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thinking of writting a book about myself

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
28 May 2024   #121
fvck with an American and you are going to lose.

That is a hilarious comment!Yanks like you are just what we call thick country bumpkins.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
28 May 2024   #123
quote=Feniks] They are his own words, not mine.[/quote]
Sure they are, posted from the perspective of a young, vigorous American with raging hormones. What's abnormal about it?
Read on to plug the sizable hole in your limited knowledge concerning senior males' minds. You would be surprised by the amount of "dirt." the senior mind contains:::)))

Looking at and admiring a flat stomach and shapely body is not a crime; millions of senior citizens do it daily at thousands of beaches. What is wrong with it? Assuming the senior can get it and handle it properly, more power to him. Anyway, it does not concern you; it is between a rigid body with a tight arse

and a vigorous senior you don't fit the equation.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
29 May 2024   #124
quote=Feniks]If you support him that much, then you should have no problem introducing him to your granddaughters.[/quote]
It is mind-boggling how low some people can go. Where do innocent granddaughters come from, and what possessed you to drag innocent children
into the pages of PF?
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 May 2024   #125
Where do innocent granddaughters come from, and what possessed you to drag innocent children into the pages of PF?

That's what single childless bit*ches do.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 May 2024   #126
@Novi & Ptak

That's what single childless bit*ches do.

Instill guilt to shame you with so they can CONTROL the narrative to keep their victim on the defensive.
She certainly has that down and that is why she is so secretive with her private life so we can't air her dirty laundry and put her on the defensive with shame and diminishing guilt.

Thats why I told her to just go play with herself.
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 May 2024   #127
That's what single childless bit*ches do.

No, that is what people do to show you, that the girls guys like that talk about are not some abstract. They are the daughters, sisters, granddaughters.
Feniks  2 | 858
29 May 2024   #128
What's abnormal about it?

Giving a young girl illegal drugs and alcohol in order to have sex with her isn't a problem for you? Noted.

Where do innocent granddaughters come from,

The girls that Johnny talks about in such glowing terms are all someone's daughters/granddaughters etc. Context.

That's what single childless bit*ches do.

Instead of being rude perhaps you'd care to give your thoughts on Johnny's comments below. I'm sure there will be a deafening silence because it's going to be quite hard to defend the indefensible:

the little girls put the bait out their and when the little boys go after the suggestive look it is the boys fault.

If she meant no, then she should have never taken her panties off and made it clear from the get-go.
And then there are those tramps that say no but really mean yes

looking like a little hooker to strut the streets like a hore putting the bait out there and who's fault is it when a boy with raging hormones takes the bait and she gets raped ?

Anyone supporting these vile comments has a screw loose.
Ironside  51 | 13087
29 May 2024   #129
Anyone supporting these vile comments has a screw loose.

Right, but putting it aside and looking around at society, there is a grain of truth. I mean all the blame is put on men. boys or whatever what about girls and women being irresponsible, reckless, or just provocative? Seems they are always blameless. and perpetual victims.

As long as there is a society with skewed views on males and females that aims at discriminating against males comments like that won't be seen for what they are but are going to be read as a kind of metaphor.

Lenka  5 | 3548
29 May 2024   #130
what about girls and women being irresponsible, reckless, or just provocative?

That doesn't give anyone the right to hurt them.
Ironside  51 | 13087
29 May 2024   #131
Do you understand what the word 'right' means sweetheart or do you just run away from the kitchen when you can make all the comments you want in a safe space environment?
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 May 2024   #132
Yes I do. Do you?
Ironside  51 | 13087
29 May 2024   #133
Do you have anything to say except bickering? Go and bicker with your partner, here either deliver or shut up! so far you talk rubbish and I'm calling you on that.
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 May 2024   #134
No, you push blame on victims.

If girls clothes should be an excuse for men to attack them then all the girls at swimming pool/ beach are 'asking for it'.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 May 2024   #135
f girls clothes should be an excuse for men to attack them

Or lack of cloths you should say.
Mothers that let their daughters out of the house leaving nothing to the imagination should be arrested for child abuse and aiding and abetting a crime.

Your feminist rules don't cut it girls.
And the real sad part is that these young girls are learning at a younger and younger age that they are sitting on a gold mine and how to use it to get what they want.

You can blow your pity party out your ears.
Letting your daughter run the streets dressed like a proactive tramp then expect the worst.
The mother should be taking their daughters to church and teaching them morals and right from wrong.
Thats is the first place where you learn self-respect.
I may be a bit crude but you feminists don't get it any other way but to throw it in your face.
Barney  19 | 1756
29 May 2024   #136
taking their daughters to church and teaching them morals and right from wrong.

There they will meet people like you who clearly fantasise unhealthy things about young girls and children.

There is nothing normal or masculine about lewd fetishes, its perverted and not common.
jon357  72 | 23654
29 May 2024   #137
aiding and abetting a crime.

Have you that little self control that you can't be in the company of someone attractive without sexually assaulting them?

Then again, given your past history (and current difficulties) the answer to that question is obvious.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 May 2024   #138
who clearly fantasise unhealthy things

Just how clearly and unhealthy are you projecting here ?

you can't be in the company of someone attractive without sexually assaulting them?

It has never happened in my lifetime, so I guess the answer is obvious.
Notice how the girls here want to focus on attack and rape ?
I bet if the truth be known that their first encounter with Mr. Stiffy could be categorize as rape.
Now lets separate brutal sexual attacks and encouraged sexual encounters by horny teenagers.
And notice they don't want to lay any blame on the girls mothers for allowing their daughter to run the streets dress like hookers.

Its easier to blame the boy for fulfilling the deed in order to keep their little princes the 100% blameless virgin.
Hey Feminists, NEWS FLASH !
Those little girls are just as horny as those little boys are and want it just as bad as the little boys do at that age !

Deny that girls !
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 May 2024   #139
Mothers that let their daughters out of the house leaving nothing to the imagination

By 2030, 50% of those women will be single for life. Men may enjoy looking at whorish women but they sure don't want to marry them.
Ironside  51 | 13087
29 May 2024   #140
No, you push blame on victims.

As I said you spew rubbish, I guess you have nothing to say.
Barney  19 | 1756
29 May 2024   #141
@johnny reb
That may seem a cute thing to say but it means nothing.

You post vile fantasies claiming they are normal.

I dont know a single person old or young who talks like that and a lot of my mates are as hard as a woodpecker lips. As I said that kind of talk its not manly or common, anyone talking like that would be asked to leave the company fairly sharpish.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 May 2024   #142
As I said you spew rubbish,

They are the new Woke Feminists that are trying to dumb down society by indoctrinating us to believe that it is all the aggressive boys fault using tactics of shaming us.

Trying to make new rules and laws that only favor them with no recourse for the male victims.
That is why they give little boys drugs to neutralize their hormones to make them act like little passive girls that they can CONTROL.
Where do you think this uprising of tranny freak shows came from.
Seldom the little girl wanting a penis stapled on her but mostly little boys that are getting their unit cut off to pretend to be little girls for the CONTROLLING Feminists.

I guess you have nothing to say.

Not when they run up against men that refuse to be browbeat with their shame game and tell it like it is.
They go run and hide until the smoke clears and then start in again with their propaganda that it is always the boys fault.
Bullshit it is.....
Barney  19 | 1756
29 May 2024   #143
@johnny reb
You have only yourself to blame. If you didnt talk (and possibly behave) like every woman's worst nightmare there would be no need for women to exercise their individual freedom and tell you to feck off. I understand however that you are against personal choice for anyone that isnt you.

Who would have thought it.........a hypocritical Christian !!
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 May 2024   #144
They are the new Woke Feminists

When they are asked what they bring to table after telling the guy their demands, these morons say: Me.
Translation: my tits and vagina.

They forget that for a couple of hundred bucks both can be rented for the evening - minus the daily BS and the 50% possibility of a divorce and being financially wiped out.

Women file for divorce in 80% of cases. That's how mentally unstable they are. Of course, they will lie about how abusive he was ... for the last 10 years...Why I didn't leave him? Because I love him soooo much...goes another lie...

This is why men avoid dating lately like a plague.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 May 2024   #145
Who would have thought it.........a hypocritical Christian !!

Oh MY, more shaming. lol

like every woman's worst nightmare

You squat to pee don't you Barns

I understand however that you are

You do ? do tell more of your opinion, you little Fairy.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
29 May 2024   #146
Giving a young girl illegal drugs and alcohol in order to have sex with her isn't a problem for you? Really Noted.

Sexual violence is what you concentrate on and treat as frequent and everyday occurrences. To get your attention focused on the proper perspective.
Thousand of loving encounters occur every minute, but you, in the warped perception, see drug violence and alcohol as one.
I conclude that your outlook on sexuality is pathetic. I have no problem with the above false statement your statement;pathetic
Barney  19 | 1756
29 May 2024   #147
Oh MY, more shaming

You shame yourself with your posts.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 May 2024   #148
Oh lord, more diminishing to make me defend myself. 😴
You need to grow a pair Barns.
Here in America we call people like you, Twerps.
Barney  19 | 1756
29 May 2024   #149
@johnny reb
I cant diminish you, you are already the densest individual here. I just wish you would stop posting vile, perverted fantasies.
Bobko  27 | 2215
29 May 2024   #150
you are already the densest individual here

I just stopped to consider the factual veracity of this statement, and realized that it's likely correct.

Not gonna lie - that's a pretty impressive achievement. We have people with mental illness, here, and also Cargo Pants.... yet JR outshines them all.

Congratulations Johnny - you're a special kind of stupid - in a league all your own.

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