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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Sep 2024   #931
Nvidia buy on the dip.

Excellent choice @$106 on 9/4/24
Just buy it and hold it and don't fret the short-term volatility because of the Justice Departments subpoenas.
Nvidia is expected to sharply increase production of its next-generation Blackwell chip in the fourth quarter of this year.

I have a new stock but won't tip it until the loud-mouthed troll Lazarus Harry tips us with one.
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Sep 2024   #932
he doesn't have a pot to pi$$ in!

Mystic Jimmy is such a moron that he still hasn't worked out what a tracker fund is, despite claiming to have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in them. Just look at him claiming that all tracker funds are ETFs! What a f*cking moron!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Sep 2024   #933
Come on Christian, give us a hot stock tip today. 🤣

despite claiming to have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in them.

jealous jealous jealous. 😎
You claim you have nine Swiss franc's. 🙄
jon357  72 | 23654
5 Sep 2024   #934
nine Swiss franc's.

Nine Swiss franc's what?

Is Swiss Franc a mate of Swiss Tony?
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Sep 2024   #935
Is Swiss Franc a mate of Swiss Tony?

You mean Franc who used to be the executive chef at the Sheraton in Warsaw? I've not seen him for years!
Or do you mean the currency that Mystic Jimmy is too financially illiterate to know the currency code for? That said, Poor Jimmy is too ignorant to even know where to buy Swiss Francs!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Sep 2024   #936
Come on Christian, give us a hot stock tip today. 🤣

Why are you stalling ?
Just admit that you are ignorant and know nothing about investing in the stock market.
Have you googled what an ETF is yet so you can post intelligently about them ?
to even know where to buy Swiss Francs!

Why would anyone who lives in the U.S.A. even want them.
You couldn't spend them here anyplace I know of.
Is Swiss Franc a mate of Swiss Tony?

No, to Dead Man Walking. 😜
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Sep 2024   #937
Nine Swiss franc's what?

There really is no point asking Poor Jimmy about foreign currencies, he's so innumerate that he can't even convert between two currencies when you tell him what the exchange rate is! What a f*cking moron!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Sep 2024   #938
Come on, what's the problem, give us a hot stock tip. 🤭
Lazarus  3 | 364
6 Sep 2024   #939
buy on the dip.

That would be sound advice, but Poor Jimmy can't follow it: he has no money to buy shares with. For years he's been forced to watch the Werden family shack fall apart due to lack of funds to even stop the roof from leaking. And now he's faced with the loss of his one true love: PolishForums. He's borrowed every cent he can, and the added both of them to his life's savings, then stolen the 19 quarters that Marge won on the slots and sent the whole lot to PF, but people just laughed at him for being so poor. Poor Jimmy, it might be sad if he wasn't such a vile c*nt, but he is, so it's f*cking hilarious! Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Sep 2024   #940
Come on Christian, give us a hot stock tip today.
(jonny reb snickers)

people just laughed at him for being so poor.

Who are these pretend people that you are referring to that laugh at poor people ? (Crickets)
Only YOU pretend to laugh nervously because you know that your Jim Weden fantasy guy's property alone is worth twice of what you have.
No wonder you are so jealous of him.
Only a mentally ill vile c*nt such as yourself would laugh at a poor person.

Hey Dead Man Walking, have you ever seen pictures of my racing yacht ?
I have been asked several times to post them by other members too.
I bet you have never seen one, besides on t.v., more less been on one.

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  • 20240827_164249.jpg
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Sep 2024   #941
Monday (8/5/24) I bought 200 shares of BTI @ $34.50 on the dip.

I see BTI hit $39 today (9/9/24) up $4.50 a share times 200 shares = $900 profit for me in a month's time on just one silly $6900 investment.
Now it's Lazarus's turn to tip us on a stock and see how well he does. 🧐
Lazarus  3 | 364
9 Sep 2024   #942

How does Mystic Jimmy do it?! VUG today is 358. It was doing well, then Poor Jimmy boasted about having a fantasy fortune in it and down it went! Losing Poor Jimmy a fantasy $1,900


And of course today VOO is 500. Everything was going well but then Poor Jimmy gave it the kiss of death.And a fantasy loss for The Mystic One of $1,300.

I don't know how he does it, but he's a regular Reverse Buffett!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Sep 2024   #943
VUG today is 358. It was doing well, then Poor Jimmy boasted about having a fantasy fortune in it and down it went! Losing Poor Jimmy a fantasy $1,900

And of course today VOO is 500. Everything was going well but then Poor Jimmy gave it the kiss of death.And a fantasy loss for The Mystic One of $1,300.

I don't understand how poor Lazarus gets so confused.
Perhaps you could show us on how I lost any money when I was up over $10,000 profit on VUG and up over $11,000 profit on VOO. 😏

I am getting tired of teaching you how the stock market works.
If you want further classes you will have to start paying me a stock advisor's wage.
Now stop embarrassing yourself.

So Dead Man Walking, will you ever tip us on a stock so we can mock you ?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
9 Sep 2024   #944
Perhaps you could show us on how I lost any money when I was up over $10,000 profit on VUG and up over $11,000 profit on VOO.

Yeah, yeah, yeah....... we believe you......... LOL!!!!!

You are a poor man living in a shack in Michigan.

Get real!!!!
Feniks  2 | 858
9 Sep 2024   #945
when I was up over $10,000 profit on VUG and up over $11,000 profit on VOO. 😏

If you're that well-off then perhaps you could donate more than a measly $5 to PF.
Joker  2 | 2447
10 Sep 2024   #946
If you're that well-off then perhaps you could donate more than a measly $5 to PF.

After of a decade of bragging how wealthy he is, you would think he would just pay for the entire year.

You are a poor man living in a shack in Michigan.

He still has that same hole in his roof on google maps.

I have been asked several times

The photo you posted a few weeks ago was a motorboat, now its a sailboat! Hahaha
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Sep 2024   #947
After of a decade of bragging how wealthy

You were the one boasting how you owned three Tesla's, six houses, and taking trips to Poland every year.
you would think he would just pay for the entire year.

I won't be here in another year.
was a motorboat, now its a sailboat

Which one did you like the best ?
perhaps you could donate more than a measly $5 to PF.

I didn't want to show up Lazarus.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Sep 2024   #948
You are a poor man living in a shack in Michigan.

I have always been a humble person.
He still has that same hole in his roof on google maps.

Maybe I should start a Go-Fund-Me account to get donations to get it repaired
If you're that well-off

Like you posted last week that I should just come clean and tell everyone what I am really worth. 🙄
You have so much class that it is stifling.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Sep 2024   #949
VOO and VUG are both tech ETF's and have done me well.
I will see what they do this week yet.
It may be time to move to a new sector of ETF's or even buy more gold bullion.
Gold is up over $2500 an ounce today.
Maybe Lazarus could tip us on a hot stock that is ready to pop. 😲
Lazarus  3 | 364
10 Sep 2024   #950
You are a poor man living in a shack in Michigan.

And Poorhouse Jimmy is too thick to even do the very basic research about things he claims to have six-figure sums invested in. For example, he claims to have hundreds of thousands invested in VOO and VUG and says that they are tech EFTs. The reality is that they are general domestic stock tracker funds, one tracks the S&P 500 Index and the other tracks the CRSP US Large Cap Growth Index. But Poorhouse Jimmy is financially illiterate that he thinks they're tech funds. What a f*cking moron!

After of a decade of bragging how wealthy he is, you would think he would just pay for the entire year.

Especially as Poorhouse Jimmyfunding PF for a year results in me posting un-redacted copies of my passport, ID card, teaching certification and 1990s Polish work permits, all of which he'd love to see.

He still has that same hole in his roof on google maps.

And Google Maps shows Poorhouse Jimmy has still got that old bath-tub in his yard! Maybe he's going to duct-tape a broom-handle in there so he can pretend to finally have a yacht?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Sep 2024   #951
VOO and VUG and says that they are tech EFTs.

You are truly a HOOT Christian.
Perhaps we should read along together to see who said what.
The Reb said:
VOO and VUG are both tech ETF's

Lazarus posted:
VOO and VUG and says that they are tech EFTs

How can one debate such a moron that doesn't know the difference between an EFT and a ETF. 🥴
Perhaps the 'Dead Man Walking' could explain the difference to us as doubtful as that is.
Why I waste my time trying to educate this idiot is beyond me.
No wonder his mother gave up on trying to potty train him. 🤣
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Sep 2024   #952
all of which he'd love to see.

Yet you just can't seem to come up with that teaching certificate can you. LOL
Didn't you once say that the dog ate it. Hoot !
Your MO is tell a lie enough times and it will eventually become true strategy.
So Dead Man Walking, will you ever tip us on a stock so we can mock you ?
Tell us more about your EFT's. 🤡 Hahahahaha !
Joker  2 | 2447
10 Sep 2024   #953
You were the one boasting how you owned three Tesla's, six houses, and taking trips to Poland every year.

Once again youre embellishing stories and twisting them into lies.

Poorhouse Jimmyfunding PF for a year results in me posting un-redacted copies of my passport, ID card, teaching certification and 1990s Polish work permits, all of which he'd love to see.

Im sure Poorhouse would love to get his hands on your personal info, but he cant afford to make over a $5 donation.

He once wanted me to go look at a $2800 mini van on craigslist Chicago for him. So, he must be driving a jalopy as well.

So Dead Man Walking, will you ever tip us on a stock so we can mock you ?

Words spoken from a "man of the cloth". Did Jesus mock others, Preacher Poorhouse?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Sep 2024   #954
Once again youre embellishing stories

I learned from you.
. So, he must be driving a jalopy as well.

My jalopy costs twice what your Tesla costs.
That shouldn't make you jealous though.
Did Jesus mock others,

No but you seem to enjoy it. Hoot !
What did you think of my sermon in Random yesterday ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
10 Sep 2024   #955
he cant afford to make over a $5 donation.

Poorhouse Jimmy certainly would donate $5 but he doesn't even have five cents to spare.

Maybe he can make a fantasy donation using some of the fantasy profits he's made from general domestic stock tracker funds which he's so retarded that he thinks are tech funds.

he must be driving a jalopy as well

His wreck of a white pick-up can still be seen of Google Maps. And as recently as 2021 he was driving a 1998 Ford Taurus. You can see it in the photo he wanted scrubbed from the internet.

  • Jimspalace.jpg
cms neuf  2 | 1945
10 Sep 2024   #956
Here are 5 for you JR

Harley Davidson
Duke Energy
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Sep 2024   #957
Here are 5 for you JR

Orlen - PKN I own a similar stock here in the U.S. (NI) that keeps inching up every day.
PKN pays a 6.7% dividend
I like it

Mercedes - MBGAF is solid with a 8.6% dividend
I like it

Diageo - DEO The one-month return of Diageo was 5.35%, and its shares lost 19.37% of their value over the last 52 weeks.
I'll pass

Harley Davidson - HOG Harley-Davidson is poised for an earnings boost from buybacks
I just don't like their production shift to Thailand.
I'll pass

Duke Energy - Duke Energy out of Florida has state of the art energy recovery and is going nowhere soon.
Very solid company in my opinion.
I like it

Remember Buddy, that is just my personal opinion.
Right now my best stock is SOLV.
I bought SOLV a couple of weeks ago for $60 per share and today it closed at $68.35 so I am very happy with that one.
I will hold it for a couple of months and see what it does.
Joker  2 | 2447
11 Sep 2024   #958
And as recently as 2021 he was driving a 1998 Ford Taurus.

A few years back Poorhouse asked me to check out a $2800 mini van from craigslist for him. Something about taking it on vacation. Then he changed his mind about it. I was glad bc I didnt feel like going to look at some rust bucket on the southside of Chicago.

I just don't like their production shift to Thailand.
I'll pass

Plus sales went down after they went "woke".
Novichok  4 | 8682
11 Sep 2024   #959
Plus sales went down after they went "woke".

What is the upside of going "woke"? They lose customers and don't attract purple-hair "green" weirdos.
Lazarus  3 | 364
11 Sep 2024   #960
Diageo - DEO
I'll pass

Harley Davidson - HOG.
I'll pass

How does Mystic Poorhouse Jimmy do it? Two stocks he says he'll pass on: they both immediately go up. Stunning work.

And the three he.says he likes? Two of them promptly go down. Awesome talent!

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