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Is it worth to stay?

Labrador  2 | 50
25 Feb 2016   #1

I have just joined this community, but now I feel like I want to leave again.
It feels like everything in this forum is about generalizing everything, especially when it comes to nationality.

I have seen quite some Polish-patriots who are against everyone and everything, and I have seen quite some bad comments about other nationalities.

I came to learn more about Poland & Polish language.... Does not look like the right place to do so.

Pol attorney  2 | 106
25 Feb 2016   #2
You will learn quite a lot about Poland and Poles on this forum, but if you want to learn some Polish, you would probably have to enroll in online Polish classes somewhere (or regular Polish-language school).
25 Feb 2016   #3
I came to learn more about Poland & Polish language.

You will learn about Poland and a lot of the information to be found here is very useful, but you will also learn about Poland from the perspective of many different people with widely differing personalities. Let's just say that quite often these people don't always agree with each other ;)

As regards learning Polish language, there are tons of threads here with a wealth of information contained in them.
If you get a couple of decent books on grammar, and search the threads, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to pick up Polish.

My Polish isn't the best, but I joined this forum specifically for help with learning the language, and I've learned loads.

Only you can decide whether you want to stay or not, but if it were me I think I would give it a bit longer before I made a decision.

if you want to learn some Polish, you would probably have to enroll in online Polish classes somewhere (or regular Polish-language school).

Untrue, while I'm nowhere near fluent, I've learned from books, internet sources, mixing with Polish people and this forum in particular.
OP Labrador  2 | 50
25 Feb 2016   #4
@Chemikiem. Thanks ! I will do give it some more time.

I also agree with your second part about languages. I've learnt and I am still learning quite some languages without any type of classroom experiences. Just learn-programs & life-experiences. Learning by doing.

Alien  26 | 6527
7 Jul 2022   #5
It is always worth to stay.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
7 Jul 2022   #6
I couldn't agree more.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
7 Jul 2022   #8
...or over you:-)
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Jul 2022   #9
Does not look like the right place to do so.

Yes, some people shouldn`t take part in forums. You need to be strong here. I mean mentally. If you have doubts at the very beginning, you should give up.
Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Jul 2022   #10
Like addiction. :):)

to always look at road kill, no matter how repulsive. Or running to the house on fire...
Alien  26 | 6527
25 Jul 2022   #11
How many road kills have you seen yet?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
25 Jul 2022   #12
Let's just say that quite often these people don't always agree with each other ;)

A great old post by Pam.
Unlike some here, I miss her.
Alien  26 | 6527
26 Jul 2022   #13
Why did she leave?
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jul 2022   #14
She had enough of our fighting. She was too decent for that. Also, as a very active poster, she learnt everything about Poland and didn`t need to stay longer.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #15
She had enough of our fighting.

The truth of it was because she stepped down as a Mod and didn't have the power any longer to suspend people for telling her where to stack her bottles......well, you fear it better then anybody.

A great old post by Pam, I miss her.

Interesting since you weren't even a member yet when she last posted here. Hoot !

she learnt everything about Poland and didn`t need to stay longer.

That's where I am at.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jul 2022   #16
she stepped down as a Mod

As I said, she was too decent. Both for that job and later as a normal poster. Mods can`t be so decent - they have to be tough terminators who relentlessly deal with forum troublemakers, suspending them or even banning for ever. Ha!

That's where I am at.

No, you don`t know plenty of things about Poland. You prove it in every third post of yours which includes unusual info I have to correct.

That is why you need to stay longer here to learn more.
Lenka  5 | 3548
27 Jul 2022   #17
Pam was one of the few posters who actually were interested in Poland. Her knowledge could put many Poles to shame. Comparing her to the little barking creature is a great offence to Pam.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #18
That is why you need to stay longer

I have lost interest due to the Troll Moderator manipulating and deleting members posts and Baiting people into getting warnings. Simple
Thank you for your snotty input "Let's Round Up the Wagons Lenka !"
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jul 2022   #19
I have lost interest

No, you are still with us.

Baiting people

No, you are imagining things. Mods are tough terminators but they depend on fair play.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #20
Mods are tough terminators but they depend on fair play.

The good ones but then there is always a bad one that Baits, manipulates and deletes posts, lies and cheats, if they get personally get offend or their insecurity gets mocked or the stinging truth about said immature Moderator deflates their ego and rattles their inferiority complex.

They can't handle the truth so they resort to abusing their power starting with, "you are imagining things" cop out.
And when that happens I kindly ask them to ignore me so I can ignore them.
Well, you know. Simple.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jul 2022   #21
The good ones but then there is always

There are only good and fair mods here. Always have been. Pity, Pam left the position. She was an excellent mod who controlled you and other troublemakers with great patience. You were never banned for good which you deserved dozens of times coz she used to give you one more chance after another. You didn`t appreciate it, ungrateful scum.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #22
There are only good and fair mods here.

Oh horseshit ! said the sparrow, let's eat !

She was an excellent mod

She was very bias and a control freak pis poor Mod.
I can remember when anyone even posted the word "Teacher" she would ban them.
She hated Americans and harassed them to no end until they finally told her to f-off and left on their own.
Who the fvck do you think created the "Jim Weden" character ? Duh !
And she used my ip: # that she got from her access to the P.F. control board to locate the area I was posting from.

F- her and the horse she rode in on.
Then she and Harry tried to narrow it down by finding a church in the area that I attended only she botched it.
She then teamed up with Harry to post the Traverse City thread to sucker me only I smelled their stench from a mile away.

Remember that ?
She was/is a very vindictive sick person.
I have tons of sht on her in my archives of how nobody liked her.
Wroclaw Boy, Joker, Pigsy, Dirk and a few others called her out.
You my boy are just as bad as she was as she deleted posts too that diminished her with factual guilt.
She would post a diminishing comeback to Bait with and then when the victim would respond to it she would delete her nasty ass post and give the victim a warning for his/her response back just like you do.

And then there are the good Mods like Vincent that laughs at all of this kid sht. even though he had to of been in on it too.

And you claim to be good and fair Mods ? Hahahahahaahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha
Bullshit said sparrow, lets eat !
So put that in your pipe and smoke it Pawndog !
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jul 2022   #23
She hated Americans

Not all Americans but primitives and crazies like you. There are plenty of decent Ams here, cms or maf. You don`t belong to that group. :):):)

Wroclaw Boy, Joker, Pigsy, Dirk and a few others called her out.

Posters with propensities for troublemaking. And you among them. You snitched so much on people that your Alert button was retracted. :):)

And you claim to be good and fair Mods ?

No, I didn`t. Read with better comprehension. I only said - all mods play fair. :):)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #24
Not all Americans but primitives and crazies like you.

Says the biggest immature Man Child I have ever met. Hoot !

You snitched so much on people that your Alert button was retracted. :):)

This is another of your made up lies, several peoples Snitch button didn't work at that point in time because of incompatible programming of the P.F. with our browsers.

The Joke told that lie so many times that you actually believed it. Pitiful
So put that lie back in your pocket.

I only said - all mods play fair.

Sorry, I missed the part where you excluded yourself.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jul 2022   #25
Man Child

Darling, a truly successful teacher must be like that. I am one - famous for my perfect interaction with students in the perimeter of 35 miles in all directions. 20 years ago it was 80 miles. I already told you.

So, yours and Novi`s phrase which you believe is an insult is in fact a kind of praise for me. Thanks a lot. hahahaha

If you don`t understand such obvious notions, you are really daft. :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #26
a truly successful teacher must be like that. I am one - famous for my perfect interaction with students

Septin' we ain't your students Goofy, we be adults.
We already told you that.
There is the problem, you don't know when to shut your immaturity off.
Coming to an adult forum and talking baby talk and pretending to be cute with your filth is not something a normal adult would do.

I already told you.

Telling us your opinion carries no weight here so what you told us is meaningless.
Now grow up or go away, Goofy
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jul 2022   #27
we be adults.

Cut down on this redneck slang when talking to me. I expect a more sophisticated language from my students.

a normal adult would do.

Darling, I am not a typical human being. I am an Old Soul who has already lived several lives. The wisdom of all of them speaks through my words.

Now grow up or go away,

No and yes. On the one hand, I won`t grow up coz I still need two more lives for that.
On the other hand, I am going to sleep now.
But ....................

  • cdd5e4858eac95d44051.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2022   #28
Cut down on this redneck slang when talking to me

Suspend me cuz it ain't gonna happin', Dirtball.

I am not a typical human being.

We know, you are a man child.

I won`t grow up

I don't think so either, being a trust fund baby you have had your ass wiped all your life by your daddy so why change now., right.
Joker  2 | 2447
28 Jul 2022   #29
You snitched so much on people that your Alert button was retracted. :):)

A first in PF history!

Snitch button didn't work at that point in time because of incompatible programming of the P.

What a liar! You admitted it to me in a PM

Let ask the mods to clear it up then?? ( Jimmy starts to sweat)

F- her and the horse she rode in on.

Nice mouth Mr. Religion!

Dont you have anything else better to do with your pathetic life other than complain about a forum you sit on day after day.

Go outside and do sth, you idiot!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jul 2022   #30
Bad day at work again I see.
Your perpetual echo chamber needs to learn some self-control to manage your angry temper tantrums.
I suggest you get some professional help (therapy) as mental illness for a hot head like you could get yourself in serious trouble.

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