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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2022   #241
Most of the fertilizer the U.S. imports comes from Russia.

The U.S. imports approximately 96% of the nation's potassium fertilizer from Russia,

Are you now denying that the U.S. imports approximately 96% of the nation's potassium fertilizer from Russia, Harry ?
Case closed
Johnny Reb 2
Harry 0
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Apr 2022   #242
To Jimmy 1.28 is most of 10.29

He just makes stuff up.

And he still misses one huge factor. To do with refineries.
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Apr 2022   #243
He just makes stuff up.

Yes, but that doesn't mean Jim doesn't also genuinely think that 1.28 billion is most of 10.29 billion. Remember that he is somebody who doesn't know how many hours there are in a day and so thinks that from 21.30 to 13.30 is 15 hours.

And he still misses one huge factor.

More like ten huge factors, but of course to him one is most of ten.

he still misses one huge factor. To do with refineries.

The means with which to invest in a full tank of gas?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2022   #244
Are you now denying

jon357  72 | 23654
14 Apr 2022   #245
The means with which to invest in a full tank of gas?

That as well.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2022   #246
US fertilizer imports

Yup and in 2021.....
US fertilizer imports were 10.9 billion
US fertilizer imports from Russia in 2021 were 1.9 billion

Now read real close here Harry....

The U.S. imports approximately 96% of the nation's potassium fertilizer from Russia,

Did ya get it that time ?

The means with which to invest in a full tank of gas?

Even if you had the money for a full tank of gas Harry, what would you put it in ? :-)
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Apr 2022   #247
Most of the fertilizer the U.S. imports comes from Russia.

Poor Jim, still trying to claim that 1.28 is "most" of 10.29. Why can't he just admit that he made a mistake? Say that he misread something, that he mistyped something.

On the plus side, the morons who will never admit they made a mistake offer excellent opportunities for the rest of us to make some money.

in 2021..... US fertilizer imports were 10.9 billion

He's out by some $610 million (actual figure is 10.29, as mentioned above), which is quite a lot money, but at least he's getting better, last time he was out by $3.865 billion (most of 10.29 billion is 5.145 billion plus one, rather than the 1.28 Jim claims it is).
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2022   #248
still trying to claim that 1.28 is "most"

Yup, most as in 96% of the nation's potassium fertilizer from Russia, the 'small' detail you conveniently keep leaving out.
You have gotten so transparent in your old age Harry that you aren't fun anymore.

offer excellent opportunities for the rest of us to make some money.

"US" ? It takes money to make money and that is where you come up short.
You still have debt in Warsaw.
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Apr 2022   #249
most as in 96% of the nation's potassium fertilizer from Russia

Poor Jim, backtracking furiously rather than just admitting he was wrong. Or that he can't count to eleven. Now he wants to talk about potassium fertilizer but he actually said:

Most of the fertilizer the U.S. imports comes from Russia.

Those are the words he used here:
And then he doubled down

In 2021, the U.S. imported $1.28 Billion of fertilizer from Russia,

Right here:
But now he wants us to believe he was always talking about potassium fertilizer, a type which accounts for only a small fraction of the fertilizer imported by the USA, in the region of an eighth.

It's a pity that the manure Jim has sprayed PF with over the years can't be used as fertilizer; if it could, the USA wouldn't need to import any fertilizer.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2022   #250
Now he wants to talk about potassium fertilizer but he actually said:


The U.S. imports approximately 96% of the nation's potassium fertilizer from Russia

You lose again Harry and I win again.

The other fertilizer stock I own is IPI which I bought at $89 a while back.

(Two weeks ago I bought 200 shared at $89 and recorded it here)
Today IPI hit a $114 but has dropped back to $112.
Would you like to do the math for us Harry.
I made more on that one stock in two weeks then you make in a year.

punching nuns in the face

You didn't have the balls to punch the priest in the face after how many years of him buggering you in that pre teen all boys boarding school your mom gave you away to in the U.K. after you moved there from Australia penal colony where your dad had been sent.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Apr 2022   #251
stocks aren't even real it's just an invisible piece of paper made up by the jewish elite or jedis to make you think you own a company but in reality you don't. Holographic Elon Musk showed us all the truth and ripped the wool from the eyes of the corrupt globohomo cis-tem. Only trust commodities and data.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Apr 2022   #252
With China now in another lock down the market has been tanking.
There should be some good buys by the end of this next week.
Buy low, sell high !

to make you think you own a company but in reality you don't.

No Ace, you own shares of a company but not the company itself. (kids)
Joker  2 | 2447
24 Apr 2022   #253
There should be some good buys by the end of this next week.

What about Elon taking over Twitter?

The lefties are freaking out over it, but its ok or Bezos to buy up
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
24 Apr 2022   #254
What about Elon taking over Twitter?

Great news If he can do it.
I have avoided Twitter so far because it's swamped by the woke brigade but I may join it if the genius that is Elon Musk buys it.
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Apr 2022   #255
I never have used Twitter but if Musk takes over.......... Why not? Time to kick off all the libtards and watch then meltdown even more. lol
Lazarus  3 | 364
26 Apr 2022   #256
I bought some this morning at a super price of $181.

Mystic Jimmy strikes yet again! He tipped it at $217, it went down. He tipped it again at $186 and it went down again. He tipped it for a third time at $181 and guess what happened? It's now down at $170. Somebody needs to contact Wall Street and let them know there's a guaranteed way to make money: ask Jim the jenius to tip shares and then short those shares!

Buy low, sell high !

That's the idea, but anybody who listened to Jim would buy high and sell low. LOL!
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Apr 2022   #257
buy high and sell low

He reminds me of that TV show, Bargain Hunt, where the contestants have to buy tat from expensive antiques fairs and then hope to make some of the money back by selling it at the same cheap shipping auctions that the dealers got it from in the first place.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Apr 2022   #258
That was Pawians pick, Harry, how many times do you have to be told.
AND 'YOU' still haven't picked a stock yet for us to keep watch on.
Perhaps you would like to tell us why that is.
Today I am about ready to buy some Apple stock as China has shut down do to covid so AAPL has really tanked.
If it drops below $158 I will be buying because as soon as the lock down in China is over and everyone goes back to work again, it should shoot right back up to $171.

I think you guys just provoke me to get free stock tips because you never share any of the stocks you own OR maybe you don't own any which makes it easy to belittle people who do.

I got you and your sock puppets number Hairy. Hoot ! :-)
Joker  2 | 2447
26 Apr 2022   #259
Jim would buy high and sell low. LOL!

Im shocked with all the constant loses he can afford to pay the taxes on the Shack.

It's no surprise at all as he never goes anywhere and is always on the forum 24/7.

What a way to spend a If he really had all this money he would be out enjoying some of it.

Even on his so called "fakecation" he couldn't stop posting. Nobody believed a word of it as well...LOL
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
26 Apr 2022   #260
.lol If he really had all this money he would be out enjoying some of it

You hit the nail on the head!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Apr 2022   #261
If he really had all this money

Is your inferiority complex because you are in debt up to your eyeballs that makes you so jealous of other people who have a little money ?

You are always talking about money.
People that are always talking about money usually don't have any of their own.
You don't own any stocks do you ?
Joker  2 | 2447
27 Apr 2022   #262
debt up to your eyeballs

LOL ........I have zero debt! My bills are paid in full every month. Need a loan to fix that hole in your roof?

You don't own any stocks do you ?

I most certainly do:)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Apr 2022   #263
Really ? Name three of them even though we know you can't/won't. (johnny rolls eyes and snickers)
After this week from hell I may cash out of the market.
Recession is finally here and going to stay for a couple of years.
I am going to start listening to Harry and buy the stocks that he is invested in. (johnny rolls eyes and snickers)
The obama Dems brilliant policies have hit bottom just like we tried to tell them they would.
Now we have dementia biden finishing things off.
And every time I hear someone b!tching about inflation, I just say, "you voted for it, not me, we tried to tell you."
Joker  2 | 2447
27 Apr 2022   #264
After this week from hell I may cash out of the market.

Its sounds like you hit rock bottom thats all.

What will be your new excuse for trolling PF everyday?

we know you can't/won't.

Post the fakecation photo first and I'll reveal more.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Apr 2022   #265
ask Jim the jenius

It's spelled, "genius", Harry.
And you claimed to have taught English.(johnny rolls his eyes and snickers)
Here is one you can hold me to Harry........I bought 200 shares of Apple stock (AAPL) this morning at $155.80 per share.

Its sounds like you hit rock bottom thats all.

You wouldn't know sarcasm if it was a dog named sarcasm and it came up and pis sed on your leg.
Hit bottom you say, lol, as I am looking for a place in southern Florida.
I have a friend selling his place in West Palm Beach that is really nice with a great location.
Bet you wish you could afford to hit bottom. HooT !
I don't need an excuse to mock your trolling.
If you would just take the cotton out of your ears and stick it in your mouth it would end your trolling.
Hey, give it a try just for sh!ts and giggles and see if it works.

Post the fakecation photo first and I'll reveal more.

Nobody cares what you have to reveal.
Why you are so nosey about what I did on my private vacation is disturbing to say the least.
It's like you are stalking me, are you ?
We want to know when you are going to Poland next and please don't lie this time.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Apr 2022   #266
200 shares of Apple stock (AAPL) this morning at $155.80 per share.

Twice the value of his tarpaper shack...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Apr 2022   #267
delph diminished my residence until we did a google search of the dirty little dumpy flat that he lived in at the time.
Then Harry diminished me by pretending some Jim guy was me with a picture of his house. (Nicer than what Harry lived in before and after his divorce)

Then Joker diminished me until he was stupid enough to post the Appalachia shoe box house that he lives in with the junked cars sitting around it

And now you try to diminish the house that I really live in and with what Cargo told us about the 200 year old out of date run down dump you live in, I would have to guess that my place is worth at least three times what yours is which only shows what kind of inferiority complexes you Losers have.

The house that I am looking at in West Palm has a modest price tag of around $600k.
Oh and the stock AAPL that I bought this a.m. for $155.89 is now as we speak at $158.18......up $2.38 per share X 200 shares = $476.
It will drop some before the close I expect but still finish up for the day.
Now you tell us what stocks you bozo's own so we can see how well you are doing.
Well of course not because that would give an opening to diminish your skills in the stock market.
Of course, Har, as in Harry, doesn't even have two zloty to rub together and Joker doesn't own any stocks, he owns mutual funds that he inherited from Daddy that he pays a brokerage firm to manage for him.

So that only leaves you joun, what stocks do you own ? :-)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Apr 2022   #268
And less than 45 minutes later.........AAPL is now in the red. lol
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Apr 2022   #269
Cargo told us

I somehow doubt it.

Peedak has no idea where I live, and never will.

what stocks do you own

You mean shares? MYOB.
Lazarus  3 | 364
27 Apr 2022   #270
his tarpaper shack

The shack Jim got only by refusing to let his ex-wife see her kids. And the shack he choses to share with a convicted pedophile. But he still thinks that people can be convinced he owns even a single share. Very strange.

BTW, seen Boeing? Now down at $154. Are they ever going to recover from being tipped by Jimmie at $217?

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