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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Mar 2022   #211
So where is your hot stock tip for us this week Mr. Stock Guru ? LMAO

Guess I shut your mouth didn't I.

​If I defend myself against your lies you will say that I am boasting about my profits.
If I don't defend myself your lies become reality.
Well let me boast just to get under your skin Mr. Jealous with a huge inferiority complex. HA !
Remember this one, LIAR, just this month, MRO ?

I liked what I saw so March first I bought 500 shares at around $52 per share.

It hit my sell price at $70 yesterday.
Let me do the math for you Mr. Jealous.......sold at $70 minus $52 that I bought it for 14 business days ago equals $18 a share profit times 500 share equals a $9000 profit which is more than you make in a month.

And that is why I am up at 4 a.m. researching my stock investments for the day while you are still snoring and letting stale beer farts in your bed.

So come on Ace, pick a stock like I do here to tip people what to invest in. (Crickets)
Boy have I ever shut your loud mouth diminishing me haven't I. Hoot !
Time for you to quit embarrassing yourself and just stfu. :-)
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Mar 2022   #212
Now hes talking to himself! Hahahaha, too funny!

He keeps writing these childish manifestos that nobody bothers to read

So come on Ace, pick a stock like I do here to tip people what to invest in

Listen dickhead for the umpteenth time... Only a fool would give you any kind information, nobody trusts you, dont you get it dumbass!!!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Mar 2022   #213
What information Dickhead ?
You diminish all my proven stock picks so I am just asking you to pick a money making stock like I do but you seem to be stuck in the mud to dare to pick one in fear of being laughed at anymore than you already are.

Come on Ace, pick a stock, any stock.
You don't even have to own it.
Bak bak bak.....Come on LOSER LOUD MOUTH !
I guess I sure shut your mouth didn't I. Hoot !
Checkmate ! :-)
(hint: Better you just stfu and get out and stay out of my thread.)
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
25 Mar 2022   #214
There is an idiot lying preacher from nowheresville, Michigan that posts crap and lies on this forum from his shack in the middle of nowhere.

I would advise readers of this forum to just ignore him.
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Mar 2022   #215
The majority of posters just scroll past his posts and dont respond back to him.

Hes soooo desperate to know which stocks I have, that hes having meltdown after meltdown.
Novichok  4 | 8677
26 Mar 2022   #216
You guys remind me of drunken parties when the parents are gone. Eventually, the kids demolish every room in the house.
Joker  2 | 2447
26 Mar 2022   #217
Guess, where I am now???? Michigan! I just had a wonderful lunch and getting back on the road now..HooT! HooT!

Lets drinks some beers and pick some stocks! Hahahahahahaha

  • Mich.jpg

  • Jimski.jpg
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Mar 2022   #218
I would advise readers of this forum to just ignore him.

I would advise you to take your own advice. Hoot !

Hes soooo desperate to know which stocks I have,

Another lie and here is the proof, Dummy:

Come on Ace, pick a stock, any stock. You don't even have to own it.

Liar - Liar, pants on fire.
AND......we are still waiting for your random pick on a winner. (Crickets)

Guess, where I am now???? Michigan!

Suuuuure you are.
Do you even know when you are lying or are you high again in your fantasy world.
You don't have money to even drive to the beer store in your rusted out old Dodge truck. Hahahaha
Hey Shrimp, stop on over to my place if you are as I am not that far from Traverse City and I will be happy to show you the old one two three before I let my dogs meet you. HooT!
Joker  2 | 2447
11 Apr 2022   #219
If Jimmy invested half the time he spends on PF into earning money,

He now claims hes earning $400K per year just sitting around PF 24/7 even though the market is closed most of the time. You would think a big shot like him at his advance age would be out spending and enjoying some this new wealth.. Not Jimmy, he must be taking it to the grave buried next to the shack his mommy handed down to him.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Apr 2022   #220
He now claims hes earning $400K per year just sitting around PF 24/7

No, you claimed that but no need to defend myself as everyone knows that you are a liar.

You would think a big shot like him at his advance age would be out spending and enjoying some this new wealth.

Gees, I just got back from a months vacation in Florida last month and spent more than you make in two months.
When was your last vacation and fantasy vacations like the one you are boasting about going on to Poland at Easter does not count. HooT !
Joker  2 | 2447
11 Apr 2022   #221
Gees, I just got back from a months vacation in Florida

Sure you did! LOL Is this the magical vacation spot where the helicopter crashed in front of you??? Lets see the pic! How about that whopper Marlin photo then??? How many millions did you win at the Dog Track??? Wow! Youre just sooooooo amazing!

  • 471.jpg
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Apr 2022   #222
You're just jealous as being you sat in Chitcago all winter freezing while only wishing you could afford such fun and relaxation like the Reb.

All you have to do is find your wife a second job so you can afford it too. :-)
Lazarus  3 | 364
11 Apr 2022   #223
Is this the magical vacation spot where the helicopter crashed in front of you

Jim used to drive to Florida (check his Google reviews) to volunteer at a children's home (check his bio on the church's website). But after they were sent info about who Jim chooses to live with and link to that creature's criminal record, he's no longer welcome there.

So at $217 a share my charts show a buy flag.

Currently $175, so anybody idiotic enough to follow Jimmy's advice would have lost 20% of their money. Lucky that Jim didn't have any money to lose.
Joker  2 | 2447
11 Apr 2022   #224
live with and link to that creature's criminal record, he's no longer welcome there.

They could take away his guns next and could be charged with a felony. He clearly has mental issues and shouldn't possess them.

Currently $175, so anybody idiotic enough to follow Jimmy's advice

Just as bad as him telling everyone to buy a 1000 shares then returns a few hours later and says to sell them instead. That was right after one of his mid afternoon skiing trips.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Apr 2022   #225
Boeing says nearly 100 jets on its order books are now in limbo because of sanctions against Russia
Pawian made his prediction BEFORE the invasion and sanctions so no wonder Boeing stock has gone down.

We still have four months to go though so Boeing still has time to come back to $212 a share.
I bought some this morning at a super price of $181.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Apr 2022   #226
I thought that the sanctions against Russia were supposed to punish Russia, not the US. Weird...
Is the US becoming as stupid as Poland?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Apr 2022   #227
Most of the fertilizer the U.S. imports comes from Russia.
It is used to grow food for both people and food animals.
There is already a shortage and planting season hasn't even started yet with an expected price increase of 80% this year.
I made a modest some on MO when I sold it at $70 but today got back in at $73.
The other fertilizer stock I own is IPI which I bought at $89 a while back.
Both American fertilizer companies.
If you think gas prices are bad, just wait until you see what you will be paying for food by the end of this summer.

I thought that the sanctions against Russia were supposed to punish Russia, not the US.

The U.S. may go a little hungry while Russia will starve.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Apr 2022   #228
I will look for volunteers.
Joker  2 | 2447
13 Apr 2022   #229
It is used to grow food for both people and food animals.

Really? Was Dr. Suess or Kamala Harris your mentor? LOL
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Apr 2022   #231
Dr. Suess

Great great that this thread is in off-topic, isn't it...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Apr 2022   #232
It's my thread joun so if you have nothing constructive to add to it, it would be most appreciative if you would stop trolling it.

It's one thing to stay On-Topic but it's quite another with a yapping poodle like you that can start sh*it to trash the thread.
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Apr 2022   #233
my thread

No such thing. They don't have individual ownership.

And it's in off-topic.
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Apr 2022   #234
Most of the fertilizer the U.S. imports comes from Russia.

I've never seen anybody with such an ability to be so completely wrong so often.
US fertilizer imports in 2020: $6.5 billion (source:
US fertilizer imports from Russia in 2020: $700.31 million (source:

No wonder he's never heard of time zones and doesn't know how many hours there are in a day!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Apr 2022   #235
US fertilizer imports from Russia in 2020: $700.31 million

I've never seen anybody with such an ability to be so completely wrong so often.
In 2021, the U.S. imported $1.28 Billion of fertilizer from Russia, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.
Checkmate Mate !
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Apr 2022   #236
I've never seen anybody with such an ability to be so completely wrong so often

The same.

And of course there's an aspect of fertiliser production that has totally escaped him, one much discussed by economists right now.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2022   #237
Well of course joun.
Perhaps you would like to elaborate on your deflection of production verses the topic of how much fertilizer the U.S. imports from Russia.
I've never seen anybody with such an ability to be so completely wrong so often as Harry.
The U.S. imports approximately 96% of the nation's potassium fertilizer from Russia, including 1 million short tons per year, according to Michigan Potash & Salt Company.

Your google king roommate, Harry, was using outdated 2021 stats. which were no doubt the first thing he googled and got all excited.
A new Texas A&M University study suggests that fertilizer costs could be as much as 80% higher than last year heading into the 2022 planting season.

And so far they are spot on which makes investing in fertilizer companys in the U.S. a good investment right because of the sanctions on Russia now, as my profits show.

No more free stock tips to you two trolls though.
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Apr 2022   #238
the U.S. imported $1.28 Billion of fertilizer from Russia

Jim says that 1.28 is most of 6.5. What a genius! And he tries to use data from 2021 to prove a point about 2020.
In 2021 the US imported $10.29 billion of fertilizer (source:
To Jimmy 1.28 is most of 10.29.To anybody that can count, 1.28 is less than an eighth of 10.29. Is the problem that Jim can't count or that he doesn't understand what the word "most" means.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2022   #239
Yes, Bieggers, I've never seen anybody with such an ability to be so completely wrong so often.

And he tries to use data from 2021 to prove a point about 2020.

No, I proved the point of 2021, not 2020, that was you. Mate.
What I posted was:
In 2021, the U.S. imported $1.28 Billion of fertilizer from Russia, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.
Perhaps you would like to argue your frivolous point with them. lol
Are you now denying that the U.S. imports approximately 96% of the nation's potassium fertilizer from Russia ?
Perhaps you have botched your googling skills AGAIN.
Harry, I think from now on the best answer to your badgering will be, "Yes, Bieggers, you could be right." LMMFAO !
So if you have NOTHING constructive to add in the stock market thread besides your trolling, please get lost.
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Apr 2022   #240
In 2021, the U.S. imported $1.28 Billion of fertilizer from Russia, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.

Also according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade, in 2021 the U.S. imported $10.29 billion of fertilizer (source:

You claim that

Most of the fertilizer the U.S. imports comes from Russia.

1.28 is not most of 10.29. 1.28 is not even an eighth of 10.29.
I'll try to explain it in a way you can understand. Hold up all of your fingers, then put one down: are most of your fingers up or down?

Perhaps of you'd spent more time in school listening and less fantasizing about punching nuns in the face, you would be able to quickly work out how much most of ten is.

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