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Trans-Siberian railway the most legendary ride of a lifetime

Strzelec35  19 | 830
7 Mar 2021   #1
I'm seriously thinking of going after watching this refent Facebook in Polish trip or image show from this Polish guy and his wife who organize trips. this has to be the most legendary ride or trip of a lifetime. they have this YouTube channel here:

they organize trips basically for Polish people. but imagine the experience the countries and civilizations you'll see even while overcoming the challenge of basically living in a jail cell for three weeks or whatever. such a beautiful experience.
Novichok  4 | 8702
7 Mar 2021   #2
I'm seriously thinking of going

The trip may be fun. Revealing your nationality may be less so. I wouldn't count on a warm welcome from any Russian who knows how the US treats Russia or how Poles dislike them.
jon357  72 | 23654
8 Mar 2021   #3
this has to be the most legendary ride or trip of a lifetime

A lot to see out of the window, however most of the time is just waiting for something to happen. It would still be worth it though.

It's probably better if you can break the journey in a few places. Do you like long train journeys? Last year I travelled from northern Belgium to Warsaw in a (long) day changing at Eindhoven, Munster and Berlin. More peaceful than flying and stress free.
amiga500  5 | 1541
9 Mar 2021   #4
You can't afford it strelecz so stop dreaming. maybe the końsk to lodz on tanie linie kolojowe second class is more within your budget?
Novichok  4 | 8702
9 Mar 2021   #5
You can't afford it strelecz so stop dreaming.

I don't see a problem. Quoting:

Moscow-Vladivostok is an even greater bargain, 7 or 8 nights and 9,000km from as little as 14,500 rubles, about $210 or £170 with a bed in a shared 4-berth sleeper.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
9 Mar 2021   #6
Im sure I can afford the spot next to the constantly opening and closing bathroom door. The one no one wants Im sure it has to be super cheap.
amiga500  5 | 1541
9 Mar 2021   #7
Moscow-Vladivostok is an even greater bargain __ about $210 or £170 with a bed in a shared 4-berth sleeper.

Where did you get that price from? that would be one of the local trains not the tourist one.
Novichok  4 | 8702
9 Mar 2021   #8
Prices are all over the internet. To me, risks aside, the real fun would be to get off along the way and talk to the people. English-speaking guides would be the last on my list.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Mar 2021   #9
Im sure I can afford the spot

From about 150 Euro depending on time of year and level of comfort. That price is from Moscow to Vladivostok.
Velund  1 | 497
10 Mar 2021   #10
From about 150 Euro

Don't forget to add plane ticket for a return trip (but in a non-epidemic times there may be more reasonable direct flights to Seoul for connection to some route to US or Europe). Also, add some to be spent in a train restaurant.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Mar 2021   #11
Don't forget to add plane ticket for a return trip

Yes. Both ways would be a long journey, however, as you know, internal flights within Russia are cheap.
Alien  26 | 6543
15 Jul 2024   #12
internal flights within Russia are cheap.

and dangerous.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Jul 2024   #13
Bloody dangerous with decrepit planes and drunken pilots. Mind you, Boeing aren't that safe either and both beat some of the planes I've been on in Africa that have bog roll stiffed into the ceiling to unsuccessfully stop them pıssing water from the a/c. The kind of airline that isn't allowed to land in some African countries, never mind in Europe.

Reading the Trans Siberian railway stuff, trains really are the best way to travel. I'd do it if it wasn't where it is. There are still some long distance ones that are cheap. Not as long as that one but still good. Warsaw to Paris is doable via Cologne, but is expensive. There used to be a Moscow or Petersburg to Nice/Monaco train that went through Poland. You could board there but it was hellishly expensive.

I've done the journey from Belgium to Poland via Eindhoven, Munster or Dortmund and Berlin a couple of times. Once it was about €100 and once about €130?. Probably cheaper if you travel on a quiet day and book well in advance. You can have lunch in a German restaurant car and dinner in a Polish one, and they both have proper kitchens and nice food.

Sadly the cargo ship that had a few cabins and went between Poland and the U.K. no longer takes passengers. I think it was about 3 days, sailed once a week in each direction. When I last checked a price, it was about £250. The ship still sails from Gdynia but unfortunately the port in Immingham no longer has passenger facilities or immigration staff since the ferries have all stopped there. It was disappointing to learn since I'd always fancied making the journey that way.

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