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Will Americans flee from the US to Poland?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
14 Nov 2024   #61
Thing is, it will be people like Musk who will "save" the know?

No wokeism will be any help when the big climate change really starts changing the planet and our environments.

No socialist will be able to do anything! It will be the engineers who will develop the needed will be the scientists finding new ways to save will be the "doer"....the "maker"....not the "pen-pusher" and nice-talker.

Musk with his money, his brains, his ambitions, his big plans belongs to the very few people who could do something to stop the worst, or at least help us to survive it all....that talk of boykotting him because of politicial differences sounds abit well....funny...knowing all that! Or not so funny at all...

.....Mr. Musk, by contrast, has consistently said he thinks climate change is a problem - although he has sometimes wavered on how urgent that problem is. He has long been a major proponent of shifting to low-emissions technology like solar power, batteries and electric vehicles..
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 257
14 Nov 2024   #62
It was one of the dumbest things that Kamala and her team of advisors did was to think that surrounding herself with celebrities on stage and them telling the people who to vote for, was going to get her over the line and win the presidency. J-Lo certainly isn't going to fill up the tank of an American farmer's car.
Novichok  4 | 8680
14 Nov 2024   #63
when all social media suspended Trump.

...or when 10 million scumbags comes here to rape, loot, murder or just be a burden while so many Americans, including veterans, are homeless...
Crow  155 | 9699
14 Nov 2024   #64
Will Americans flee from the US to Poland?

Sure. I predicted this. Seek in the archive of the forum.

Poland will be promised land for sane in the States.

And look Germany. It goes down definitely. They now regrets for destroying Yugoslavia. It was entering in bad KARMA for them and they are now in the world of pain.

So, expect refugees from Germany, too. Sure, until we Slavs liberate Eastern Germany ie Lusatia or something and restore normalcy there that was violated since the sickening Roman era.
Novichok  4 | 8680
14 Nov 2024   #65
it will be the scientists finding new ways to save mankind..

If we were really concerned about climate change, we would not allow one black African or semi-black Mexican into white, high-carbon footprint countries.

We do so all that talk about CC is just feel-good crap.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
14 Nov 2024   #66

But these refugees want to drive cars, want to buy artificial products, want to eat meat and lots of it, they are a big part for our western industries continuing success, the consumers keep coming.

They for sure don't want to live in wood or stone huts, eat plants and seeds, drive bicycles and wear self made clothing from free living animals....they could lead lifes with barely any carbon-footprint at all at home, but that is what they want to escape from.

All this open borders - refugees welcome crap is as self destructive to any green movement in the western countries like nothing else....these people keep the fossils burning!
Novichok  4 | 8680
14 Nov 2024   #67
But these refugees want to drive cars,

...and don't mind that their carbon FP went from 1 to 1000.

Mine, with that 380hp V8, is even larger and I love every inch of it.

No, I don't give a fvck if life on earth will end 5 minutes earlier because of me...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
14 Nov 2024   #68
and don't mind that their carbon FP went from 1 to 1000.

.....and frankly give a ****!
Crow  155 | 9699
14 Nov 2024   #69
want to eat meat and lots of it

Fine. They will. Non of us eat insects.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
15 Nov 2024   #70
with that 380hp V8

To drive at a maximum of 115 km/h it is not necessary to do so much. Your Lexus probably uses twice as much fuel as my car and on top of that my car looks 5 times better than your fake.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Nov 2024   #71
They could always try for asylum in Canada

Yes, Canada has a lot to offer them.

Novichok  4 | 8680
18 Nov 2024   #72
Yes, Canada has a lot to offer them.

New medspeak...

removing breasts to be a man
removing dick to be a woman
chemical castration
gauging out eyes to get a free dog

...all healthcare...
OP Alien  26 | 6527
18 Nov 2024   #73
removing breasts to be a man

removing dick to be a woman

removing brain to be.....on the forum.
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Nov 2024   #74
Thing is, it will be people like Musk who will "save" the know?

Or destroy it. And the moon too, if he wa able to.

Yes, Canada has a lot to offer them.

More than where they live.

gauging out eyes to get a free dog

You need to either take more medication or less.
Joker  2 | 2447
18 Nov 2024   #75
Yes, Canada has a lot to offer them.

They have more leftards than the UK has.... Has Canada offered to accept these TDS refugees?
Novichok  4 | 8680
18 Nov 2024   #76
They have more leftards than the UK has...

This is really weird...

The most woke and trans-friendly countries are Australia, Canada, NZ, the UK, and the US - all English-speaking LGBT shitholes.

It cannot be just random luck...
Joker  2 | 2447
18 Nov 2024   #77
Let them leave with encouragement:)
We don't need them in the USA either.
They will probably have to bribe their new host country to accept them..
Make whoopi pay $20,000,000 for Canadian citizenship. 😆
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
18 Nov 2024   #78
It cannot be just random luck...

My theory: Leftism generally is an ideology for the well fed academia! It's no accidence that Communism was developed by Marx/Engels back then in Germany, as the german speaking region has been somewhat top dog socially and economically, leading in chair farters.

Now the wealth and comfort focus has shifted to the US and the english speaking West...but since the breakdown 1989 and the to liberating masses liberated themselves totally uplanned from the actual existing Socialism/Communism the whole ideology needed to be reworked, got a new name and some modifications fitting the Zeitgeist...and voila!
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
18 Nov 2024   #79
The most woke and trans-friendly countries are Australia, Canada, NZ, the UK, and the US.

Yup, those English speaking colonial racists are the most liberal nations!
I'm not saying that is a good thing but it rails against the anti white brigade!
Canada and NZ are the worst.Australia is OK and the UK and USA need to do better.
Novichok  4 | 8680
19 Nov 2024   #80
and some modifications fitting the Zeitgeist...and voila!

...wokism!!! The new religion that like any another religion demands absolute obedience and does not tolerate dissent...

My gut tells me that the woke top does not for a second believe that a man can be a woman - just as there are no true communists.

This man-woman crap is a test and a preview how jamming a lie can be done swiftly and effectively. So far, especially among 15-25 women, the results exceeded their wildest expectations.

25% of these idiots self-id as LGBT. I am not sure about the distribution among the many letters...This is why women should not be allowed to vote or the voting age for women should be raised to 30.

25 for men.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
19 Nov 2024   #81
...all healthcare...

It's the only blanket euphemism that pretty much guarantees enactment and funding - things that earlier generations would never have even considered, let alone supported.
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Nov 2024   #82
Canada could make a few changes...

  • Screenshot2024111.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Nov 2024   #83
They could always try for asylum in Canada

Yes, Canada has a lot to offer them.

The only thing Canada has to offer is great fishing.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Nov 2024   #84
like any another religion demands absolute obedience and does not tolerate dissent...

Christianity is not rules; it is a relationship with Jesus Christ.
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
19 Nov 2024   #85
There are rules to achieve that status like not eating milk or meat unless everyone know it's made of seitan flour, which is %80 protein, also called washed flour, you boil it with vegetable broth and you get anything you want like steak or wings etcc, or 4x more filling that real meat or stinky chicken.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Nov 2024   #86
There are rules to achieve that status

No, there are no rules to Christianity once you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

like not eating milk or meat unless everyone know it's made of

You are talking Old Testament traditions rules in a religion which went by the side when Jesus came to earth as a mortal man, son.
Christians now live by the New Testament.

Meanwhile to get back On - Topic, Americans are leaving America where their dollar buys twice as much or more in foreign countries.
Poland is located to close to Russia for many Americans plus the language barrier, plus the weather sucks most of the year, most of the food is bland with limited fresh fruits and vegetables year around, people are stand-offish, seldom smile and act depressed.
Besides that, a nice place to visit for a week.
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
19 Nov 2024   #87
by the way, you wouldnt mess with child molster, why would you? I know that when you go back in time, it seems ok but it's never ok. same things with law, old testetment or new, it's law, universal for all. Imagine the logic, and god has to be true with everyone in every situation.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Nov 2024   #88
by the way,

Does "by the way" mean you are still camped on your Off - Topic post ?

old testetment or new, it's law, universal for all.

Sorry Pal, we don't offer live sacrifices anymore or stone people to death as Christians.
You sound like you may follow the Islamic faith and not Christianity.
Do you take Jesus Christ as your personal Savior ? YES or NO

Meanwhile to get back On - Topic AND STAY ON TOPIC PLEASE.
To many gray days in Poland for me to move there.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
21 Nov 2024   #89
To many gray days in Poland for me to move there

As I wrote in another thread. 1700 hours of sun per year in Zakopane.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Nov 2024   #90
Thats not enough for me.
I like Yuma Arizona where they have more than twice that much.
Yuma has over 4000 hours of sun per year.
Gray days and rain make people depressed.
Thats why I personally would not "flee" to Poland to live.
Plus, Arizona has open carry laws.

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