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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Jun 2020   #61
you told em wot to buy but

But they don't have any jingle to buy any.
They haven't figured out yet that when you make good choices good things happen and when you make bad choices you are broke.

Is fantasy stock trading

Jealous - Jealous - Jealous !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jul 2020   #62
If only you had had the $243 to buy just one share back then.

Actually I bought 200 shares back then in March of 2017 for $243 delph.
You then told me that Tesla was going under and to sell it and take my losses.
Remember, it is all in the electric car thread.
I then posted this:

I still believe that Tesla stock could hit $1000 per share in three or four years.

Today TESLA just hit $1400 a share delph.
Am I good or what ?

.three years later Tesla stockYup I got some, and yup you told em wot to buy but the BBC llllllloooooooosers

I hope you still have it dolno as you have made a $1000 a share on it now.
I sold mine after a modest gain.
I since re - invested that money into 200 shares of Apple (AAPL) back in the first part of April 2020 at $240 a share.
Keep an eye on it as it has had a steady increase ever since and is up to $370 today July 2020.
I feel there is still time to get in on this one for long term.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
9 Jul 2020   #63
I hope you still have it dolno as you have made a $1000 a share on it now.

I got mine when you mentioned it , I got a lot JR and I mean alot , I sold a house didn't know what to do with the cash and put most of it there'

With everything that's gone on I am too scarred to talk to my broker but likewise he gas been too scared to call me lol, but the whole Tesla thing means I have no worries here in Poland for at least 100 years.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Jul 2020   #64
Well if you bought only 100 shares you would have made over $100,000 U.S.D. (400,000 zloty)
Damn I love success stories.
Good for you my friend.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 Jul 2020   #65
You are de man JR remember what you told me to buy was it 200 / 250 , I just dumped all my tesla shares 500 of them

Tesla stock rockets 14% to an all-time high

wot should i buy next ?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
14 Jul 2020   #66
wot should i buy next ?

Move the brain yourself first, dude. You should spend less time on the PolishForums, read some market reports and then carry on with your own market analyses.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 Jul 2020   #67
Move the brain yourself first,

Why ? when I can take someones advice / opinion where they have more expertise in a subject than I have .

I have always stood by the mantra that I work to my strengths and employ to my weaknesses.

I never read market reports , someone does all that for me.

As for time on the forum just one tip from a member here hasemade me money, with no effort on my part.

I cant understand your comment about moving my brain? where do you suggest I move it to ?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
14 Jul 2020   #68
Look, I don't deny Johnny should give you an excellent tip regarding the stock-exchange. He is very good at this game and I've always admmired him for that. But wouldn't it be a lot nicer if you said to him: "I've done my homework, Johnny boy, and just got a brief look at that company or stock (if you go technical). Hey, what do you think of it? Would it be a good choice for my portfolio?

This way it would be more interesting and challenging for you, Johnny and all of us here.

where do you suggest I move it to ?

Move it wherever you want to move it as long as you don't make it hit a bus passing by..
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 Jul 2020   #69
"I've done my homework, Johnny boy,

Sorry I have no interest in learning about stocks and shares to buy , don't do technical things to do with money I don'y even use the word portfolio.

But I kind of did because before I bought them I followed couple of JR's earlier tips , and I watched and yes they paid out , but I never invested anything at the time , then he mentioned tesla , i knew nothing really but at the same time i got dome spare cash , o i emailed the guy who looks after our money and told him to buy 500 , that's it that's the story.

Its only the second time I have ever personally bought stock .....

Thanks for not wanting my head hurt.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jul 2020   #70
JR remember what you told me to buy was it 200 / 250 ,

Yes I do and that was when delph was saying how Tesla was going down the drain and to dump your stock and take your losses.

Followed by his hahahaha.
That is great dolno so by my calculations you just made a cool three quarters of a million. ($750,000 U.S.D.)
TESLA hit $1750 this last Monday so maybe you should have been greedy and waited until you made a cool million.
So how much do you have to pay capital gains tax on it in Poland dolno ?
P.S. I still have a small amount in TESLA because I was impressed by the new plant they just built in Germany plus with interest rates at .15% what is the point keeping your money in the bank when cost of living is 3.5% ?

My biggest holding right now is Apple stock. (AAPL) as I am getting more conservative knowing what is going to happen after the election.
I think you would be safe there which is just my opinion.
I bought 200 shares on April 1 for $240 and today it is at $384 so it is doing me well and I think it is going to be a slow steady growth this year.

I have it for long term as there is no place else to park my core account.
Congratulations dolno !
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 Jul 2020   #71
Have you seen what my commission is for brokerage fees yet ?

Ha HA you should have arranged 5% no prob's I would pay that happily for the result i got, gonna check my mail now.

Just read your post above yeah 750 all spent already life is good and very bright red and shiny .
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jul 2020   #72
I sent a P.M. to Joker last month and told him that his gold investment was looking good.
Since then gold has gone up 10% and is at an all time high.
Gold has been going straight up and that isn't good.
It baffles me because the stock market is still strong and no hyper inflation yet.
Normally it either signals concerns about high inflation (because of all the money being printed) or major political or social uncertainty.
We may be seeing a second US civil war soon.
Get your guns ready.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Jul 2020   #73
I bought 200 shares on April 1 for $240

Today Apple stock was up $40.28 per share so I made $8000 on it today.
Today it closed at $425 per share so since April 1 it is up $185 per share.
So my 200 shares in four months time has made do the math.
You are the only one paying attention here did you do on it so far ?
And don't forget my commission this time Buddy ! lol
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Aug 2020   #74
Today it closed at $425 per share

And a week later................
Today AAPL closed at $455 per share, up $30 a share this week.
So my 200 shares did me well again.
I even impress myself sometimes.
Did ya get in yet dolno ?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
7 Aug 2020   #75
Hey JR whats up with with Kodak? my son just told me he made over 100k in 3 days?I am not into it,but he is.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Aug 2020   #76
Your son would have had to have some insider trading with Trump.
Kodak was at $2.20 a share on 27/7/20 and went up to $33.20 a share in two days.
Blame it on a Trump windfall.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Aug 2020   #77
Did ya get in yet dolno ?

No not taking more chances , buying up property instead , just got another house
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Aug 2020   #78
Ha, we are on the same page here as I am waiting for spring when I anticipate foreclosures will be in abundance.
I'm telling you dolno, America is in pis poor shape right now despite what the inflated stock market is saying.
Paid for property will be worth a whole lot more then a handful of worthless stock certificates or a bank savings account loaded with depreciating cash.
Joker  2 | 2449
8 Aug 2020   #79
just got another house

The housing marking is booming in the USA as more and more ppl are moving out if the Democratic controlled cities to the suburbs. I cant say I blame them either. You'll be hard pressed to find a house right now and expect to pay a premium price. Its definitely a sellers market.

I anticipate foreclosures will be in abundance.

If Biden wins and the socialist take over, the stock market will crash within days. He said yesterday " free health care for all illegals". This alone will tank the economy.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
8 Aug 2020   #80
just got another house

For investment or to live in?
cms neuf  2 | 1952
8 Aug 2020   #81
If it was going to be that bad then wouldn't the stock market already be falling based on Biden's strength in the polls ?
Joker  2 | 2449
8 Aug 2020   #82
the stock market already be falling based

Its because nobody honestly believes Biden will actually win. You know what you can do with all those polls, file them with all the 2016 polls. LOL

I got this new job where Im traveling all over the State and every person I talked with is Pi$$ed of at these libtard Dems. I wouldn't be surprised if they lose Illinois in the election, that would be total devastation to the future of the progressive PC Dems. I hope it happens!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Aug 2020   #83
based on Biden's strength in the polls ?

What strength ?
Remember when the polls had Crooked Hillary up by 8 points on election day and how all the Liberal news medias were saying that she had it in the bag ????

Remember when jon posted that Crooked Hillary was the projected winner in all of his hopes and dreams to destroy America.
I tell you cms, I live here and like Joker am listening to the people and what I have heard I can't see how Biden/Pelosi have a chance to even have the vote being close.

as more and more ppl are moving out if the Democratic controlled cities

That is because they know there is a Civil War on the horizon and that the cities will be the last place you will want to be when they start burning.

Most of the summer homes up here in Northern Michigan are being stocked to the brim with supplies so when they have to bug out of Chicago, Detroit, Cincinnati, Toledo and the likes they will have a safe place to run to.

(Many will find their cupboards bare.) :-/
I am the only one here old enough to remember Nikita Khrushchev predicting the adoption of communism and the gradual creation of a "socialist state" in the U.S. by him on September 29, 1959.

"We (meaning Russia) will not have to fire a shot, you will destroy yourselves from within."
And we are very close to be being there my friends as Biden and Pelosi would finish that goal off.
Joker  2 | 2449
8 Aug 2020   #84
That is because they know there is a Civil War on the horizon

With them defunding the Police, raising taxes and closing schools, the Dems are digging themselves into a deep hole they will never get out of.

upplies so when they have to bug out of Chicago, Detroit, Cincinnati, Toledo

Do you think these ppl stopped to take a poll or are going to vote for Biden? Hahaha

If its a huge landslide the progressive part of the Dem socialists backbone will be broken for good.. I cant wait!

Biden and Pelosi would finish that goal off.

The country will be doomed if they win..... As Reagan said.... " Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction"

  • thepuppet.jpg
cms neuf  2 | 1952
8 Aug 2020   #85
Well I don't know - I spend plenty of time in the US in a swing town in a swing state and I think it might be close

The polls were right in the mid terms, right in the UK and Polish elections, right in France. Whatever mistakes they made in 2016 they will have been working to fix them
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Aug 2020   #86
No not taking more chances , buying up property instead ,

Better safe then sorry dolno.
My Apple stock (AAPL) closed at $497 per share today up from the $241 per share that I bought it for in April.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Sep 2020   #87
wot should i buy next ?

Hey JR I bought 6 hulks box and papers for 8k a piece , they just got discontinued on sept 1st , go check the price , i'm a happy bunny.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Sep 2020   #88
I really don't want to talk about the market right now.
The market took a huge hit today.....worse since the virus shutdown.
I took a 5% hit on my portpholio which really hurt.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Sep 2020   #89
That's why I stopped playing the market after I sold Tesla, I am trading some assets for a bit of an experiment hence the watches bought and sold above.

Gold is interesting but for some reason investment gold in Poland is marked up above the gold standard price, does anyone know why this is the case?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Sep 2020   #90
Are you talking physical gold or gold stocks ?

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