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Polka Parade Television Show

16 Oct 2016   #31
Polka Parade is still available in radio format on the Cable Radio Network.
25 Oct 2016   #32
On October 24, 2016, Don Barrett's website reported that Dick Sinclair died several days earlier at age 91.
Tom Walsh
11 Jan 2017   #33
Polka Parade

Former longtime La CaƄada resident and broadcasting personality Dick Sinclair passed away last month in Palm Desert, where he'd made his home in recent years. He was 91.

Best known for his work on the syndicated "Polka Parade," the affable Sinclair regularly accepted invitations to emcee events and to otherwise assist...

big quote cropped
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
11 Jan 2017   #34
What's all the fuss about polka? Isn't it a Czech kind of dance? What does it have in common with Poland?
13 Jan 2017   #35
According to Wiki it is originally a Czech dance but often performed in Poland and other countries:-
2 Apr 2017   #36

Polka Parade

Polka Parade--1956 to (1973?) My dad played trombone--link to FB page I manage:

I see I posted here in 2015. Dick graduated on to GLORY October 2016. Links/information at Polka Parade FB page link:
mafketis  38 | 11277
3 Apr 2017   #37
What's all the fuss about polka? Isn't it a Czech kind of dance?

In the US "polka music" doesn't refer only to the rhythm known as 'polka' but is colloquially used to describe any music from Germany/Czech/Poland with any kind of traditional elements, especially if it's a dance rhythm and has an accordeon in there somewhere.

It's also used to describe music from North Mexico/Southern Texas with similar features (adopted from 19th century German immigrants).
26 Apr 2017   #38
Hi Cindy. It's Dina Paul. Jad Paul's youngest daughter. My sister Lisa and I were on Polka Parade on Easter and Christmas with you guys. I got some VHS tapes years ago, but couldn't find any of our holiday shows. Would love to keep in contact. If you go on Facebook, please friend me.
Polka fan
4 Apr 2019   #39
Thank you for all the information. Dick Sinclair came to our town To open up a new shopping center. Of course we had to go because we love the show. We also got tickets to go see it. I wish I could buy some of the episodes now because it was such a happy wholesome show. Mel, the very talented accordion player, was living in Studio City and he and I had some extensive accordion talks. He was pretty old then and I'm sure he's probably not alive now. I always admired him so much and wished I could play like that.
24 Jun 2019   #40
I'm very surprised that nobody mentioned two big TV hits in the early 60's" Lou Prohut and the Polk-go-Round, as a sequel to the series "Stan Walowic and the Polka Chips"
25 May 2020   #41
Polka Parade was broadcast on KTLA in Los Angeles. It was sponsored by Farmer John a well known meat packing company. As a child the Clouherty family who owned Farmer John where family friends and frequently took us as guests to to show. Great memories.
sreynolds77  - | 1
23 Jun 2020   #42
Hi Dina...I'm Howard "Razzberry" Reynolds's oldest son. I started a site @ FB for Dick Sinclair's Polka Parade. Come & post:
Lee Vernoy
26 Nov 2021   #43
The Polka Parade was a Sunday night staple in our home on KTLA TV5 in Los Angeles, and also when Dick Sinclair hosted the radio show on KFI AM 640. The radio show was on in the early evenings or late afternoons, often after the Dodgers' baseball games on KFI. Thanks for bringing back memories of my childhood!

Home / USA, Canada / Polka Parade Television Show
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