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Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11931
3 Sep 2021   #31
I hope you can see the level and the intensity of my German patriotism from that run-on sentence above...

Yeah...I see you waving the german flag through my web cam! :) you will tell me you support the german Fußballmannschaft....

Do you Germans at least keep records where these a-holes came from

German citizens are probably one of the most documented people (outside of a dictatorship)....the duty for papers of any kind for every occasion runs high.

But for foreigner it depends...the older ones came invited during the West-German "Wirtschaftswunder".....mostly southern Europeans and Turks....they and their descendants are as well documented as native Germans by now.

The newer ones? Not so much!

The problem with many immigrants nowadays is that they come from regions where that isn't so orderly. Often papers get lost (they say, even as they manage to hold onto their expensive smartphone somehow)....more often they just lie to get in the "asylants of the month Germany is sympathetic to" group hoping for better chances to be accepted.

So, that brings us to the current most annoying conundrum of the german immigration policies - even if someone has no chances to get legally accepted, even when he becomes a criminal, without a real documented country to be shoven back to (always assumed said home country wants him back in the first place) he has to the worst case for infinity...supported by the teeth grinding german taxpayer!

....and you talk about some future, heh:)
Lyzko  44 | 9720
3 Sep 2021   #32
Folk songs were beginning to fall out of favor among younger Germans as far back as the '8O's! Heard an older man whistling "Wenn wir marschieren..." at a bus stop in Hamburg and somebody summoned a policeman. That was in 2OOO-:)
Novichok  4 | 8608
3 Sep 2021   #33
e has to the worst case for infinity...supported by the teeth grinding german taxpayer!

You asked me what has changed. You did and for the better - without any intent to be patronizing on my part.
I knew that yours was the only sensible answer to my last question - meant as a test since I know everything.
This is the ratchet wrench quandary the gentle Western whites everywhere are in now - all hearts and no balls; a terminal condition with violence as the only cure.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11931
3 Sep 2021   #34
meant as a test since I know everything.

Still....IMHO it is boring to surround yourself with likeminded posters. It's like talking to a mirror...

If you are interested in real discussions you should look out for different opinions....then take them apart with facts....try to convince them....try to see things from their perspective....avoid to demean them because that's mostly the end of any fruitful exchange...and you will have alot more fun, promise! :)

PS: I don't think I changed that much?
AntV  3 | 670
3 Sep 2021   #35
belongs Christianity to Germany.....but does Islam?

Oh, I see!

I'd think at least half, if not 2/3 of USians would think Islam doesn't belong to USia.

And, if the elected Muslim congressman and women are representative of how Islam and USia intermingle, then 2/3 is still too small, IMO.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
3 Sep 2021   #36
No Muslim candidates in Germany's current election. Cem Ozdemir, are you sleeping the next one out too?
Novichok  4 | 8608
3 Sep 2021   #37
Muslims should be classified as foreign agents, barred from all government positions, and their schools closed.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
4 Sep 2021   #38
Not unless the PEGIDA or Gauland's AfD have a say!
Alien  25 | 6464
21 Oct 2021   #39
@Bratwurst Boy: belongs Islam to Germany
Islam belongs to West Germany, Pegida und AfD belongs to East Germany. In this case the division of Germany still exists today.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11931
21 Oct 2021   #40
Nun ja....the surveys and polls don't make that distinction....the majority who thinks the Islam doesn't belong to Germany says so across the country.

Only 5% would agree with you!
Alien  25 | 6464
21 Oct 2021   #41
OK perhaps I am not up to date in this matter.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11931
21 Oct 2021   #42
Na ja....there is still a great divide what "knowing Muslims" concerns....Wessis know more Muslims than Ossis....but it doesn't help that much.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
21 Oct 2021   #43
Just a matter of time. Germans are mostly reasonable people, and once it sinks in that the fear of muslims is anything but reasonable, they will change their mind.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11931
21 Oct 2021   #44
Just a matter of time.

...yeah....till the "old Germans" have died out, you mean...the youth will embrace Islam...suuure! :)
Novichok  4 | 8608
21 Oct 2021   #45
the fear of muslims is anything but reasonable, they will change their mind.

The most perverted way of thinking but I am not surprised considering the source.
Hey, Tacitus, normal people DO NOT invite people they have to learn not to be afraid of. Only brainless leftist morons do!
jon357  72 | 23544
21 Oct 2021   #46
the fear of muslims

Basically just fear of anything that isn't their sister or a bland meal.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11931
21 Oct 2021   #47
Hmm.....I dunno....this place in central Europe now called Germany has historicall always been a destination for immigration....I don't remember much fear about them.

To put the muslim immigration at the same level ignores the big differences, cultural, social and religious....that is not helping at all! Also the naive wish that their assimilation will work in time in the same way as with the millions of Europeans which have become bonafide Germans over the just won't work that way, it is just not the same!

I guess this ignorance, this willful putting the head in the sand, will be the downfall of the european/german left at one time in the one time they just will be unable to shove that growing problem away anymore!
Novichok  4 | 8608
21 Oct 2021   #48
How about doing what we all do at home: select our guests. How about only white Christians? Duh! Too radical and not "progressive" enough?
I have seen all kinds of idiots. White leftists stand alone. Nobody can compete with them in the mad race to the bottom.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
21 Oct 2021   #49
has historicall always been a destination for immigration..

It has been a centre of emigration for centuries. Mahlzeit.
Novichok  4 | 8608
21 Oct 2021   #50
There is no such thing as "a center of emigration" - only a bs way to justify the sick "new world without borders" and useless people who want to go from Point A they fu*cked up to Point B they didn't manage to destroy just yet.

Today, Points B are all white. In the past, they were black and vastly improved with whites in charge.
jon357  72 | 23544
21 Oct 2021   #51
It has been a centre of emigration for centuries

Anywhere industrialised has been in a sense a centre of migration; human migration patterns and trade/industry/urbanisation have always gone together.
Novichok  4 | 8608
21 Oct 2021   #52
Anywhere industrialised

Industrialised = higher standard of living = white.
Primitive = low standard of living = black

Whites migrating to black - SoL goes up.
Blacks migrating to white - SoL goes down.
Whites chased out - hunger. See Zimbabwe.
jon357  72 | 23544
21 Oct 2021   #53
ignores the big differences, cultural, social and religious

It looks increasingly that the Zoomers don't stress so much about perceived differences.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11931
21 Oct 2021   #54
Do you have some links to support that statement?
jon357  72 | 23544
21 Oct 2021   #55
Do you think a chat forum is an essay?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11931
21 Oct 2021   #56
I found that interesting and quite actual report about european youth with alot of data:

European youth will not bridge Europe's divides

Contrary to Western stereotypes about progressive youth, young Europeans are quite polarised and disunited.

...Therefore, the idea that Europe is moving towards a bright progressive future under the leadership of its young people is a delusion at best....

But that still seems to a cherished hope by many lefties! :) The latest shock for that belief came just recently in Germany as at least the half of the young voters didn't care for socialism or anything green at all....

Do you think a chat forum is an essay?

I just think it gives a statement more value if its not just written, like a personal opinion....or wishful thinking! :)
jon357  72 | 23544
21 Oct 2021   #57
if they are not just written, like a personal opinion

Comments here are exactly personal opinion; whether or not some people just go searching online for something that agrees with what they want to say (though it can go badly wrong as it did for you the other day when you were searching for pics of doners from Germany and inadvertently posted one from the UK).

And yes, the Zoomer generation are far less given to othering individuals and groups. Familiarity doesn't always breed contept.

Sad that a yet another thread has morphed into people posting negative stuff about immigration and Muslims.

Some here seem to think about little else.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11931
21 Oct 2021   #58
you were searching for pics of doners from Germany and inadvertently posted one from the UK

NO WAY!!!!

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