Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11931
3 Sep 2021 #31
I hope you can see the level and the intensity of my German patriotism from that run-on sentence above...
Yeah...I see you waving the german flag through my web cam! :) you will tell me you support the german Fußballmannschaft....
Do you Germans at least keep records where these a-holes came from
German citizens are probably one of the most documented people (outside of a dictatorship)....the duty for papers of any kind for every occasion runs high.
But for foreigner it depends...the older ones came invited during the West-German "Wirtschaftswunder".....mostly southern Europeans and Turks....they and their descendants are as well documented as native Germans by now.
The newer ones? Not so much!
The problem with many immigrants nowadays is that they come from regions where that isn't so orderly. Often papers get lost (they say, even as they manage to hold onto their expensive smartphone somehow)....more often they just lie to get in the "asylants of the month Germany is sympathetic to" group hoping for better chances to be accepted.
So, that brings us to the current most annoying conundrum of the german immigration policies - even if someone has no chances to get legally accepted, even when he becomes a criminal, without a real documented country to be shoven back to (always assumed said home country wants him back in the first place) he has to the worst case for infinity...supported by the teeth grinding german taxpayer!
....and you talk about some future, heh:)