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Nazywam się Jade i mieszkam w Anglii.

OP Lody  1 | 9
18 May 2009   #31
And Lody seems to learn things fast.

Oh, why thankyou! :p
gumishu  15 | 6228
21 May 2009   #32
You will need a new name, Poles will pronounce your name "yaddeh" when they read it.

Jade is jadeit in Polish but it does not have any nice connotations in our language.
You can go as Jadźka though ;) (Jadźka is short for (and sort of diminutive but not really affectionate) Jadwiga. An affectionate form is Jadzia (Jadziunia even more affectionate)

if you look for a nickname not a name in Polish you can go for Klejnot/Klejnocik which is a gem or Kryształ(ek) which is cristall.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
10 Apr 2010   #33
Witam panienkę w forumie PF :)

Jestem Pan Grunwald, mam nadzieje że zobaczymy się nawzajem częściej

Długo nie pisałem po Polsku :S
SouthMancPolak  - | 102
10 Apr 2010   #34
Nazywam się Jade i mieszkam w Anglii

I was going to say that it's Jadę, but that wouldn't make sense, then of course I realised that Jade is a chavvy first name lol :)

Och... kocham lody!

Should be uwielbiam really, we don't "love" inanimate objects in Polish ;)
Alien  26 | 6527
12 Aug 2022   #35
"kocham lody" is okey.
mafketis  38 | 11260
12 Aug 2022   #36
"kocham lody"

Cause... who doesn't?

  • nuff.jpg
Alien  26 | 6527
13 Aug 2022   #37
Preferably strawberry with prosecco.🧁

Home / Po polsku / Nazywam się Jade i mieszkam w Anglii.
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