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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2

Miloslaw  21 | 4867
21 Aug 2024 #901
And you claim you earned a High school diploma?

Please post where I claimed that you moron!We don't even have those in the UK.....

Just like Trump haters. Trump is lying. But what is the lie? Well, Trump is lying

Wake up! All politicians lie......Trump is a right wing liar and Harris is a left wing liar...... you choose which liar you prefer......
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
21 Aug 2024 #902
you choose which liar you prefer......

I prefer those who keep migrants away.

With that done, they can lie, steal, rob, rape, and murder. I don't care. Just keep the human garbage nobody wants out of here.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
21 Aug 2024 #903
Milo, you are partially correct.
Kamala constantly shamelessly and deliberately lies, and Trump is known for long-ranging, truthful answers in front of hostile reporters with slight exaggeration on occasion; which one would you prefer?

Trump is a right wing liar

So see, Milo, you are just confirming what I have said. Trump is a liar. But what is his lie? Milos answer: well, he is a lier :::)))
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
21 Aug 2024 #904
Oh come on Ptak! Grow up!!

All politicians are liars....... I am not going to waste my time posting all of Trump's and Harris's lies...... both have far too many.....
johnny reb  46 | 7357
21 Aug 2024 #905
I don`t have to answer any cretinous questions

Correction, you can't answer our questions because you have painted yourself in a corner.
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
22 Aug 2024 #906
All politicians are liars.....

There is a difference between "the border is secure" and...pick your favorite Trump's lie and tell us what it is.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
22 Aug 2024 #907
The one biden told about him trying to open the schools back up after Covid was hilarious.
Trump is the one that was screaming to open the schools back up and biden refused.
(People have better memories than you do liar joe) Hoot !
pawian  220 | 24927
1 Sep 2024 #908
On second thoughts, I fully agree with Pawian.

Thank you. I have always known my education works wonders even on most stubborn students.
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
2 Sep 2024 #909
Bodies of six hostages including an American man, 23, are found in Gaza - ...

The IDF just got a reason to kill 6000 more Palestinians.
Alien  22 | 5478
2 Sep 2024 #910
Bodies of six hostages

They survived 9 months in Hamas captivity, died in an IDF attack. That's why there are riots in Israel.
Ironside  50 | 12456
2 Sep 2024 #912
The IDF just got

you are a joke.
pawian  220 | 24927
2 Sep 2024 #913
Bodies of six hostages

That`s a direct result of the genocidal policy of the Nazi Israeli`s gov.

Israel is guilty!

Of course. If those Nazis negotiated a deal with Palestinians, the hostages would be free long ago.

Btw, decent Israeli citizens went on strike to force their Nazi gov to start negotiations at last.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11926
2 Sep 2024 #914
the hostages would be free long ago

I doubt that!

I read one murdered woman showed traces of mass rapes on her dead body....maybe death was a liberation from that endless martyrdom.
pawian  220 | 24927
2 Sep 2024 #915
I read one

I don`t believe one word those Nazis say. They are as false as Judas.
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
2 Sep 2024 #916
I read one murdered woman showed traces of mass rapes on her dead body...

Hamas accomplished something nobody thought would ever be possible...

These human hyenas made NKVD and Gestapo look good...Unreal...

Memo to the IDF and Mossad: Ignore everything and kill them all quickly - kids included. Pregnant women, too, before future Hamasians hatch...

Remember that Hitler was a harmless fetus at some point...
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
2 Sep 2024 #917

Dear Mr. Netanyahu, ignore this moron. Even his party told him to get lost.
Ironside  50 | 12456
2 Sep 2024 #918
Dear Mr. Netanyahu

500,000 Israelis on the streets tell Netanyahu to get lost!
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
2 Sep 2024 #919
Even Israelis can be emotional and stupid.

Memo to the morons in Israel: When Israel's existence is on the table, hostages don't matter. Tough shly...
Ironside  50 | 12456
2 Sep 2024 #920
can be emotional and stupid.

well, you know what many Americans say about you.the same.
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
2 Sep 2024 #921
Tell me who and I will make them change their mind.
Alien  22 | 5478
4 Sep 2024 #922
I will make them change their mind.

Aha, so you're going to slap them with a diaper and then run over them with a wheelchair?
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
4 Sep 2024 #923
That`s a direct result of the genocidal policy of the Nazi Israeli`s gov.

Just read what you have just should be ashamed of yourself, very ashamed.
Alien  22 | 5478
5 Sep 2024 #924 should be ashamed of yourself, very ashamed

Well, he got embarrassed and ran away...for now.
pawian  220 | 24927
5 Sep 2024 #925

Yes, I got embarassed I didn`t bash NAZI ISRAEL gov enough and ran away for a few hours. But I am back with a new plan!

ashamed of yourself

Yes, Milo, you are perfectly right, I should.
But I promise I will lash at those NAZIS more mercilessly next time. Just you wait!
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
5 Sep 2024 #926
What should Israel do to make sure that 10/7 will not happen ever again?
pawian  220 | 24927
5 Sep 2024 #927
Negotiate. If they don`t before it is too late, they will be doomed.
Alien  22 | 5478
8 Sep 2024 #928
they will be doomed

Will they go to hell? 👹
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
8 Sep 2024 #929
But I promise I will lash at those NAZIS more mercilessly next time

Why? Do you hate Jews?Do you think they have no right to protect themselves against suicidal terrorists?Do you think that after centuries of oppression Jews have no right to fight back?Do you think that dead Palestinians are worth more than dead Jews?
I think the Israeli's are going a bit too strong against the Muslims, and I call them Muslims deliberately, because there is no and never has been a Palestinian state.
But The Jews have to defend themselves and the only way they know how to do that is to hit back hard!
How the hell, after all that the Jews suffered under Nazism, can you accuse them of being Nazis???
You should hang your Socialist head in shame....... and that is your problem..... your political stance.....
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
8 Sep 2024 #930
None of this matters, Milo. The only thing that matters is this:

What should Israel do to make sure that 10/7 will not happen ever again?

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