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Censorship and violation of 1st Amendment in US

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
16 Feb 2025   #31 shows what petty insecure cowards those trumpists are...

I dunno Germany everybody suspicious of muslims and wanting to curb illegal immigration is called islamophob...or Nazi....often both....and treated badly by the officials.
They rarely get a word in the mainstream media....any kind of political cooperation is strictly "verboten"....official, that is....

They must be mightily insecure! Right?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Feb 2025   #32
banning a reporter or some flag or something like that shows weakness.

Not at all, quite the opposite, it shows our country has had a belly full of our enemy within.
Trump has the balls to do something about it by kicking ass and taking names later.
Let them howl all they want because their Woke b.s. days are over as America will no longer tolerate it.

Closing the border or draining the swamp are relevant matters,

Are you nuts, they are a threat from within.
That's where you start.

Plus Trump is dealing with Ukraine's mess, with Russia, with China, with Iran, with Israel so just where would you start if you were in Trumps shoes ?
What would be your personal priorities ?
I'll wait for your response.
Tlum  12 | 303
16 Feb 2025   #33
America needs big wins for the people, not for corporations. Banning a reporter or gay flag is meaningless for the working class. It only looks good on Fox news and is cheap entertainment for brainless MAGA folks. How is it going to help people pay their bills?

Who mows your yard or fixes your or your neighbor's roof for cheap? Immigrants. Trump's actions would make you pay much more for the same if immigrants are banned.

What would be the benefit for the American people if Ukraine gave the US 500 Billion worth of rare minerals? Who would benefit - you? Me? No - Bill Gates, Musk, Zuckenbergs and other capitalists. They would still pay 5% taxes as opposed to small businesses that pay up to 35%, with an average of 25%.

How about this - if Ukraine gives the US 500B worth of minerals, deduct 500B from the Social Security or other people taxes? Of course, Trump won't do it because it would help the little folks who voted for him. The only beneficiaries would be big corporations, again.

Look at the bigger picture - how Trump's actions are going to help regular Americans? For now, his actions only bring more inflation and more wealth to his billionaire buddies.
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #34
anning a reporter or gay flag is meaningless for the working class.

Life is full of "meaningless" symbols. Like burning a US flag, kneeling, saying that Trump is Hitler, spelling Russia as r*SSia, calling Putin "Putler"...

As a favor, would you kindly ask the PF azzfvcker why he does it? I am really curious...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
16 Feb 2025   #35
I am really curious...

....because they can annoy you with that, easily.....getting a punch in with every post....why do you let them?
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #36
Who mows your yard or fixes your or your neighbor's roof for cheap? Immigrants.

Not a single person, including Trump, is against immigrants. Why did you bring them up?
Tlum  12 | 303
16 Feb 2025   #37
The media pumps meaningless sh*t that excites the brainless MAGA folks and robs Americans at the same time. Trump's "deals" only benefit a few billionaires and corporations.
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #38
....because they can annoy you with that, easily.....

It should annoy others, too...

I object to calling German army and Navy "Nazis" for the same reason why I object to "Putler". "Nazi war ships" is beyond moronic...

The media pumps meaningless sh*t that excites the brainless MAGA folks

Were Bidenistas brainless?

What media?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
16 Feb 2025   #39
only benefit a few billionaires and corporations.

See....we have similiar discussion in Germany....hence my doubts!

I dunno about the billionaires, but the corporations NEED powerless immigrants....those who start at the bottom, illegal or not, only able (and more important willing) to get the cheapest, lowest paid, precarious and most dirty jobs.

In Germany we have minimum wage (for Germans)....many corporations would go broke fulfilling all these german laws and obligations (for Germans), at least the cooperations are not the ones asking for less immigration or closed borders. In the US it is the, Trump can't be working for them!

I guess, the old socialist-capitalist concepts of the enemy are not working anymore!
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #40
The corporations NEED powerless immigrants....

Germans don't. Germany was a world power way back. No immigrants.

Someow beds got made. Vegies picked. Babies taken care of. Houses immigrants.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
16 Feb 2025   #41
No immigrants.

More people, even a growing population back then!

The European Union, with open borders for members and products, helped for I guess it's either "Baby-Duty" for women, or a fast and thorough mechanization....a technological progress that allows an economy to serve millions with only a handful of workers....or something like that.

Otherwise its immigration....but it doesn't need to be from such far away places....they just don't fit here!
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #42
More people, even a growing population back then!

Automation, not immigrants.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2025   #44
@Johnny et al, then y'all better darned well be prepared for a Second American Revolution
that'll make Jan 6th look like a piker there, buddy boy, so have yer muskets at the ready!!!

We don't want or need a king, buster. Ol' King George I and his Red Coat minions found that out
the hard way.

Hitler's henchmen did too when the US bombed their butts back to the Stone Age.

Only a matter of time before Trump feels the same people's ire.

And YOU call yourself an American, a patriot no less??! You wrap yourself in Old Glory and
say you've done your good deed for the day???!

Ironside  51 | 13083
16 Feb 2025   #45
petty insecure cowards those trumpists

Stop peddling nonsense, you clown. You are a progressive leftie turd. there is no doubt you would be against normal sane people who yearn for a normal sane government that cares about their interests, not some fringe loonies and freaks.
You are like Democrats who are part of the world progressives have the same agenda and the same mentality, you can do all kinds of nasty, petty stuff, you can be totalitarian in extreme and even break the law and you justify yourself with some leftie nonsense.
When the boot is on the other foot you scream foul, but in fact, you hate that some other option is in power and you would criticize it no matter what.
So take your mask off and stop pretending to be an objective observer its sickening.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2025   #46
"Progressive lefty..."???
Why, Ironside? Because the man's talking sense?
Ironside  51 | 13083
16 Feb 2025   #47
Because the man's talking sense?

It makes sense to you because you are infected with the virus of Marxism.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2025   #48 you are infected with the [ever present] virus of Faschism.
Now, sir, you kindly tell us which is worse.....if you dare!
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Feb 2025   #49
"Progressive lefty..."???
Why, Ironside? Because the man's talking sense?

Thats because you are just as bad as him and suffer from nonstop TDS. You lost the election. Now stop crying like a little progressive baby if you ever hope to win another election again.

Trump has accomplished more in 4 weeks than Bidens puppet masters did in 4 years..

Remember..........Elections have consequences--- Barak Obozo:)

You 2 stooges are going to be a puddle of pi$$ after 4 years of Trump winning! Hahahahaha
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2025   #50
Trump will soon learn that he can't break the resolve of the American people,
much as with McCain when he was a POW; they broke his back, but they couldn't
break his spirit, son and grandson of career admirals notwithstanding!

Trump's die hard supporters are nothing more than avowed racists, infantile
low lives who are mere sandbox bullies and don't represent either
the true fighting spirit of Jefferson or FDR.
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #51
Agreed! *nods*

I have more Nobel-grade addition to automation:

Imports - no immigration
Contract workers - no immigration

...and absolutely never, ever foreign women!!!

Contrary to the false rumor being spread by assorted freaks, only women can have babies.

Want more babies? Make native women have more babies by paying them to have babies. Who would pay them to have babies? Couples who don't have babies.

No need for immigrants, baby gulags, or farms.

Here is an idea...If you have a baby, we will take off 2 years from your sentence, Frau...

Trump's die hard supporters are nothing more than avowed racists,

Every time I read shlt like this, I hate Hitler less and less...

My only question for now is if you are a moron or a troll or both...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
16 Feb 2025   #52
...and absolutely never, ever foreign women!!!

Here I disagree! Guess who does all the knifing and raping and murdering of Germans in the recent days, weeks, months, years? Immigrant was never a woman.
They would be easier to integrate too....surely!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2025   #53
@Rich, you hate Hitler less and less because your own brain's been destroyed by those MAGOT-Republicans
I keep talking about.
Novichok  4 | 8682
16 Feb 2025   #54
Trump has accomplished more in 4 weeks than Bidens puppet masters did in 4 years..

Not failr to Biden...Nobody, not even Obama, managed to do so much to damage this country as this POS...

That's why Am Jews, our worst enemy, love this mother fvcker so much.

The idea is simple: When we all are weaker, Am Jews are stronger. They do it everywhere as crooks, p0rn, and LGBT "rights" peddlers.

it was never a woman.

Women are worse than criminals. They have babies who later are criminals...or make your country unrecognizable...
Ironside  51 | 13083
16 Feb 2025   #55
.as you are infected with the [ever present] virus of Faschism

quod erat demonstrandum, For a Marxist everything that is against Marxism is fascism.
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Feb 2025   #56
Trump will soon learn that he can't break the resolve of the American people,

He won the popular vote and the electoral college, this Is the resolve of the American people. Dummy.

Its just bad you NY Jews and foreigners dont like it.. You voted for the Hamas party as well, sad.

Trump's die hard supporters are nothing more than avowed racists, infantile

More BS coming from the extreme leftards. I see TDS controls your mind as well.

My only question for now is if you are a moron or a troll or both...
@ Novichok

The Democrats are in full meltdown mode screaming, yelling and vilifying Trump supporters and yet there is absolutely nothing they can do:)

More popcorn please, watching these leftard morons meltdown on a daily basis is hysterical.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2025   #57
Handy rationalization you've got there, Ironside.

Care to justify it for us? For a Faschist, everything against Faschism is Marxism
and so we're back to square usual.

An interesting volume in which you might be interested by a post-War German
historian who tried to explain the Holocaust in terms of the Germans associating
Bolshevism with Judaism; get rid of the Jews and you'll get rid of the reviled
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
16 Feb 2025   #58
Women are worse than criminals.

You know you are talking also about your own mom and grandmom?
Ironside  51 | 13083
16 Feb 2025   #59
are nothing more than avowed racists, infantile
low lives who are mere sandbox bullies

Well Novi, I think Lyzko has you figured out. lol!

By the way Lyzko are you full of hate as Novi? Don't you think you could help each other to heal?
I hope that on some level you do realize you are talking nonsense?
For a Faschist, everything against Faschism is Marxism

Not factual, so it is not valid.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2025   #60
Of course it's valid, Ironside! I'm simply applying your
logic, that's all.

Troll?? You don't understand the meaning of the word.

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