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Stock Market and Trading Talk

jon357  72 | 23528
19 Aug 2024   #871
he doesn't have any REAL money

He lives in a tarpaper shack in a field where he probably buries dead hitchikers and plays duelling banjos.

REAL money

What's left of his wife spends all day on the online slots so I suppose pretending to play the stock market with one of those dummy trial accounts is his equivalent. Not that he understands a word of what he says about the markets. He's not so much a stockmarket wizard as a cut and paste wizard.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
19 Aug 2024   #872
by simply tracking the market indices!

LMAO - Lazy comes up with a new word today.
He must be googling his ass off to learn about how the stock market works so he can try to diminish me.
Yes Hairy, market indices are called ETF's which I own too.
I have the most of my money invested ETF's.
VOO @ over $500 usd per share has made me a ton of money.
Way out of your financial range so I never mentioned ETF's to you as it would have only made you feel more inferior of me than you already do.
See Chris, a neurotic dreams of a house in the clouds and you as a psychotic lives in a house in the clouds. 🤣
Now I am done tipping stocks and etf's to you for free.
Expect to start paying me a commission from here forward.
Or until you can tip one back at least which will be never.
Now get lost ya old a boozer loser.
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Aug 2024   #873
pretending to play the stock market

But how can one person be so stupid as to pretend for years to 'play the market' and still be so utterly ignorant of it that he tries to celebrate and boast about getting sub-market returns? It's beyond baffling. He gets a return of 1.5% when the market goes up by 3.5% and then he tries to paint that as winning!

If he did, he would spend some of it upgrading his shack......

If I ever do get round to shorting a stock on the basis that Mystic Jimmy has tipped it, I'll be taking 10% of the gain and using it to buy a few packs of these and have them delivered to his address:
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
20 Aug 2024   #874
Yes Hairy, market indices are called ETF's which I own too.
I have the most of my money invested ETF's.

Poor Harry, a day late and a dollar short.
What a dunce.
I will keep educating him though so maybe he will be able to tip us with a stock with his superior knowledge of the stock market. 🤣
As I was saying Chris, market indices are called ETF's.
ETF stand for "Exchange Traded Funds".
Perhaps you should take a class on stock trading at your local junior college so you don't keep embarrassing yourself here trying to diminish someone by knowing just enough to get yourself in trouble.
If there is anything else I can help you with just let me know and I will be glad to help you out.
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Aug 2024   #875
Not that he understands a word of what he says about the markets.

Mystic Jim is so financially illiterate he doesn't even know the difference between a tracker fund and an EFT and a market index! What a f*cking retard!

Next thing he'll be boasting about the superb trades he's been pulling off on the ForEx market, when we've all seen that in reality he can't even convert CHF 100 into the correct number of US dollars! Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
20 Aug 2024   #876
You have lost trying to diminish me and now are diminishing yourself with your ignorance.
So what is YOUR stock tip today for Christopher ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Aug 2024   #877
the difference between a tracker fund and an EFT and a market index

Just in case anybody else is as financially illiterate as the Mystic Genius who boasted about getting return 50% below what the market offered:
an EFT is a type of tracker fund;
a tracker fund is a passive investment fund that aims to track a benchmark or market index (them being passive makes them cheaper to run than active funds, which try to pick the winners when it comes to share price movement); and
a market index measures how a stock market performs (some tracker funds track a market index or multiple market indices).

And a complete idiot who claims to be a financial guru despite knowing none of the above and not even being able to convert between two currencies is? That's right, it's our very own Mystic Jimmy!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
20 Aug 2024   #878
an EFT is a type of tracker fund;

Your googling quote skills are tremendous.
How many ETF's do you own, Christopher ? (NONE is the correct answer.)
That answers the question and explains your ignorance.
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Aug 2024   #879
an EFT is a type of tracker fund;

I should probably make something clear, just in case anybody is even half as financially illiterate as Mystic Jim: you do not purchase an ETF (excuse the dyslexia above), you purchase units in that fund.

Well, I suppose the superstar market gurus who have a different Lear jet for each day of the week might have their own ETFs.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
20 Aug 2024   #880
you do not purchase an ETF (excuse the dyslexia above), you purchase units in that fund.

Oh really ! LMFAO !
I buy and trade ETF's any day of the week I want to. Really.
You may have them mixed up with Mutual funds old boy.
Of course I will be happy to explain how those work to you too.
Naw, better you google those too so you can be an expert on them.
Class dismissed for the clown today. Hahahahaha !
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Aug 2024   #881
you do not purchase an ETF

One more time in case the financially illiterate are also actually totally illiterate:
ETF stands for exchange-trade fund. One does not buy the entire fund. One buys units in a fund (or funds).

Unless you're trading in fantasy billions, then you can buy as many funds as you want (but not the roofing nails you actually need, because the store wants real coins and dollar bills for those).
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
20 Aug 2024   #882
One more time

Well of course would we expect anything different from suffer from OCD ?
Tell us what the ETF VUG is for example, genius. lol
Class dismissed
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Aug 2024   #883

It really is uncanny, a fund even being mentioned by the Mystic Genius causes the price of units in it to drop immediately!

  • snip10.png
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
20 Aug 2024   #884
That is for one down day Lazarus.
You are another Mr. Twister. lol
Now look what it has done in the last year.

Vanguard Growth Index Fund;ETF
USDâ–² +102.35 (+37.27%) past year
August 20, 1:32 PM EDT · Market Open

So in essence I made over $10,000 on my 100 shares on it in one year and you made ZERO.
No wonder you are so jealous

I have the most of my money invested ETF's.
VOO @ over $500 usd per share has made me a ton of money.

Oh look at what my VOO has done in the last year.

Vanguard 500 Index Fund;ETF
USDâ–² +111.76 (+27.86%) past year
August 20, 1:24 PM EDT · Market Open

So in essence I made over $10,000 on my 100 shares on it in one year and you made ZERO.
No wonder you are so jealous.

Suck on that Lazarus.

Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Aug 2024   #885
One buys units in a fund (or funds).

Good to see that even the thickest of financial illiterates has finally managed to get his head round the fact that one does not buy an exchange-traded fund. In fact, he's understood it so well, he now claims to have shares in some of the best performing funds!

But that does beg a few questions. For example, why was he trying to boast about getting 1% growth on certain shares over five days when the ETF he's now discovered got 3.3% in that same time? Anybody who understands opportunity cost would know that 1% growth when one could have got 3.3% is a loss. They'd be upset with themselves for trying to play expert and so missing out on a return three times as much if they'd just left their money in the hands of experts.

But, of course, when somebody only fantasy money they can put as much as they want in the 1% growth opportunity and as much as they want in the 3.3% growth opportunity and still argue that they won, because they made as much money as they wanted to! Pity that all of that added together still isn't enough to buy a bag of nails.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
20 Aug 2024   #886
one does not buy an exchange-traded fund.

I do........ two of them showing here anyways.
Have another beer and argue with the guy in the mirror.
I am going on vacation soon and you can claim that I am in prison too.
You are a drunk and nobody listens to drunks.
jon357  72 | 23528
20 Aug 2024   #887
you do not purchase an ETF (excuse the dyslexia above), you purchase units in that fund.

They're just Unit Trusts, for small time and inexperienced investors. I used to have some and they're actually OK for safe-ish moderate returns. A very traditional investment in the UK. My granny had some too.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
20 Aug 2024   #888
for small time and inexperienced investors.

What is small and inexperienced jon ?
Warren Buffet owns two ETF's.
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Aug 2024   #889
They're just Unit Trusts, for small time and inexperienced investors

Not quite the same thing. Unit trusts are priced once a day, but ETFs have real-time pricing.

they're actually OK for safe-ish moderate returns.

They're better than OK. Only utter morons who think they know better than specialised experts try to pick specific stocks. But ETFs can be more risky when you start looking at the ones that focus on specific industries etc. Personally I just look to track the broad market.

My granny had some too.

I assume you mean she had some units in those trusts, rather than owning entire funds as Mystic Jimmy claims to. I mean, I knew your parents have a quid or three but I didn't realise you were one of the Rockefellers!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
20 Aug 2024   #890
Unit trusts are priced once a day, but ETFs have real-time pricing.

Now you're cooking with gas.
Keep reading google and you will see that they are called "mutual funds."

Personally I just look to track the broad market.

Really, then you should be able to tip us a stock. 😋

she had some units in those trusts,

o.k., for an extra 25 points, what do the call those units in those trusts.
jon357  72 | 23528
20 Aug 2024   #891
some units in those trusts, rather than owning entire funds as Mystic Jimmy claims to

That is true. Otherwise I'd be living in Monaco rather than Warsaw.
jon357  72 | 23528
20 Aug 2024   #892
Only utter morons who think they know better than specialised experts try to pick specific stocks.

If you're interested in medium/long term safe investments, you can do a lot worse than Sheffield Mutual. No shareholders or whizz kids creaming off 'profits' from it and the sort of term deposit they specialise in consistently outperforms most other similar investments.

I suspect you need a UK address however I doubt they check if you live there. And it's FSCS protected.
Lazarus  3 | 364
21 Aug 2024   #893
you can do a lot worse than Sheffield Mutual.

Do they price units in GBP only? I've shifted everything apart from the UK NI payments to other currencies. Am planning to have UK BSP making up 25% to 30% of income, so don't want to have any further GBP exposure, just in case the pound tanks yet again.
jon357  72 | 23528
21 Aug 2024   #894
Do they price units in GBP only?

It's bonds rather than units that are the reason people use them. Minimum 1000 GBP investment, quite a decent maximum and covered (I think up to 70,000 GBP) by the FSCS scheme. They do quite a few different investments however it's one particular one that attracts people and it's a 5 years plus one if you want to get all the benefit and not compromise it by early withdrawal.

I strongly reccommend having a look at their website; you'll need to scroll down a bit to find the product in question (there's a lot of demand for it however it was only ever intended to back up their main products which are for very small investors and which they want to promote).
Lazarus  3 | 364
21 Aug 2024   #895
They do quite a few different investments however it's one particular one that attracts people and it's a 5 years plus one

That time-frame wouldn't be a problem, but I really don't want more GBP exposure. I'll have the full 35 years of UK NI, so full UK BSP. At least the same number of years in ZUS, along with IKZE, PPK and PPO all giving PLN income. And then CHF from AHV and BV, but I won't max out the years there. Plus the portfolio (which certainly won't be in GBP).
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
21 Aug 2024   #896
(for example when somebody claims to be a market guru but then boasts about making returns less than half the market average)

Who claimed that ? Oh that's right, you projected that lie.
I already posted (a screen shot) one of my financial portfolio's that was ten times what you posted was yours, if it even was yours which is doubtful.
When was the last time you made $80k plus in one day or for that matter in your entire life.
Then when you posted what you had in your wallet I posted ten times in a picture of what you have.
You really don't have room to talk about who is the better investor than you are.
Good grief man, get a grip.
So what is your hot stock tip for the day Chris ? LOL
jon357  72 | 23528
21 Aug 2024   #897
but I really don't want more GBP exposure

I'm always wary of cross currency stuff. Plus, like you, I'm sorting out the NI gaps. I've also got a Polish state pension (probably not much) and the private add on they introduced ed about 20 years ago.

The other day, I found out something interesting. I pay money to an a/c at a credit union in the U.K. for rainy days but apparently you shouldn't. If you're a member, they can't refuse your deposit or advise you not to for legal reasons but having too many people keeping decent savings in them but not borrowing really screws things up due to deposit/loan ratios.
Lazarus  3 | 364
21 Aug 2024   #898
Plus, like you, I'm sorting out the NI gaps.

I'm not sorting NI gaps out: I've sorted NI gaps out. As of last March all back-payments were made and the 2023-4 payment made in April. So now it's just £3.40 a week until the 35 years is hit. And it's such a superb return: 2,500%!!! It's like being given the chance to go back in time to 2010 and buy Apple stock! Even Warren Buffett can't compare to that return.

By the way, which IZKE are you investing in? I've got mine with Goldman and they've lead the pack every year since 2017, zero maintenance fees too, but always good to get more information.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
22 Aug 2024   #899
I bought ten 1 oz. gold Krugerrands back when they were $350 each.
Today gold hit an all-time high and now they are worth $2500 each.
I hate to cash them in as they are so pretty to look at.
cms neuf  2 | 1878
22 Aug 2024   #900
How did you manage that ? Last time it was that price was about 20 years ago when SA still had currency restrictions. I tried to buy a few myself in Joburg but had to fill out quite a lot of declarations

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