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Stock Market and Trading Talk

Lazarus  3 | 378
13 Aug 2024   #841
What kind of retard posts a screenshot showing he's lying not once but twice?!

The kind of retard who thinks that CHF 110,603 is USD 49,772.70.
110,603.56 X .45GBp = 49.77 BPp or $49,772.70 USD

What a f*cking idiot, he can't even convert between currencies! LOL!!!

  • snip3.jpg
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
13 Aug 2024   #842
So now we know that poor Lazarus does not own a home, his wife divorced him for beating on her, and that he did time in prison for immoral acts with his stepdaughter and is so stupid that he puts all his money into one stock.
(jonny trembles in disbelief)
I can hear you gasping on your bar stool from here Lazy
NOW, that I let you shame yourself, its game over for you.
Until you want to answer my questions, I am done responding to yours.
In other words, F-Off you British Loser Scum.
Lazarus  3 | 378
13 Aug 2024   #843
110,603.56 X .45GBp = 49.77 BPp or $49,772.70 USD

I'm laughing so much the tears are streaming down my face! He's too dumb to convert from Swiss francs to US dollars but claims he's a day trader! No wonder his shack is about to fall down! Hahahaha! How can one person contain so much stupidity?!?!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
13 Aug 2024   #844
I was sure we were talking the stock market and not savings accounts in a Swiss bank.
(johnny rolls eyes and snickers)
who thinks that CHF 110,603 is USD 49,772.70.

How could you confuse that to go from the stock CHF to Swiss money / lol
Oh you do make me laugh
Would need to be a really bad day on the market

Yes, so I converted the stock CHF to GBp and GBp to the U.S.D.
Since 110,603.56 X .45GBp = 49.77 BPp or $49,772.70 USD

I don't understand how you got so confused but then again you can't seem to even be able to tip us on one stock.
So now you are claiming you are worth a whopping $127,000 U.S.D.
You're loaded Harry ! 🙄
With that bad liver of yours you really should be drinking the premium booze with that kind of loot and not that cheap rot gut that destroyed your liver in the first place.
So what is your stock tip for tomorrow ? 😂
Lazarus  3 | 378
13 Aug 2024   #845
What kind of retard posts a screenshot showing he's lying not once but twice?!

Even better, the kind of retard who doesn't know the difference between a portfolio value and a bank account balance!

But then it must be easy to get the two confused when you have neither, and you're so financially illiterate that you don't even know which currency is used in Switzerland. Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
13 Aug 2024   #846
Where did you copy that from Hairy Lazarus.
Is it yours ?
1. Yes
2. No

And yet again, Harry avoids answer in shame that it is just a screen shot and not his.
You are most entertaining Harry and ever so jealous.

I have to go hide under the table as the Problematic poster is about to show up.
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
13 Aug 2024   #847
I have to go hide under the table as the Problematic poster is about to show up.

Too late..... I got here early tonight and scared you back under that table again...... LOL.... you really are pathetic!You know full well that I will have you EVERY time in a debate, so,like the coward that you are, you run away......
Lazarus  3 | 378
13 Aug 2024   #848
I will have you EVERY time in a debate

The average five-year old equipped with a calculator and a newspaper will beat Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher: they can convert from one currency to another but Jim can't even manage that!

Maybe that's why Jim fantasizes about five-year olds in the developing world, not many of them have calculators! Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
13 Aug 2024   #849
. I got here early tonight

Look at the times on our posts stupid, and quit lying again.
I got out of here 9 minutes before you got here.
I can smell that awful odor coming before you get here.
hey can convert from one currency to another but Jim can't even manage that!

Really, please show me my mistake because I occasionally do make them.
And I will admit, I have never used or even seen Swiss currency in my life.
Why would I ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
13 Aug 2024   #850
@johnny reb

I thought you were quivering under your table.loser, better get back there again with a helmet on your head before you suffer more opprobriom or revelations about your true character.
Lazarus  3 | 378
13 Aug 2024   #851
revelations about your true character.

We knew his character was terrible (what kind of moron boasts about raping teenagers or punching nuns?!), but we only learned today that he doesn't know the difference between a portfolio value and a bank account balance! And that he's so retarded he can't even tell you how many US dollars CHF 100 gets you! LOL! Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
13 Aug 2024   #852
I thought you were

You always end up in an argument when you start thinking.
How did your job go today that you got home early ?
he's so retarded he can't even tell you how many US dollars CHF 100 gets you!

Not without Googling it as we don't use Swiss currency in the Great United States of America so why would I need such knowledge, Stupid.
Lazarus  3 | 378
13 Aug 2024   #853
I thought you were quivering under your table.loser,

He's definitely doing that now! Such a financial genius that he's never even seen a Swiss franc! Hoot! I've only got these in my wallet right now. Can somebody else tell the self-confessed rapist how to Google images of Swiss francs?

  • snip4.jpg
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
14 Aug 2024   #854
I've only got these in my wallet right now.

9 twenty dollar Swiss francs = $155 U.S. dollars.
WoW Harry, you're loaded.
Do you know what a U.S. $100 bill looks like ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
14 Aug 2024   #855
9 twenty dollar Swiss francs = $155 U.S. dollars.

Wait, that would be $210 U.S. dollars........yes, 180 Swiss francs = $210 U.S. dollars.
Glad I caught that before Harry did or I would be getting shamed all day again. Hoot !
Do you know what a U.S. $100 bill looks like ?

I always carry a couple dozen of them or so in my wallet Harry.
Just in case I see something I want to buy and the asking price is cash only.
Lazarus  3 | 378
14 Aug 2024   #856
9 twenty dollar Swiss francs = $155 U.S. dollars

LOL! Once again the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher proves he's too stupid to do simple maths! The CHF/USD exchange rate is, as Jim sees, 1:1.1157. But Jim is so financially illiterate that he uses that rate the wrong way round, so he says CHF 180 = USD 155, instead of CHF 180 being USD 208. How f*cking stupid do you have to be in order to not even be able to convert currencies?!! Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
14 Aug 2024   #857
There ya go Harry, I am glad I caught it before you did so you couldn't bang on all day about how stupid I am when you are so stupid you can't even give us a stock tip.
I told you, there is no need to convert to Swiss francs because there is no place that I know of in the United States that you could spend them or for that matter even convert them.
What a moot subject.
I've only got these in my wallet right now.

I only have these in my wallet right now.
Lazarus  3 | 378
14 Aug 2024   #858
there is no place that I know of in the United States that you could spend them or for that matter even convert them.

Hahaha, the f*cking moron just piles clueless statement on clueless statement!! What an utter cretin! There is nowhere in the US where you can change Swiss francs into US dollars? Hahahahahah!!! How can anybody be that stupid? How can they be that financially illiterate?!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
14 Aug 2024   #859
We are sitting here laughing so hard as you swallow my b.s.
The tears are running down our faces in laughter.
Harry, I have to hand it to you, I have never met anyone as gullible as you.
It doesn't take much to get you excited to Diminish & Shame someone does it. Hoot ! 🤣
Do you have any idea what a fool you make of yourself ? Oh my my, what a fool you are.
Are you going to tip us with a hot stock today or are you going to avoid being laughed at worse than you are now ? Hahahaha !
Lazarus  3 | 378
14 Aug 2024   #860
How can they be that financially illiterate?!

I mean, you've got to be cretin to screw up a currency conversion once. But to do it twice in a row? With the same currency pair? What an utter moron! And he then makes it clear how little he knows by claiming that US dollars can only be changed for Swiss francs outside the USA! Hahahahaha! We all know he's never been out of the USA, never been further than Florida (and not going there again soon if he can help it), but to not even know how to get his hand on foreign currency? He's even stupider than we could have dreamed! Hahahahaha!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
14 Aug 2024   #861
Are you going to tip us with a hot stock today or are you going to avoid being laughed at worse than you are now ?
Perhaps you could explain the difference between your stock portfolio and your savings account portfolio. Hoot !
(If that even is YOUR savings account in francs and if you even own any stocks) doubtful since your ex-wife took the little bit that you did have.
Are you going to tip us with a hot stock today or are you going to avoid being laughed at worse than you are now ?
Come on harry, tip us on a hot stock today or just admit that you don't know anything about how to pick a stock.
Stop coming here to just trash my thread with your snarky insults.
Save that for the Problematic Poster and the Snitch.
I bought a 100 shares of PM today @ $117.50 for a short term trade.
I bought 200 shares of DVN to position myself for next year this morning @ $44.25.
What did you invest in today ?
Take a look a NTRA.
Are you going to tip us with a hot stock today or are you going to avoid being laughed at worse than you are now ?
I'm trying to help you out here Har as you don't seem to be doing so well with your 9 Swiss francs in your wallet.
I feel really bad about Cargo and me swiping the soap off your bicycle when you went in the store a few years ago and want to make it up to you.
Are you going to tip us with a hot stock today or are you going to avoid being laughed at worse than you are now ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
15 Aug 2024   #862
The market is way up today giving back some of what it took two weeks ago.
Today, August 15, 2024, johnny reb's stock tip is AZN which is presently at $85.10.
I am done posting how many shares of stocks I buy.
Does anyone else have a tip for us ?
pawian  223 | 26971
17 Aug 2024   #863
What do you think of it ?

Anybody can walk in the marina and take photos of yachts. You did, too, but it wasn`t yours. :):):)

Yours is here: hahahaha

OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
18 Aug 2024   #864
I guess there is no point in posting a picture of my Marlin then. 😒
pawian  223 | 26971
18 Aug 2024   #865
Marlin aka carp you bought in the Polish deli. hahahaha
Joker  2 | 2361
19 Aug 2024   #866
The one he caught in the middle of the winter "off season"...Hahahaha
OP johnny reb  49 | 7942
19 Aug 2024   #867
Yes, that's the one.
I caught it off the boat that you said you use to be the captain for. Hahahahaha
Almost as funny as when you said you own six houses in Chicago. Hahahahaha
No sense in posting a picture of it since you will just say its fake. Hahahahaha

Now how about a stock to tip us with, Snitch.
Lazarus  3 | 378
19 Aug 2024   #868
200 shares of DVN

Now at 45.21 and +0.41 (0.92%) over past 5 days
I bought a 100 shares of PM

Now 118.49 USD and +2.95 (2.55%) over past 5 days

S&P 500 is 5,561.52 and +184.54 (3.43%) over past 5 days
Dow Jones Industrial Average is 40,783.35 and +1,338.08 (3.39%) over past 5 days
NYSE Composite is 18,804.01 and +597.62 (3.28%) over past 5 days

So the mystic genius comes here to boast about his ability to produce returns that are an average of less than half what one can make by simply tracking the market indices! LOL! No wonder he can't convert between currencies, he thinks he's a genius for getting growth less than half of what one can make by not claiming to be an expert and letting actual experts invest one's money.

But I suppose that's something only those who actually have any money are aware of. Hoot!
Lazarus  3 | 378
19 Aug 2024   #869
Anybody can walk in the marina and take photos of yachts.

Anybody can boast about vastly under-performing. But only Mystic Jimmy is dumb enough to actually come here do it! He thinks it's a success to have made 300 fantasy dollars when if he'd just let actual experts invest his fantasy money, he'd have made more than $600! Hoot!
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
19 Aug 2024   #870
Mystic Jimmy

We all know that he doesn't have a clue and anyway, he doesn't have any REAL money to invest anyway.If he did, he would spend some of it upgrading his shack......

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