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thinking of writting a book about myself

Lazarus  3 | 364
27 May 2024   #91
You come across as a completely lecherous creep.

Jim the rapist is a completely lecherous creep.

everybody here knows that you are Jim Werden because you have inadvertently dropped yourself in it so many times.

There's lots of proof supporting what we were told years ago by Jim the rapist's then friend. For example, as soon as photos of his shack were posted here (with a link to where they were taken from), the photos were removed from that county site (but all the mandatory informationis still there). And as soon as Jim the rapist's photo was posted here access to that church's website from non-US IP addresses was blocked. And whenever links about his housemate are posted here, those are subject to right to be forgotten requests to Google. Same with links about his wife's childminding business. By trying to hide who he is Jim the rapist has simply provided yet more proof of who he is.
Novichok  4 | 8682
27 May 2024   #92
Jim the rapist is a completely lecherous creep.

Is this your last word or is there more coming?

Hey, Feniks, are you married? Do you have kids?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #93
You are over 70. You come across as a completely lecherous creep.

Most wide bottom 'has been's sport your inferiority complex Pam.
I understand completely why you want to shame me.
Unfortunately, being shameless has it's advantages.

Geez Harry/Lazarus, after reading your post one might come to the conclusion that you have been very busy cyberstalking this guy.
Did you know that is another crime to add to your criminal record.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
27 May 2024   #94
Brit Bullies.

You just keep on showing your American inferiority complex....... I really don't get why that is!Why do some Americans, like you, feel so inferior to Brits?

everybody here knows that you are Jim Werden because you have inadvertently dropped yourself in it so many times.

So true and your denial of the fact is even more incriminating.......

You come across as a completely lecherous creep.

Which is exactly what he is..... and worse.....

Like a fine wine, it gets better with age.

Not when uncorked, as Jim is..... it turns to vinegar......
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #95
You just keep on showing your American inferiority complex....

If it wasn't for us Americans you Limey's would be speaking German.
Maybe that is where your inferiority complex comes from.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
27 May 2024   #96
Not when uncorked, as Jim is..... it turns to vinegar......
@ Miloslaw

Milo, but don't forget the best noble vinegar you can find. Only five-star restaurants serve the delicacy that is Johnny, in all his glory, Feniks. Are you listening?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #97
Jim the rapist is a completely lecherous creep.

Speaking of lecherous creeps.........

It contains urine from pregnant women? Does that mean I can eat a meal while at the same time indulging in my secret passions for prego and watersports?

And remember to flash your tits only if they have both the colour and firmness of fresh milk.

Personally I've been here for 14 years and although I've slept with a lot fewer women than you claim to, none of them have been shite.

That's the problem with flu: nose blocked up, makes dosing accurately a bit difficult.

Now that I think about it, the young lovely who showed me how well south American marching powder can be put in a gel cap and used as a suppository

Far from it, they've all ​been better than the average English and Irish girls I slept with while living in the UK.

Shall I go on ? Hoot ! 😱
Harry/Lazarus, there is no doubt you think you are a real stud.
Unfortunately you are a little less than a sick lecherous filthy creep.

Joker sent me your picture today and wants me to post it to show everyone just what a goofy looking 🀑 you are.
Think I should post it or show pity for you ?
Joker  2 | 2447
28 May 2024   #98
Joker sent me your picture today

More lies as this loser is blocked and I dont communicate with him at all.. Except for what you witness here on open pF
Feniks  2 | 858
28 May 2024   #99
Most wide bottom 'has been's sport your inferiority complex

You see this is where your thinking is completely screwed. Normal people on hearing somebody your age making lascivious comments about young girls would think in exactly the same way as I do, that you're a lecherous creep. You try your best to insinuate that I'm overweight and over the hill to try and justify your unnatural way of thinking about young girls.

Why on earth would some 18 year old be interested in a retired grease monkey with a criminal record who bears an uncanny resemblance to Humpty Dumpty?

The more I read of your comments on this forum the more inclined I am to think that what Lazarus is saying isn't so far from the truth.

Do you have kids?

Would you be happy for your granddaughters to be spoken about in the way that Johnny speaks about young girls? Would you like them plied with alcohol and cocaine?

I don't know how you can defend someone who makes comments like this that you don't have to take someone's word for because he has actually written them here on PF.

These hot girls

I took a little virgin girl of 18 years old to this concert and introduced her to cocaine

I bought a fifth of Jack Danials and we shacked up that night.
That little thing was way overdue

Only five-star restaurants serve the delicacy that is Johnny

Perhaps you'd like to introduce him to one of your young female family members.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 May 2024   #100
the more inclined I am to think that what Lazarus is saying isn't so far from the truth.

Sadly, it's based on truth, and there are a couple of other things that haven't been mentioned.

On a much lighter note:

an uncanny resemblance to Humpty Dumpty

He does, doesn't he.

That got me thinking. I knew he reminded me of someone. Someone from 70s TV. I had Don McLean (the guy with the comedy ostrich rather than the American Pie singer) in mind but a look on Google images said no. I still had him in mind though. That was when I settled on Don Estelle as second best and put some pics here.

Then you mentioning Humpty Dumpty got me thinking again and after racking my brain, I finally remembered who he resembles. Don McLean wasn't so far off; it was his comedy partner on Crackerjack, Peter Glaze.

This is Jim's double, Peter Glaze. I bet they've never been seen together...

  • IMG_0485.jpeg

  • IMG_0483.jpeg

  • IMG_0484.jpeg

  • IMG_0536.jpeg
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 May 2024   #101
Would you be happy

I would be happy if you answered my question. After all, I didn't ask you if you are a prostitute. I just asked if you are married and have kids.

There is nothing embarrassing about having a couple of kids and being married to a man with testicles, not ovaries.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
28 May 2024   #102
Would you like them plied with alcohol and cocaine?

I am sure you have some undeniable truth supporting the above statement, excluding Lazarus's fantastically crazy travels into the world of disbelief.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #103
to try and justify your unnatural way of thinking about young girls.

Over the hill women try to instill that guilt trip into men by shaming them into thinking it is unnatural.
Let me correct you, Love, ALL red blooded men appreciated young hard bodies as they remind them of their youth so they fantasize for a moment.

So your shaming and diminishing is no more than feminist propaganda to brow beat men with guilt and shame.
Ask any straight man who he would rather be stranded on a desolate island with, some hot little perky babe with a hard belly that smiles or an over the hill Karen with attitude like you. duh !

Would you like them plied with alcohol and cocaine?

That is what happens on Spring Break when you are in college but my guess is that you never went on spring break in your youth besides a museum with your mother.

Perhaps you'd like to introduce him to one of your young female family members.

I don't see why not.
Oh bean brain it is very clear I was talking about back when I was 18 in college, read the whole post.
Quit playing stupid, cherry picking one line out of my posts is Harry's game, Love.

I don't know how you can defend someone who makes comments like this

Simple, read the whole post before you open your soup cooler with your projections to diminish and shame with.
How many times do you Brit's need to be told, Your Gang up on, Attack, Diminish and Shame Game by provoking and projecting lies and insinuations to make someone defend themselves is a kids game Karen, give up as you are beyond annoying.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
28 May 2024   #104
You try your best to insinuate that I'm overweight and over the hill to try and justify your unnatural way of thinking about young girls.

Dear Feniks, Let's assume you are entirely wrong, and Johnny approaching retirement age is attractive, virile, and potent. It is entirely possible.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
28 May 2024   #105
Perhaps you'd like to introduce him to one of your young female family members.
@ Feniks

I don't see any problems here, Johnny, nothing less than a perfect gentleman in the presence of my family.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #106
You try your best to insinuate that I'm overweight and over the hill

There is only one way to prove me wrong, post full length pictures of yourself, front and back and one bending over from behind with just your bikini on and let us straight men decide how far off I am.

Game on, you're up. 😎
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 May 2024   #107
I am sure you have some undeniable truth supporting the above statement, excluding Lazarus's fantastically crazy travels into the world of disbelief.

That was Ptak...

Now me: You are just a lying bi*ch...

So who is more efficient?

This was just an example...I am sure Feniks is always as truthful as she is secretive about her kids and marital status...

Did you ever consider posting in the threads where we are deciding who to nuke and when?

Poles are so good at it...No fear...They even want their own nukes ...straight from that factory in Radom...
Lazarus  3 | 364
28 May 2024   #108
I am sure you have some undeniable truth supporting the above statement

Just do a search for posts by Jim the rapist that include the words "cocaine" or "fifth" and you'll soon find posts in which he boasts about giving cocaine and/or alcohol to teenage girls before having sex with them. For example:

I took a little virgin girl of 18 years old to this concert and introduced her to cocaine


I bought a fifth of Jack Danials and we shacked up that night.
That little thing was way overdue

Would you like links to the original posts (they're in this thread) or would you prefer to use the search engine yourself?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
28 May 2024   #109
Would you like links to the original posts

I do not indulge in gossip. Sorry, Lazarus. I question your integrity, authenticity, and existence as Lazarus.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #110
I did and all that came up was about pedophile Lazarus/Harry.

That's the problem with flu: nose blocked up, makes dosing accurately a bit difficult.

Now that I think about it, the young lovely who showed me how well south American marching powder can be put in a gel cap and used as a suppository

This was most likely the same method Lazarus plied his 14-year-old stepdaughter with when he raped her.

or would you prefer to use the search engine yourself?

Good idea, use the search engines to find any of Rapist Harry/Lazarus quotes in my post above #97
I got thinking, If the Mod lets everyone post Jim's picture and leaves it up, why can't johnny reb post Lazarus/Harry's picture that Joker sent me of Harry and leave it up ?

Can anyone answer that question ? Hoot ! 🀠
Joker  2 | 2447
28 May 2024   #111
This is Jim's double, Peter Glaze. I bet they've never been seen together..

Hahaha, spitting image!

Joker sent me your picture today and wants me to post it to show everyone just what a goofy looking 🀑 you are.
Think I should post it or show pity for you ?

Ya, post it Jimmy.. Lets see you try and weasel out of this lie???

Hey, how come you turned chicken and became too afraid to meet Novi for coffee? Were you scared, embarrassed or freaking out from snorting coke all night long?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #112
I question your integrity, authenticity, and existence as Lazarus.

Are you implying that Lazarus is jon's sock puppet too. πŸ˜‹
jon's picture was posted, jon denied it was him yet it was taken down immediately.
Can you imagine that ! 🀣
Feniks  2 | 858
28 May 2024   #113
This is Jim's double, Peter Glaze.

OMG, he really does look like him! Especially that first picture. Believe it or not I've never actually seen Crackerjack so I had no idea who he was.

I am sure you have some undeniable truth supporting the above statement,

Did you not read post # 99 where I posted Johnny's quotes? They are his own words, not mine.

I am sure Feniks is always as truthful as she is secretive about her kids and marital status...

Why would I post details about my private life here when there are posters like Johnny to stalk and research given any little bit of information? In addition, it's none of your business.

I have posted quotes which are JR's own words so it's hardly a question of me lying and being untruthful is it.

If you support him that much then you should have no problem introducing him to your granddaughters. Here are more of his own words just so you know exactly what he thinks about girls in general:

the little girls put the bait out their and when the little boys go after the suggestive look it is the boys fault.

You think when she is in the assumed position naked and has activated the heat seeking moisture missile and it has blasted off that she can suddenly say, oh, I changed my mind."

If she meant no, then she should have never taken her panties off and made it clear from the get-go.
And then there are those tramps that say no but really mean yes.

looking like a little hooker to strut the streets like a hore putting the bait out there and who's fault is it when a boy with raging hormones takes the bait and she gets raped ?

Little girls putting the bait out there? Hardly a normal way of thinking is it?
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 May 2024   #114
Why would I post details about my private life here when there are posters like Johnny

Why not? I have two sons and I couldn't be more proud of them.

I have been married to the same woman since 1970. Now what? Try to "stalk" me...Go ahead.

Also, I lived at Nowy Swiat 47a m 4. Now I am really shaking in my boots...

you should have no problem introducing him to your granddaughters

Why would I have a problem with it? My problem is that they aged out of us, their grandparents, and they are "too busy to see us".
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #115
Oh lord, more diminishing and shaming from Karen. lmao

Little girls putting the bait out there? Hardly a normal way of thinking is it?

Of course it is, you just can't handle reality.
When a little girl is dressed like a slut she is putting the bait out there, stupid.
I may be a little course but it's all the truth and you can't handle the truth.
Well so sad, to bad, Karen

I am sure Feniks is always as truthful as she is secretive about her kids and marital status...

Boy would we have a field day diminishing and shaming her to no end.
We know she isn't married because no man alive would tolerate her.
As far as kids the rumor is that jon is her sperm doner my artificial insemination with a syringe they use to inseminate cows.
No sober man would touch that woman !

Why would I post details about my private life here

So we could make you defend yourself for a change to level the playing field.
You like being a control freak just like you were as a Mod.
Take that power away from you and you are just another loudmouhed Karen.
Suck on that sister.
Feniks  2 | 858
28 May 2024   #116
Now what? Try to "stalk" me...Go ahead.

I wouldn't do that but there are posters here that would. At least two people that I know of that were on this forum have been stalked in real life and had their employment suffer as a result.

Why would I have a problem with it?

You're loyal I'll give you that. I wouldn't want anyone who thinks that little girls are bait or thinks it is the girl's fault for getting raped because of the way she is dressed within a mile of female members of my family. If you think that Johnny's comments are in any way normal, then there is something seriously wrong with your thinking too.

He's still saying the same thing in his latest post # 115:

When a little girl is dressed like a slut she is putting the bait out there, stupid.

Little girls do not 'put the bait out there'.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #117
I know of that were on this forum have been stalked in real life and had their employment suffer as a result.

Adrian and Cargo

Little girls do not 'put the bait out there'.

You are stupid, they sure do Love.
Where have you been ?
I am talking teenage little and on up until they die.
What are you talking, four year olds ?
Yes, a little thirteen year old girl can dress like a slut to attract boys or to bait them sexually.
What is the matter with your head, are you really so stupid.
You think a girl walking around half naked is not putting the bait out their to attract boys. !
Feminist Woke women like you are part of the problem.
You don't want your daughters getting raped then don't let them out of the house dressed like little sluts.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 May 2024   #118

Was fired for posting pages anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rants while at work (for an Israeli company!!)


Has a shop he inherited, tried to do business with other Indians in Warsaw but failed due to his reputation and manner and has not 'suffered' due to this forum. He is now in hospital in Poland, also nothin* to do with here.

Whereas you (and Deepak) have tried (and failed) to cause problems for people here in real life.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
28 May 2024   #119
Plus he spelled color and neighbors wrong.

No, you spelt them both wrong......Yanks..... can't read, cant spell, can't pronounce words properly.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 May 2024   #120
Was fired for posting pages anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rants while at work (for an Israeli company!!)

Right, and delph turned him in to his boss
Guess what happened to delph in return.
Ask delph if it was worth it.

Whereas you (and Deepak) have tried (and failed) to cause problems for people here in real life.

Not like you jon, and Harry posting viciouse lies about Jim Werdens personal life.
Its called karna jon, fvck with an American and you are going to lose.
Learn from it, Cornwallis did.
Now go to your bed as you have been posting non-stop for 18 hours straight again today.

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