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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Aug 2024   #811
Now PLEASE stay On-Topic here.

Monday (8/5/24) I bought 200 shares of BTI @ $34.50 on the dip.
I have been watching it for a while as it was looking solid.
Then with such a dip was my chance to jump on it and make some vacation money.
Anyone else here want to stick their head out on a stock tip today ?
cms neuf  2 | 1954
10 Aug 2024   #812
Well that's been a strange week - I ended up about one percent down on my US stocks, about 1 percent up on Europeans. A good week to be on holiday !

Think there will be some falls over the next few months though. Seems like the market is not reacting negatively to a possible Kamala presidency which os good news.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Aug 2024   #813
I ended up about one percent down on my US stocks, about 1 percent up on Europeans.

The Dow Jones was up .06% while the Euripean Stoxx 600 gained .57%.
About the same same.
Seems like the market is not reacting negatively to a possible Kamala presidency

Its the calm before the storm.
cms neuf  2 | 1954
11 Aug 2024   #814
The storm before the storm !

I am not too heavy into tech stocks so I should be ok. Going to buy a few consumer stocks when I have some spare cash, but basically going to continue doing nothing. Concentrating on running my business for a while as been a rough 2024 so far - costs going up but difficult to pass in to my customers
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2024   #815
- costs going up

Thats because the Woke governments are paying people to well not to work.
Capitalism does work rather well otherwise to keep costs down.
cms neuf  2 | 1954
11 Aug 2024   #816
That's not the problem here in Poland - unemployment benefit is very small

But there have been big increases in child benefits and pensions and that has meant increased taxes. Add to that inflation on fuel, higher wages etc and it's not an easy time to be running a business here.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2024   #817
That's not the problem here in Poland - unemployment benefit is very small

I am talking about WELFARE benefits in general.
cms neuf  2 | 1954
11 Aug 2024   #818
Yes but there is obviously a difference when we are talking about kids (too young to work) or pensioners (already worked, many of them in the most difficult years of communism). I am not so fussed about the benefits as the fact that the taxes fall too heavily on small businesses
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2024   #819
I am not talking about kids.
I am talking about able bodied workers who REFUSE to work because the government benefits pay better than the jobs that they are capable of doing.
These Woke useless leeches belly up to the public trough with no shame what - so - ever these days.
This raises prices on everything witch kills capitalism.
Meanwhile back On - Topic.

Monday (8/5/24) I bought 200 shares of BTI @ $34.50 on the dip.
I have been watching it for a while as it was looking solid.

(See post #811 above)
It closed Friday at $35.96.up a $1.46 for the week.
200 shares X $1.46 = $292 profit on my tipped stock to you.

Anyone else here have a stock to tip us on ?
Tomorrow when the market opens, I will buy some SOLV.
My trading charts show that to be looking very solid also.
Will wait and see what it opens at.
It closed Friday @ $60.59.
Novichok  4 | 8702
11 Aug 2024   #820
Life has three phases we like depending on age...

0 to 22 - communism
23 to 68 - capitalism
69 - end - communism

I loved communism till I turned 24. Then I moved to capitalism.

The problem: Many continue loving communism past 23 when they discover that their useless degrees for 200k cannot possibly pay off the debt.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Aug 2024   #821
Communism/ in the same.
Anyone want to talk stocks ?
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
11 Aug 2024   #822
Communism/ and the same.


Anyone want to talk stocks ?

No, I don't gamble.
Lazarus  3 | 364
12 Aug 2024   #823
It isn't gambling if you don't actually buy any stocks. For example the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher has so much fin boasting about the winnings that he didn't make, because he has no money to invest, as shown by the value of his shack continuing to fall while the values of his neighbours properties record double-digit grown, because they can afford to maintain their properties and he can't.
Joker  2 | 2455
12 Aug 2024   #824
He panically claimed he was only eating rice and beans 2 weeks ago when the market crashed for one day.

Not much of a nest egg if one bad day in the market wipes you completely out.

It isn't gambling if you don't actually buy any stocks

Like the time he claimed he won lottery and yet he still doesnt have any money? He could sell his yacht or learjet if he needs food.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Aug 2024   #825
Here comes the Peanut Gallery to trash my thread AGAIN ! 😴
No, I don't gamble.

No guts no glory.
Not much of a nest egg if one bad day

It was four bad days in a row, Bird Brain, and you still don't know what sarcasm is do you.

Now, which stocks are you guys going to tip us on today ? Hoot !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Aug 2024   #826
He could sell his yacht

I told you, I already sold it last year for a nice profit.
O.k., I didn't want to boast and post a picture of it to really turn you guys gills green 🤑 with envy but what the heck.
What do you think of it ?
It costs more to fill it with fuel than Hairy made in the best year of his career.

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Lazarus  3 | 364
12 Aug 2024   #827
claimed he was only eating rice and beans 2 weeks ago

The last time Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher had enough money for rice and beans was when Marge had her big win on the slot machine last summer. That $100 would have had them eating like kings (by their standard
S) for two entire weeks if Jim hadn't been banged up a few days later. Although I suppose that was a double win for Marge.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
12 Aug 2024   #828
No guts no glory.

Guts is not being stupid enough to buy shares.... Glory is having money.

What do you think of it ?

Just another very stupid and childish lie........ why do you do this?You must know that nobody is stupid enough to believe you...... remember, we have seen where you live.....
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Aug 2024   #829
Guts is not being stupid enough to buy shares....

No, that is gutless for Nerds that have to punch the clock every day like you do.

Tomorrow I will be buying NTRA @ $115.25.

Anybody else got a stock to tip ? Hairy, joker ? 😏
Joker  2 | 2455
13 Aug 2024   #830
I told you, I already sold it last year for a nice profit.

The problem with your story is you told us it was a sailboat and thats engine powered...Hahahahaha

You must know that nobody is stupid enough to believe you.

He flew coach to Miami and switched planes for Costa Rica on his last fakecation.

A few months prior he claimed to own his LearJet. This would have been a perfect time to utilize the plane, huh?

Perhaps, his stocks were down that week and wanted to save on fuel.

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Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Aug 2024   #831
Tomorrow when the market opens, I will buy some SOLV.
It closed Friday @ $60.59.

How does mystic Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher do it?! All you have to do to make money is the opposite of what he says! $60.59 when he tipped it, now at $57.71. If you'd shorted 500 shares at $60.59, you'd have made a little over $1,500, which is nearly a quarter of the amount it'll cost Jim to fix his roof. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Aug 2024   #832
Tomorrow I will be buying NTRA @ $115.25.

Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher is really betting against the market with that tip!

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OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Aug 2024   #833
Tomorrow I will be buying NTRA @ $115.25.

That was 24 hours ago Har.
And right now it is $118.14 up $2.89 a share.
$2.89 X 200 shares = $578 profit in less than 24 hours.
Thats more than your welfare check is for a month there in Poland.
How did your stock do compared to mine Harry ? lol
Are you going to tip us on a stock Or not ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Aug 2024   #834
Monday (8/5/24) I bought 200 shares of BTI @ $34.50 on the dip.

Today it is at $36.00 up $1.50 x 200 = $300 profit.
And what stocks do you own Harry ?
Please tip us on one of your hot stocks today.
I already this week have made $878 in two day on just those two stocks that I tipped.
Right now my portfolio holds thirteen different stocks.
Some up, some down.
How many does your portfolio hold Harry ?
Are you going to tip us on a stock or not Hairy Lazarus ?
Avoiding my questions only makes you look stupider.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Aug 2024   #835
, as shown by the value of his shack

At least I have a window to throw it out.
You can't even afford a pot to p iss in or a window to throw it out. 😮
Come on Lazy ole boy, tip us on a stock to buy !
You seem a tad tongue tied. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Aug 2024   #836
Not much of a nest egg if one bad day in the market wipes you completely out.

Would need to be a really bad day on the market to wipe this out with the way it's spread.

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OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Aug 2024   #837
Where did you copy that from Hairy Lazarus.
Is it yours ?
1. Yes
2. No

Since 110,603.56 X .45GBp = 49.77 BPp or $49,772.70 USD
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Aug 2024   #838
So you are saying you put all your money into one stock ?
Not me, I diversify like this.
Have you ever made $81,000 and change in one day Hairy Lazarus ?
When are you going to tip us a stock Harry ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
13 Aug 2024   #839
I bought 200 shares of BTI @ $34.50 on the dip.

Tomorrow I will be buying NTRA @ $115.25.

LOL!!! What kind of retard posts a screenshot showing he's lying not once but twice?!

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OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Aug 2024   #840
That screen shot is not from today but the best day of this year.
Did you notice at the top of that screen shot the Total Account Value ?
Did I shock you Lazy ole boy ?

Now, answer my questions you chicken sh!t.
They are simple yes or no.
bak bak bak

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