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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Mar 2022   #181
Can you even call that shack a property?

Well, it does get a 100% benefit from the Principal Residence Exemption...
I call it a missed opportunity. If Jimmy didn't waste time fantasizing about shares he didn't buy, he could invest that time in looking for coupons and discounts on building materials. A bit more invested in DIY and he might even manage a tenth of the national average price growth in 2022!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Mar 2022   #182
when Jimmie made the mistake of tipping a stock

More Rinse and Repeat

he wasn't able to buy due to terminal lack of cash.

Says the pauper welfare queen that has debt collectors chasing him from town to town.
You only wish you had my knowledge and skills in how to make money by just typing numbers into a computer. :-)
Beats greasing bicycle chains and fixing their flats for beer money.

Mystic Jimmie strikes again! Boeing now down to $184.

And it closed at $191 so what is your point besides losing out again ? Hoot !
If you would have taken all your money and bought two share you would have made $14 which would have bought you a curry dinner.

property prices in the US went up by 18.8% in 2021

They did Harry and in the area I live, they went up over 20%.
The value of my house went up more than you make in a year. lol
That must just burn your jealous ass to no end.
Damn I like getting under your skin.
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 Mar 2022   #183
And it closed at $191 so what is your point besides losing out again ? Hoot !

You tipped it at $217, so anybody idiotic enough follow your advice would have lost 12% of their money. It's lucky that none of us, including you, did.

in the area I live, they went up over 20%.

But your own properly only went up by 1.4%. Just $833, as shown on the county records website. That must make you feel even more bitter and jealous than you usually are. Why not channel that bitterness into actually doing something to improve your property?

Beats greasing bicycle chains and fixing their flats for beer money.

I'd forgotten that you used to be a mechanic before you retired (according to your bio on the church website). But you can't have been much good, given that Marge leaves glowing Google reviews of places that service her car, meaning she doesn't trust you to do even simple maintenance. Maybe you should have spent your time in the shop learning about being a mechanic instead of fantasizing about shares you couldn't buy.
Joker  2 | 2447
23 Mar 2022   #184
so anybody idiotic enough follow your advice would have lost 12% of their money

A couple of weeks ago he gave a tip he was buying a 1000 shares and later on that day he returned claiming he just sold the same 1000 shares.

Thats some sound advice for sure! LOL

being a mechanic instead of fantasizing

You missed his fantasy "fakecation" as well.. Where he caught a Marlin and a helicopter crashed right in front of him at the beach! Not to mention his huge winnings at the Dog Track which he will parlay into his stock portfolio... Im surprised he has the time for PF at all.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Mar 2022   #185
You tipped it at $217,

More Rinse & Repeat

But your own properly only went up by 1.4%.

More Rinse & Repeat

They did Harry and in the area I live, they went up over 20%.

Remember now ? lol

I'd forgotten that you used to be a mechanic

More Rinse & Repeat
Did you also forget that members of this forum that know me told you that your high school Googling skills got egg all over your face by claiming I was some guy in your fantasy world ?

You botched it Hairy because your roommate back then was exposed rolling around on the floor with children on video to confirm it and you want to re-direst his attraction to young children on me.

Only it backfired on you after we saw that video that you took of him with those young children which made you an accomplice.
It's no wonder your Ukrainian wife divorced you.

Maybe you should have spent your time in the shop learning about being a mechanic

Who would want to be a bicycle repairman that washes cars on the side like you, Hairy ?
A hateful, angry, broke immigrant peasant in Poland for twenty five years and still doesn't have a Polish citizenship because you can't speak Polish. Hoot!

You really are a pitiful person.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Mar 2022   #186
he was buying a 1000 shares and later on that day he returned claiming he just sold the same 1000 shares.

Yes, I do that quite often, they call that, "Day Trading." lol
So what stocks do you own, Snitch ? Do tell.
I can help you get started in trading if you like.
I bought another 100 shares of Apple stock monday @ $163 if you want to ride my shirttail this week.
By Easter time you should have enough profit for plane tickets for you and your Polish bride to Poland. :-)
All of us here can't wait to see your new stamp in your passport and the many pictures you will take. :-(
Joker  2 | 2447
23 Mar 2022   #187
Yes, I do that quite often, they call that, "Day Trading." lol

So, you admit that you gave out bad advice, thanks.

I can help you get started in trading if you like.

Ive had a TD account for several years now, but no need for me to brag about it, unlike you.

By Easter time

Once again, post where I claimed to be going this Easter? Along with the posts where I claimed to own 6 houses as well, you cant bc its just more of your Lies! How many times have you been to Poland? Zero! I have the stamps on my passport. Youre just full of crap sitting in some shack in the woods! LOLOL

passport and the many pictures you will take

Ive posted it in the past, go look through your pathetic archives you loser! Lets see that Marlin photo from your "Fakecation"

More Rinse & Repeat

Is this the only phrase in your limited vocabulary? Krakkawww! It would be ok if you were the author, but youre just a mindless copycat and liar thats all:)
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 Mar 2022   #188
Im surprised he has the time for PF at all.

If Jimmy invested half the time he spends on PF into earning money, he'd be able to pay for the repairs his house so desperately needs. Places in his area went up over 20% last year, the national average was 18.8% but his place went up only 1.4%. How terrible does it have to be to put off buyers that much?

some shack

Not some shack, the shack mommy gave him. Well, actually she gave it to him and his first wife, but Derinda gave him her half for free in 1981.

Is this the only phrase in your limited vocabulary?

His problem is that he has no comeback to provable facts. He made the mistake of tipping a stock, it promptly lost an eighth of its value - so now he's back to boasting about what he claims he bought a few days ago. Now it's come out that his house is hugely unattractive to buyers, so he's ranting about all his old favourites.

Don't take my word for his house going up onl7 $833, check for yourself at Just put his address in and have a read of the records.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Mar 2022   #189
you admit that you gave out bad advice

No, you did.

Ive had a TD account for several years now,

Really, then what are some of the stocks you are invested in ?
Did you pick them or do you pay TD to pick them for you ?

Once again,

Yes, once again more Rinse & Repeat. Zzzzzzzz

Ive posted it in the past,

Suuuure you did, you go on your own fools errand and show us.

Is this the only phrase in your limited vocabulary?

As long as you keep repeating your SAME EXACT LIES over and over and over to try and make me defend myself to an ass-hole like you I will just respond with Rinse and Repeat.

Much easier. Hoot !
I see you are not working gain today, you didn't get fired again did you ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Mar 2022   #190
If Jimmy invested half the time he spends on PF

Oh Hairy give it up.
You are the laughing stock of this forum with your suggesting that my name is Jim Warden.
Ziemowit has my real picture and told you several times, "the picture you posted of Jim Warden IS NOT johnny reb !"
You know that you botched it, we know you botched it so be a man and admit it.
Pigsy and I both rubbed your nose in the dirt here and made you out to be the full blown bully alcoholic that you are.

You had a huge meltdown to think we destroyed the head of the snake of the British Bully Club, no more Limey Lounge here.....
So you had your Harry account deleted, most of your posts deleted and came back as Lazarus to attack and continue to bully me.
Your very first post to me eight years ago was very hateful and diminishing like you and the rest of your gang (British Bullies) did to so many others Americans here.

Only you kicked the wrong Yankee dog when you kicked me.
There was no other alternative but to post all of you guys true identity which just steamed you to no end to think a couple of Yanks could pop your balloons and wreck your party.

Hey, have you seen delf lately ?
Tell him I said hi.
You have tried for seven years now trying to figure out my real name without any luck.
Your googling skills failed even though you thought with what information you had that I could be none other than this Jim guy.
You got so excited that you pis sed all over yourself telling joun and Lenka and Pam and Paulina and delph that you finally located me.

You are a crop failure Loser Hairy so give it up.
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 Mar 2022   #191
Grab a 1000 shares at $186. :-)

Mystic Jim's win streak continues: Boeing now down at 185. He really is on fire, which is one thing his house doesn't have to worry about - the roof leaks so much everything is too damp to burn.

go look through your pathetic archives you loser!

Are his archives tragic or hilarious? Given how vile Jim is, I'd say it's hilarious. The only thing more pathetic than keeping archives about PF would be having to open your home to registered sex offender when he got out of prison so that he wouldn't tell the police who sold him the photos he was locked up for a decade over.
Joker  2 | 2447
23 Mar 2022   #192
suggesting that my name is Jim Warden.

You already admitted it, Jimmy! There were plenty of witnesses as well, so keep lying! Hahaha

ou go on your own fools errand and show us.

I knew it would be just a matter of time before you would copy that from me, so predictable and boring, its because you cant think for yourself! LOL

Kraw Kraw Rinse and Repeat, Rinse and Repeat, Jimmy!

Really, then what are some of the stocks you are invested in ?

Like I would tell you anything! Hahahahaha, yeah right!

His problem is that he has no comeback to provable facts

He behaves like a 10 year old bully and makes up lies and stories out of thin air. He already burned up his credibility on this forum and is the only poster in PF history to have his "X" button ( reporting feature) removed because he Snitched too much!

You live in his head rent free and will surely have another meltdown:)

would be having to open your home to registered sex offender when he got out of prison

Then he hides behind religion, hope the cops catch these decrepit losers!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Mar 2022   #193
Like I would tell you

That's what I thought. Hahahahahaha
Come on big shot, what stocks do you claim to own ?
Just like the six houses that you supposedly own. lol
You embarrass yourself, Snitch.
It must suck to be you.

so that he wouldn't tell the police who sold him the photos he was locked up for a decade over.

Are you implying that delf is locked up for the videos that you took of him rolling around on the floor with children ?
We wonder what happened to him.
And that would make you a habitual offender after your little escapade with your underaged step daughter Hairy.
You are skating on thin ice ole boy.
Joker  2 | 2447
24 Mar 2022   #194
Just like the six houses that you supposedly own.

More lies created by Preacher Jimmy. Prove it, post where I made any of your false claims? You cant bc its all lies, same as all your posts. Checkmate, Loser!

It must suck to be you.

Im not the one that lives on a forum 24/7/365. Even on your fakecations you still continuously post just proving what a liar we all know you are.

rolling around on the floor with children ?

That video you were circulating around PF thru PMs? The video you watched more than anyone else bc Delf caught you, old pervert! It comes to no surprise as youre always making up fantasy stories about water-skiing with ( hardbodies) lol. Sure , Jimmy we all believe that one!!! Hahahaha

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OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2022   #195
Come on big shot, what stocks do you claim to own ?

None is the correct answer liar.
All hat and no horse.

That video you were circulating around PF thru PMs?

Are you talking about the one that you first sent me ?

stories about water-skiing with ( hardbodies)

Look, we know your squeeze is no spring chicken anymore and after a couple of kids is sagging here and there.
We understand why you are so jealous of my younger friends with hard bellies.
I bet you have mentioned them at least two dozen times in the last six months.
Being you are 50 years old and going thru mid-age crisis with perverted thoughts, it is understandable why you think about them non-stop.
They live in your head rent free too. HooT !
My gosh, they are your daughters age .
Do you get impure thoughts about your daughters too.
You're sick Pal.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2022   #196
Mystic Jim's win streak continues: Boeing now down at 185.

(To all you new members: Harry suffers from an antisocial/obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (AS/OCPD) as you can see. )
Oh, the stock Pawian picked, I see that, but I suggested to give it six months and it has five months to go yet.
Oh, here is his post.]

So what stocks to you own Hairy, if you don't mind me asking ? LMMFAO !
Joker  2 | 2447
24 Mar 2022   #197
Another morning meltdown as predicted! Hahahaha

(To all you new members:

Who are you referring too?

antisocial/obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (AS/OCPD) as you can see. )

So, youre a licensed psychiatrist now? Why dont you prescribe yourself some pills for your anger issues? Its too bad they dont have a pill for lying! LOL

if you don't mind me asking

Nobody around here is dumb enough to give you any information.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2022   #198
Nobody around here is dumb enough to give you any information.

Being you claim to be an expert on diminishing our stocks, I just wonder what yours were so we could reciprocate but since you don't own any stocks you can continue to be a pretend stock broker at our expense. Hahahahahahaha

You don't know squat about the stock market and therefore only come to my thread to trash it because of your jealousy.
You only make yourself look dumber each day with your immaturity of a ten year old.
Better you leave this thread to the adults and get lost. :-)
Joker  2 | 2447
24 Mar 2022   #199
Where did I claim to be an " expert " or " broker"?
Post where I said that or it's just another one of your many daily lies.

If you're going to lie at least wait until the next page. You're not very clever, just extremely stupid thats all, LOL
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2022   #200
So what stocks do you own or are you just pretending again ?

Ive had a TD account for several years now, but no need for me to brag about it, unlike you.

TD account is not a stock, dummy.
Keep bragging though as it only shows your stupidity.
So what stocks do you own ?
Joker  2 | 2447
24 Mar 2022   #201
TD account is not a stock, dummy.

Still making up lies aren't you?

No kidding, idiot! Did I say a TD account is a stock, dummy?

Ive had a TD account for several years now,

This is what I said moron. Cant you comprehend simple sentences or just add lies to them and expect nobody notices?

Keep bragging though as it only shows your stupidity.

And I just made you look like a total hypocrite, Again! Hahahahahahahahahjahahahaha

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Miloslaw  22 | 5206
24 Mar 2022   #202
just add lies to them and expect nobody notices?

This is exactly how he operates.
He lies and lies in the hope that nobody is bright enough to notice.
Unfortunately for him he has underestimated the PF audience.
They all now know what a complete fantasist and liar he is.
You can tell, because so few people now respond to his posts directly.
He is finished on PF, he just hasn't accepted that fact yet.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2022   #203
And I just made you look like a total hypocrite,

Actually you make yourself look like a hypocrite dummy.
You mock my water skiing yet you don't know how to water ski.
You mock my snow skiing yet you don't know how to snow ski.
You mock me shooting a deer out my kitchen window yet you can't shoot one out your kitchen window.
You mock my vacation yet you never go on one.
You mock my stock trading yet you have no stocks and know nothing about stock trading.
This all shows your inferiority complex and shows just how jealous you are of my skills that you lack.
That is why you snitched on me (even though you were right in the thick of it with me rattling delph) to belittle me to make yourself look like the shining knight.

You have hit bottom by embarrassing yourself to almost the Coleslaw nurd level and don't even realize it.
Joker  2 | 2447
24 Mar 2022   #204
He is finished on PF, he just hasn't accepted that fact yet.

Hes in full meltdown mode again. Its the same nauseating rubbish over and over. The return of Laz really set him off the deep end...Hahaha

You can tell, because so few people now respond to his posts directly.

Hes nothing but a pariah around here. If we didnt talk to him nobody else would.

you have no stocks and know nothing about stock trading.

Ive had my TD Amertrade account for several years now, Bozo.

Youre not the only person allowed to buy stocks and I dont have to divulge any personal information to a scumbag like you!

So, F_OFF and fix the hole in your 300 square ft. SHACK! LOLOLOL

  • Jimmysshack.jpg
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Mar 2022   #205
Ive had my TD Amertrade account for several years now, Bozo.

Ever since you inherited it from Mommy and Daddy in your trust fund. lol
Most likely just mutual funds and no stocks.

dont have to divulge any personal information

Well of course not because you fear of being laughed at yet you think I need to defend myself to you, bully.
Then just pick a stock that you think is a good investment genius.
Lets see how good you are at stock trading.
Come on scaredy cat. Bak Bak Bak !

So, F_OFF and fix the hole in your 300 square ft. SHACK!

Always trying to run my life for me.
I think you should F_OFF and fix your old broken down rust bucket of a truck so you can go out and look for a job.

Your wife must be getting tired of putting the chow on the table and paying the mortgage
You must feel like a worthless piece of sht and that is why you come here to bully people every day with your guilt.
It must suck to be you.

Joker  2 | 2447
25 Mar 2022   #206
Another Meltdown! Hahahahaha

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OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Mar 2022   #207
You have no idea how much I enjoy mocking you.
So have you picked a stock yet for us to follow for a week or two ?
Come on Shrimp, you diminish my stock picks yet you have none to counter them.
We call that writing a check with your mouth that you can't cash with your punk ass, Sissy.
Come on chicken, pick a hot stock for us. bak bak bak
Checkmate !
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Mar 2022   #208
You have no idea how much I enjoy mocking you.

And it backfires every time! LOL

Wake up at 4:00am again and write me another manifesto you idiot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Mar 2022   #209
Wake up at 4:00am again

Wake up ? I never go to bed.
I don't need sleep like a little pussy like you do that passes out after guzzling beer every night.
Then you climb into bed with your bride and snore and have beer farts.
Then you wake up with a hang over which makes you the hateful person that you are.
At least I got you off Crow's ass by mocking your immature dumb ass.

So have you picked a stock yet for us to follow for a week or two ?

You seem to be avoiding showing us how proficient in stock picking you are.
You have no problem diminishing my successful picks so it's only fair for us to see your successful picks. Hoot !

I bought another 100 shares of Apple stock monday @ $163 if you want to ride my shirttail this week.

It closed yesterday @ $174 so how did you do on your best stock this week ?
Did you ride my shirttail and make yourself some paper ?
I made $2200 on Apple stock this week so far, how much did you make at "Your Company". Urg !
Will be buying another steel stock today as steel is sky rocketing again.
Come on Slick, give us a stock pick so we can see how you are better at Day trading than I am.
Bak Bak Bak
Guess I shut your mouth didn't I. Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Mar 2022   #210
Another meltdown just as predicted! Thanks, for the morning laugh, again! Hahahaha

What are you doing today besides sitting around on your fat ass and posting on PF the entire time?

Just admit it already, you dont do Jack $hit all day long! LOL

Keep posting so we can keep laughing at you!!!

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