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thinking of writting a book about myself

Novichok  4 | 8682
29 May 2024   #151
Congratulations Johnny - you're a special kind of stupid - in a league all your own.

If he was all that you guys would simply ignore him.

My kind of stupid is a guy who knows the answer to my very legit question but won't answer it because the azhole knows that it is a nailer.

For example...How many times did I ask the PF faggot for the British version of the First Amendment? A dozen?

How about why the Euros wanted all those migrants?

How about why Sweden is now #4 on the list of the worst crapholes as far as rape statistics go?

So it seems that JR is your escape because so many of you are just scared bootlickers...
Lazarus  3 | 364
29 May 2024   #152
There they will meet people like you who clearly fantasise unhealthy things about young girls and children.

Remember that Jim the rapist is an elder at his church! Good help any teenage girl that Jim decides needs to be "touched by the Lord".

arrested for child abuse

Can anyone remind us how long Jim the rapist served when his four-year-old daughter told other adults what he was doing? Of course Jim the rapist claims that the DA knew she was lying but had no choice other than pushing for a conviction.

I just wish you would stop posting vile, perverted fantasies.

Yes, but it's probably better for society that Jim the rapist posts his sick fantasies here rather than again trying to put them into practice.
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 May 2024   #153
... Jim the rapist ...

Produce evidence or STFU.
jon357  72 | 23654
29 May 2024   #154

Why don't you...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
29 May 2024   #155
Who is talking, Jon, Lazarus, or both at the same time:::))) ?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 May 2024   #156
Congratulations Johnny - you're a special kind of stupid - in a league all your own.

Thank you, butt hole
You remind me of an old member here, TheOther.
He sucked too.
Any relation ?
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 May 2024   #157
Congratulations Johnny - you're a special kind of stupid - in a league all your own.

Bobko, my friend, to earn the right to talk to Americans that way you should be a US citizen, be married at least once, and have two guns - 9mm or greater. .22 is not a gun.

Alternately, ten years at Rikers...
Torq  10 | 1237
30 May 2024   #158

'Alternatively' is the word you want, Novi. 'Alternately' means na przemian.
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 May 2024   #159
Bobko, my friend, to earn the right to talk to Americans that way you should be a US citizen

I talk to anybody, Americans included, as I see fit to do.

You standing up for this moron, that alternates between pouring sh*t on you, and dancing the can-can for you - doesn't paint you in a positive light either.

I think my instincts regarding who is a good actor have been more on point, than yours - if we are to look back at the history.
Feniks  2 | 858
30 May 2024   #160
whatever what about girls and women being irresponsible, reckless, or just provocative?

You know what my opinion is and from the way you've spoken to Lenka my views will be treated the same way simply because I'm female.

My kind of stupid is a guy who knows the answer to my very legit question but won't answer it because the azhole knows that it is a nailer.

Talking about yourself here. I was right when I said that you would defend the indefensible by saying nothing about JR's vile quotes that I posted. That means you either support his views or you're too much of a coward to stand up and tell him that his views are unnatural and abnormal.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 May 2024   #161
arrested Can anyone remind us

Produce evidence or STFU.

He has no idea who I am Novi so how could he produce any evidence ?

Why don't you...

Joun, mind your own business and let your little b!tch fight his own battles.

Who is talking, Jon, Lazarus, or both at the same time:::))) ?

I thought they were one in the same too Ptak but after running an ip: check on them, they are both posting from a different area.
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 May 2024   #162
but after running an ip: check on them

This is the snitching/ratting, snakelike abomination that you have decided to hitch your wagon too, Richard.

How can you look at this pathetic excuse for a human being, and think - "there's an ally there"?
jon357  72 | 23654
30 May 2024   #163
after running an ip: check on them

Something you have no way of doing.

So where are he and I posting from?
pawian  226 | 27817
30 May 2024   #164
The cover art will be Pawian's portrait.

And only on that particular condition your book will become a bestseller. Otherwise, forget it. hahahaha

"Debating With Poles:

And Polesses. Otherwise, forget it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 May 2024   #165
Something you have no way of doing.

Oh really jon ? 🤡
I noticed that you didn't deny it. (yet) Hoot !

and tell him that his views are unnatural and abnormal.

They are very normal as they were already explained to you, Love.
They just go against everything your abnormal feminist b.s. stands for so just maybe it's you who refuses to accept the facts of the matter.

Woke Feminists like you who try to destroy a man's masculinity need a major reality tune-up.
It might work on your dumbed down indoctrinated fem boys but unfortunately, I am not one of them.
Best you just ignore me with your provoking, so your feelings don't get hurt.
Now make yourself useful Karen and go to the kitchen and get dinner ready. 🤠
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 May 2024   #166
I noticed that you didn't deny it.

Hey, fish f*cker.... I noticed you don't like responding to my posts, regardless of how deep in the sh*t I dip you.

What is it?

Some girl like Lenka or Paulina writes you, and you are effluent with diarrhea. I write you, and you tuck your sh*t-stained tail between your legs and disappear. What gives?

Maybe you enjoy the humiliation?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
30 May 2024   #168

simply because I'm female.

Let's disregard the divisive male/female perspective and focus on our common humanity. Improvement will be immediate and guaranteed.
Well, I'm not sure how Lenka will react.
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 May 2024   #169



B*tch I'm tired of you complaining like a child about people "diminishing" and "bullying" you.

Are you an adult, or some kind of handicap?

I'll "bully" you and "diminish" you until you understand fully and completely that you are as the dirt beneath my nails.

I got your number, you worm, and Novichok won't protect you.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 May 2024   #170
I'm tired of you complaining

Then go back to Russia and fight like a man for your country you pussy OR learn how to use the ignore function, Stupid.
Your tuff guy talk is annoyingly hilarious.
Sounds like your Skate is all worn out. Hoot !
You sure your old nic wasn't TheOther ? 🧐
jon357  72 | 23654
30 May 2024   #171
didn't deny it

Deny what?

Less of your weird intrigues.

Draft Dodging

Say what you like (and I'm strongly pro-Ukraine myself) but Bobko certainly defends his country on here. Despite the orc rhetoric, I prefer him alive rather than dead in a ditch near Kharkiv.
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 May 2024   #172
@johnny reb

Weak stuff, but I could not expect more from a b*tch like you.

I'll go and die in Ukraine, when you grow a pair of balls and begin behaving as a male older than 12 years old.

How old are you again?
Feniks  2 | 858
30 May 2024   #173
try to destroy a man's masculinity

You think it's a young girl's fault if she gets raped because of the way she is dressed.

You think that when girls ( tramps ) as you like to call them say no to sex they really mean yes.

You think that little girls put the bait out there.

None of this has anything to do with masculinity. These are the sick twisted thoughts of a pervert.

How old are you again?

Over 70.

focus on our common humanity.

If you had an ounce of humanity you would not be condoning the things that Johnny writes about young girls.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
30 May 2024   #174
Please keep in mind the following text:

about JR's offensive quotes that I posted.

You mistakenly posted Johnny reminiscing about events from an ancient era when modern feminism was practiced by a few radical individuals, and common sense prevailed. It is very dishonest to apply ancient quotes and pretend that they apply to current events. Different eras have different rules. Teenagers with raging hormones in the 1950s are not the same as the mature and responsible Johnny of today.

[quote=Bobko]How can you look at this pathetic excuse for a human being, and think -

It's a really uplifting description of a human being. May I remind you you are not talking about Strzelsec?
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 May 2024   #175
Over 70.

Torq  10 | 1237
30 May 2024   #176
These are the sick twisted thoughts of a pervert.

... and he's a poacher too. Shooting tame deer at the place where he feeds them. *facepalm*

Johnny, for f*ck sakes, get a grip of yourself.
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 May 2024   #177
'Alternatively' is the word you want, Novi. 'Alternately' means na przemian.

I stand corrected. You are right:

Summary: Alternatively or Alternately? To use these words correctly, keep the following definitions in mind: We use alternatively to introduce another option or possibility. Alternately means to switch between things or states successively.
Feniks  2 | 858
30 May 2024   #178
It is very dishonest to apply ancient quotes and pretend that they apply to current events.

They are not ancient quotes. All have been written in recent years. He wrote this yesterday in post #115:

When a little girl is dressed like a slut she is putting the bait out there, stupid.

mature and responsible Johnny of today.

Are you nuts?
Lazarus  3 | 364
30 May 2024   #179
Different eras have different rules.

Jim the rapist plying teenage girls with alcohol and/or cocaine until they were unable to fight him off is rape under 2020s law and also 1960s and 1970s law. Jim the rapist committed multiple rapes and then boasted here about committing those rapes. Jim the rapist is a rapist.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
30 May 2024   #180
If you had an ounce of humanity, you would not be condoning the things that Johnny writes about young girls.
@ Feniks

I admit I am a caricature of a human, ghoulish in fact. What do you present yourself as? By the way, do you smell like roses?"

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