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Censorship and violation of 1st Amendment in US

Ironside  51 | 13083
16 Feb 2025   #61
Troll?? You don't understand the meaning of the word.

If you want to quibble do it on your own.
I'm simply applying your
logic, that's all.

What logic? I have applied common knowledge. Anyone who knows anything about Marxism and the way they act knows that is what they do.
It is not so with fascism. Also, fascism as an ideology died a long time ago. In its zombie form fascism is being used by Marxists as a dummy they can target to justify their vile acts.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2025   #62
avowed racists, infantile low lives who are mere sandbox bullies

Simply speaking, conz. Con artists.

What logic?

Exactly, Nationalists never use logic. The same with conz and rightists. Trump didn`t win by logic, only emotions.
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Feb 2025   #63
Marxists as a dummy they can target to justify their vile acts.

Or useful idiots like Lyzko and Pawian.

I hope they seek help for their TDS afflictions or its going to be 4 years of them crying like little girls.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2025   #64
4 years of them crying

Crying which makes you hit the ceilings all over the place. hahahaha
Tlum  12 | 303
16 Feb 2025   #65
Were Bidenistas brainless?

They surely were. Both extremes tend to be brainless. I'm not for or against Trump; his actions / policies are what matters. If they are good for the people, I support him; otherwise, I don't. This is the only logical conclusion a thinking person may come to. Those who support him regardless of his actions lose the sight of the forest.

For now, this is the situation. We get a rotten carrot, they get the meat. MAGA crowd cheering to that is silly. It should be the other way around after they have been robbing us for so many decades.

We vs Them
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #67
You know you are talking also about your own mom and grandmom?

No. I was talking about migrant Muslim and black women.

They are the ones that destroy Western Europe by outpopulating the natives.

his actions / policies are what matters.

Name top three that are good for the US and then three that are bad.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2025   #68
They are the ones that destroy

BS, It is white males who destroy the US.
Tlum  12 | 303
16 Feb 2025   #69
Name top three that are good for the US and then three that are bad.

Maybe you could name one that is good for at least 80% of the people who voted for Trump. Tariffs give people more inflation / higher prices and rare Earth minerals from Ukraine give people nothing.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2025   #70
Tariffs give people more inflation / higher prices

Exactly. As well as massive lay offs in American industry. Con artist trumpists are really crazy doing it,. They are the enemies of America, in fact.
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #71
Tariffs give people more inflation / higher prices and rare Earth minerals from Ukraine give people nothing.

That sentence is so stupid that I will not even try...

Another reason...You ignored my Post 67.

Maybe PAK...He has more patience...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2025   #72
that I will not even try.

Coz you know you won`t be able to refute it. Darling, let`s wait a few months and see how Americans profit from con artists` tariffs. If I am right predicting lay offs, you will kiss baboon ass in retribution. OK????

You ignored my Post 67.

Come on, your posts aren`t holy scriptures to read them during the mass service. They are just gibberish by a demented emigrant.
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #73
Memo to Euro tariff morons...

Read this, azholes. Quoting:

The EU imposes a 10% tariff on U.S. car imports, while the U.S. applies a 2.5% tariff on European cars.

Conclusion by Euro morons: The EU wants to destroy the EU. Hence, tariffs...

Now comes Trump: We will put tariffs in EU cars equal to theirs.

Euro morons: Tariffs!!!! Bad for America!!!!

Fvck you, azzholes...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2025   #74
Memo to Euro tariff morons.

You are simply amaSSing! :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Feb 2025   #75
Children, since some of you are retards, I will now give you the shortest lecture about tariffs. Hey, the corner stop playing with yourself and pay attention....OK?

Here we go:

EU tariffs - gooooood
US tariffs - baaaaaad

A test tomorrow to check if you are as retarded as I think.
Joker  2 | 2447
17 Feb 2025   #76
The EU imposes a 10% tariff on U.S. car imports, while the U.S. applies a 2.5% tariff on European cars.

We should discontinue allowing the eurps to import their cars then. Let them sell them to the chinese. We dont need their cars at all.

Fvck you, azzholes...

They already caved to Trump... next! lol
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
17 Feb 2025   #77
Con artists convinced of US "freedom of speech", enjoy! ;):

Prawda w oczy kluje, You, Europeans, become slaves in your countries. Pinkie leaders, lead you to the slaughter without an ounce of resistance. Paw is planning a frontal attack on the residence of the honorable, renowned patriot, Iron.Tluszcza zbliza sie do bram, sierp I mlot proporce zdobi,Paw w pospiechu zgubil portki
,potknol sie zadeptany , lezy wyjac u stop bramy.A w tym czasie Iron konczac lampke brandy,westchnal i z pogarda zmiezyl okiem plebs przy bramie,przypiol szable
w dloniach garlacz i z godnoscia wstapil do altany. Wynik walki w nastepnym wydaniu::::))))
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Feb 2025   #78
He will ask you for CliiffsNotes of your post...

The problem is that by the time he gets to "wydaniu" he will forget everything before it...
We should discontinue allowing the eurps to import their cars then.

What these morons can't comprehend is that when Country A runs a trade deficit with Country B and all trade stops, Country A is better off than before...
Feniks  2 | 857
17 Feb 2025   #79
We get a rotten carrot, they get the meat.

I doubt this will change under Trump. While Musk is busy cancelling contracts within the US and worldwide, his seem to be doing very nicely indeed.........I think many Americans will be shocked that they're not going to be as better off as they thought they'd be.

We should discontinue allowing the eurps to import their cars then. Let them sell them to the chinese. We dont need their cars at all.

The US imports more cars from Mexico, Canada, Korea and Japan than it does from the EU.

Trump is moaning that the EU doesn't import American cars but there's a good reason for that. With the exception of Tesla, the US mainly makes large SUV's and trucks. These are no good for European roads which are much smaller and narrower. Plus, they use loads of petrol which is more expensive in Europe.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
17 Feb 2025   #80
In most populated areas of Europe it's difficult and expensive to park.

These drawbacks could easily be explained to Trump but I've noticed when he's interviewed or is sitting behind Musk's desk, nobody ever challenges his opinion - intelligent people become complete pussies in his presence
Korvinus  3 | 629
17 Feb 2025   #81
You, Europeans, become slaves in your countries.

I can't be a holocaust denier publicly in Poland, so indeed my rights to speech and freedom of conscience are infringed. Every regime has its taboo, holocaust in Europe[rus included], tiananmen in China, only America is still the last bastion, but its eroding due to jewish pressure, now if you spread holocaust message in US very often it will get swooped under federal hate crime law, ie. threatening speech, you also will get fined for loitering for giving people fliers about jewish rule.
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Feb 2025   #82
The US imports more cars from Mexico, Canada, Korea and Japan than it does from the EU.

So what is your point - if you even have one? Look here not there?

A reminder:

The EU imposes a 10% tariff on U.S. car imports, while the U.S. applies a 2.5% tariff on European cars.

EU tariffs - gooooood
US tariffs - baaaaaad
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
17 Feb 2025   #83
is sitting behind Musk's desk,

Is this your attempt at sarcasm? I would rate lousy at best.
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Feb 2025   #84
Is this your attempt at sarcasm?

What else can this moron do?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Feb 2025   #85
Our American boys love bragging, falsely of course, how 1st Amendment is respected in the US,

Why falsely?? Coz they opt for full censorship on views which aren`t theirs. AmaSSing. Where did they learn it? In Russia???

A quote from a discussion about out forum:
.accessible only to US citizens who voted for Trump. Leftitst woke morons are totally useless.

Exactly!!! Close everything which isn`t supported by trumpists. )::):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Feb 2025   #86
conz and rightists were so indignant about Dem censorship verging on dictatorial.

Do you all remember how Republicans and enraged right-wing pundits spent the past four years screaming and hollering and foaming at the mouth over "censorship" and the importance of free speech?
Yeah, those folks are all pretty quiet right now while the Trump administration is banning specific words from government websites, aggressively trying to erase transgender people from history and blocking Associated Press reporters from the Oval Office.
Novichok  4 | 8682
25 Feb 2025   #87
Like "women"...Now "menstruating persons"...

Memo to morons: The Fist Amendment defines the relationship between the government and citizens, not government and government employees.

On the job, employees are not covered by the Fist Amendment since they cannot be fined or imprisoned for the wrong speech. Only fired.

Now pay attention, azzholes: Being employed is a privilege, not a right. Duh!

Is every Polak a moron?
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Feb 2025   #88
Is every Polak a moron?

The one above you certainly is.....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Feb 2025   #89
The one above you

AmaSSing how our Am censorship lovers try to turn the real problem into a joke.
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Feb 2025   #90
The only problem around here is a nasty foreign troll that has his head up his ass.

Better be careful you don't get thrown in jail for posting sth the EU censors don't like. Lol

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