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Let's talk about shoes

OP Alien  25 | 6434
24 May 2024   #211
It's more or less like wearing German Birkenstocks with a suit.
OP Alien  25 | 6434
5 Jun 2024   #212
Are you a shoe salesman?
No, I'm not, although I work in broadly understood services. Which doesn't change the fact that you can judge a person by their shoes.
wslipach  8 | 96
5 Jun 2024   #213
Is it good to buy very expensive handcrafted, goodyear welted shoes that you have to wear for years because it is a pity to throw away.

Depends on what one prefers. From health point of view, it is not good, the rest is whatever goes, but when it comes to women then they should wear feminine shoes that make them look sexy
OP Alien  25 | 6434
6 Jun 2024   #214
they should wear feminine shoes that make them look sexy

But these are usually high-heeled shoes with a narrow front, which after years of wearing cause the development of hallux valgus and, moreover, make them even more visible in women with thick calves. And German women often have massive legs, which is why German women discovered Birkenstocks, which American women also loved.
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #215
And who is limiting the choice of feminine shoes to high heels? Slip on shoes like loafers or many others are very feminine and not high heel , birkenstocks are nothing else than simple leather flip flops, and yes, they are also feminine . Slippers can be sexy, actually more sexy than other shoes for women , so who si talking of high heels only? High heels are overrated. Where are women on this faking forum? They should be commenting here otherwise we will be subjected to gay commentry by Alien about visibility of feminine shoes in women with thick calves , someone has to make up for female absence on this forum , I guess.
Paulina  19 | 4498
6 Jun 2024   #216
they should wear feminine shoes that make them look sexy

Well, first of all they "shouldn't", they may if they wish. Women's sole purpose on this Earth isn't to look "sexy". And we don't always want to look "sexy". A woman doesn't need to look "sexy" when she's at work, when she goes to church, to play with kids on the playground, when going jogging, shopping, etc.

But these are usually high-heeled shoes with a narrow front, which after years of wearing cause the development of hallux valgus

They also cause back problems, legs' pain and swelling of feet (due to bad blood circulation) - if worn often. Humans simply weren't made to walk this way.

Where are women on this faking forum? They should be commenting

I don't understand what's your problem exactly. I don't know any woman who would wear men's shoes lol

gay commentry by Alien about visibility of feminine shoes in women with thick calves

What's "gay" about that comment?
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #217
, first of all they "shouldn't", they may they wish. Women's purpose on this Earth isn't to look "sexy". And we don't want to look "sexy". A woman doesn't need to look "sexy", etc.

But it is not just about you women, men want to look at a woman who looks after herself and if she wants to be treated better then she better put some effort into her looks, it is not that hard to accomplish. A lot of findings point out that if you present yourself in a better way, more attractive way you receive better treatment from surrounding you persons , not just the opposite sex.

I think your quote has some mistakes in it , allow me to correct it a bit: Well, first of all they "should", and they may if they wish. Women's sole purpose on this Earth is to look sexy. And we always want to look "sexy". A woman needs to look "sexy" when she's at work, when she goes to church, to play with kids on the playground, when going jogging, shopping, etc.
Lenka  5 | 3542
6 Jun 2024   #218
men want to look at a woman who looks after herself

That's their problem, isn't it?
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #219
I don't understand what's your problem exactly. I don't know any woman who would wear men's shoes lol

What man's shoes? This thread is about shoes in general and my comment was about women's shoes
Paulina  19 | 4498
6 Jun 2024   #220
But it is not just about you women, men want to look at a woman


That's not women's problem what men want to look at lol 🤦

a woman who looks after herself and if she wants to be treated better then she better put some effort into her looks

"Looking after yourself" and "putting some effort into one's looks" doesn't equal "sexy".

Well, first of all they "should", and they may if they wish. Women's sole purpose on this Earth is to look sexy.

No, they shouldn't and it isn't, you f*cked up weirdo.

And we always want to look "sexy".

I somehow don't see that when I look at many men lol Maybe it's the men who should look after themselves more if they want to be "treated better" and put some effort into their looks? Women are already putting a lot of effort and money into their looks, maybe even too much. And we would like to look at nicely dressed men too (it doesn't even have to be sexy - just nice). 🙄

You're seriously sick in the head.
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #221
That's their problem, isn't it?

No, that's your problem too if you want to attract men. Would you like man looking grubby, unkept and so on or would you prefer that he looks tidy or fashionable?

I somehow don't see that when I look at many men lol Maybe it's the men who should look after themselves more if they want to be "treated better" and put some effort into their looks?

I agree, and I would even go further to say that most men look like ****.

You're seriously sick in the head.
@ Paulina

At least I look good and you could try it as well sometimes
Paulina  19 | 4498
6 Jun 2024   #222
No, that's your problem too if you want to attract men.

Did it cross your mind that there are times when women DON'T WANT TO ATTRACT MEN? o_O Like, for example, in the freaking church, at work, kid's playground or if they have a husband or a boyfriend. Are you a moron? 🤦

At least I look good and you could try it as well sometimes

How do you know I don't? Most women try to look good.
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #223
Did it cross your mind that there are times women DON'T WANT TO ATTRACT MEN? o_O Like, example, in freaking church, work, kid's playground if they have a husband or a boyfriend. Are you a moron?

Yes, it did cross my mind indeed, especially when I saw Marta Lempart or Jachira dancing in the parliament like a mental case - great inspiration for all women , and they even wore matching shoes , very manly , just the way they are, just the way all tomboy women like it.

Just a wild guess. You contradicted yourself, women like to look good all the time when in public or when someone else they want to impress is around , thats what I also wrote.
Paulina  19 | 4498
6 Jun 2024   #224
Yes, it did cross my mind indeed

That's good - so maybe you're not a total moron after all lol

You contradicted yourself, women like to look good all the time when in public or when someone else they want to impress is around , thats what I also wrote.

No, I didn't contradict myself at all. You wrote "sexy". "Looking good" isn't the same as "looking sexy".

Also, "sexy" is subjective. It may mean different things to different people. For some men a woman looks sexy only if she wears tight dresses, mini skirts, shows cleavage, wears high heels and heavy make up. For some others a woman in a long, summer, flowy dress wearing sandals looks feminine and that's enough to consider her "sexy" for them. For some others a woman wearing jeans and T-shirt may look sexy if she's physically attractive. For a husband who wants his wife she's "sexy" even if she's tired, sweaty, wearing sweat pants, a T-shirt with a stain from baby food and messy hair lol (that's at home, of course, not in public)
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #225
For a husband who wants his wife she's "sexy" even if she's tired, sweaty, wearing sweat pants, a T-shirt with a stain from baby food and messy hair lol

No, its called acceptance, but not necessarily "sexy" don't exaggerate with this optimistic viewpoint. Yes, "sexy" is subjective, agreed. For me the attractive shoewear on a woman is a home slipper, leather proper home slipper, very feminine and tidy look. So yes it is subjective. So whats your type of sexy shoe on a woman?
Paulina  19 | 4498
6 Jun 2024   #226
No, its called acceptance, but not necessarily "sexy" don't exaggerate with this optimistic viewpoint.

I don't exaggerate - that's the real life experience of many wives lol :))

The reality is that attractive people or someone you're attracted to will be attractive to you usually no matter what they wear. Attractive people could wear potato sacks and they would still be attractive people lol Of course, they would look better or even more sexy in the right clothes, but that's all. It's the less attractive people that usually need "help" by the means of clothes, etc.

For me the attractive shoewear on a woman is a home slipper, leather proper home slipper

Well, that's rather surprising for me... I wouldn't consider home slippers as "attractive shoewear" lol

So whats your type of sexy shoe on a woman?

Definitely not loafers or birkenstocks, which you apparently consider "feminine" :)
Paulina  19 | 4498
6 Jun 2024   #227

a home slipper

But any slipper or the ones that look pretty or particularly feminine? Because I don't quite get it... 🤔

leather proper home slipper, very feminine

That's even more surprising...
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #228
attractive people someone you're attracted to will be attractive no matter what they wear.

In a way yes,

Well, that's surprising for me... I wouldn't consider home slippers as "attractive" lol

Many are surprised, but if one thinks about it, it is the most comfortable footwear, soft and neat at same time, open back makes it feminine as well. To me , it is most feminine footwear there is and I like the look. Simplicity if neatly presented can be attractive.

But any slipper or the ones that pretty or particularly feminine? Because I don't quite get it... 🤔

I think the one associated with soft make, it somehow goes together with feminine image. For me it always worked that way. So lets see, soft cushion material, open back, and leather is natural and elegant at the same time. Being at home does not mean that you have to look bad lousy, it can be a comfortable look, lose clothing but neat looking. Crocs , squashed slippers or damaged ones are no longer that attractive. I like the homely look , but not grubby. How can that be surprising as being attractive? Simplicity and balance is usually very attractive.
Paulina  19 | 4498
6 Jun 2024   #229
Being at home does not mean that you have to look bad lousy

Sure, I like wearing nice or cute/fun slippers myself at home, but I've just never thought of home slippers as something that men would pay attention to or find particularly attractive on a woman lol I think the only time I've noticed a man being visibly interested in my home slippers was when a courier came with a package and he seemed to like my panda slippers ;D

I think the one associated with soft make, it somehow goes together with feminine image.

OK, but leather slippers? They're not particularly soft and they're usually brown (I somehow don't find that sexy in home slippers for women). Could you post a photo as an example of what you have in mind? 🤔
johnny reb  49 | 7995
6 Jun 2024   #230
Here Paulina, I bought these for you to wear in the winter around your house.
PM me your address and I will get them right out to you.
Size 5 UK.....right ?
jon357  72 | 23526
6 Jun 2024   #231
In the photos they look like women's flip-flops without back straps

They're men's sandals, and they never have a back strap.

Very good for the climate and environment in the cultures the6 come from. It can be a bit odd wearing them at first; you feel culnerable to mi or injury, however in reality it never happens.

you can judge a person by their shoes.

Easily. Salespeople often look straight at the shoes to suss out what someone can afford.
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #232
Sure, I like slippers at home, but I never slippers as something that men would find attractive on a woman only time I noticed a man interested in my home slippers was when he ;D

There you go, some dude liked your panda slippers, if he wasnt gay then you can bet his positive comments were not about animal like cuteness of your slippers , but he actually liked them on you like a guy would like a sexy looking skirt on a woman.

but leather slippers? They're not particularly soft they're usually brown (I somehow don't find that sexy in home slippers for women). Could you post a photo as an example of what you have in mind? 🤔

No probs, I will look for some pics and post them here. Some do look good on women.

Here Paulina, I bought these for you to wear in the winter around your house.

Americans only wear house slippers after shower or after dressing down at night and before shower in the morning, rarely do Americans wear slippers outside of those time frames , if at all - many wear shoes or socks in the house. So, where is that enthusiasm about slippers coming from? Fake?
johnny reb  49 | 7995
7 Jun 2024   #233
Americans wear slippers outside of those time frames , if at all - many wear shoes or socks in the house.

Whoever told you that is lying to you.
Maybe socks but not shoes.
Socks or slippers.
jon357  72 | 23526
7 Jun 2024   #234
enthusiasm about slippers

If you have underfloor heating, they're redundant anyway.
johnny reb  49 | 7995
7 Jun 2024   #235
How many people have under floor heating ? Nil to none
Very few homes have under floor heating and for some reason I doubt even fewer in Poland do.
Most homes have carpet and slippers keep the carpet cleaner from the sweat from your feet and dirty socks.
And little kids feet are always dirty so slippers come in handy.
jon357  72 | 23526
7 Jun 2024   #236
How many people have under floor heating ? Nil to none

I have it, as do many other people in Poland. It's a very good thing.

Most homes have carpet

We have tiles, warm in winter due to being heated and cool in summer. Not cheap to buy, but long lasting, better looking than carpets, impossible to stain and much more hygienic.
OP Alien  25 | 6434
7 Jun 2024   #237
How many people have under floor heating

Geothermal heat pumps have been fashionable in Europe for years, they usually work with underfloor heating. however, the new hit is electric underfloor heating and the latest hit is infrared heating, it looks like a TV in every room.
jon357  72 | 23526
7 Jun 2024   #238
the new hit is electric underfloor heating

Popular in newly-built social housing in the 1960s in the U.K. until people got their first quarterly bill and switched it off en masse, within minutes of opening the envelope.

Ours is gas powered. Instead of radiators, there's a web of small pipes under the floor. Even with double height ceilings, we can leave windows open in winter and the costs are not excessive. My folks in the U.K. installed it in just their main living room and didn't regret it.

the latest hit is infrared heating, it looks like a TV in every room.

That sounds interesting, is it one of Sir James Dyson's products? The air heater he developed is very good.
johnny reb  49 | 7995
7 Jun 2024   #239
and much more hygienic.

Unless you are burning coal.
We just rent a rug Dr. from Walmart for $40 and clean our carpets when they need it.
I guess that is the difference between the homes in the U.S. compared to the nicer homes in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23526
7 Jun 2024   #240
infrared heating

I just googled it. It's what's called "bathroom heaters" in the U.K. popular years ago due to providing heat quickly. Good that they're being developed.

We just rent a rug Dr. from Walmart for $40 and clean our carpets when they need it.

We have a couple of rugs. Our cleaner hoovers them when she comes, washes them sometimes (I only buy washable ones due to having pets) and roomba does the rest. Normal in Poland. They're more for decoration/acoustics than anything else.

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