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thinking of writting a book about myself

Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
26 May 2024   #61
Yours (if it can be called a system) has people losing their homes and others unable to afford medicin

Your thinking is a definition of a contradiction; otherwise, how do you explain the health care provided to millions of illegal lawbreakers who demand freebies

every step of the way, including free medical care, while contributing little, oh well, huge contribution to crime, rape, and lawlessness.
jon357  72 | 23654
26 May 2024   #62
illegal lawbreakers

johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 May 2024   #63
Why would anyone need to get into "debt' due to illness?

Because most of them threw the dice and opted out of purchasing health insurance.

Yours (if it can be called a system) has people losing their homes

jon, you are so ignorant how it works here and keep embarrassing yourself.
Those homes that are lost are mortgaged out to the hilt and people owe more on them than they are worth.
They borrow (remortgage and remortgage them several times) all the money they can using their house as collateral, hide the money and give the bank their house.

Or when they find out they have incurable cancer and know they have huge hospital bills coming they deed their house over to their children.

There are many ways to avoid huge medical bills if you have a brain.
So now that you have been told, quit banging on about how people lose their homes to medical bills because it is all by design.

Did ya get it that time Mr. Envious ?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
26 May 2024   #64
Did you think UN healthcare rankings were about 'hurt feelings'?

No, Jon, I think it is garbage; that's all.

There is no thinking, no feelings, just chaos. A fat cat from Burundi is stuffing his pocket with cash and laughing at the useful idiots, woke practitioners.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
26 May 2024   #65

He is the best president since Reagan and, in all probability, the most honest. Biden and the immense power of the federal government still cannot invent even a hint of a crime. If they were smart, they would employ you and Lazarus. Improvement guaranteed - no crime, just more creative lies.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 May 2024   #66
For years, you tried to convince some less-than-sharp readers,
that Cargo's incident and the criminal pedophile Jim were actual, not your and Delph's invention, so Jon, instead of peddling the stories without the once of truth

Thank you Ptak.
jon's invented stories told over and over and over (tell them enough and they become the truth) without one shred of evidence, without one credible source, just made up hearsay by the Brit Bullies with jon as the head of the 🐍.

When jon's real name and picture got posted with evidence, jon denied that it was him even though he demanded that it be taken down immediately. 😗

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
26 May 2024   #67
invented stories told over and over and over (tell them enough and they become the truth)

Oh PLEASE!Don't be such a hypocrite, you use this tactic over and over again Ad Nauseam!

Brit Bullies

And there it is again, your racism and inferiority complex to British posters.

Le plus ca change.......
jon357  72 | 23654
26 May 2024   #68
I think it is garbage; that's all.

I trust their metrics more than your opinion.

invented stories

Jim, it's a matter of public record and a serious one

As is your son's problem with the law. Perhaps you should rename him "Stabby"...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
27 May 2024   #69
I trust their metrics more than your opinion.

Of course you do; I would be shocked to find out you lost your blindfold, or by some unexplained reason, your mind became open to the truth
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
27 May 2024   #70
Jim, it's a matter of public record and a serious one

Sure, and I could come up with an equally idiotic accusation against you. All you need is a convicted pedophile and connect him to you.
Novichok  4 | 8682
27 May 2024   #71
your mind became open to the truth

The truth is what they say it is. Now we have private truths and any of the 7 billion genders aka personalities. I wish I had known it earlier...I could self-identify as 67 and start collecting Social Security at 27.

According to the spokesman for the LGBT Nation, women may have penises and men can be pregnant. It was impossible in the last 1 million years but now...hey, why not...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #72
. All you need is a convicted pedophile and connect him to you.

That would be his best buddy Lazarus that did 18 months in the pokey for being one. 💀
It's not a laughing matter and should be taken very seriously.

just made up hearsay by the Brit Bullies

And there it is again, your racism

Sorry, I didn't realize Brit Bullies was a race. 🥴
Tell us more about this race, Mr. Angry.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 May 2024   #73

You forget that this is sadly all too real and a matter of public record.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #74
Septin' you got the wrong name with the wrong person intentionally creating false accusations.
That kind of false accusation jon666.
The egg just rolled down your face when you botched that lie now didn't it.
You and Lazarus have tried for ten years now to find out my real identity and can't so you created one for me. LOL

Tell it as many times as you want and you still won't convince anyone here with it.
You are the owner of this forum that has a MO of: Gang up on, Attack, Diminish, Shame Game. with your Brit Bullies.
Problem is that all the gullible kids that your lies use to baffle are no longer here and you have been exposed for the seedy creep that you are.

Ptaks posts nailed your lying lips to the wall with great detail.
Thank you Ptak.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 May 2024   #75
People can decide for themselves well enough
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #76
They already have and you no longer have any credibility here.
I will soon be posting my real name with my picture which will be the final nail in your coffin.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 May 2024   #77
It's been posted here often enough and you even admitted it was you.
Lazarus  3 | 364
27 May 2024   #78
All you need is a convicted pedophile and connect him to you.

Jim the rapist's housemate is a convicted paedophile. Just Google the name Richard R Ruffe and you'll find his rap sheet with multiple convictions for possession and distribution of child p0rn. I won't post any links, because whenever such links are posted here they are reported to Google with a right to be forgotten request, so the sites stay up but Google no longer displays them as results. Apparently it hasn't occurred to Jim the rapist that such actions mere confirm yet again who Richard Ruffe is to him. You'll also see a particular residential address linked to Ruffe, specifically the address that Jim the rapist is registered as owning and residing at. It's the same address that Jim the rapist's long-suffering wife runs a childminding business from.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #79
I've never met those guys.
Where did you meet them ?

you even admitted it was you.

I admitted that I was a cowboy with a 2000-acre ranch in Texas with 800 head of cattle too that poor Lazarus/Harry fell for. Hoot ! 😂
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
27 May 2024   #80
Please remember the following text:

You forget that this is sadly all too real and a matter of public record.
@ jon357

I forgot nothing; you, on the other hand, you remember fantasies that never happened. It is simple to find any atrocities in the public record and falsely apply them to any innocent victim, including you. Remember this simple fact for your future writings.
Novichok  4 | 8682
27 May 2024   #81
Jim the rapist's housemate is a convicted paedophile.

Hey, Laz, the Nuremberg Trial with 24 defendants took only 11 months - or 2 weeks per one criminal.

Time for the closing arguments...

johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #82
It is simple to find any atrocities in the public record and falsely apply them to any innocent victim,

Ptak, they were so excited to think that they had located me and my identity that they pist all over themselves.
Once Ziemowit, who has my picture from years ago, confirmed that this fantasy Jim guy was not me they had egg dripping off their faces.

They botched it big time.
Hell, Fenkis even has my picture since and knows that fantasy Jim is not me even though she was in on the initial claim that they had identified me.

And really....WHO CARES !
Americans could give a shut about our identity but these clowns think it is some kind of a shame.
Novi didn't care, Adrian didn't care, Cargo didn't care, and I don't care.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 May 2024   #83
they were so excited to

You forget that a third party identified you and you confirmed it.

and I don't care

You do.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #84
a third party identified you

So you say jon Pffffft !.

Time for the closing arguments...

He is mentally ill Novi with OCD (Obsessive/Compulsion Disorder) so he will just keep repeating himself over and over and over again.
Actually, an antisocial/obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (AS/OCPD).

No prizes for guessing how Lazarus/Harry came to know that phrase.

Indeed, by looking no further than yourself and your cohort jon342


Posts Count: 12,896 (that's very obsessive!)

Time spent on PF: Virtually daily and at all hours (when not suspended)

Favorite Themes: Anything anti-Polish

Specialities: Falsely blaming Poles for WWII and the Holocaust; ad hominem attacks against forum members particularly with heavy sexual innuendo and stalking

Typical Defense: Pedantic questioning of forum rules as to be applied to others but not himself; threats of vexatious litigation against PF staff and forum members

Formal Warnings: TAQTTAATA

Informal Warnings: Lost count

Suspensions: Lost count

Contribution to Poland: None

History records that your homeland once banished its misfits to Australia.
Today it sends them to Poland.

Bless his little heart Novi as he suffers from a huge inferiority complex and hates Americans because of his insecurities.
Best to just start ignoring him after June first.
Novichok  4 | 8682
27 May 2024   #85
Best to just start ignoring him after June first.

With very few exceptions my rule very simple:

I read a post and respond to it if I feel like it. NOTHING before that post matters to me.

X can call me any name he wants, and I will respond to his last post as if it were his first. Life is simpler this way...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 May 2024   #86
Novi, if you ever saw this guys picture you would understand what a Loser he is.
He is an English teacher you know. Hahahahaha !
(Without any credentials or formal training, just self-proclaimed)
Novichok  4 | 8682
27 May 2024   #87
(Without any credentials or formal training, just self-proclaimed)

That is forgivable...After all, I am a self-proclaimed genius.

Hey, Laz...Are we gonna get them closing arguments or what...
Feniks  2 | 858
27 May 2024   #88
Fenkis even has my picture since and knows that fantasy Jim is not me

More lies. I don't have a picture of you and I think everybody here knows that you are Jim Werden because you have inadvertently dropped yourself in it so many times.

she was in on the initial claim that they had identified me.

Not true but think what you want because I don't really care who you are.

What I will say though is that you do yourself absolutely no favours by talking about females the way you do. 'Hot girls', girls with 'hard bellies', '18 year old virgins' etc etc

You are over 70. You come across as a completely lecherous creep.
Novichok  4 | 8682
27 May 2024   #89
Hey, Feniks, how many kids do you have?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
27 May 2024   #90

You are over 70. You come across as a completely lecherous creep.
@ Feniks

Like a fine wine, it gets better with age. The critical factor is "noble." Have you ever experienced nobility? It's a rare occurrence among commoners.

Be kind to Johnny; one night, you might wake up in paradise, even though Richard, the wise one, claims you are equipped with an appendage, not a receptacle. :)"

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