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Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money.

Lenka  5 | 3549
23 Apr 2014   #31
Have you known relationships of mixed nationalities that lasted more than five or ten years?

Yes, and even more than 10 years. Compromises are necesarry but it can have a lot of adventages as well. It all comes to one- you fall in love with a person, not some foggy idea of nationality.
pagan  2 | 26
23 Apr 2014   #32
Listen, I met different men, of course mostly Polish, however few foreigners as well. I always looked at what kind of person the guy is not at his passport.

It is like that when you are in love and thinking about man as being that companion, it is like that only at the beginning, after time it changes and some things become obstacles too hard to overcome.

Compromises are necesarry but it can have a lot of adventages as well.

These are not the usual compromises though, I think you do not realise what impact culture can have on us and our psyche, how it shapes our point of view, how strongly, this may not be noticeable at first it surfaces later and people become surprised how much influence it has on their own thinking, behaviour and needs and in consequence the relationship.
Lenka  5 | 3549
23 Apr 2014   #33
In every relationship there are obstacles. Usually hard to overcome. I won't throw away love becase of some ideas of possible problems. In every relationship you have to take into account that things may become hard and if you are in love they are easier to overcome. I'm not buying a car to think about stuff like that- I'm choosing a partner.
23 Apr 2014   #34
They are out to get American men just for money ?
Do not exaggerate, to many poor in the USA nowadays.......
Read attentively :
U.S. poverty rises despite economic recovery PN20130917
Ladna  - | 6
24 Apr 2014   #35
Interesting thread title I am a Polish woman and I don't choose men just for money, financial stability is important but not primary, maybe American women think this way because they are themselves out for money only and then they blame Polish women for American man's preference for Polish woman. .
Wulkan  - | 3136
24 Apr 2014   #36
maybe American women think this way

Nope, American women are usually very independent
Ladna  - | 6
24 Apr 2014   #37
But insecure about their chances against Polish woman
kj99  8 | 54
24 Apr 2014   #38
They are out to get American men just for money.....



Indonesia  - | 5
1 May 2014   #39
mmmm....It looks like marriage between american and polish are easy . I am indonesian who is planning marriage with Polish guy next month, has taken 6 month to register our marriage procedure. I have to prove that i am single in my country and all the papers have to be registered by my embassy.The embassy in Poland had checked my documents as well. After I arrived here a month ago and brought documents here, i have to pay a registered translator that i signed correctly all the documents. As our religion are catholic, we have to take matrimony lesson and you know what it takes a month also.

In your case, I think your friend is unlucky. I dont know if you friend follow the rule of marriage register or no.
He should meet her parents or go to Poland before decided marriage, at least he knows their family and her background.
Your friend is not smart enough doing that :) or too rush to do everything . So not about the Polish women !

So tell your friend to move on . I believe He will find a nice girl and will appreciate the future wife a lot.
Wroclaw Boy
1 May 2014   #40
Gold diggers are everywhere, but for comparisons sake Poland definitely has less than most countries. Love comes first and money second......... for most of them.

I know plenty of gold diggers and soon enough they get bored of being married to what usually turns out to be complete @sshole's. and yes, even the large house, four holidays a year and new Range Rover cant compensate for signing up for a life partner that they usually, deep down, utterly despise.

Gold diggers suffer from a 'social value disorder'.
Efra  - | 2
24 Nov 2015   #41
Hi guys! I never been in Poland but I met some polish women here in the USA, and from what I'm seeing, they're really very nice,high educated,and VERY hardworking, and very reliable! I'm actually trying online dating site , but I'm not sure if it's ok here to post the name of the site ? and I hope I can find a great woman from Poland. I'm trying to be fare because I saw a couple of bad posts about Polish women, but my opinion is that they're great.

Best of luck to all of you :))
homebuilder  - | 1
7 Jan 2016   #42
thats b.s. I'm from chicago and found a Polish girl by chance ... she was never out for my money , we are married for 4 years now and i know so many of her friends in chicago who are also polish ... i have never heard of or met anyone who would be out for american money ! what makes you think americans have money anyway .. poland has great economy and healthier happier people
polishinvestor  1 | 341
7 Jan 2016   #43
I call it "polepszyc swoje stanowisko" In english, improving their station. My wife laughs but admits its mostly true these days especially in the smaller towns such as Jelenia Gora. I suppose if a guy wants a girl with nice tits, similarly the girl looks for a guy that can finance her needs. Don't see anything wrong with it as long as both sides understand the situation, but often one side finds out to their cost.
Labrador  2 | 50
23 Feb 2016   #44

I don't think all Polish women are like this.
InPolska  9 | 1796
23 Feb 2016   #45
"Jeez"! These stupid generalizations! Based upon my experience (have visited some 50 countries and have lived in several of them), generalizatons are completely stupid and show how ignorant and uneducated people doing generalizations are. Since we are in POLISH (sorry for those who don't understand it ;)) fora, as I have lived in Poland for quite a while, had a Polish husband and have known thousands of Poles, both females and males and FORTUNATELY, everybody is different and is not the same as another. Among Polish population like among ANY other population, one can find everything and its contrary. Some people are good, some are bad, some are nice, some are not, some are gorgeous, some are ugly, some are intelligent, some are stupid, some are honest, some are dishonest.... and so forth and so forth. So no sense to generalize Polish women, German men or Tunisian dogs!
10 Jan 2021   #46
I don't think the main topic is very fair towards polish woman and it's hard to believe they act like this. All woman want love and stability, mostly the character and morals of the man to support his wife and children.

Men and woman are not perfect , if they were there would be happiness between couples and no arguments.

However I do agree, Some American men are childish and think they are a gift to woman.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jan 2021   #47
it's hard to believe they act like this.

Of course. Some minority probably do but no more than other women in the world.

Some American men are childish and think they are a gift to woman.

Yes, they dream of being machos like Mexicans but in fact they are mere muchachos. Of course, not all, but those who berate and speak badly of women.
4 Feb 2022   #48
My personal experience: I hooked up with a Polish caregiver who - like so many others - is only concerned about MAKING MONEY. They work for cash only, take live-in positions and have little or no bills to pay. At $200 per day, tax free that puts her at $73,000 per year. The woman I spend 5 years with was quick to hop in the sack with me to get me hooked. After that I was stuck doing favor after favor for her. I was being used.

Once I came to my senses, It took drastic measures to get rid of her. She layer every guilt trip she could on me. I finally got away from her.

I feel bad for the next sucker she hooks.
Bottom line: These women may appear sweet feminine and charming. But they are heartless, money hungry snakes.
Novichok  4 | 8737
4 Feb 2022   #49
But they are heartless, money hungry snakes.

...and they lie. Always. In your case, feel lucky you are alive.
Watch Snapped. After a dozen episodes, you will never see women the same way again.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Feb 2022   #50
Newsflash, it's part of being a women to drain life out of a man. Literally, financially and in every possible way. It's to see how strong a man is, as strength is very appealing to women.

While men are supposed to give, literally, financially and every other way. I recommend taking a biology class, watch natural documenteries and experience life a bit more

Written sarcasm borders on lying too, as it's best understood vocally. So you can start with yourself Novi if you hate lying so much
Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 Feb 2022   #51
"Of course. Some minority probably do but no more than other women in the world."

oh believe me I know I traveled the world and am currently in malta and lived abroad in california most of my life. Polish females are garbage pure selfish egoistical paranoid every man who says hi wants to rape them b-ches and super agist and discriminatory and hypocrytical. And super rude too and ugly all the way around inside and out and yes way more than women in other parts of the world outside maybe the most religious places.

I cant stand them hate them. I am in Malta now guys and already et this hot cougar chick in her 50s who is super hot and she was the one who started talking to me because I didnt have the balls to as she sat ate and later drank a bit with her friend while i was sitting across just starring at her and sometimes we made eye contact and smiled. it got me so riled up her talking to me and inviting me to their table i ended up paying my tap twice as my fourth beer i bought i paid it before drinking it then at end again. i have her facebook too but we havent fuked yet and I think shes wirth soebody and is just not committed to meeting me. Shes an artist btw and totally my type. Like I said I hate Polish females and already expressed recently in the polish thread how they treated me just for starting a conversation and saying hi in a public pool after one kept making eye contact and how rudely they asked how old i was or one of the teens the one not looking at me ahead of time like two little bi-es. I wont even give polish fems of any age any attention anymore and hope the country falls. Here are pics of the maltanese woman i met and first one is before she even talked to me:

way hotter and more interesting than polish women her age (she didnt specify it but said 50s) who are old fat ladies already by the time they hit 48. Oh and the people here actually smile and say hello like the usa or california I remember. I cant approach someone or talk to a girl or woman without eye contact first or signs - I am not that confident to do cold approaches.

and especially if you guess higher. the other weird thing is how they act like huj cie to if you ask on snapchat their age but i wonder how those teens would have reacted hd i said this to them at the pool as im sure they wouldnt like it. thirdly, they are all gold diggers or into money and looks and fakeness and low qualities of humanity. and on top of it they are selfish in sex most of them and dont even give it p until you spend lots of money on them. oh and many are superficial. oh and theyre also grammar nazis in their langage or polish but cant speak or write a word of english the international language or other langages but theyre grammar nazis in their crappy language.

what is crazy is not that theyre just rude and super agist against any older men even if they are legal or above the age of consent but they are also like i said hypocrytical and think its fine for them to ask you your age or even disrespect you and claim you look 40 when youre not but no guy or you cant ask them their age or they get mad and especially if you guess higher. the other weird thing is how they act like huj cie to if you ask on snapchat their age but i wonder how those teens would have reacted hd i said this to them at the pool as im sure they wouldnt like it. thirdly, they are all gold diggers or into money and looks and fakeness and low qualities of humanity. and on top of it they are selfish in sex most of them and dont even give it p until you spend lots of money on them. oh and many are superficial. oh and theyre also grammar nazis in their langage or polish but cant speak or write a word of english the international language or other langages but theyre grammar nazis in their crappy language.
Novichok  4 | 8737
4 Feb 2022   #52
Hey, Strzelec, learn how to make your point in a single, two-line paragraph. Nobody reads your incomprehensible crap.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Feb 2022   #53
who the hell does that? or make fake bruises and pretends to be beat up? do humans really do this stuff?
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Feb 2022   #54
Polish women are not to be trusted!

Exactly! I know I can`t trust my wife when she tells me the time before going out to an important event like a wedding or party and I am still scrambling in my bedrooom. Then I know that her half past 4 actually is a quarter past 4. In drastic cases the difference is even bigger.

That is why I learnt to be wary.
Alien  26 | 6551
6 Feb 2022   #55
Do you mean; half past 4 actually is a quarter past 5 ?, because erlier she will not be ready anyway...
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Feb 2022   #56
half past 4 actually is a quarter past 5 ?

No, her 4.30 is actually 4.15. Do you know why?
Alien  26 | 6551
6 Feb 2022   #57
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Feb 2022   #58
I would prefer you to guess it on your own - I hate providing my students the direct answers. Sorry. Try to think - I mentioned my scrambling in the bedroom, which means getting ready for the party.
Alien  26 | 6551
6 Feb 2022   #59
Ok, she needs more time, therefore she has the watch moved 15 min ahead.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Feb 2022   #60
Ok, she needs more time

It is not her who needs more time. :):)

Home / USA, Canada / Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money.
BoldItalic [quote]
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