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thinking of writting a book about myself

Novichok  4 | 8682
30 May 2024   #181
That means you either support his views or you're too much of a coward

There is still another explanation...JR and I agree on all the points that are critical to OUR country. Beyond that, nothing matters to me. I don't give a fvck what else he did in his life. It has no impact on me. I will soon vote for a guy who will very likely be a convicted felon. For this, I will like him even more.

Look at JR and Joker...They bicker often but we all know that when it comes to things that really matter, the three of us are one.
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 May 2024   #182
A friend of mine used to represent a double rapist. The first victim, 25 years ago, was a teenage girl. A couple of years back, this sex offender was finally released from an Illinois prison and needed a place to stay. So my buddy asked me to search for a place that would take sex offenders. I am happy to report now that I wasn't a PF moron and did exactly what I was asked to do.

When the convict finally showed up in Chicago, I gave him a winter coat, a watch, and a phone to jump-start his new life. Last I heard, he was doing well.

Would I let him stay with me for a year? No way...Guess what...I wouldn't let my own brother stay with me for a year...Like dead fish, all guests smell badly after three days.
Lazarus  3 | 364
30 May 2024   #183
When the convict finally showed up in Chicago

There's a huge difference between those rapists who've paid their debt to society by serving a couple of decades in jail and those such as Jim the rapist who've never spent a day in jail (for rape anyway, Jim has served time for domestic abuse and child abuse, plus the five months he did on remand last year for those charges we went mention until he's been convicted). Jim the rapist still boasts about being a rapist, just as he boasts about punching nuns in the face hard enough to break bones.
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 May 2024   #184
Hey, Laz, sort this garbage the way lawyers would.

1. If a man was not found guilty, it didn't happen. It's that simple. Some people admit murders that never happened so what a guy says means squat.

2. If a man served time, he paid his debt to society. Case closed. This applies to you, me, and JR.

3, If a man is planning a felony, call the police and wait for further instruction.

Anything else? Case dismissed. Next...
Lazarus  3 | 364
30 May 2024   #185
If a man was not found guilty, it didn't happen. It's that simple.

Jim the rapist has never (as far as we know) been on trial for rape. But he has admitted here committing rape, even boasted about it. Presumably none of his victims went to the police. Or perhaps they did and were not listened to, we know from the court files that his first wife's complaints about his domestic abuse were pretty much waved off. Fortunately times have changed, and that's why Jim spent five months on remand last year and was unable to post here even once during that time.
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 May 2024   #186
just as he boasts about punching nuns in the face hard enough to break bones.

If she assaulted him first, I am proud of JR for hitting back. Did you ask if she did it again to him or any other kid? Swift justice...So sweet...

Jim the rapist has never (as far as we know) been on trial for rape. But he has admitted here committing rape, even boasted about it

Then he is not until convicted. Admitting is not a conviction. Many, including me, say or admit all kinds of crap.

Did you read 184 or am I wasting time?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 May 2024   #187
What do you present yourself as?

Can I answer that one for Finkus, Ptak ?

Jim the rapist still boasts about being a rapist,

Here Laz, put your glasses on and read my post again slowly.
You seem to have gotten reckless with the truth again.

Oops, Lazarus caught in another of his trumped up lies again. 🙄
Being old Laz is a full blown alcoholic we must forgive him for his sins.
Another typical day on the Polish Forum.

Gang up on, Attack, Diminish, Shame and Repeat over and over and over. Game. 🥱😴
Since day one here. 🥴
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 May 2024   #188
You think it's a young girl's fault if she gets raped because of the way she is dressed.

No, it's her Mothers fault for letting her proactive little girl out of the house dressed like a slut.

You think that when girls ( tramps ) as you like to call them say no to sex they really mean yes.

I do, quote me. If you can't, you are a liar.

You think that little girls put the bait out there.

ABSOLUTELY and big girls too.
They learn at a young age what can get them a free dinner, new cloths, jewelry, a vacation, advancement in their career, a husband, and on and on throughout time.

So they sometimes dress accordingly to speed up the process.
That's what makes the world go around, Karen.
All women cost, either money or grief and most of the time both.
I suspect you don't see it that way though. 😮
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
31 May 2024   #189
If you had an ounce of humanity you would not be condoning what Johnny writes about young girls.
@ Feniks

Are you Chemikem? I am confused, or have you just lost your edge? Chemikem, in a certain way, was a loose cannon, dealing with Johny,

but always eloquent and marginally logical in her responses; now I doubt your authenticity; you must be an imposter.

Can I answer that one for Finkus, Ptak ?

Well yes by any means, Write away

johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 May 2024   #190
What do you present yourself as?

Can I answer that one for Finkus, Ptak ?

Well yes by any means, Write away

I would have to say a real "butch".
Of course she will never post a picture of herself to substantiate my vision of her.
My humble guess is that some man sent her packin' down the road with a good swift kick in the behind and she has never recovered from it.

She is definitely a control freak by all means and thinks she is the smartest guy in the room.
i still like her though. 🙄
How did I do ?
Wait until the Snitch joker posts Harry's picture and you will see what I mean about anybody can be anyone they want to be on the internet. Hoot !
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
31 May 2024   #191
"Excellence, as always. My perception of Chemikem differs from yours. I find her attractive and shapely, but she seems confused about her own attractiveness due to her proximity to certain Polish women. Her criticism of my poetry and prose has never bothered me. I actually quite like her, except for her obsessive criticism of you."
Feniks  2 | 858
31 May 2024   #192
Attack, Diminish, Shame and Repeat over and over and over.

If you stand by the views that I have posted in your quotes, how is that attacking, diminishing and shaming you? They are your own words and opinions. The fact that most people in this thread are as repulsed as I am by your views suggests that underneath it all you know that your views are abhorrent to most people and are very far from being the norm. That's why you perceive anyone who counters your views or even to have an opinion that differs from yours, as being on the attack or trying to shame you.

If you're not ashamed of your views then why are you whining?

quote me. If you can't, you are a liar.

The only liar here is you:

those tramps that say no but really mean yes.


Yesterday you accused me of being dishonest and posting ancient quotes about Johnny which don't apply today. I answered and told you that none of his quotes are old. This one was posted by him only a couple of days ago, post # 115 in this thread:

When a little girl is dressed like a slut she is putting the bait out there, stupid.

You were wrong but I doubt I'm going to get an apology or even any acknowledgement of this reply to you either.
Ironside  51 | 13087
31 May 2024   #193
You know what my opinion is

No, I don't. I am not a mind reader but if you are looking for an excuse to not talk about it it is fine with me, In my opinion, you simply have no arguments to support your views whatever they might be.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 May 2024   #194
If you're not ashamed of your views then why are you whining?

Thats what blows your shaming game out of the water Pam, trying to shame a shameless person as I have become on this Shame Game Forum.

I laugh at your whining rants because you can't control me or shame me. Hoot !
It frustrates you to no end that you can't shame me when you keep me on the defensive day in and day out with your gang.

The only liar here is you:

No, you lie by cherry picking just the part of the sentence by taking it out of context to make up your lie like this one to change the sentence to your liking.

those tramps that say no but really mean yes.

Here is the whole sentences to your projected lie..........

If she meant no, then she should have never taken her panties off and made it clear from the get-go.
And then there are those tramps that say no but really mean yes.

And yes Finkus, there are little cock teasers out there that do that to men when they are in launch mode and just get their heat seeking moisture missile just past the girls pee flaps and she suddenly say , NO.

Something you would pull on a guy so you could cry rape and put him in prison. 👿
I wouldn't get near you for that reason even if it was 2 a.m. and we were sht faced drunk and it was hotel motel time.

When a little girl is dressed like a slut she is putting the bait out there, stupid.

You were wrong but I doubt I'm going to get an apology

No I am not wrong so quit your diminishing whining.
Apologize for stating a FACT ?
Hell no girl, not even in your dreams.
Now quit crying about the blisters on your hands from your broom and take the trolly next time. 😂
Lazarus  3 | 364
31 May 2024   #195
The only liar here is you:

Possibly Jim the rapist actually believes what he says? In his 'mind' the teenage girls he raped were "asking for it", they were "sluts" who "put the bait out there" and were "overdue". To sick perverts such as Jim the rapist nothing is his fault and he is only ever sinned against, often by

those tramps that say no but really mean yes.

johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 May 2024   #196
Harry/ this really you in this picture that joker sent me ?

  • 20240528_1623202..jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 May 2024   #197
The Snitch sent me that picture seven years ago before you went to prison.
I am sure you look much older now.
If it is really you it will be taken down immediately.
If it is a phony like jim werdens is then it will stay up. HooT !
Barney  19 | 1756
31 May 2024   #198
To sick perverts such as Jim the rapist nothing is his fault and he is only ever sinned against

He posted the rape fantasy and instead of the story boosting his manliness as he hoped he was unsurprisingly faced with opprobrium. He then claimed the fantasy was not in fact true but backtracked again and doubled down on his perverted fantasy claiming it was what normal men do. Those posts exposes the lie in #194 that he is a shameless person

There are so many lies and contradictions in his posts one has to assume nothing he posts is true and uses this form as a means to satisfy his disgusting mind.

The post immediately above yours would confirm this theory

The only other explanation is that he is a rapist.
Novichok  4 | 8682
31 May 2024   #199
The only other explanation is that he is a rapist.

Hey, Euro, if there is no conviction, there is no crime. Duh!

BTW, why didn't you comment about 10/7 immediately after Hamas thugs did it?
Lazarus  3 | 364
31 May 2024   #200
The only other explanation is that he is a rapist.

But Jim the rapist could actually be lying about committing those particular rapes and still be J8m
Lazarus  3 | 364
31 May 2024   #201
The only other explanation is that he is a rapist.

But Jim the rapist could actually be lying about committing those particular rapes and still be Jim the rapist if there are other rapes he actually did commit. His first wife certainly claimed he raped her, and his four-year-old daughter said he touched her "in the wrong place" (of course Jimmy claims that the DA knew the kid was lying) but he was only actually convicted of domestic abuse and child abuse.

instead of the story boosting his manliness as he hoped he was unsurprisingly faced with opprobrium.

Much like the time he tried to be macho by boasting about punching nuns.

Sorry about the double post, onboard wifi isn't entirely reliable.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 May 2024   #202
Notice how you hide your nicotine stained fingers and your white shirt that has yellowed over the decades in your picture in Random.
Do you still wear it when you go out to the local pub that offers free wi-fi while you sip your cheap quarter beers all afternoon ?

onboard wifi isn't entirely reliable.

Well as long as it's free and that is all that matters to you.
Have you had any luck with your fetish for prego women since you got out of prison ? ?

It contains urine from pregnant women? Does that mean I can eat a meal while at the same time indulging in my secret passions for prego and watersports?

You have already written one book that nobody bought maybe try another about your fetich with pregnant women.
Since you are shooting blanks and never produced any off spring it is no wonder you lust after those big swelled up breasts full of milk you post about.

And remember to flash your tits only if they have both the colour and firmness of fresh milk.

You are one sick puppy Harry.
Lazarus  3 | 364
31 May 2024   #203
nothing he posts is true

Jim the rapist posts very little that is true. But his fantasies make crystal clear which a sick pervert he truly is, for example his fantasies about raping teenage girls. And they show what a vile coward he is, for example his fantasies about punching nuns. And his language and attitudes entirely support the conclusions one can draw from his fantasies, for example any female of any age who dresses in a manner he finds sexy is

putting the bait out there

But of course they're just

those tramps that say no but really mean yes

johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 May 2024   #204
Time for the closing arguments...

He is mentally ill Novi with OCD (Obsessive/Compulsion Disorder) so he will just keep repeating himself over and over and over again.
Actually, an antisocial/obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (AS/OCPD).
Did you see his picture above ?
He even looks like he is light in the loafers.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
31 May 2024   #205
While we were camping by the lake, a couple of people went missing. As we were watching our fishing boat, we heard a female voice saying, "John, please don't, not now, please don't stop." I'm concerned that she might have been in trouble. What are your thoughts on this, Feniks?
jon357  72 | 23654
31 May 2024   #206
watching our fish

Fnarr fnarr
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 May 2024   #207
If it would have been a man's voice, then you should have been concerned.
Lazarus  3 | 364
31 May 2024   #208
Fnarr fnarr

Snick snick.

Even more amusing when he posts the photo of a retired senior British diplomat and claims that person has served 18 month in prison for raping a child. What could possibly go wrong? Especially when such error is pointed out by persists.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 May 2024   #209
a retired senior British diplomat

So you are imply that picture is not of you then ? 😵
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
1 Jun 2024   #210
Ciekawe czy znalazł Polkę i już się polskiego nauczył?

Alien,Od Ciebie spodziewałem się bardziej rozsądnej odpowiedzi.Tamir pisze tak jak jego znajomość polskiego pozwala.
Zamiast pochwały i dodania otuchy , spotyka go krytyka i rozpaczliwe próby komedii pozbawionej humoru.
Nie dziwię się wcale,że tylko mała garstka rodaków pisze po Polsku.Według "praw" lub raczej beaprawia
regulujące dostęp do lam PF, tylko absolwenci Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego,których nam brak mogą pisać bez bez obawy of ridicule

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