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Stock Market and Trading Talk

jon357  72 | 23654
22 Aug 2024   #901
I'm not sorting NI gaps out: I've sorted NI gaps out.

I finally got the letter approving it this month so it's still new.

By the way, which IZKE are you investing in?

Commercial Union.

I tried to buy a few myself in Joburg

I bought mine in London but generally prefer Sovereigns.
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Aug 2024   #902
How did you manage that.

Yes, but currency restrictions only apply to actual currency; when spending fantasy dollars Jim can buy whatever he wants.

I tried to buy a few myself in Joburg

That's not really a city I'd want to walk around with $10,000 in cash in my pocket. And who really wants to pay gold storage charges? In the unlikely event I wanted to invest in gold I'd be buying that virtual gold UBS offers.

BTW, mind if I ask which IKZE(s) you're in?
cms neuf  2 | 1945
22 Aug 2024   #903
Santander - but mainly out of laziness, I am not good at shopping around for those things.
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Aug 2024   #904
I must admit that I looked at IZKEs once in detail and haven't had much more than the odd cursory glance since to see which are doing best. I generally just chuck in the full amount for each year when I get my tax refund.


What are your thoughts on PPK? I was vaguely thinking about increasing my contribution from the mandatory 2% to 3%, perhaps even 3.5%. Mostly because it's an easy way to save, the money is deducted before I get my salary transfer each month. But is it too lazy? I doubt I'd really notice much having 1% less money coming in each month but the PPK calculator suggests that going from 2% to 3% would result in an 800zl a month bump in pension, which would be more noticeable. But would putting that 1% somewhere else get a better return? And would I actually remember to take the necessary action each month?
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Aug 2024   #905
mainly out of laziness, I am not good at shopping around for those things.

Same. The HR person where I worked at the time reccommended them. I've no idea how much or how little is in it, and haven't worked in PL for 15 years anyway.

having 1% less money coming in each month

That sounds a good deal.

would putting that 1% somewhere else get a better return?

Gold. The price is high now, but with time, always goes up. Silver too; underpriced generally since nobody uses camera film but important for computers in the future.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
22 Aug 2024   #906
I think PPK only available if you are in formal employment - not if you are running a dzialalnosc or a Sp z o.o.

If you are on umowa pracy and think your job is secure then why not go with a PPK, I am sure it would pay off over a long period even if it looks marginal at first ? But you are better off talking or reading from someone who really knows about that :)
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Aug 2024   #907
not if you are running a dzialalnosc or a Sp z o.o.

I really do not understand the thinking there. The ticking pension timebomb in Poland are the people who run a dzialalnosc because they can pay less tax and then save nothing extra for their pension. When they retire they'll get the minimum state pension, which is about 1,300zl. How the f*ck is somebody supposed to live on 425zl a month?! It's good that 'entrepreneurs' can stick an extra 6k in their IKZE, but how many do actually put the full 15k in each year? I'd be guessing less than 10% do.

I am sure it would pay off over a long period even if it looks marginal at first

I've been in the PPK for about 4.5 years. Just checked my balance now: it's 221% of what I contributed. But the actual capital grown (i.e. the amount in there now compared to the total amount of contributions from me, the firm and the state) is only 26.7%, which isn't good over 4.5 years.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
22 Aug 2024   #908
Well in that time the Polish stock market has moved 15 percent - blame it on Covid, PiS, Putin or whatever it's not been an easy time in this region. So that gain isn't great but no catastrophe.

If you have some spare cash you could always stick it on the US stock market or on a mix of German/french
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Aug 2024   #909
in that time the Polish stock market has moved 15 percent

The WIG 20 moved that much, the full WIG did more like 50 percent.

I think part of the problem with the WIG 20 is that many of the companies in it are state-controlled and so until recently had senior staff appointed based on political considerations than business ability.

If you have some spare cash you could always stick it on the US stock market or on a mix of German/french

I'm thinking trackers, CAC and DAX. Maybe SIX too. I noticed that ING offer some interesting options. The problem is that PPK is so much easier. No need to remember to make transfers each month. No need to calculate what 1% was that month. It's just taken off the top before money goes into my bank account.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
22 Aug 2024   #910
Yes - one way of looking at it. I basically stopped investing on the Polish market in 2015 when they started using all the profits as a piggy bank for PiS voters !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Aug 2024   #911
How did you manage that ?

Krugerrands were very popular in the U.S. during the 1970's as the commodities markets enjoyed a major bull market back in that era.
So a lot of them were brought into the U.S. at that time but they were like $35 a troy ounce back then.
We laughed at one of our professors in college who remarked that there was nothing that was worth more than gold at $35 an ounce and some hippie in the back row of the class room piped up and said, "Hashish is".
(Hashish at the time was like $40 an ounce)
You are spot on though as I think it was the early 2000 -2003 when I bought mine for $350.
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 Aug 2024   #912
I basically stopped investing on the Polish market in 2015 when they started using all the profits as a piggy bank for PiS voters !

One thing does occur to me about WIG: given that the largest Polish companies are now being run by people picked due to their business ability rather than their ceaseless loyalty to the Party (and their willingness to spend whatever money the Party wanted spend and to set prices at levels the Party wanted), so it's not unlikely that the companies will start doing quite a bit better. Probably this has mostly already been priced in by the market, but we might well see WIG 20 giving returns more similar to WIG over the next few years, possibly even better.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Aug 2024   #913
WIG 20 giving returns more similar to WIG

WIG investments used to be a land of opportunity. There are still of course companies close to what Americans call 'junk bonds' and Brits call Penny Shares however there was money to be made with some of the bigger ones.

Plus of course there's sometimes money to be made with Penny Shares providing your blood pressure levels can handle it and you can afford to take a loss when it doesn't pay off.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
23 Aug 2024   #914
All parties have used boards of state owned companies to support their Partitocrazia - problem is that under PiS it went crazy, lots of appointees had literally zero business or management experience and were not just party loyalists but rather fanatics.

PO has swept them away efficiently but the new appointments are not always great, and of course the first job they have it to clear up 8 years of mess.

But yes logically there should be some opportunities for growth in the Polish stock market as I feel quite optimistic about the economy in general.
Ironside  51 | 13086
23 Aug 2024   #915
The problem is that under PiS it went crazy,

lol it wasn't most of what PO claims to be some big deal is just a big BS.

stock market

stock sraket it is not how you build up the economy of a country/
cms neuf  2 | 1945
23 Aug 2024   #916
Correct but a healthy supply of private capital through the stock market is certainly positive for the country.
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 Aug 2024   #917
stock market it is not how you build up the economy of a country/

I agree. Only the original investors do.

All stock buying and selling later is speculation and doesn't create jobs or wealth. It provides liquidity. Without it, the stock market would not exist.

BTW, why "speculators" get a bad rap is a mystery.
Lazarus  3 | 364
25 Aug 2024   #918
there's sometimes money to be made with Penny Shares

That's not investing, that's gambling. My great-uncle worked in the City in the '50s, '60s and early '70s and did quite nicely there. I only met him a few times and was quite young but I still remember him saying that if one wants to gamble one should go to the casino or the horse races, as "One gets better odds there and there are far fewer people trying to cheat the unwary". He died in the early '80s but I'm sure he would also have loved day traders, as they generally know nothing and provide excellent opportunities for the actual experts to make money.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #919
Showdown! I will come clean coz I can`t bear it any longer. I have never traded any stock in my life.

Yes, I guessed it long ago. You only repeat here what you read in business papers.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 Sep 2024   #920
Johnny Reb said;"Showdown! I will come clean coz I can`t bear it any longer. I have never traded any stock in my life"

Yes, I guessed it long ago. You only repeat here what you read in business papers.

That is the gist of it, the guy is a lying fake....... but we all knew that already.....
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Sep 2024   #921
Look everyone, I just wet my pants, isn't it funny ! Hahahahaha !

Yes Goofy, you are so funny but you smell like pee.
Now go have your Mom clean you up. 🤧
Lazarus  3 | 364
3 Sep 2024   #922
You only repeat here what you read in business papers.

Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher is so financially illiterate that he thinks getting returns below the market average is something to boast about! Remember when he was trying to crow about getting 1% growth over five days when the market indices had gone up by 3.5%? LOL! And then he tried to claim that he actually has most of his money in tracker funds! What a f*cking retard!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Sep 2024   #923
Hey "Dead Man Walking", I see they finally released you from prison until your next felony hearing.
I see you are still pouting about your measly investments that are doing nothing compared to mine.
t he actually has most of his money in tracker funds!

They are called ETF's Dead Man. (Exchange Traded Funds) do I have to reach you everything
They are doing very well as I showed you.

Lets see a screen shot of yours Dead Man.
You are jealous and it shows in all your trolling me.
Have a great day ass-hole.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Sep 2024   #924
Of course Lazarus NEVER has a stock to tip us on and only comes here to boast of his investing skills and to diminish others.
Remember this tip I gave Lazarus exactly one month ago tomorrow on one of my many stocks ?

May I quote the first line of my post as you can see:
Monday (8/5/24) I bought 200 shares of BTI @ $34.50 on the dip.

Today being 9/4/24 BTI is worth $38.31 per share this morning, up $3.81 cents per share X 200 shares = $762.00 profit in one month.
Perhaps old Lazarus boy should start listening to old Dad who is much wiser in investing than "Dead Man Walking" will ever be.
And do I have a new stock to tip today but want to give Harry a chance to tip us on one of his first.
Christian, just think of all the money you could have made by just investing in the stocks that I have tipped in this thread.
O.k. Harry Lazarus, it's your turn to tip us on a stock today.
Feniks  2 | 858
4 Sep 2024   #925
only comes here to boast of his investing skills

That's exactly what you are doing. Not long ago you were boasting of the $80K you made in a day. And yet you could only contribute a measly $5 to PF.
Something doesn't add up .....
Lazarus  3 | 364
4 Sep 2024   #926
boasting of the $80K you made in a day.

And now the challenge is on for Mystic Jimmy: donate $2,400 to PF and see all my personal information or forever be exposed as a liar who can't even afford a bag of nails and a roll of tarpaper with which to stop his shack's roof from leaking.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Sep 2024   #927
And now the challenge is on for

Yes, old Lazarus himself who keeps avoiding my challence.
O.k. Harry Lazarus, it's your turn to tip us on a stock today.

And Lazarus ignores the challenge AGAIN AND AGAIN !
Something doesn't add up is right. Hoot!
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
4 Sep 2024   #928
And now the challenge is on for Mystic Jimmy: donate $2,400 to PF

Still no donations from "Bogaty Jim"......because for all his boasts, he doesn't have a pot to pi$$ in!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Sep 2024   #929
$2,400 to PF and see all my personal information or forever be exposed

We already have all your personal information and you already have been exposed.
Thats why you have had to change your sock puppets name so many times from Harry, to Taxpayingcitizen, to Lazarus and a dozen more.
You couldn't afford to live in the U.K. so you moved to Poland to live the high life, married a wealthy Ukrainian lady, she supported you and your bicycle shop, she divorced you for aggravated spousal abuse and having a sexual relation with your underaged stepdaughter.
What more is there to know besides the fact you have been in alcoholic re-hab several times to dry out from your acute alcoholism
Nothing someone should be proud of yet so quick to judge others with your lies.
As relentless have you been in stalking me to find out my identity for past ten years, I am very surprised you, jon, and Feniks haven't bought the forum yet.
Thats only $800 each and you could ban me. Simple
Now tip us on a stock Mr. Mystic Investor instead of coming here to my thread just to troll like the rest of the jealous Slimy Limey's.
amiga500  5 | 1541
5 Sep 2024   #930
Now tip us on a stock Mr. Mystic Investor

Nvidia buy on the dip.

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