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Any fluent Polish speakers in the GTA, Ontario? :D I can help with French and German

jakemiles  1 | 1
30 Jul 2022   #1
Hey, I'm a guy in my mid-20s living in the Toronto area, I'm not really looking for a teacher to explain grammar or anything like that, mainly just somebody I can practice with. French is my first language and I speak fluent German in case anybody wants a language exchange, or if you're just looking for a friend I can help with that too haha

I've been learning Polish for about a year, I can express myself pretty well in writing (although I make a ton of mistakes), my speaking and listening comprehension skills are far behind though. Anyway, if you're down to chat a little bit po polsku, let me know!
Lyzko  44 | 9730
30 Jul 2022   #2
Are you a bilingual Canadian by any chance?
OP jakemiles  1 | 1
30 Jul 2022   #3
Yes I am, although my German isn't perfect, I speak it fluently but my vocabulary isn't as developed as that of a native German speaker but I've been speaking French and English my whole life.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
1 Aug 2022   #4
if you're down to chat a little bit po polsku, let me know!

The HelloTalk application may be just what you are looking for.

In the following YT video, an Australian guy who currently lives in Thailand explains how the HelloTalk operates and why it was useful for him while learning Japanese.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
1 Aug 2022   #5
Your German looks pretty darned good thus far!
My French could definitely stand considerable improvement.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
1 Aug 2022   #6
French is my first language

As a fluent French speaker I have to say that the French Canadian accent is the one that I struggle to understand the most!
More difficult than French African or Mauritius or the West Indies!
Dunno why....
mafketis  38 | 11277
2 Aug 2022   #7
the French Canadian accent is the one that

is the most awesome! I know only bits and pieces of French but I recognize the accent right away. I always thought that if I were ever compelled to learn French I'd adopt a Quebecois accent just because many/most French people find it very annoying....

Plus... they have country music!
Lyzko  44 | 9730
2 Aug 2022   #8
French Canadian also has expressions I've only heard from that region of Canada, never in France, e.g. "Tirez une souche!" for "Please sit down!". As my French is no longer that good, perhaps it's in fact common in France, although I've never heard French from France use it, instead the more schoolbookish/normal "Asseyez vous, s'il vous plais!"

Sounds to an English speaker almost like "Pull up a chair!"

Home / USA, Canada / Any fluent Polish speakers in the GTA, Ontario? :D I can help with French and German
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