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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Sep 2024   #961
Awesome talent!

Thank you Dead Man Walking.
All the nine stocks that I own where up today except for BTI which was down 7 cents.
My VOO was up $5.27 a share X 100 = $527
My VUG was up $7.39 a share X 100 shares = $739
And my SOLV was up $1.05 per share
And those three alone today made more money than Lazarus makes in two good months fixing bicycle flat tires. 🤫
And since Lazarus made ZERO in the market today, or this year for that matter, he should probably just shut his jealous piehole to save further embarrassing himself.

So Dead Man Walking, will you ever tip us on a stock so we can mock you ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
11 Sep 2024   #962

That is an interesting stock. On the one hand, now the top management are picked based on ability rather than political loyalty, the firm should do better. On the other hand, who knows what further terrible deals signed by the previous management are yet to surface? My guess is that people smarter than me and better educated than me and far far better informed than me have already priced the vast majority of that into the stock value. So for me the better option is to just track the market.

Of course it would also help if to not be so financially illiterate as to claim that an S&P 500 tracker fund is a "tech" fund and that a CRSP US Large Cap Growth Index tracker fund is a "tech" fund. But fortunately for me, I haven't made those hilarious claims: it's Poorhouse Jimmy who claims an S&P 500 tracker fund is a "tech" fund. And it's Poorhouse Jimmy who doesn't even know what CHF stands for.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Sep 2024   #963
as to claim that an S&P 500 tracker fund is a "tech" fund

You must have misunderstood what I said.
The S&P 500 includes a range of stocks often from the tech sector.
doesn't even know what CHF stands for.

The only thing we use CHF for here in the U.S.A. is, 'Cardiac Heart Failure'. 😋
Lazarus  3 | 364
12 Sep 2024   #964
Yeah, yeah, yeah....... we believe you......... LOL!!!!!

Poorhouse Jimmy is possibly at his funniest when he f*cks up, he knows he's f*cked up but he's too f*cking moronic to admit he's f*cked up and instead tries to lie his way out. But instead he he f*cks up again and digs himself even further into his hole.

For example, he tries to boast that a stock he 'tipped' had gone up but then it's pointed out that the market in general had gone up by more than 350% of his huge win of 0.9% growth in a week, so he'd have a gain three times bigger if he'd just tracked the market indices. So then we suddenly get

But the problem is that Jimmy hasn't bothered to even vaguely Google what he claims "most of" his money is invested in. So we get this classic from the Poorhouse:
VOO and VUG are both tech ETF's

LOL!!! VOO is actually called "Vanguard S&P 500 ETF" (see ). But Poorhouse Jimmy hasn't even bothered to read the name of what he claims to have $50,000 invested in! What a f*cking retard.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Sep 2024   #965
Poor Lazarus is so jealous that he is beside himself to think he is an expert on stock investing.
He owns no stocks, can't seem to tip us on a stock, and thinks the day you buy a stock that it is going to go up every day.
He is clueless to what long term investing is with safe long term stock investing with ETF's that he refers to as EFT's.
At this point like PolAm said, I am done wasting my time trying to teach this 🤡 about the stock market until he can tip us on a stock.
It is very obvious that this 🤡 has mental issue (OCD/ASD) that he continues to play his one string banjo day in and day out.
Poor soul has convinced himself that his relentless twisted trolling is going to become the truth.
God, bless this man with some peace in his life.
Lazarus  3 | 364
12 Sep 2024   #966
And the three he.says he likes? Two of them promptly go down. Awesome talent!

Poorhouse Jimmy's hot streak not only continues but even gets better: of the three stocks he said he likes, only two of which went down yesterday, all three are down today. And the two he said to pass on? They're both up again today. So, those of you closely following The Mystic One's tips and acting accordingly (i.e. buy what he says not to and short what he says to buy) are five from five today.

Diageo - DEO The one-month return of Diageo was 5.35%

Of course DEO is up 3.3% since Poorhouse Jimmy tipped them as stock to pass on.

No wonder this f*cking moron thinks that S&P 500 tracker funds are "tech funds"! LOL! Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Sep 2024   #967
And the two he said to pass on?

Show us where I said that liar. lol
Koo Koo just keeps embarrassing himself.
I see that both stocks VOO and VUG are up again today while Dead Man Walking sits on the sideline due to lack of funds to buy even one share of either of them.
Yet he still is unable to tip us on a stock. Hoot !
S&P 500 tracker funds are "tech funds"

The S&P 500 includes a range of stocks often from the tech sector.

Did ya get it that time Dummy. lmao !
Lazarus  3 | 364
12 Sep 2024   #968
Poorhouse Jimmy said to pass on Diageo, so of course it's up 3% today!

Harley Davidson - HOG I'll pass

It was 34.30 when The Mystic One said to pass on it, so of course it's 35.30 now.

And the most amusing part, he thinks he can get away with claiming he never said to pass on those stocks! What a f*cking retard!

I wonder how those "tech funds" he has "most of" his money in are doing. Last time I checked they were stick domestic stock index trackers! LOL! Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Sep 2024   #969
Jimmy said to pass on Diageo,

How many shares did you buy of it ? lol
Jimmy said no such thing and it seems you are unable to quote me saying that. LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE !

thinks that S&P 500 tracker funds are "tech funds"

ETF VUG is invested 50% in technology which is three times more than anything else in that ETF.
ETF VOO is invested 33% in technology which is three times more than anything else in that ETF.
SO hence, they are both referred to as tech ETF's.
It was just last week when I mentioned them that Dead Man Walking had ever even heard of them. lol
Class dismissed
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Sep 2024   #970
And forgets to mention Voo was up $5.27 a share yesterday and closed up $4.34 today for a gain of $9.61 in two days ($9.61 X 100 = $961)
VUG was up $7.39 a share yesterday and closed up $3.64 today for a gain of $11.03 in two days. ($11.03 X100 = $1103)
If my math is right iit shows that I made $2064 in the last two days off just those two stocks but Lazarus ignores the facts and just makes up lies.
Lazarus googles just enough to get his stock trading expertise in trouble, Hoot !
He doesn't even know what GFY means. 🤣
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Sep 2024   #971
Diageo - DEO
I'll pass

After Jimmy Poorhouse rated it as "pass", Diageo ended the day up 3.6%!

Harley Davidson - HOG
I'll pass

Another lucky winner of the coveted reverse kiss of death from Jimmy Poorhouse, Harley Davidson ended the day up 1.1%.

How to explain such financial illiteracy? Well, it could be due to actual illiteracy. For example, VOO very specifically invests in "Domestic Stock - General" but Jimmy Poorhouse reads those words as saying "tech fund". LOL! What a f*cking retard! No wonder the roof of his shack still leaks!

  • VOOinfo.jpg
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Sep 2024   #972
After Jimmy Poorhouse rated it as "pass",

Thats better than saying:
Poorhouse Jimmy said to pass on Diageo,

And the two he said to pass on? They're both up again today.

See how a little lie goes a long way.
Thank you for correcting your lie.
So what stock are you going to tip us with today, Lazarus ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Sep 2024   #973
Diageo - DEO
I'll pass

Of course, Poorhouse Jimmy is so financially illiterate that he's never heard of dual-listing. The reality is that Diageo has its primary listing on the LSE (for those as financially illiterate as Poorhouse Jimmy, that's the London Stock Exchange). In fact that's the only market Diageo ordinary shares are listed on, under DGE.

And, of course, after getting the much coveted "pass" rating from Poorhouse Jimmy, Diageo ordinary shares are up, by 4.3%. i.e. more than quadruple what the FTSE 100 has done over that time.

But one has to remember that Poorhouse Jimmy sees the words

Invests in stocks in the S&P 500 Index, representing 500 of the largest U.S. companies.

and then claims
VOO and VUG are both tech ETF's

What a f*cking retard!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Sep 2024   #974
he's never heard of dual-listing.

There you go projecting another lie.
Poor lazarus doesn't even know that DEO is a liquor stock based in London, his hometown. Hoot !
Diageo ordinary shares are up, by 4.3%.

Don't you wish you had tipped it instead of cms tipping it and you riding his shirttail to take credit. 🤓
and then claims VOO and VUG are both tech ETF's

Another fabrication, what johnny posted was:
The S&P 500 includes a range of stocks often from the tech sector.

So what stock are you going to tip us with today, Lazarus ?
Got anything of your own to contribute ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Sep 2024   #975
LOL! Poorhouse Jimmy really is regretting his foolish claim to have a six-figure sum invested in funds he doesn't know the first thing about! Now he's resorting to simply lying about what he said. Just look at this post Poorhouse Jimmy clearly says:
VOO and VUG are both tech ETF's

But now he's learned that both are actually index tracker funds which invest in "Domestic Stock - General" and he's got nothing left but to lie about his foolish statement. What a f*cking retard! Hoot!

Well, I say "learned", but the reality is that Poorhouse Jimmy has been schooled. Was a trap deliberately set for him to fall into? Yep. But only Poorhouse Jimmy could make the results of that trap into abject humiliation for himself by continuing to double down when he gets exposed as a pathetic liar. And I mean pathetic liar both in the sense that he's pathetic and a liar and the sense that he's pathetically bad at lying. Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Sep 2024   #976
Just look at this post:

And then jimmy explained to you but you were to humiliated to admit it.

And poor financial advisor lazarus STILL doesn't get it and continues with his lies to try to save face by doubling down.

He probably hasn't notice that both VOO and VUG are up again today for the third day in a row.
If he would have bought instead of diminishing those ETF's when they were.

How does Mystic Jimmy do it?! VUG today is 358. It was doing well,

Today VUG is to $374 up $16 per share since lazarus posted that five days ago.
Just think lazy, if you would have bought a 100 shares on it's dip Monday you would have made $1600 this week on Friday. 😋
But then again, where would poor lazarus have gotten the $37,400 to buy a 100 shares of it on the dip ?
All he can do is ride cms's shirttail on a cherry picked stock out of five stocks that cms posted.
That is because Ded Man Walking doesn't own any stocks or know much about stock trading.
He only comes here to troll this thread.

So what stock are you going to tip us with today, Lazarus ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Sep 2024   #977
Poor Jimmy Poorhouse, still insisting that he's right and the people who run that S&P 500 index tracker fund are wrong, because he thinks they run a "tech fund". What a f*cking retard!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Sep 2024   #978
Another one was the British stock BTI which I tipped that lazy missed out on.

As we can see I tipped it on September 5th when I bought 200 shares for $34.50.
And one week later, today, September 13th, it is sitting at $39.25 up $4.75 a share.
200 shares X $4.75 = a cool $950 that lazy missed out on again.
Will the fool ever stop diminishing my tips instead of investing in them and making himself some jingle ?

Another one that he is eating crow on is his diminishments on NTRA when it was at $115.2 on August 13th.

Today September 13th it is sitting at $128.13 up $12.93 per share.
Gee lazarus, if you would have bought 100 shares instead of running your lying pie hole you would have made $1293 on it. 😮
Poor lazarus who sits on the side lines drinking his 2 for 1 beers at a dive Pub with free wi-fi.
(If nothing changes, nothing changes)

So what stock are you going to tip us with today, Lazarus ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Sep 2024   #979
The curse of Jimmy Poorhouse giveth, and the curse of Jimmy Poorhouse taketh away. After the serial rapist rated Diageo as a pass and it promptly shot up, today after he denied saying not to buy it, the share price went down by 1.4%. Need to keep a careful eye on The Mystic One's recommendations if you're going to take advantage of the free money machine!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Sep 2024   #980
Haven't you embarrassed yourself enough for one day ? 🤡
rated Diageo as a pass and it promptly shot up, today a

So, everything is up today so what is your point, Dead Man Walking.
The Mystic One's recommendations

Oh buddy do I have some new popping stocks in Health Care that would really make you turn green.
Until you tip us with a stock you are done getting free tips from me. 🤠
So what stock are you going to tip us with today, Lazarus ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Sep 2024   #981
Here are 5 for you JR

Orlen - ranked 132
Mercedes - ranked 150 out of 197
DEO - ranked 187
HOG - ranked 177
Duke Energy - ranked 46 (which isn't too bad)

But remember when you are at the bottom there is only one way to go and that is up.
In my personal opinion, there are better picks out there for you.
I am shifting to energy and healthcare stocks and getting away from the weighted tech ETF's.
Take a look at THC and SLOV that have been kind to me recently.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Sep 2024   #982
After Jimmy Poorhouse rated it as "pass", Diageo ended the day up 3.6%!

Really ?
VUG ended up 4.36% this week.
And our new stock advisor Dead Man Walking forgot to mention that DEO was down $1.31 per share today while VOO was up $2.72 per share and VUG was up $1.30 per share.
Thats another $272 for VOO and another $130 for VUG.
Add that to the previous two days............................
And forgets to mention Voo was up $5.27 a share yesterday and closed up $4.34 today for a gain of $9.61 in two days ($9.61 X 100 = $961)
VUG was up $7.39 a share yesterday and closed up $3.64 today for a gain of $11.03 in two days. ($11.03 X100 = $1103)

So if my math is correct VOO made me $1233 and VUG made me $1233 also in the last three days for a total of $2466.
Guess our new mistic stock advisor lazarus eats crow again.
I wonder if has learned yet that the stock market goes up and down. Hoot !

Does anyone think that Dead Man Walking will ever grow a pair to tip a stock ? 😏
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Sep 2024   #983
Harley Davidson - HOG
I'll pass

Harley Davidson shareholders everywhere are thanking their lucky stars after getting the reverse kiss of death from Jimmy Poorhouse: after winning the coveted "pass" rating from The Mystic One, yesterday the share price rocketed by 6.4% in a single day! He truly is a money making machine, as well as the kind of moron who can't tell the difference between a general stock index tracker and a "tech fund"! LOL!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Sep 2024   #984
yesterday the share price rocketed by 6.4% in a single day!

How many shares of it do you own ?
None you say, so it doesn't matter if it went up 50%, you still are left sitting on the side line playing your one string banjo.....boing, boing, boing, boing.
He still calls ETF's EFT's. LOL !
Lazarus  3 | 364
14 Sep 2024   #985
Reminder for those who really do invest actual money (rather than the fantasy kind Jimmy Poorhouse has): this year the maximum for IKZE investments is PLN 9,388.80. Put that in and you get PLN 3,004.41 back from the taxman.

Also, thos year it's up to PLN 23,472 in your IZE. Nothing back from the taxman for that, but hold it until you're 60 and you can collect your winnings without the 19% Belka tax you pay on other capital gains. I reckon it's worth chucking the maximum in.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Sep 2024   #986
@ cms,
Here are seven stocks you could look at.

PATK Patrick Industries 94
GVA Granite Construction 95
CVCO Cavco Industries 90
WPM Wheaton Precious Metals 90
TRAK Repositrak 91
QTWO Q2 Holdings 97
ASTH Astrana Health 95

You likely haven't heard of them, but they are all solid companies, good cash flow, being acquired by Mutual Funds and highly rated industries.
One of the key metrics that I always look at is Relative Strength.
That is a rating that runs from 1 to 99.
The higher the better.
It compares how that particular company compares (in price action) to all of the other 8,000 or so publicly traded companies.
That is the number I've shown above next to the name.
With Q2 Holdings for example, only 2% of all the listed companies have a better price action than QTWO over the past three months.
It's not the only metric I look at but does tend to be highly predictive of future price action.
Hope that helped in explaining of what I look at when investing in individual stocks.
Presently I am researching Healthcare Providers and Electrical Providers for long term investments.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
15 Sep 2024   #987
Thanks JR - I am reviewing my stocks next at quarter end. Will take a look. Problem is my wife gave me only one rule for investing our money - she has to have heard of the company, and 50 percent of our stocks must be things we use (apple, visa, orlen, nestle etc).

She does agree to a handful of midcaps though!
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Sep 2024   #988
My stocks are doing well ,but Im in for the long haul, not DT gambling.

You clowns remind of when I lived in Vegas and saw all these sweaty gamblers always desperate for the next angle.

Ill tell, when I sell:)
cms neuf  2 | 1945
15 Sep 2024   #989
I'm not a DT - very rare for me to hold a stock less than 2 years. Taxes and fees are high in Poland on stock trading.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Sep 2024   #990
Im in for the long haul, not DT gambling.

This is good because like Vegas, if you are not a professional gambler your odds are very low.
I don't follow the herd when it comes to trading stocks as you can see.
I am very diversified with ETF's and gold for the long haul and individual stock trading as a hobby that I seem to make twice or more than what the banks would pay me on a C.D.
And that is because I spend a lot of time reading and researching.
I have never bought and sold a stock in the same day so technically I am more of a monthly trader.
On the norm I keep them if they stay in the green but once they drop below a certain percentage, I sell them as I never stay married to a stock.
I have some high dividend stocks that only go up and down a few dollars per year, yet I am making 8% or better on dividends.
Gold spot price closed at $2593 per ounce last Friday. 😉
Good luck to all of you in your investments.

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