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Orbits Restauraunt in Chicago? Has it closed?

arlamczyk  1 | 1
4 Nov 2007   #1

my first post, so please go easy on me.

around 10-15 years ago i went with some friends to chicago to visit some polish neighborhoods there. as part of my visit we ate at a place called orbits restauraunt in some such neighborhood. has the place closed? does anyone know what its address used to be?

please let me know...


sledz  23 | 2247
4 Nov 2007   #2
I go to alot of restaurants but never heard of that one..sry
4 Nov 2007   #3
In a city that has such a large Polish population I still haven't found a replacement for my dearly departed orbit restaurant (located at central park and Milwaukee). Red Apple does the job ok as far as buffets go. They feature all the classics you could imagine. It's a fun place to take someone that hasn't experienced much Polish cuisine. My mom has pointed out though that it's best to go towards the weekend or beginning of the week because the food seems the freshest.

Source -
Eurola  4 | 1898
4 Nov 2007   #4
I'm not sure exactly when the restaurant was closed, but it might have been around 10 years ago ... It was on the corner of Milwaukee Ave and Central Park. There is a Bank in that spot now.

You may want to visit Angelica's restaurant on Milwaukee Ave instead, just a bit north of Belmont. I met there with some forum members last summer.... good food.
sledz  23 | 2247
4 Nov 2007   #5
Red Apple does the job ok as far as buffets go.

The Jolly Inn has a much better buffet than Czerwone Jalbusko bro :)
6501 W. Irving Park Rd.

You may want to visit Angelica's restaurant on Milwaukee Ave

Yes one on my favorites also:)
I was back there a few weeks ago, had the Zrazy again its was delicous!
Eurola  4 | 1898
4 Nov 2007   #6
Shawn, I had no idea that even people from Canada knew the orbit Restaurant!
Kowalczyk (the owner, whatever happened to him) would be very proud. :)

Heya Sledz...Yeah, I have to make my way to the city again some day and dine there too...
4 Nov 2007   #7
Trust me, I've never dined in Polish Restaurants in Chi-Town. Just a little tool I like to call Google ;-)
sledz  23 | 2247
4 Nov 2007   #8
Heya Sledz...Yeah, I have to make my way to the city again some day and dine there too...

Sounds good I`ll go anytime, you know how much I like that place:)

I've never dined in Polish Restaurants in Chi-Town. Just a little tool I like to call Google ;-)

I looked it up on yahoo could find anything?
Eurola  4 | 1898
4 Nov 2007   #9
Google still lists it! HaHaHa. Orbit Restaurant does not exist any more!

Sounds good I`ll go anytime, you know how much I like that place:)

Will do! Then I'll go to the place with good pierogis, you're always talking about - Alexandra's :)
sledz  23 | 2247
4 Nov 2007   #10
Will do! Then I'll go to the place with good pierogis, you're always talking about - Alexandra's :)

I had some pierogis yesterday but nothing compares to Alexandra`s!
My freezer is empty and needs to be re-stocked soon.

Let me know when you want to go:)
Eurola  4 | 1898
4 Nov 2007   #11
Maybe we can take arlamczyk to Angelica's too, if he plans to visit the polish 'hood' again :)
sledz  23 | 2247
4 Nov 2007   #12
Sure, its about time for another forum party :)
marek s  - | 269
4 Nov 2007   #13
been too many wedding receptions at orbit.
Eurola  4 | 1898
4 Nov 2007   #14
any idea when it closed marek s?
plk123  8 | 4119
4 Nov 2007   #15
The Jolly Inn has a much better buffet than Czerwone Jalbusko bro :)
6501 W. Irving Park Rd.

no kidding? gonna have to try it.

staropolska wasn't all too bad last time i ate there.
OP arlamczyk  1 | 1
4 Nov 2007   #16
wow, i suspected this forum was dead! silly me.

anyone know of the 'busy bee'? my brother told me about it, but it has been years since he has eaten there. has it closed too?

so was the area i visited (for orbit) a good neighborhood to check out? when i went, we took the 'l' from downtown, and when we exited the train i recall the walk wasn't that far to orbit and all the stores were in polish and the one woman i stopped for directions couldn't speak english!

could i do better today?
sledz  23 | 2247
4 Nov 2007   #17
no kidding? gonna have to try it.

I went there yesterday everything is good:)

could i do better today?

Every resturant I`ve been in they can speak English

so was the area i visited (for orbit) a good neighborhood to check out?

I would say around Milwaukee and Belmont or
Belmont and Central you will find more Polish businesses.

Milwaukee and Central Park has turned mostly Hispanic

Central ave. and Central Pk, two totally different streets
Eurola  4 | 1898
4 Nov 2007   #18
Busy Bee was a small place somewhere around old polish neighborhood Milwaukee/Division...if i remember well.
I was there long, long time ago. I don't know if it still exists.

wow, i suspected this forum was dead! silly me.

hehehe, we're alive and kicking.
marek s  - | 269
4 Nov 2007   #19
any idea when it closed marek s?

close to 10 years now.
plk123  8 | 4119
4 Nov 2007   #20
around old polish neighborhood Milwaukee/Division...if i remember well.
I was there long, long time ago. I don't know if it still exists.

i doubt it.. have you been that way lately? holy cow the revitalization.. it's yuppy town now. lol
stasha  1 | 6
5 Nov 2007   #21
Orbits Restauraunt in Chicago? Has it closed?

hi ya, welcome.... ditto on Orbits, closed a long time ago (it was very good)
good polish restaurants are on Milwaukee going north towards Niles...
****Red Apple, **White Eagle, **Lone Star enjoy!
mielkoman  - | 1
10 Jun 2017   #22

Orbit Restaurant

My goodness, I was reading posts from 2007 about Orbit. And look, 10 years later. A very, nice elegant restaurant for its "era." For someone like Ted Kowalczyk, to come here from Poland in the early 70's without too much. He invested (from the bank) $750,000.00. Orbit was "thee meeting place," for the Polish people, much like "Zum Deutschen Eck" was the meeting place for the German people. I know of "these things" because my father was very good friends with Ted and my father being a milkman, delivered dairy products to Orbit, Staropolska, Red Apple, Wigry, Orbis, Home Bakery, Maryla's Polynesian Club, Café Lura, Congress Rest. Tip-Top Deli, Joe and Franks deli, Made in Poland dance club, Lutnia, Adria's deli, Kastalanka, Laramie Bakery , Barbakan Rest. Chester's deli, Lotus Bakery, Teresa's Rest. Victor's deli, Ambassador rest. Harnas rest. Klejwceski bakery, Halina's rest. Krakus deli, Jashia's rest. and Barbara's bakery. Mr. Kowalczyk, passed from this life to the next around 2004. My father preceeded him in 2000. I was just there today on Milwaukee Ave. "looking into my yesterday." My goodness, the "luster" is gone. Streets and sidewalks for a sunny, Saturday morning are empty. The heartbeat is weak. Jolly Inn is still very authentic polish "fare." I myself like Barbakan Rest. They used to be on Milwaukee/Pulaski. Then moved to Central Ave./Belmont. They are still there. Same family owns it since the 70's. Basha, the "niece" runs it. Free parking across the street. At any rate, "visit" while they are still alive. Once they are "gone" they will not be coming back.
Joker  2 | 2382
13 Jun 2017   #23
much like "Zum Deutschen Eck" was the meeting place for the German people

I used to bartend at the Zum back when I was going to
Its gone now, yuppie condos took its place:(

Jolly Inn is still very authentic polish

This is probably the best one on your list, its awesome!

Most of these restaurants are closed down now and the neighborhoods have be overtaken by Mexican gangs.
Unfortunately, Chicago is a sanctuary city and anything goes!

They used to be on Milwaukee/Pulaski

Most Poles have moved away from this area and out to the suburbs.

You don't want to go around here at night, be careful if you do!
maly edziu
23 Dec 2020   #24
I lived down the street from St. Hyacinth (my old school, also gone) for about 30 years from the early 60's on. Orbit had THE BEST mushroom soup. I miss having my parents come home from shopping the 'avenue' on Saturday mornings with a wuzek full of fresh kielbasas, kiszka and rye breads - all still warm from the smokers and bakeries. Anyways, if you're looking for wonderful Polish like babcia made ya gotta go to Smakosz Restaurant on Lawrence, just west of Central Ave. Kotlet schabowy po Lubelsku, yum.
Joker  2 | 2382
24 Dec 2020   #25
ya gotta go to Smakosz Restaurant on Lawrence,

I love that restaurant, but haven't been there in a couple of years now. I hope they make thru the ChinaVirus and stay open:)

Not many Polish restaurants or anything else that resembles Polonia in Chicago anymore. Everyone has run for the hills ( suburbs) to escape the crime, high taxes and the horrible policies a sanctuary city bestows upon its citizens.

Kotlet schabowy po Lubelsku, yu

Polski Talerz is what is usually order and an ice cold Zwyiec on tap.
27 May 2021   #26
Try "u gazdy" polish restaurant located in wood Dale on Irving park Rd they serve authentic polish food that very good
pawian  226 | 27547
27 May 2021   #27
Try "u gazdy" polish restaurant located in wood Dale on Irving park Rd

Correct. Google opinions are mostly positive. If there is a negative comment, the owners apologise and promise improvement.
Novichok  4 | 8538
27 May 2021   #28
Google opinions are mostly positive

What is your opinion?
pawian  226 | 27547
27 May 2021   #29
Neutral. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8538
27 May 2021   #30
What did you eat there?

Home / USA, Canada / Orbits Restauraunt in Chicago? Has it closed?

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