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Censorship and violation of 1st Amendment in US

pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #1
Our American boys love bragging, falsely of course, how 1st Amendment is respected in the US, compared to similar laws/traditions in Europe. Of course it isn`t. The cases of violation take place every day. Do our American boys lie on purpose or they prefer to live in the SSI aka States of Splendid Isolation where they remain blissfully unaware of worrying circumstances??? This or that, they are amaSSing!

Case no 1 - abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

The White House has banned Associated Press journalists from covering events in the Oval Office, Air Force One and elsewhere. The move comes as the agency continues to use the term Gulf of Mexico in its dispatches despite Donald Trump's name change for the body of water. The White House Correspondents' Association, WHCA, has protested the restrictions.
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Feb 2025   #2
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #3
Thanks. I knew you would be helplessly speechless in this thread. :):):)
It is amaSSing coz you are one of those Americano boys who take such false pride over your false freedom of speech.
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Feb 2025   #4
Nope, it's just another one your anti American threads.

Your jealousy drips off your posts, and you clearly haven't anything better to to with your pathetic life.

I pity how worthless you are.

America lives in your head rent free, it's all you have to talk about. Lol

OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #5
It is amaSSing how you prefer to attack me rather than relate to the subject matter.

This thread will continue coz I have more cases to mention.

Your false superiority on American "freedom of speech" will dissipate soon..... :):):) Stay tuned. Hahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8681
15 Feb 2025   #6
You are too kind, Joker.

Access to the White House is a PRIVILEGE, not a constitutional right, you stupid gender-confused azzhole ...

Your false superiority on American "freedom of speech" will dissipate soon....

Yours is already an illusion. If not in Poland, it already is in that armpit of Europe aka the UK.

Now, stupid Polak, look up "privilege" vs "right" and tell us the difference...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #7
hey, Am boys, your Americano politician comes to Europe and has the cheek to suggest we practise censorship while it is his boss Trump who does. AmaSSing are those trumpists. White males parasites and we know everything.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #8
Access to the White House is a PRIVILEGE,

Oh, I see, so this catch allows to introduce censorship on the press. Russian standards they seem to me. hahaha


Darling, I am staying of course for brilliant debates with you. I can`t wait. hahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #9
so this catch allows to introduce censorship on the press.

When Biden administration barred some reporters, too, conz and rightists were so indignant about Dem censorship verging on dictatorial. Now they seem to be overjoyed when Trump is doing the same.

Americanos, stop bragging about your freedoms coz you believe in unicorns which don`t exist.
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Feb 2025   #10
Access to the White House is a PRIVILEGE, not a constitutional right.

He hasnt got a clue and just makes up stories bc of his TDS mental affliction.

Yours is already an illusion. If not in Poland, it already is in that armpit of Europe aka the UK.

Where you get thrown in jail if someone doesnt like what you posted on the internet.LOL

GFY, azzhole...

Dont feed the troll anymore.
Novichok  4 | 8681
15 Feb 2025   #11
Dont feed the troll anymore.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #12
just makes up stories

Really?? The story about Trump turning down AP reporters is made up??? It has been at the top of major news from the US for the last 3 days. Ha!!!!

Dont feed


Is it only my impression that our con Americanos feel somewhat uneasy in this thread????? I wonder why.......... ):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #13
Is it only my impression that our con Americanos feel somewhat uneasy in this thread????? I wonder why.........

Because they don`t like it when we expose their fake freedoms in public.

Also, they hate to admit that they are the biggest supporters of censorship against their opponents themselves.

Just check it out:

We need a law that prevents Euroholes from posting on US servers.

AmaSSing developments we can see!!! )L:):)

FFF - Fake Freedoms Phenomenon!!! hahahaha
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Feb 2025   #14
Face facts, folks, Trump is a dictator and decries the very democracy that got him into office in the first place!!
He and his ilk have no place in our society, never did, never will. He's a cancer on the American body politic
and is best eliminated....democratically, of course:-)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #15
Trump is a dictator and decries the very democracy

Yes. This move by Trump perfectly shows his sick intentions:

The Trump administration has fired at least a dozen federal watchdogs late on Friday evening, a possibly illegal move that could face court challenges. Speaking from the Senate floor on Saturday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer described the watchdog firings as a "chilling purge".
"These firings are Donald Trump's way of telling us he is terrified of accountability and is hostile to facts and to transparency," said Schumer, a Democrat from New York.

johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Feb 2025   #16
by firing workers who oppose dictatorship.

No, that is called step one of draining the Swamp of my countries enemies.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #17
draining the Swamp

All dictators provide such motives for their dirty actions. When an army officer who organises a coup de etat in Africa claims he is doing it to put an end to the gov`s corruption, don`t believe him. The same with Trump. He promises to clean the old Swamp but is doing everything to gain the opportunity of creating the new and his own Swamp.

I saw it in Poland ruled by PiS for 8 years- they promised to clean the Swamp and landed in a deeper one themselves. Today I am posting about their appalling thievery and corruption.

Those PiS gangsters are as cheeky as those Am con artists. Can you imagine one PiS criminal said:
Vance was also praised by former Prime Minister and current PiS MEP Beata Szydło, who stated that "he presented a coherent vision of the Western world, in which democracy and freedom of speech are the most important". hahahaha buhahahaha
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Feb 2025   #18
@Yo, Johnny Boy!

The enemy is within, not abroad. Sorta reminds me of Daniel Ellsberg's
zinger of a rejoinder when asked about 'Nam, "We weren't on the wrong side,
we WERE the wrong side."

The same applies to Herr Trump.
Novichok  4 | 8681
15 Feb 2025   #19
The same applies to Herr Trump.

If German Jews were like you are here, I am not surprised that they were told to get the fvck out, you piece of shlt...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2025   #20
you piece of shlt..

Instead of going personal on Lyzko which is the thing you critisized multiple times in the forum when performed on you, can you relate to the subject matter aka the censorship that con Americans are trying to impose on the whole US??????????????
Tlum  12 | 303
16 Feb 2025   #21
The Associated Press or NPR have been as relevant and truthful as "Trybuna Ludu" in Poland back in the commie times. I'd personally not ban them, but really nothing is missed by news readers.
Novichok  4 | 8681
16 Feb 2025   #22
I'd personally not ban them,

Nobody "banned" AP. AP is no longer invited to the White House just you don't invite guys you don't like. Visiting your place is as much a privilege as being invited to the White House.

Nobody has a right to enter either without being invited.

The White House is not a public place like a city park or post office.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Feb 2025   #23
it's just another one your anti American threads.

Yup, TROLLING at its best.
This Provoking thread has nothing to do with Poland or Polish people.
Maybe the Mod would like to delete it to keep "All Things Polish."
Novichok  4 | 8681
16 Feb 2025   #24
The Associated Press or NPR have been as relevant and truthful as "Trybuna Ludu"

It's not about relevant . It's about AP being Trump's enemy within.

He has no legal obligation to let them in. AP can, of course, sue and will most likely ask some leftist fed judge to intervene claiming discrimination.

...TROLLING at its best.

He did it to argue with me ... Simple.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Feb 2025   #25
Trump is a dictator

No, King Trump is draining the Swamp and you are beside yourself to make such remarks.
If Rumps decisions are to make America Great Again then they are not dictatorial.
He is just doing his job which has been missing in the last 12 years in our presidency.
You better get use to it because Father Trump has just got started cleaning up the mess obama & biden have made.
Took the dictator Trump less than a month to restore order at the boarder which obama and biden couldn't do in 12 years !
Took a dictator to say no to men participating in little girls sports and sharing the shower room with them.
And if what you call a dictator is COMMON SENSE then I am all for it regardless what diminishing name you hang on it.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2025   #26
you don't invite guys you don't like.

Today AP, tomorrow another agency and one day only ball lickers will be invited by Trump. That`s how it works.
So, Novi, stop that crap about privilige. You can practise this privilege system in your private home, e.g, you can give the privilige of using your ensuite toilet by your guests if there are any.


So, you support those American con artists who are afraid of freedom of speech and want to suppress it??? Ha!!!

Hey, con Americanos, you are nicely proving in this thread what your real values are. hahahahahaha

delete it

Exactly!!! Delete everything which exposes false values by con Americans. hahahaha buhahaha
Tlum  12 | 303
16 Feb 2025   #27
The more meaningless executive privileges Trump uses, the less relevant he will become and the more people will start not liking it. You've got the power, use it where it makes sense; otherwise, it shows your weakness.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Feb 2025   #28
You've got the power, use it where it makes sense;

Father Trump is by starting with draining the Swamp of our enemies and closing our open border.
Where would you start if you were in his shoes ?
Tlum  12 | 303
16 Feb 2025   #29
Closing the border or draining the swamp are relevant matters, but banning a reporter or some flag or something like that shows weakness. Use your biggest power in important matters only.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2025   #30
but banning a reporter or some flag or something like that shows weakness

Exactly. That`s how I see it coz it shows what petty insecure cowards those trumpists are if they take it out on some unimportant journalists.

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