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Cigarettes reach nine dollars a pack in New York

johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Nov 2024   #91
Their land, their decision.

As if Europe is any better. lol
It does amaze me to see a tiny little store, well located, survive on just selling cigarettes, vapes (which is just as bad for you) half pints and lotto tickets.
I was observing this one day and then noticed the caliber of people that did business there.
Mostly lost soul losers, with no hope, puffing away, blowing what little cash they have on those four sin tax items.
Good for people who own shares of BTI (British American Tobacco PLC) that is paying an 8% plus dividend.
amiga500  5 | 1539
20 Nov 2024   #92
As if Europe is any better. lol

hey reb europe is 10x better than yankville
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Nov 2024   #93
Hey 500,
Actually it is not when it comes to smoking.
We Yanks smoke much less than the Eurps do if I am not mistaken.
And you Auzzie's smoke about half what Americans do.
You are going to heaven for sure.
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
20 Nov 2024   #94
Europe has everything too, for dirt cheap! JUST LEARN SEARCH TERMS, IT'S WORTH IT!
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Nov 2024   #95
Good for people who own shares of BTI (British American Tobacco PLC) that is paying an 8% plus dividend.

And their thousands of employees in Poland, plus the farmers around SuwaƂki who sell to them. A longstanding British company too.

europe is 10x better than yankville

100x. He forgets that some of us have spent time in bot(.

Europe has everything too, for dirt cheap! JUST LEARN SEARCH TERMS

Not really for cigs unless it's some dodgy internet thing. Where I am when I'm in England, if you ask for cigs at a small shop, they give you ones with a wonky typeface on the packet for about a quarter of the normal price.
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
20 Nov 2024   #96
if smokes is hard to get, dont buy packs because bulk, called in America pipe tobbacco. it's like 100 per killo or something. its delicious, the more you put effort to anything the closer you will get to your target.
Joker  2 | 2447
20 Nov 2024   #97
We Yanks smoke much less than the Eurps do if I am not mistaken.

I rarely see people smoking cigatettes these days, except older generation ppl. Everyone is using vapes these days. Cigarettes are becoming a thing of the past in the USA.

I havent smoked a cig in over 15 years and I dont vape that nicotine crap either. When I quit smoking they didnt have vapes to compensate, its the hardest things to quit....

I dont miss it at all and hate the stench of cigs now.

No Alien, im not impotent but thanks for caring! haha
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Nov 2024   #98
I havent smoked a cig in over 15 years

But you pull aka sniff lines today. hahaha Using those notes you once proudly sported to us.
If you are scrooge though, you prefer fentanyl!
Joker  2 | 2447
20 Nov 2024   #99
But you pull lines today.


are you reffering to the old 1980s termimology for cocaine?

Just another moron comment from your childish mind.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Nov 2024   #100
old 1980s termimology

Do you mean you prefer modern terminology for your hobby??? :):):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
20 Nov 2024   #101
survive on just selling cigarettes, vapes (which is just as bad for you)

Please post your evidence that vaping is as bad as smoking......

We Yanks smoke much less than the Eurps do if I am not mistaken.

You probably do,East Europeans are especially heavy smokers.

I rarely see people smoking cigarettes these days, except older generation ppl. Everyone is using vapes these days.

I'd say it's about 50/50 now in the UK.

I was a heavy smoker, two packs a day at least.I gave up about 10 years ago and moved to vaping and spotted the health benefits almost immediately.
I too can no longer stand the stench of cigarettes but was immune to the smell years ago.I have gradually decreased the nicotine levels in the e-fluid that I use and am quite close to giving up vaping too.
But as Joker says, it is a very hard addiction to give up.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Nov 2024   #102
immune to the smell

Yes, triple smell - cigarettes, sewer and fur. :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Nov 2024   #103
Please post your evidence that vaping is as bad as smoking......

Do your own homework lazy.
We here in the U.S.A. call e - cigarettes (electric cigarettes) or vaping.
There are many sources that tell you that vaping is far from being safe.
Let me quote the American Heart Association.
Many people think vaping is less harmful than smoking. While it's true that e-cigarette aerosol doesn't include all the contaminants in tobacco smoke, it still isn't safe. Here are just a few of the reasons why:

Most e-cigarettes deliver nicotine, which is highly addictive and can harm the developing brains of teens, kids and fetuses in women who vape while pregnant. Some types expose users to even more nicotine than traditional cigarettes.

Class dismissed.
Crow  155 | 9699
21 Nov 2024   #104
Cigarettes are nine dollars a pack

nine? in Serbia 3-4 dollars. The best ones

1 dollar for 1 pcs cigarillos
Alien  26 | 6527
21 Nov 2024   #105
? in Serbia 3-4 dollars

I wouldn't smoke even for that price.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Nov 2024   #106
Class dismissed.

Case is definitely not dismissed.You have just made the argument FOR E cigarettes!
Yes, they contain addictive nicotine which can be harmful to some, but they do NOT contain all the other harmful elements that cigarettes do.

Case now, properly dismissed.
Joker  2 | 2447
23 Nov 2024   #107
Case is definitely not dismissed.

He just googles and pretends like hes the sole authority on every subject.

I was in chicago today and noticed smokes are almost $11 wow! Man, that an expensive habit.. $4015 for one pck a day per year. You can go on vacation at the cattle ranch for that money:)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Nov 2024   #108
You have just made the argument FOR E cigarettes!

What argument ?
but they do NOT contain all the other harmful elements that cigarettes do.

Yes, that is what I said and and you repeated it.

So yes, I dismissed the class while you just repeated what I said.
Class dismissed. ;-)
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
23 Nov 2024   #109
Anyway, id never replace tobacco with vacation anywhere, I simply love smoking, they tested my oxygen level and it was really high %99. I realized most of death for people like car accidents,(to chrisians) is all fake, it's done by the system to separate loved ones thinking they know more. but no pain what so ever.

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