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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2

Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
19 Aug 2024 #871
Get ready to empty your property it was premised to me 5000 years ago. I will call on you soon.

Come over Iron will have fun, don't forget to bring your credit cards, and deeds to your property:::)))
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
19 Aug 2024 #872
History is history, and I am only a messenger.

History is not just history,it teaches us a lot, if we are willing to listen...... you are not a messenger, just yet another useless troll.

I initially thought you were a massager of your ego

You were not wrong in that assessment.

When Crow is absent from the forum, you take over and propagate his Slavic dreams

Seems that way...... these pro Slavs don't seem to have noticed that Poles are different....... they may be Slavs..... but independent Slavs and not a part of some ridiculous "Slav Brotherhood" headed by Serbs and Russians!!!! HaHaHaHa! Pathetic!
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
19 Aug 2024 #873
Which I didn`t read to the end, stopped on Mosses, coz the rest was a waste of time.

Your pants on fire, you devoured every last interesting morsel. Mosses was only an appetizer

Don't be a poor Milo's version. Literal reading/interpretation can be embracing, questioning your comprehension ability
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
19 Aug 2024 #874
it teaches us a lot,

Those lessons have a shelf life of one generation. Maybe two...Then it's rinse and repeat...

How long did it take for the young morons to discover the joys of socialism after the collapse of the USSR?

After thousands of years of bi-gender life, the young morons discovered another 70 genders the billions of people before the morons didn't.

That's why rewriting history is so popular lately. Now, even Columbus is a racist pig.

What we need is more wars with women as the only participants. There are too many of them...
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
19 Aug 2024 #875
comprehension ability

And yours is very poor.

Those lessons have a shelf life of one generation. Maybe two

Are you mad??? There are lessons to be learnt throughout history.

As to the rest of your post, it's just rambling, incoherent nonsense and not worth addressing.
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
19 Aug 2024 #876
There are lessons to be learnt throughout history

Give me three.
Miloslaw  21 | 4867
19 Aug 2024 #877
1.The Battle of Britain showed that you can sometimes win by skill despite overwhelming odds.
2.D Day showed that nothing is impossible without proper planning.
3.Napoleon and Hitler proved that invading Russia in winter does not work.
4.The Warsaw uprising proved that people will fight rather than surrender even though they have no chance of success.
5.What was the greatest ancient empire of all time?The Romans?The Greeks?The Egyptians?.... no.... check it out..... it was The Aztecs!
6.WW1 proved that trench warfare did not gain you ground, only a lot of dead bodies.
7.The Trojan Horse proved that sometimes people can be easily fooled.

I could go on but it's getting late here and I've already given you more than three to chew on.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
19 Aug 2024 #878
2.D Day showed that nothing is impossible without proper planning.

And you claim you earned a High school diploma? What country, Bangladesh or possibly Burundi? Read your quotation and beg for help:::)))
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
20 Aug 2024 #879
I usually avoid triple negatives.

I could go on

I will...

8. Western "democracies" always morph into soft dictatorships and die.
9. The US should have stayed out of WW1, WW2, K, V, I, and A.
10. The US should deport the UN and leave NATO.
11. The US should not take any immigrants, migrants, and refugees.
12. The US should close the border and make it an open-fire zone for US citizens.
13. Government deficit spending should carry the death penalty.
14. The US should close all embassies and consulates and use Internet.
15. The US should stop all foreign aid.
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
20 Aug 2024 #880
16. The US should default on foreign debt.
17. All US citizens should own two AR-15s and 1000 rounds to be able to vote.
18. Only US-born draftable taxpayers should be allowed to vote.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
20 Aug 2024 #881
It was the Aztecs!

Are you certain you're not referencing Jon's dictionary of forgotten and irrelevant words to verify your facts? Several achievements that spring to mind occurred in our world, independently, without influence from the New World, and were magnified by thousands. What, then, qualifies them as the greatest empire ever? Why do you undermine your own argument?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
20 Aug 2024 #882
Exactly!!! Yet, Jews created their state in 1940s,

Oh sure, it is a convenient way to discuss the four thousand years of history looking through the prism of the last fifty years is the only way you know how to advance your antisemitic views. Your historical knowledge is suffocating, compressed in the last fifty years, at the same time ignoring inconvenient four thousand years.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
21 Aug 2024 #883
Great post Ptak.
Short and sweet.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
21 Aug 2024 #884
However, it seems that the esteemed Historian Pawian is absent with a logical answer. Perhaps he is currently sharing thoughts with the acclaimed expert on WWII events, discussing the British single-handed victory with only marginal assistance from the US. WHO? Milo of course
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
21 Aug 2024 #885
with only marginal assistance from the US. WHO? Milo of course

I am so glad to read this.

When Europe decides to have WW3, all we will need is bags of popcorn.
pawian  220 | 24927
21 Aug 2024 #886
When Europe decides to have WW3,

Darling, when the US decides to have a war with China, we will also get our popcorn ready. hahahaha

Pawian is absent

I am present elsewhere. This one has exhausted my interest for a while. I shall return to it when I get bored in other threads. Nazi Israelis aren`t so important to me as other matters, namely food or Ukraine. Ha!!!
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
21 Aug 2024 #887
@ pawian
Don't forget to order armor to cover your a*se, and you can be sure Poland will suffer and pay the price like we always did throughout history.
You can stuff your flapping pie hole with delicious popcorn right now because, if the conflict unfolds, you might expire before your popcorn stops popping.
I am astounded you find the possibility of global war laughable.
pawian  220 | 24927
21 Aug 2024 #888
possibility of global war laughable.

hahahaha global war is fun! hahahaha
buhahahaha I can`t....... hihihihihi
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
21 Aug 2024 #889
I am astounded you find the possibility of global war laughable.

Clowns are charming that way. When they trip over a dead body, they go...hahahahahaha,,, darling...

They may find wars laughable but only from a safe distance.
pawian  220 | 24927
21 Aug 2024 #890
they go...hahahahahaha,

Darling, you suggested popcorn for WW3. I only copied your sick attitude. Ha!!! Why don`t you like it??
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
21 Aug 2024 #891
Nazi Israelis aren`t so important to me as other matters, namely food or Ukraine. Ha!!!

Stop evading, and answer the legitimate question, or like man, admit you lost the argument. Your evading tactics are visible to any objective participant,
like you straddling the fence while speaking with a fork-tong in one hand, bitterly criticizing Israelis striving for self-preservation, and on the other hand
gushing with admiration for terroristic, murderous Hamass. And on the third hand (with you, anything is possible, even third hand), you claim the love and understanding of the region's history.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
21 Aug 2024 #892
hahahaha global war is fun!

I hope you won't blow out your gasket; thinking about the unpleasant possibility is horrifying. Stay calm, and ask Milo for help.
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
21 Aug 2024 #893
Stop evading, and answer the legitimate question,

What should Israel do to be 100% sure that Hamas will not repeat 10/7?
pawian  220 | 24927
21 Aug 2024 #894
What should Israel do

Secede lands to create a free Palestinian state. Simple!

gushing with admiration

Lies. This means I don`t have to answer any cretinous questions coz you are lying like you breathe. Ha!!!
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
21 Aug 2024 #895
Just like Trump haters. Trump is lying. But what is the lie? Well, Trump is lying. The best they can come up with is a slight exaggeration; just like your technique, instead of answering the question, you evade, change the subject, laugh, play stupid, or many other dishonest tactics. Now that your game is partially exposed
please point to my lies, please, pretty please. Maybe you can't answer my questions because you are trapped and entangled in your dishonesty.
Other than that, you are doing well, especially your gardening stories.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
21 Aug 2024 #896
What should Israel do to be 100% sure that Hamas will not repeat 10/7?

Make sure Hamas no longer exists, but then they are all Hamas, even the ones living and scheming in the heart of America, and some of them, highly naive
in Pawianowie.
call1n  2 | 195
21 Aug 2024 #897
They should have just sent in the Arabian Knights when still friends with MBS
Przelotnyptak1  - | 394
21 Aug 2024 #898
Secede lands to create a free Palestinian state. Simple

Oh sure, like Palestinians proposing: from the river to the sea, in reality, no more Jewish state.Where you propose all the Jews should relocate to. Oh I see
like Arabs are proposing the next Holocaust; the final solution is your answer?
Alien  22 | 5478
21 Aug 2024 #899
final solution

Palestinians to Madagascar. 😇
OP Novichok  5 | 7662
21 Aug 2024 #900
but then they are all Hamas,

That's the problem with fanatics like Japs and Muslims. They don't mind dying.

White Christians and Israelis should see this as permission to kill as many as necessary.

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