's not really helping anyone, including your own people..

Alright, maybe I've failed horribly to make a solid point, maybe not. I just say what I think. Maybe people who could really make a difference should try it.. I don't know much about politics really, but I can fathom that more transparancy would certainly ease the people's minds?

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